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Corsi Mousehold

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Everything posted by Corsi Mousehold

  1. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold | E-8; Praepositus | Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 18 December 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: Main weekly meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: From Combat to Erebus ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics Members: 312 Cadets: 7 Applications New: 15 Accepted: 1 Denied: 9 Review:5 Combat Defensive: 98 Offensive: 10 Allied Assist: 0 Diplomatic Report [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes this week will largely be covered during the keynote. However, some mentions to be made now: TAC has seen somewhat of resurgence, with multiple major assaults conducted by TAC on IS targets. We were host to two—early week, CATI attempted to distract us while the remainder of TAC hit Badnarik. Then, it seemed that mid-week they reversed that, with CATI engaging the Mercz while the remainder hit Titan. On both occasions, TAC was dealt with in stride. Well done. In other news, it would appear that Exilion Enclave has reached a fairly crippled state. Notably, one of their officers is . . . triple enlisted in Exilion, Vanguard, and SE2. It may be safe to say the group is in its death throes. Divisional Reports [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:05] Aryte Vesperia raises .. hand for Terra. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Ah yes, thank you Aryte. Terra [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: From Corsi for Antesignani: Light week for Ante over all. Computer issues and the holiday season in general taking it's toll. Individual members still highly active on defense and offense of course and everyone in the squad has been doing their part in the heavy increase in hostilities this past week. We'll be working on picking the training back up after the holiday season. Also there are several positions left open in the squad and we have seen people in Cohors B looking to move up to the Alpha squads in general. Don't be afraid to contact Cohors A Commanders to discuss things! [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: From Krow for Insidiae: Activity is returning to normal, however several people have been cut from the squad. Hollowmengitus Yifu is now Insidiae's XO, and he's already making improvements to it's efficiency. The squad's main goal is recruitment for now, and Insidiae will be ramping up the process it uses to recruit. All things are good in the house of Insidiae. We are what is best in life. Also, for those of you who read this: I love cupcakes. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: From Eriksson for Invictus: Yet another extremely active week for Invictus, the new inductees are getting all settled in and fitting in perfectly. We do indeed have a command appointment: Kastrenzo Benelli has been appointed the new Executive Officer (XO) of Invictus. He was chosen not only for his past experience and prior service, but for his constant dedication to Invictus and his extended efforts to better the squad entirely. We hope to continue the high participation we've been having over the past few weeks through joint squad trainings and squad raids. As another reminder: We do still have a few spots open in Invictus, so please express interest to either Eriksson Foxtrot or Kastrenzo Benelli! That's all from Invictus this week! [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: From Thatguy for Cohors B: Activity has dropped due to Alpha squads stealing my childrens :C New plans for Cohors B to help bulk-up the empty spots, as well as two leadership opportunities. One of which has been posted in the forums []. Eriksson will keep B-I until further notice. [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: From Huttser for Cohors C: :d [18:07] Huttser Ishelwood: \o/ [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Additional reports for this evening? [18:07] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra. [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman? Astra [18:07] Ethan Schuman: For Astra this week: I won't lie. Activity for us this week has been pretty dismal. We've had a handful of scattered defensive deployments and some training, as well as a few of us going on raids, but that's about it. However, this is far from the end of days. People are on holiday and doing other stuff, so this is to be expected. On the bright side, however, we have ourselves a new partner in the skies. Cthonic Syndicate has expressed extreme interest in joint exercises, but their active numbers are low too. Because of this, we're going to take a different approach to engagements involving them. Instead of going through the frustrating, and often futile, hassle of pre-scheduling events, I am instituing an open exercise policy. In short, if you want to host a training or something, feel free to go over to Zagros and ask if any of their pilots want to join in. This same offer will be extended to them. This does NOT include full out, proper attacks. This only applies to exercises. Air raids still require prop [18:07] Ethan Schuman: er authorization. Reports regarding events should be filed as usual. That's all we have for this week. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: To add: Erebus welcomes air attacks. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Final call. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: All righty, moving right along. Keynote Topics [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: I. Scriptology [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: After careful review, the powers that be have determined Scriptology weaponry is way outside of permissible bounds within Titan. This is based on overall impact and RPM—to put it into perspective, their SCAR outclasses our minigun. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Due to the frequent use and subsequent abuse of the Scriptology weapons, primarily by lone wolf assaults, the decision has been made to place the weaponry line on the chopping block for blanket ban by visitors. This decision may be subject to further review and modification as time allows. However, at the moment, Scriptology may be considered a blacklisted provider. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: II. Radar Query [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: For some time now, the question has been on the table: what functions of the main Ordo HUD are worth keeping and which are worth adding. Several members have mentioned the radar function as outmoded by the existence of client radars that provided a scriptless option that is, in all rights, far more effective in reading the position of individuals. