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Scarlet Flaks

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Everything posted by Scarlet Flaks

  1. http://www.bit-compo...3e-1789777d728b bitComposer Entertainment AG has acquired the exclusive worldwide rights for future video game adaptations of the acclaimed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. brand from Boris Natanovich Strygatsky.
  2. dont forget thermal paste if you're buying the parts and building it yourself.
  4. lolwut EX-Forum Mod Devin here. Let me tell ya some stuff you can spout on for a new youtube video My forum account was hacked, my fault, they deleted a lot of posts. I was de-modded and banned, got my computer secure, re-modded and unbanned and took care of business as usual. Except their company is full of dumb Ffffs and didn't backup the forums at all. No backups whatsoever. Sergay then took it upon himself to tell Kewk to demote me for my Ffffup that could have been reversed if they were not so Ffffing stupid. I then made a post on the forums about how I knew this was coming; and I was sorry and would not long be supporting a company that did not support their unpaid volunteer Moderators that spent over 100+ hours answering THEIR CUSTOMERS questions and concerns as well as relaying them the ideas the community had for their bullshit game. I was then banned for making a "Rage quit" thread permanent and here is the even funnier part my in-game account banned under the excuse I requested a refund So, since I didn't sign any sort of NDA for those Fffffaces here are some interesting facts. WarZ is a direct port over from War Inc. They literally took the game and added NPCs, made a large map, and changed around camera angles and gun settings while adding more functionality and switching over some things. ALL ART however was actually done in-house by their amazing ART team. (Those were the best guys to know, they were in touch more with the community than Kewk) They randomly ban accounts that have a certain amount of time spent playing in-game, knowing they are hooked on the game so they re-buy the game. Their anti-hack is actually functional but here's the kicker..wanna know WHY their bans are TEMPORARY the first time around? 0.8% hacking? Try an EXTREMELY LARGE PORTION of the player base is hacking. If they banned everyone they'd have a mass refund issue on their hands, and no one to play their piss poor of an excuse game. they plan to HALT DEVELOPMENT AND ABANDON THE GAME in SIX months if revenue is not enough for them (I.E. People are not buying GC and spending the Ffff out of it) -- take note, if they do not get ENOUGH revenue. They will have enough revenue to pay for the game development for over a year at this point in time already, but if they don't get enough to give themselves regular raises they will stop making the game and shut down the servers and website. Here is a "Proof of ban" picture & a proof of me NOT requesting a refund.
  5. 2:31 AM - Panzerdraco: I'm smashed 2:31 AM - Panzerdraco: In fact I accidentally used the ladies bathroom to take a shit and didn't even realize 2:31 AM - Scarlet - ∴: .. 2:32 AM - Scarlet - ∴: omfg
  6. you should have uploaded that image with the 10L he sent, then sent the image to him.
  7. Anomaly: I would use the weapons I own to survive in the nearby woods or surrounding areas. I imagine this being a sort of radio-logical anomaly, similar to Chernobyl or Fukushima. Government: Again, I would use the weapons I own for survival. Live as a loner and just go from place to place, avoid confrontation, just scavenge basic needs even if I have to drop someone to get it, since there are no laws. Welcome to Anarchy. Time: There would probably not be any man made structures, or if there are, they're over-grown to a point that it looks worse than Machu-Picchu, I'd have to say that just living like a caveman, all hunter-gatherer style is probably the best route. Anywhere is inhabitable, I assume. Virus: Again, I would use the weapons I own for survival. Kill everything that's infected, and anyone that isn't can go Ffff themselves. They're just more of a risk to drag me down. I imagine I might take the same plans as my Government plan. War: Again, I would use the weapons I own for survival. Be all Red-Dawn and shout WOLVERINES!, or just live inna woods and use the same plan as Goverment/Virus. Weather: If too hot, I'd have to live near somewhere with water. Water can easily be turned into a power generator. Electric generators can be converted into means of cooling. All of this however would require that I am near somewhere that has a small town or city to access parts to scavenge. If too cold, I'd simply wrap up in blankets and clothes and try to hunt what animals are still alive. If none, well, I guess I'm eating snowcones. Yum. Overall: I cannot imagine myself ever working with a community or colony unless there is substantial benefit from ever joining one. I'm capable enough to fend for myself and survive alone, and I won't let anyone else take priority away from my own survival. You don't need friends when you got #swag.
  8. Alan Wake is great. Story and atmosphere were great, and the length of the gameplay and story was impressive. I enjoyed this. American Nightmare however, sucks. The entire game is about literally replaying a ministory and the same Ffffing cutscenes 4 times, and they added an arcade mode without any story where you just shoot the enemies as long as you want. The only good thing about it is the new guns.
  9. why does everyone quote everything i say
  10. Definitely did, and I definitely have one right now. But I won't be posting it.
  11. That is the symbol for Won, South Korean currency. />
  14. I'm hoping to be able to pick up this game soon. Can you provide a link to the actual platoon, or PM me a link?

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