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Tsume Xiao

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Everything posted by Tsume Xiao

  1. Sorry I wasn't at the meeting. RL Family stuff. I would like to add a bit of a note on the new rifle. It will have 2 types of ammunition: Anti-Personnel and Depleted Uranium Both ammunition types will have RayCast and standard physical variants. As of yesterday afternoon it is ready for full fledged beta testing.
  2. Wow Arokh. Wow. That Suit's facial expression doesn't match you much at all. But I still lol'd :x
  3. Well stop and think about who is the only person who can officially award QP. You will receive the QP when Aryte awards it.
  4. Score is calculated by adding up points from the three judging categories. One of the judges only gave an overall score, so that will be multiplied by two added to the total. -------------------- Name: Carrious Darbyshire Rank: E-6 Branch: Terra - Insidiae Song: Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On Method: Acapella ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 17 Judge 2: 16 Judge 3: 17 Judge 4: 7x2 = 14 Total: 64 ---Comments--- Judge 1: Well, you stuck to the lyrics. Not bad. The tune is recognizable at least. Judge 2: Besides humorous, gave effort. Judge 3: Carrious was trying not to laugh, you can sense the smile when he is singing. Going to be blunt here, the tone was off. Not ear-piercing off, just needed a bit more work. They got the lyrics pretty much down pat outside of a few (very minor) mistakes. Pretty good considering there was no vocal aid. Judge 4: Carrious's interpretation of the famed Celine Dion song was very accurate. Carrious's voice shook at some parts, but otherwise it was smooth. On a scale of 1-10, I'm going to have to say Carrious's performance was worth a solid 7. Minus points for performing a song traditionally performed by a pearly voiced female performer while having a penis. -------------------- Name: Awanken Wasp Rank: O-1 Branch: Terra - Evalidus Song: Eggy - Bouncy feeling (Munamies - Pomppufiilis) Method: Sing-over ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 19 Judge 2: 19 Judge 3: 21 Judge 4: 4x2 = 8 Total: 67 ---Comments--- Judge 1: Thank you for not actually attempting to do this song in Munamies's voice [and] also for doing this song in English. I'd have a hell of a time trying to follow this in Finnish. Bonus points for appropriate accent. Balance-wise, I'm going to have to be blunt. Very off key. Judge 2: Maybe show some more into the vocals, however showed good enthusiasm and humor of the song. Judge 3: Dear god, this song is hilarious. Minor mistakes with the lyrics. The aid in the background definitely helped this one stay in tone and keep their vocal balance. Judge 4: Awanken is clearly not the best of singers. His pronunciation is funny and [his balance is] as balanced as a drunken Finnish singer can be. -------------------- Name: Mark Karlfeldt Rank: E-7 Branch: Terra Song: MLP:FIM - Winter Wrap Up Method: Singover. ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 22 Judge 2: 18 Judge 3: 27 Judge 4: 6x2 = 12 Total: 79 ---Comments--- Judge 1: Good tone quality to your voice, but you need to learn how to breathe properly. Sounds like you had some trouble keeping up with some of the fast parts during the chorus, and you stopped at the end when there were still words left. >:[ You followed the melody pretty well and I bet that high note at the end was a bitch. Judge 2: Was out of tune but showed the effort to sing the song correctly. Judge 3: Figures Mark would choose a song related to MLP. Regardless, it didn’t even sound like you when you were singing which is pretty awesome. Running out of breath during the song. Mark said all of the lyrics, for what he sang, which is awesome. Overall it was a excellent performance. Judge 4: Performing a My Little Pony song for a karaoke contest is what I expected, knowing Mark. But his performance wasn't all that bad even if he did make himself out to be a total gay fairy. Just as [correct as] if performed by a cartoon pony. -------------------- Name: Chris Poitier Rank: E-1 Branch: Astra Song: Monthy Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Method: Traditional Karaoke ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 21 Judge 2: 20 Judge 3: 25 Judge 4: 6x2 = 12 Total: 78 ---Comments--- Judge 1: It's a goofy song but you did pretty well by it vocally. Bonus points for attempting a comical British accent. Not bad. You stuck to the melody pretty well and delivered a decent rendition. Bonus points for goofy MIDI background track. Judge 2: Showed effort, worked to stick with the lyrics and the tone of the song, showing the humorous side of it. Judge 3: I giggled at the fake British accent throughout the song. Chris even quoted the beginning of the credit music! Communicated the lyrics well, regardless of being hard to understand at some times due to the forced accent. For not having a direct-vocal aid, Chris did pretty well. Judge 4: Chris got a pretty good kick out of me with this performance, enough to get me singing along to it. Monty Python did always have some great songs, and they're easy to sing and just as entertaining as always. His voice cracked a couple of times. