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Genesis Ronmark

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Posts posted by Genesis Ronmark

  1. EDIT - Holy shit, We live in the same City, that's hilarious.


    I mean...

    I work by week as a full time computer repair tech/build/customer support/store manager/audio video sales.

    By weekend I sleep...I mean manage a subway restaurant/ close and yes I get free food and drinks out the rear. :D

  2. Yeah, I think I'm going to greyhound it, or head to Southern Ontario and carpool with others if they end up going. A round trip if I greyhound the whole way is like $440 but I would prefer to reduce that alot...

    So then! 350 for misc, 200 for hotel, 450 for bus (i like even numbers), 50 for entry, 100 for crunchy munchies...

    I'm looking at 1150CAD yikes o.O I'm only at $60!

    I make $2200 I month. I'll have more than enough by then if I go. I know tons of people who wanna drag me down and actually meet the mysterious and totally awesome gengen.

  3. A better idea that wouldn't cause any lag whatsoever would be more of an In/Out board, not an online/offline board of magisters who can do training. Those that are online and on base can place themselves as 'available' for anyone wondering, yet unaware as to who might be available. Also works if you leave base temporarily to do something and are still available for training.

    People would set up and forget, and a lot of guys are only around for short time bursts before dropping for things like MW2.

  4. Due to picking up a second job because you can never have enough money! ;p looking to save for trips etc.

    My weekends have switched but my first job has given more weekdays off so ill be around a lot during the weeks.

    Weekends sadly I'll miss the weekly meetings *cries* ;-; but I'll be on each morning on weekends until 2-3 pm, then home way late, a good 1-2 am pdt. So if anyone would like me to help run something during the week I'm all for it =3 might be able to finally try some things with UK people.

  5. ^broke the game

    <is ahead of his Access class

    V will succeed in class or work

    ^ is right seeing he just may become one of the most successful guys in town (and i just turned 20 in april :D)

    < seriously isn't lying and will be making thousands monthly

    v is totally jealous because he chose school.

  6. Each Ordo Achievement Merit is redeemable for either a key lariat or a pen. Three merits are redeemable for a water bottle or a flashlight. Five are redeemable for either a coffee mug, a thermos, or a t-shirt, and so on and so forth. 400 merits are redeemable for a Nintendo Wii.

    shit I want that wii D:

  7. Full time service & repair technician, Ran my own store 1 of 4, now being relocated and working from our warehouse.

    Build servers for a company in paris Ontario for road work.

    Do new custom builds too

    Designed some flyers/ads for our locations

    Do full time customer support phone/email/in store.

    Work alone at which ever location posted because I'm just that awesome.

    Do virus research and create procedures to fix or create new fixes.

    check us out, not as good as tiger but getting there.


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