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Eriksson Foxtrot

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Posts posted by Eriksson Foxtrot

  1. I heard it sucked, lol.

    To quote a good friend with his lengthy review he forwarded to me;

    To summarize in one sentence, this game is borderlands with zombies and like no guns. The midnight release play was absolutely terrible. The game stutters every 3 seconds for no reason. Everyone's mic is open and there's no way to mute them. I only got to play first three chapters before Techland decided to wipe my save without warning. Apparently they uploaded a console version to steam (DOH!) and considering how it still hasn't been fixed, the issue goes much deeper. The graphics looked absolutely terrible compared to what I was expecting from trailers. The character animations are hideous. Honestly, I've seen half life 2 mods with better animations. The inventory is a pain in the ass to use. Interface was made for consoles and it's absolutely baby-punch-frustrating as a PC gamer to slowly click through things because they were too lazy to change it. Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if weapons didn't break so quickly and I have to access item menu every 3 minutes. You shuffle through 10 diff containers and get 50 dollars which you'll have to spend to repair a knife that breaks after 5 swings. But seriously though, YOU SPEND MOST OF YOUR TIME OPENING CONTAINERS AND PUNCHING BABIES THROUGH BAD INTERFACE MANAGING ITEMS RATHER THAN KILLING ZOMBIES AND SURVIVING. The characters are also horrible. The models are hideous and it's really hard to take a liking to a character and level them when they're not likable at all. While they call this game an RPG the characters have no story behind them other than a tiny paragraph intro where they basically prove the developers are bunch of racist white men who never seen a non white person in their lives or something. The asian woman sometimes sounds super asian and sometimes just sounds white. The 'sure' and 'yes's that they say when accepting a quest are sometimes totally out of place and kills immersion. I will say that I liked the zombie animations and their ragdoll mechanics. It's pretty hilarious to stand on some stairs and watch zombies fall down the stairs when you kick them. When I was buying this game, I was expecting more L4D element but I was very wrong. This game definitely has borderland written all over it. It even has aimless driving. Btw, Why does a truck have infinite health in a survival game? It needs to get damaged and stalled by zombies. It's pretty ridiculous you just go godmode-run-over-everything. Am I mad bro? I think so bro. I just spent 50 dollars on this.

    tl;dr: they released an unfinished game, it's rushed, why is there god-mode in a survival?, animations suck, characters have no story behind them, etc etc.

    Made me lol

  2. On 9/1/2011 at 10:15 AM, Genesis Ronmark said:

    where from o: I'm about an hour or so myself away from TO :P we do have a ton of Cdn Members now.


  3. [14:44] Krow Ames: OH GOD

    [14:45] Krow Ames: Jimmy is another name for penis

    [14:45] Krow Ames: Ffff, changing my name asap

    [14:45] Eriksson Foxtrot: LOL

    [14:47] Eriksson Foxtrot: [14:46] Jimmy Shaker (krow.ames) is now known as Krow Ames.


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