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life has always been a song that has been generally open to interpretation for anyone who sings. There was nothing particularly incorrect about Chris' performance. -------------------- Name: Kurama Bingyi Rank: E-7 Branch: Terra Song: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up Method: Acapella ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 14 Judge 2: 18 Judge 3: 27 Judge 4: 3x2 = 6 Total: 65 ---Comments--- Judge 1: You only sang the first verse. I know this is the only part people usually hear before they close the tab, but still. Carried the tune decently, but it sounds like you struggled with the high parts. Somehow you've managed to make it sound like you ARE Rick Astley, but whisper-singing so as not to wake up roommates. I am impressed. Judge 2: Funny to how they were singing the song. Judge 3: Sounds like he has the voice of Rick Astley. Listened to it more than once because I swear I could hear the non-existent music in the background. Only sang two stanzas, but it was a good stanza let me tell you. Judge 4: Absolute rubbish. I felt that the only good part of this performance was the end. That and it was a Rick Astley song that I think everyone has grown tired of hearing. In regards to performance, Kurama did OK. -------------------- Name: Kyra Vixen Rank: E-7 Branch: Terra Song: Disturbed - I'm Alive Method: Traditional Karaoke Style ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 16 Judge 2: 18 Judge 3: 20 Judge 4: 5x2 = 10 Total: 64 ---Comments--- Judge 1: You lose the melody in a lot of places. Bonus points for having the actual backing track and following the lyrics correctly. I'm getting the feeling that some of the higher parts are probably out of your vocal range, so a lot of it sounds strained. Don't sweat it though, nu-metal is a tough genre to record at home for karaoke purposes. Judge 2: Needs better tone to the music background. Judge 3: Ballsy going for a rock song for a karaoke contest. Going to be blunt and honest, tone was off and this had to be turned down on my end. Very minor slip up on the lyrics Judge 4: Other than the bad microphone quality at times, Kyra's performance was average. His voice needs more "death rattle." He should try drinking a glass of water before performing a song like this. -------------------- Name: Krin Redgrave Rank: E-4 Branch: Terra Song: Shinedown - 45 Method: Singover ---Scoring--- Judge 1: 26 Judge 2: 27 Judge 3: 25 Judge 4: 6x2 = 12 Total: 90 ---Comments--- Judge 1: Good sense of legato and you can carry a tune well to boot. I'm not going to lie, I hate Shinedown and pretty much every band that sounds like it, but you have that nu-metal inflection down, so I have to give this a good score. Judge 2: Nice pitch and tone. Showed feeling into the song, and the meaning behind it. Judge 3: A lot better than I expected, tone was a little off but Krin compensated well. It's a touching song and he grabbed and vocally displayed the feel for it. The two long "FIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE"’s at the end of the song leaves much to be desired, but the rest of the song is was awesome and moving. Judge 4: This is actually the first time I heard Shinedown's 45, and I had to go over to the song to listen to it. I think Krin's voice would be more suited towards the scream-o/growly side of metal than this. I felt that Krin was really trying to go towards literal interpretation here and tried to mimic the singer a lot. -------------------- Name: Tsume Xiao Rank: E-7 Branch: Terra Song: Arlo Guthrie – The Motorcycle Song Method: Singover ---Scoring--- Judge 1: ✡+✡+✡ = ? Judge 2: 20 Judge 3: 27 Judge 4: Did Not Judge ? Total: (✡x3) +20+27+ ---Comments--- Judge 1: אני לא הולך לדרג אותך בתחרות שלך (Seriously though, it was pretty good.) Judge 2: Hard to hear the voice over the music in the background. Not bad for staying along in the lyrics thought from what I did hear. Judge 3: Couldn't really tell the difference between the voices, not too sure if it was the volume of the music being played or just an excellence in voice matching. However, there were a few minor hiccups, very minor. Judge 4: -------------------- Final Scores Carrious Darbyshire: 64 Awanken Wasp: 67 Mark Karlfeldt: 79 Chris Poitier: 78 Kurama Bingyi: 65 Kyra Vixen: 64 Krin Redgrave: 90 Tsume Xiao: (✡x3) +20+27+ ? =??? Ranking 1st: Krin Redgrave 2nd: Mark Karldfeldt 3rd: Chris Poitier 4th: Awanken Wasp 5th: Kurama Bingyi 6th: Tie Between Carrious Darbyshire & Kyra Vixen
  5. Azimuth. You asked for a poll of opinions. Probably not the best idea to tell people their opinions are incorrect. :x I don't even know what Altari does raid wise as to me it has always been a bit of an unsure mess. I have used the "$tp" and that's about it. The few reports I do are manually done with print screen.
