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Mathieu Oller

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About Mathieu Oller

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    [ α ] Alpha Level


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  1. Sick stuff man. If my body bent anywhere close to that, I'd be paralyzed.
  2. I don't think snow would cause strain to the eye if it was an off-white. Of course if it's bright white (which is unrealistic), there will be eye strains. Snow would be nice because most militaries have dark-colored armor and the white would make it easier to spot them, especially at long range in Chronus. Anything darker than what we have now would not help us in spotting targets.
  3. Sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't logged in :(
  4. Maybe it's just me, but I think that we shouldn't be notified when people TP into Titan. The person TPing in and being sent back should be sent an automatic IM or something of the like. I just think we already have too many notifications on channel 1. Plus, we already know when they TP into Chronus. I apologize if it's irrelevant, it is just something I thought of :(
  5. I agree with all of this. I personally am guilty of the jet packing ordeal. Initially I got the impression that it was to manuever around the sim and to eliminate the enemy in the air. I was, however, told otherwise and did not do it again. I have observed the holes in the line, running into friendly fire, and showboating. I think when anyone says to spread out, we all need to spread out, regardless of where the enemy is and how many there are. The friendly fire situation is easy to resolve - go BEHIND the person instead of in front of them. And if someone kills the enemy, they should just move on. I say nice shot in general when I see the enemy disappear. That's all I have to say :)
  6. Sweet, another sim! Most likely everyone will be sniping until the enemy comes closer to Titan.
  7. really has enjoyed his career with the Ordo thus far! :)

  8. I'm not sure if it would be acceptable to have it there, but could the "The Ordo Imperialis: Litany" video have a direct link? I think the video is very professional and cool-looking. Oh, and the link is

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