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Jester Spearmann

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Everything posted by Jester Spearmann

  1. I have a couple of 5 day trial keys to hand out. If someone wants one please contact me via PM and I will send you one Also, Xang you would need to make a new character to use the federation klingon
  2. Rei, your post fails. you can't see a quarians face behind their visor
  3. Phaser beams are not always red. some of them are orange then there are also disruptors which are green, but you also have to contend with the fact that the computer systems are locked out with voiceprint command codes. Doors and turbolifts can be locked out. then the ship also has a self destruct to prevent it being taken over which is essentially the warp core overloading and blowing the ship to hell the system is of course also voice printed but restricted to the captain and the XO
  4. The sim where they have their ship uses llDamage but it's set to group only build
  5. I checked it out, it's an intrepid class ship on a mainland parcel and although nicely built the lag is incredibly annoying the group itself is a subgroup or break off from GFC (galaxy fleet command) I wasn't able to get much more information as there was nobody on the ship and the 'about me' note vendor is broken. I will endevour to gather more information
  6. Not so much a quote of win more one of fail [16:08] Ordo HUD 0.3.11: (Wisehowl Webwyre) Ordo and VG are allies
  7. [2010/03/06 23:12] (COM): Nikki4 Aquitaine: Uhm, what was that sim we raided earlier... Thorium anddddd? [2010/03/06 23:12] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Tamarillo [2010/03/06 23:12] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Show me the way to (T)Amarillo ~ [2010/03/06 23:12] (COM): Corsi Mousehold: *Facepalms* [2010/03/06 23:13] Steff Flintoff: did I log into the middle of aryte retardation hour again? [2010/03/06 23:13] (COM): Johann Wilberg: Take a right at Albuquerque. :V [2010/03/06 23:13] Jester Spearmann: yes [2010/03/06 23:13] Steff Flintoff: woot [2010/03/06 23:13] Nikki4 Aquitaine: He had too much coffee probably [2010/03/06 23:13] Nikki4 Aquitaine: :D [2010/03/06 23:13] Jester Spearmann: or not enough [2010/03/06 23:14] (COM): Corsi Mousehold: THAT'S A LEFT AT ALBUQKAIFSAKJE [2010/03/06 23:14] Steff Flintoff: knowing aryte, probably the first one
  8. [insert skynet joke here] Nice work inoue, I like how it now tells people who the OIC is. instead of it being a blank slot. had a rather interesting thing happen a few nights ago, it asked me twice in a row if i wanted OIC then listed me twice o:
  9. Just as a curiosity, what about the scripts for the invisiprims in digi legs and such (for the furs)
  10. Coulda posted this on the main STO topic (I already posted the WoK uniform code ;p)
  11. [2010/02/25 14:14] (COM): Keller Teichmann: Lot of underages today. [2010/02/25 14:15] (COM): Jester Spearmann: Nanao would have a field day
  12. Xang, You can have I think a maximum of three characters per account for STO. Cryptic points are availible through purchasing with a credit card or by taking the occasional survey on the sto site /> (you will need to sign in but you get 240 points just for taking it). You can also pick up the Wrath of Kahn Uniform free Go to the "Star Trek Online Account Management" menu and select the "Enter Code" option. Enter JIH MUSHA SOH as a code to unlock Star Trek 2: Wrath Of Khan Admiral James T. Kirk uniform you can change your uniform at earth starbase by speaking to one of the NPC's there. I reccomend waiting till you reach Lt Cmdr as you get a free uniform change.
  13. Character@Account I'm also a member of Federation Defense Force
  14. Those of you that listed your names don't show up in search, If you want to add me to your list go ahead. I also have buddy keys to give out that allows a five day trial. Contact me for more information
  15. Saw someone flying that last night. it wasn't an NX class though

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