  6. Problem with California: We can't have Ordo Range Time. :v
  7. Right. I'm done waiting. Winners will be announced this Friday regardless of whether or not the last judge reports in.
  8. I posted to make a comment that the audience should be narrowed and that he should look at circumstances. If this was ment for officers then that should have been stated. I wasn't the one who turned it into a personal argument, but if someone wishes to undermine the hard work of a division then they need to stop and look at what the division does. The comment about hard coding was to make a point that if he cannot respect the work done by others that he should not use it and see what happens when it goes away. Quite frankly, the fact that you would take that as a serious thing disappointments me, and the fact that you would retort with "then will find new scripters" even more so. You know quite well that I don't do childish shit like that. You acknowledge there are issues with the officer staff. Fine. I can see that. I was perfectly content with your post of: However when a post specifically addresses every rank and chastises them, then the poster specifically turns things into a personal subject and states that he "gives no shits" about the hard work of myself and others, it says to me that they need to be reminded of what other people do for the good of the group, the same people he was just so quick to call out. In fact this whole thread could have been started in a positive light of encouragement rather then telling others they are shit. If you want to have other people turned off form helping out because they are treated like dirt then so be it. I can change and start to "give no shits" too if that is what gets lauded, but I'd rather get work done than insult people and lower the quality of the group atmosphere. Its a simple comparison between the two when it boils down to it Case One: "YOU ALL ARE SHITTY OFFICERS NCO'S AND ENLISTED NOT WORTHY OF YOUR RANKS AND ME AND A SELECT FEW DO ALL THE WORK BECAUSE YOU GUYS DONT" Case Two: "Hey guys. Recently I have noticed that there has been a trend of a certain select few leading the majority of the raids and it can really effect their morale if they seem to be doing much of the work towards our daily raid count. How about we show them that they can rely on us to keep things flowing as well...." I sure know what would get more people working...
  9. Then perhaps you should make your audience more clear. You included pretty much everyone. Officers. NCO. Enlisted. WIth no forms of specification. Further more... Its pretty clear how little few shits you give about what I do because you don't even know what I do. Since you don't give a shit about the hard work Munitorum does then perhaps you should stop using the things we work on until you do. It's probably worth mentioning that everything you Ffffing use was a result of someone else's hard work. I'm not just talking about myself. Look at all the models you use for everything in Ordo. Pretty much all of our current worn gear was made by Disembodied. Look at all the guns you use in Ordo. About half are mine and half are Kellers. Now compare that to how often and how long you see Keller online and think of what else he could be/ would rather be doing. Yet instead, he makes guns. Look at all the aircraft you complain are never their to give you air cover. Do you have any idea the amount of work that has to go in to a aircraft to make it reliable and combat worthy, let alone have all the features some of ours have? Probably not, but Ethan obviously knows first hand. Look at all the varied work Xoza has done. I can't even fit him into one category because of the breadth of his work. Look around the sim at all the aestetic work Nikki has done. Actually, even better, look at the new air superiority fighter she modeled. Hey, you could always just take off all your armor, guns, HUD's, gear, and go on a raid to one of the shitty looking sims with a shitty freebie gun. Better yet, go to one that doesn't allow teleports and wish you had something like a dropship, APC, or those Telepads. Then again. Such a raid wouldn't really exist because you can't even go without armor or uniform. So for a true experience, go stand in the middle of some shitty little free-for-all damage sim where you can get blackscreened by a bunch of idiots and experience "combat" without a governing body or structure. I ment nothing by the post but to show that there are other people who have other obligations that rank higher than leading a raid. If you have real life stuff, then why are you stressing yourself so much to lead raids. I was talking specifically about Ordo stuff and free time. No asked you to play the "me versus you" game. If you want to be a total dick about things, go do it elsewhere.
