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Eriksson Foxtrot

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Posts posted by Eriksson Foxtrot

  1. I never use my contacts tab to communicate with the squad. since I have 450 people on that list or so. It's easier to organize calling cards of active members into a specific folder.

    That's actually a better idea than the ole' contact list search!

    I'm pretty indifferent on it, if you guys think it's a good idea to have individual groups I won't stop you! I can see the very many benefits that come with it, it allows a lot more of flexibility than not having one. I myself am just a bit more conservative when it comes to how many groups I'm in, but that's just another perspective of looking at it.

  2. I voted for alternative. While it would be good to have individual groups, and for the sake of convenience it'd be nicer. Though, it would clutter a lot of people's group tabs up. While we are allowed 42, for people like Firefox in a high command position to be apart of all of those groups at once, would just be incredibly redundant and it'd look silly from anyone's observant perspective. One group has the slots in it to create roles of which can be used to organize and view a roster effectively.

    Speaking from a my old position as a B-1 CO, it's extremely easy anyways to just open up your contacts tab and IM people. A good CO knows those whom are under his command.

    Jus' sayin'.

  3. To be honest I find alpha squad membership becoming less and less of an honor, but perhaps thats just me. No offense intended to anyone.

    As for Tactica I think its that some of the threads only have ~12 views, and the highest viewed ones have like ~40. Thats not much when you count how much time some people put into their reports, and how many of those views are the same people viewing it multiple times.

    Firstly, why's that? What is making it become less of an honor?

    Secondly, Tactica also has their reports in folders on the Tactica board. More people often like the convenience in clicking the folders on the Tactica board, than looking for them on the forums. They gain the report providing it's done, ruleset, and a landmark to the destination.

  4. [22:01] Eriksson Foxtrot: mercury

    [22:01] Mercury SecretSpy: Greetings ma'am. Basic officer access granted. Be advised that certain functions may be restricted.

    [22:01] Maverick Garfield: LOL

    [22:01] Kithsuneca Eilde: XD!

    [22:01] Maverick Garfield: you da bitch

    [22:01] Ookamiwulf Lemton: mercury no waffle for you

    [22:01] Eriksson Foxtrot: logoff

    [22:01] Mercury SecretSpy: Logging you off.

  5. [22:12] Eriksson Foxtrot: Holy shit, Paranormal activity was freaky. [pussy]

    [22:12] Desereck Creeggan: pussssieeeee

    [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: Lmao, I laughed throughout the video [manly man]

    [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: It got freaky when she killed Micah.

    [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: Fucking lol'd when the bitch got dragged

    [22:16] Eriksson Foxtrot is Offline [rage quit]

    I was on my iPhone, and Afevis wanted me to go on skype.


  6. I'll be the sober one laughing at everyone who gets drunk. Probably mess with their heads too.


    Anyways, seems this trip will be too expensive and wouldn't be very economic for me to go. Though, on the bright side: the money for this goes towards AC '11. o3o

    You'd all better take pictures. >:o

  7. [18:53] (COM): Keller Teichmann: And yeah, what Kiwi said. I'm leaving tomorrow for awhile so the only thing I'm working on is Aryte tonight.

    [18:53] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Wow.

    [18:54] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Bow chicka bow wow.

    [18:55] (COM): Keller Teichmann: I hate you Kiwi.



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