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Trevor Russell

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Posts posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Beach Lifeguard for Volusia County Beach Patrol, in Daytona Beach, Florida.

    No its not like Baywatch.

    No I don't run in slow motion.

    No, I'm not all that tan (I'm tan for an Irish-American!).

    Yes, I am super sexy in my skimpy swimsuit.

    Yes, I get girls hitting on me.

    Yes, I get random tourists standing in front of me taking pictures.

    Yes, I get paid to sit on my butt all day long and listen to rock music.

  2. [May 12th]

    >> Morning raid for EU members, around 11:00 AM SLT.

    >> Combat in the evening, around 7:00 PM SLT.

    [May 13th]

    >> Morning raid for EU members, around 11:00 AM SLT.

    >> Combat in the evening, around 7:00 PM SLT.

    [May 14th]

    >> Morning raid for EU members, around 11:00 AM SLT.

    >> Combat in the evening, around 7:00 PM SLT.

    Translation: Aryte took a lot of time off 8D

  3. You do realize Schola was JUST revamped completely, so comparing it to the old Phase 4 system is a bit off-base.

    Also, only Aryte leads raids. For us to have 2 raids a day, he'd have to quit his job.

    Also Also, Firefox's database already records awards.

  4. I do not want to get off topic, but jetpacks are just one facet of the overall issue. The problem with combat is, of course everyone wants to get the advantage. In real war, that's the point. To kill the enemy without getting killed yourselves. The problem is, this is not real war. Now, can we make it as close to the real thing as possible? Sure. Do we want to? Of course not. Do you want Curia writing an email to your parents that you were shot on an online game? Sounds stupid, really. So keep in mind, it's a game. We do this to have fun. To have fun, we have to make concessions to the people that come to Titan to battle with us.

    Keep this in mind. All we need to take out a hostile is a single bullet. We do not need anything else to do the job. However, we have an arsenal in place to be able to match firepower with firepower. If they bring a jet, we bring a Praeda or a Nemesis. If they bring a mech, we bring ours. If they decide to use a RPG, we have our pilum. Match force with force. I'm not asking anyone to handicap themselves for the enemy. But keep in mind, the object here is not to obliterate all hostile forces so they never return. If we did, then we would have no enemy left to fight. And no enemy to fight means we will come to Titan every single day to have nothing to do but sit around watching an empty spawn.

    So if you want to flex your e-muscles, then dont think of how to best a hostile with firepower. Use what you got already in a better manner. Trust in your teammates to help you out. And do not get frustrated because you got shot. We all have had it happen to us. It's not a big deal.

    VERY well put, Rei, I wholeheartedly agree.

  5. Let's keep the assumptions to a minimum.

    I was IN IT. I am not assuming. Basically, Dagger bought a laggy primmy megaship, we ran around in it for a few weeks, Lestat gave us armor, then Josey decides to return the ship and do something else with the group.

    All militaries are our priority, Agares.

    It wasn't a military. It was (unrealistically dreaming) going to be an RP, like FF7RP. Just a bunch of nerds messing around with nothing better to do.

    EDIT: Awesome, IPB merges double posts!


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