  10. Publicly insulting a general group of people by claiming they are shitty <insert X rank> or that they should be demoted probably won't give you a positive response. No one wants to engage in what should be a fun activity for us all when they are being insulted and told how shitty they are. You also fail to bring any consideration into people's real life schedule or situations. If you wan't to take time off, take time off. No one forced you to left playing Arma for a week (or whatever you did) to lead raids on any given day. If raid were not taken out, the deficiency would have been noted. Then people would have lead raids to ensure the raids got taken out. When you go and lead three raids in a row in the early day two things will happen 1. You will feel like you are doing all the raiding when you are simply doing the large amount of raids because you want the raids to be done for the day. Commendable, but you are intentionally wearing yourself out, so in that sense it is to some respect your own fault you feel like you are leading all the raids. 2. People will see that three raids have gone out and therefore not feel the need to lead more. Since they don't lead more, you make yourself seem like you are the only one leading raids, when in reality it is because you have filled the quota so early in the day. Combine with number one and amplify your feelings of "no one else takes raids out". You take away the reason for some people to raid. I can guess that there are people who, when they see the raids done for the day say to them selves "Well now I can finish the other tasks I have to do since the raids are done" instead of "MORE RAIDS WOO!". People have other things to do, so if you fill what would be a top priority (3 raids a day) then the optional assignment (more raids) is left sitting in the lower tiers of their daily checklist. In other words: Instead of chastising a group for your feelings, part of which are self inflicted, stop. If people see raids must be taken out they will be taken out. Stop overly stressing yourself. Limit yourself to one raid lead a day if you feel the need to lead by example, but let others carry the burden as well. Its like the whole metephor with the horse and mule splitting the load. The mule eventually gets overloaded and the proud horse must carry the weight. Well if the mule had picked up all the load before the journey was underway and hurt himself because of it, the story would have gone a lot differently and wouldn't have had much moral stuff besides "don't overwork yourself". And since I see the response of "Oh well you don't know what I am talking about/you can't relate to this" coming, I have one simple answer: Bullshit. Now pardon me while I get on my soap box ammo can to respond while playing the devil's advocate. Lets look at Tsume for a second shall we? I could have sat and made the same post about how I feel like I have to have my free time interrupted to get things done for Ordo and this and that. There is however a difference here. If you don't take out three raids a day, no one faults you for it. You don't have to take out all three. Infact, you shouldn't in my opinion. And if three raids don't get taken out, whats the absolute worst thing that can happen? Aryte gets rather upset. Now lets flip the coin. Unlike you, I really can't take time off. If I do, essential projects can slow down to mush, and I'll be damned if I let people sit and make generalities about how "Munitorum takes forever to do things." Personally, i pride myself on getting shit done quickly, and if I take too long I know that I will lose that credibility and Aryte will start pestering me for things every time I log on. Unlike leading raids, If I don't get shit done, there isn't really anyone else who can do my projects for me. They have their own projects, their own restrictions. So as for taking time off? Yeah, I don't see that as much of an option. I've bought several games I haven't gotten to play much because I put Ordo as a first priority. Unlike raids, that is rather inflexible for me. If my tasks were to be equated to raids, they would boil down to the equivalent of a 1 raid a day lead by a Prefectus or Higher. That's what Munitorum often is. Unlike the giant pool of raid leaders, Munitorum has a few staff who all have a large amount of work. I can't stop and have one of them do mine as well. Hell, there are times when my daily schedule involves classes, study time, dinner, and Ordo work. And then right to bed. Would I like to be playing say, BF3 or Arma or Portal 2 (that I bought two days ago and have been too busy doing Ordo work after studying to actually even install, let alone play)? Absolutely. I even sometimes have to pass on raids to get things done. But I need to get shit done because there is a lot riding on me to get my stuff done. Keep that in mind when you see members of Munitorum spending almost all of their SL time, or non-SL