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Scarlet Flaks

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Everything posted by Scarlet Flaks

  1. Steam Halloween Sale is ongoing until the 31st. />
  2. I'm going to be honest; Encouraging people to arm themselves, especially with 'improvised weapons' is both overly dramatic and unnecessary, and frankly uncivilized. People should sooner evacuate their homes if they know they do not have the necessary supplies to survive more than a month, than to try and tough it out like it's Katrina 2.0 and go all civil war on each other for food or stealing shit from homes. There are plenty of disaster shelters and there likely will be more setup/opening as the storm hits/dissipates.
  3. His two friends (shitty screen quality, it's from the MOH Wiki);
  4. A quote from Reddit that I found quite touching;
  5. if you're ordering from them, try their cajun (or any of their) snack mixes, it's really tasty stuff. :Q_
  6. oh and how could I forget, the only real way to eat a PB&J, but I'm pretty sure this is very regional/local;
  7. walmart, target, almost any gas station. if you're in the mid-east then places like Kroger or Meijer have them. I have them all the time, they're Ffffing delish.
  8. Sriratcha - A golden standard that goes on everything, you'd have to be trying hard to make this taste bad. Sweet Baby Ray's Buffalo Wing Sauce - Thick and tangy more than it is spicy, goes great on basically anything that's meat. Blue Smoke Salsa Triple-X Hot Salsa - The hottest salsa I've ever had, made my tongue swollen and was definitely worth it. Fireball Whiskey - Not exactly the same kind of spicy as the rest of this thread, but still good shit.
  9. C-c-combo b-b-breaker c-c-caleb
  10. you've spent this entire thread proving the exact opposite of this.
  11. I have only played 35 hours total of ARMA, and I've never installed or played DayZ? I'm pretty sure I supplied enough citations and sources prior that indicate my information is not from hate 'campaing', but is actual fact. And speaking of fact, let me go to your next point; This, unfortunately is not fact. This is opinion. The level of immersion a player feels is subject to their own personal tastes and comfort in the games they play, it is not a universal standard nor one that can be represented as a standard to determine that a game is subpar. What does determine if a game is subpar however is the level of artistic and mechanical refinement, original content, and learning curve that the game has within it. I get the distinct feeling you are speaking for yourself here. The ARMA mechanics are entirely different from WarZ mechanics. This is a big difference in the style of gameplay. One is a combat simulator, the other is a zombie shooter built on top of a generic FPS game that failed. This is like trying to compare a bicycle with training wheels attached, and a unicycle; Certainly both of them provide the user with a similar experience, but one will require the user to spend a lot more time learning what to do, and how to control it, before the learn to appreciate and enjoy themselves. Since when does this have to be so black and white? I never said anything about forcing people to play DayZ, don't be so dramatic. I'm going to need some proof of this, please show statistics and cited examples of noteworthy or large groups of DayZ players converting to WarZ that are praising it for it's unique and original gameplay.
  12. You mean it's dumbed down and not running on a simulator game engine like ARMA? Why not say it as it is-- it plays like a console-tier arcade casual shooter and not a survival game like DayZ at all. None of the gameplay is dynamic, ballistics and weapons play like any other shooter. I don't think you understand what Pandering is. So, you can't prove otherwise that this game is an Original idea and isn't just blatantly jumpping on the DayZ bandwagon to make money? I added something to the end of your post, this means I didn't steal it and it's entirely original. Right? You're excusing the fact that the developers are too lazy to make a game and disregarding that they have only been working on it since May, by simply saying that using the same assets, animations, models, textures, etc is OK in your opinion? Well, frankly it's not OK, and here's why; It's the reason this console generation has been dragged on for nearly a decade (XBOX 360 released in 2005). It's because of this attitude that we're stuck with the same games, and we're getting worse sequels every year. Games like Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, Halo, [Any title from EA Sports], and Battlefield receive new titles and people instantly assume that it's better, but fail to realize it's the exact same game. Would you buy the same car you already own, if I simply painted it blue? Perhaps you're genuinely unfamiliar with just how mods can effect a game. I'd advise you to spend some time looking through this wonderful showcase of hundreds of game mods, I'm sure you will find many of them offer much more immersion than their base game/s. Maybe if that's not enough, perhaps look into the Nexus Modding Community, or even the GameBanana community. But I digress-- if being a Mod is what makes DayZ bad, then I guess this means the DayZ Standalone will be terrific, right?
  13. I never said no other developers were allowed to make zombie survival games. But the fact that it's a shitty attempt to pander to the DayZ community and that the dev team are a bunch of idiots is reason enough for me not to support them or this game. Here, have some information;
  14. Just released! /> Ffffyeah
  15. I didn't read anything in this thread at all, because I don't care, however; Are you seriously incapable of forming coherent arguments, or are you just really that incompetent?
  16. Forgot to mention, this game releases on October 16th.
  17. I would support this game, if the developers weren't blatantly lazy and just trying to mooch off of the DayZ bandwagon.

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