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Nohime Runner

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Everything posted by Nohime Runner

  1. The raccoon reference is to me. You don't exactly know me, to know I am (or was rather) the Ordo Raccoon
  2. Abigail Rose Singleton, Born 8 OCT 2010 at 6:00 AM at Mercy Hospital in Fairfield Ohio 6 pounds 3 Ounces 18.5 Inches in length Pictures:
  3. It takes everything I have in me not to P.I.T. someone who is driving to frakking slow because I am behind them
  4. Numinous Foxdale: Numinous Foxdale: IM SUCH A FAT KID!!!! ;_; Corsi Mousehold: WHAT? Corsi Mousehold: The hell you talking about woman? Numinous Foxdale: I was driving home, almost home...and a chick-filet commercial came on, saying for this week the Chick-fillet on Tylersville (The road I was on) was giving free food to cops and military.... Numinous Foxdale: ...I would like to say I didn't use my lights and sirens to perform a u-turn in the middle of traffic....BUT I CANT!!!!!!
  5. [20:26] Aryte Vesperia: SERVED WITH FISH. [20:26] Aryte Vesperia: NOTED~ [20:26] Numinous Foxdale: fond of fish are ye? [20:27] Aryte Vesperia: What kind of question is that? I sleep with one.
  6. Trinity the Goalie [12:54] Trinity Heckroth: IMMA FUCK SHIT UP [media]
  7. "Bob Barker"- Be a furry that doesn't act like they are in heat all the time (For you uneducated, Bob barker use to preach about spay/neuter your animals)
  8. I fight for the holiest of relics known to raccoon kind.... The Imperator's Trashcan *Just kinda zones out thinking about it*
  9. You will always have a home with me, if need me. Through highs and lows, I will always be here to support you and your decisions. Tsume is right, work is hard to come by, but with persistance, you can get through that. I will help you in whatever means I can. You always have my shoulder and my badge to call upon. We love you Nohime
  10. Hey everyone, For anyone who has knwon me for an extended period, you know my mood is a rollercoaster with lots of fun loops, twists and bends. First and formost I am really sorry about that. Also, yes, I use a voice changer, once again..... Here is the skinny.... I was born with a disease called Harry Bengimin's. Roughly this disease means I was born anatomically male but my mental development, both chemicle and physical, is female. SO picture if you will, all you male members, going through yoru school years watching all the other guys play football and being interested in cars, and working out, and you just wanted to find a cute pair of pants, and go shopping, and hang out with the girls.....Torment, utter torment. The disease carries with it the effect of making equal, or sometime more, estrogen than testosterone, so your body is actively fighting itself on a mental level. You are left not knowing where you fit in, why you are the way you are and why you can't be 'Normal'. The diseas has almost taken my life 4 times. 3 times from a hormone indices psycosis (best way I can word it) and once from the doctors messing up my estrogen pills. So yes, I do use a voice changer Yes it hurts when you all call me HE or HIM I am not asking everyone to go out and look up this information abotu the disease, but be mindful. I am in the middle of transision to become a lady, please treat me like one. I would appreciate it more than I can put into words. And yes, I am off my medication because it isn't exactly cheap and my insurance doesn't cover it. I am working to get on them again soon Thank you, Numinous Foxdale AKA Nohime Runner AKA The Raccoon
  11. Just took care of that ^.^

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