free time, developing or working on gear because there is no other way it would get done. I can't speak for people like Keller and Xoza, but I know that I spend quite of bit of my time doing things from actively scripting to planning out things that need to be-rescripted. I can also guess that there is a similar reason that every time I wan't to talk to Disembodied he takes ages to respond. The first thing that crosses my mind is that he is working on his list of tasks (or grabbing a Lunchable), not that he is slacking off. And when I do have time and could possibly lead a raid, I get restricted by low base numbers, other raids already being out, or no available targets. That isn't my fault, yet that means I am not "leading raids". As mentioned above, if there are three raids on the board and I have projects that need working on or I have been working on projects all day, I don't see leading another raid out as high on my list. You have the ability to share the load, yet you choose not to and lead "all" the daily raids yourself, or an unbalanced amount. Hat "all" is sometimes a Hyperbole, but other times not. I have seen you lead three raids in the same day just to meet the three raid thing. I have seen you take out a raid team and go to multiple targets without even returning to Titan. You didn't have to do this, you need to do this. Its cool that you want to, again, commendable, but to turn around and say how you seem to be the only one leading raids without taking the factor of what you are doing and causing, amd then insult others over it. THat's not commendable at all. So Carrious, go ahead and take a break. You do deserve it and you do work very hard. But remember that there are others who can and will take raids out in your absence. But at the same time, realize that there are others who also deserve breaks within the officer core, enlisted, and special divisions who may not be able to afford the luxury of an un-interrupted break. You can, but you choose to allow it to be interrupted. Don't fault others for something you allow happen of your own accord. Now if you excuse me, I need to go make dinner and go lecture at someone who said my ammo can was full of clips.* (Fun Fact: Ammunition that comes in ammo cans for magazine fed weapons is often loaded on stripper clips that are used to feed the magazines.)
  11. I'm attempting to make sense of your words, but I am assuming you were trying to convey a situation similar to what Valaska said to me once. He IM'd me in combat essentially telling me that our tank filters and I must not know hoe to properly script so I should copy-paste some code Sin made. I countered his argument for a little bit until he started becoming no more than a whiny brat attempting to troll. He couldn't counter my facts so he q-q'd. Ironically, the incident that cause his rude IM was Moses' ARK tank fighting a Tyrant. Moses, the actual person I was engaging, had no complaints about the tank at all.
  12. No. Until I was hand-picked and volun-told by Gulliver that I was going to be part of the newly formed Antesig. Please keep useless and overused memes out of threads created for serious discussion.
  13. I was a pilot once (with Thanatos training too), so I'd be interested in being a reservist.
  14. And your ammunition count could be set to the integer maximum of 2147483647. There was also no fire delay or velocity cap, so you could remove most of the arc. Granted, we all left the float text on now and then and set out ammo to 1337.
  15. Judges have been handed the forms. The compilation of all the songs can be downloaded here: http://www.filefacto...e_4-14-2012_rar
  16. Alright. I have 2 of the 3 judges I'd like to have. If anyone else who is not a contestant would like to help judge please let me know!
  17. -When Tsume was the token furry in command of the most notorious anti-furry squad in Ordo -When Aryte had a prim head with solid blue glowing eyes -When our Legion logos were 90+ Prims -Before more than 3 group roles, when we wore float-text ranks -VAR 1, VAR2, KVR, JAS-2, FA-6. Cutting Edge -The Personal Parachute -Macaroth [15:34] Tsume Xiao: Would I be able to help script guns for the Ordo though? Thats really what I want to know =x [15:36] Aryte Vesperia: Definitely [15:37] Tsume Xiao: Yay! :3! [15:41] Tsume Xiao: Now, Im new to the munitorium thing, but tre there like, Project listings you sign up for, are you assigned projects as they come, or something else :o
  18. Burr, I was not asking about a patch for a beret. I was asking for just a plain patch. How would embroidering on a piece of stand-alone fabric be different than embroidering on the garrison cap you showed.
  19. Burr, was the Beret/Patch thing just for that combination, or did it also pertain to plain standard patches? Also, is your facility limited to clothing or can you print on hard materials like glass?

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