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: With that in mind, it is up to consideration. By a show of hands, how many individuals actually utilize the Ordo HUD radar over the client radar options? If the number is found to be low enough, the opportunity will be taken to remove that function, which should actually make a pretty dramatic cutback in script time generated by the HUD. We'll pause for a minute to give folks an opportunity to respond. [18:15] Huttser Ishelwood raises hand. [18:15] Jayce Iredell raises his hand [18:15] fatalitywolf Firehawk: raises hand. [18:16] Afevis Sodertelge raises paw. [18:16] Wulf Lykin raises his paw [18:16] Kyra Vixen raises her paw, noting it is useful for quickly determining who is around, without having to pull open the radar and covering more screen real estate. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Good to know. Thank you. An alternative option would be to have it set to "off" by default, thus allowing folks who actually get use out of it to toggle it on when they wish. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: III. Region Notes [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Steadily, the new build is being shaped out. The goal is to form up a shell, so as to be able to swap out the current build with a useable combat map. The transition period will be fairly interesting, as prims continue to become more important: over time, we will be ripping out portions of the current build to ensure enough prims are provided for expansion of the new build. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Eventually, it is likely we will wipe clean the ground floor in lieu of having intricate trench networks and temporary structures to house our primary functions. The temporary set up would be a very brief hold over, but permit easier transition to the new city scape. You will all be kept up to date as decisions are made, simply do not be too surprised if you log on one day to a barren field of trenches and bunkers. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: I am eyeing the possibility of having a temporary “no jetpack” regulation once we swap to the trenches, as .. well, frankly trenches would quickly become useless for us and our attackers if we could simply jetpack over them. To clarify: if this occurs, it’d be a brief set up and a brief rule set. Jetpacks will remain in our armory and would return to OK use on defense with the city scape. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: IV. Rank Names [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Per my strong arming and insistence on the death of Sesquiplicarius, the vote has shifted majorly in the favor of new rank names! :D [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Democracy in action, I say~ [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Within short accord, a final list will be published. They will maintain the Roman appeal, but have a lot less ARIUS. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Questions thus far? [18:23] thatguy Andel raises a hand [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Andel? [18:23] Wulf Lykin raises a paw [18:24] thatguy Andel: Are we going to have a vote on the forums, and will the new names be provided as well? [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: . . [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Check the forums. :] [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Lykin? [18:25] thatguy Andel: WHAT, IM OUT OF THE LOOP, OKAY? [18:25] Wulf Lykin: about the build swap for the trenches, do you need any builders for that? i would like ot participate for it [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: It'll likely be primarily terraforming. But if it does come to that, I will certainly let you know! [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional questions? :] [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Final call. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent. Moving on: [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: V. “Reset Button” – Statement on Erebus, combat expectations, and conduct. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: The following is a somewhat modified statement that was provided to the officer corps last night. It covers several topics that are fairly important to our day to day operation. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: The Erebus question: fair or unfair, is one that requires a decisive intervention and, frankly, nonnegotiable terms of agreement across all parties. This statement comes after careful study of multiple events, all revolving around our interactions and reactions with Erebus. There is a notable pattern that has developed, one that created a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy of trouble. The very same labeling could create a host of problems with other groups-- that aside; the current trend has already developed a host of problems. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: It is important to prefix and stress: all parties involved have acted within the best intent for the group, as such; no individual should be damned or receive scorn. Perspective and ideology are the culprits here, not malice or any real attempt to create harm. Malice and harm, however, have been born from perspective and ideology. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: The separation of the above is as important as understanding the acts themselves. An individual may act with the very best intent; however create an atmosphere or reaction that is very far from their intended outcome. This is demonstrated throughout the ordeal. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: That said, it should be considered that Erebus is the catalyst for this strain of events. There is a set of discernible corners: individuals who are perceived (see; emphasis on perceived) as "pro-Erebus" and individuals who are perceived as "anti-Erebus." The groupings are especially vague, and purposefully so-- it demonstrates within itself the black and white nature of the issue that is, for all realistic rights, very grey. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: "Pro-Erebus" individuals are lambasted as ignoring their duties or providing unusual leniency to Erebus members during interaction. These accusations stretch anywhere from failure to act within official capacity, to blatant abuse of official capacity to favor Erebus during their interactions. There is a great deal of untold story that creates this perception. However advocating politeness with Erebus, the "pro-Erebus" side is acting within reasonable regard. It must be stressed that, although not apparent, "pro-Erebus" individuals are integral in controlling Erebus gear, diplomatically resolving complaint, and maintaining combat standards. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: For example: individuals labeled as "pro-Erebus" have been the parties involved in ensuring Erebus weaponry and materials are modified to fit our requirements. Most recently, Erebus's bomber was tagged as unacceptable. Earlier, Erebus modified its jetpack to feature a mode option. Even further, "pro-Erebus" individuals mitigated Erebus banning of Ordo weaponry, gaining clearance for items such as our communications pack. [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: "Anti-Erebus" individuals are tagged as being dogmatic and imagining offense by Erebus members. This includes claims that "anti-Erebus" members are focusing their dislike for Erebus into false problems, rather than reporting actual occurrences of issues for the sake of wishing to see deterioration of standards. However, once more, there appears to be a great deal of reasoning behind claims-- whether perceived problems or realized, member complaints are based upon witnessed events. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: The existence of these sides have created a clear hyper-tensity. This creates the self fulfillment portion of the equation. For example: an "anti-Erebus" individual perceives an Erebus member as moving forward with their jetpacks, thus spurning complaint. A "pro-Erebus" individual then rejects the complaint, noting the jetpack has been tested. The "anti-Erebus" individual, having witnessed what appeared to be a forward movement, is then left unsatisfied and continues to witness the action. Over time, the vocalized concern becomes shared concern, until which time an "anti-Erebus" coalition of multiple members is witnessing the same incident. [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: A great deal of damage is thus potentially created in the solidarity bind, all based upon a failure to communicate a critical portion: Erebus jetpacks have an animation that leans them forward, giving the appearance of flying. This coupled with the occasion (although rare, it finds itself documented) that an Erebus member utilizes their jetpack to do unusual movement, essentially empowers the complaint even further, aggravating it massively. This continues, and has continued, until essentially the "anti-Erebus" and "pro-Erebus" corners are expending a great deal of effort trying to find fault in one another, while combat and interaction suffers. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Attention is thus taken off Erebus (or even other attackers) and the reasons for the complaints, in order to take stubborn stance, all while ignoring the reality: each "side" is wrong and right at the same time. There is a kernel of truth and reason to both ends. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: This leaves us with one option. One option that will be enforced and expected: we are hitting the reset button. All transgressions internally and externally regarding Erebus are to be wiped clean. We will re-enter the arena with a clear mind, more informed, and prepared to overcome all obstacles. Solidarity is required. In all things-- not just Erebus. As such, we will enforce or rather, reinforce the following expectations: [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: We are to stick to a strict "controlled complaint" policy among the membership during combat: we must control interactions and ensure complaints are kept on official channel. It will not be tolerated for individuals of any rank to comment monger about the actions of our enemies: any concern should be brought up correctly, for formal processing by the OIC and, if necessary, estate administration. [18:47] Keller Teichmann raises his hand. [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: We are to ensure that combat is treated as a gift, not a burden. We will welcome and face our enemies at any time, for any amount of time, for any reason. We will make all available effort to make combat enjoyable for our members and those participating here, without unreasonably burdening our defense. This includes controlling complaint or making any mention of shirking interaction: never should we complain about how often we are attacked. [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: We will make certain to respect that Erebus (and other enemies), although sometimes appearing not, is attempting to validly pursue friendly combat with us. We will recognize they have modified their gear and made effort to respect our low numbers in twilight hour. Despite past events, we will give them a fair chance to make good. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: However, we shall also respect the ability of Erebus, and other enemies, to be in the wrong. We will treat every scenario and event individually; ensuring hostile parties are treated fairly but dealt proper justice when an incident occurs. Administration will take especially careful note of member complaints when filed officially and respectfully, ensuring all concerns are met without ridicule or disrespect. [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Above all else, we will redouble our efforts to not create an uncomfortable atmosphere for any member, regardless of their perspective. [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Keller? (Questions open.) [18:50] Keller Teichmann: Can I light Zashi on fire? [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: On topic questions or comments. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Final opportunity. [18:52] Mark Karlfeldt raises hand? [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Karlfeldt? [18:53] Mark Karlfeldt: If I may ask, could you give more detail on how Ordo is interacting with Erebus to ensure compliance in regards to rules and such? [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Several administration members are tasked to coordinating efforts to relay formal complaint on our part. Erebus has been responsive to our issues-- especially pertaining to gear matters. To date, publicity of their compliance has been pretty sparse (by accident). However there has been definite headway. [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Beyond gear, incidents during combat itself have been corrected by the presiding Erebus commander at request of the OIC. For example, yesterday we had an issue with a newer Erebus member utilizing the "red text" version of their jetpack. Said individual was pulled aside by the Erebus commander and instructed to change. [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: I can't attest that the same respect is present by all Erebus officers, however Lilium Supermarine remains amicable and helpful. Our interactions with other officers has been far more sparse. [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Additional questions? [19:02] Corsi Mousehold: So it would be safe to assume that a more proper way to address a questionable incident or peice of gear would be to contact the currect defense OIC rather than say something in ventrillo. Thus the already standing protocol of combat pertinance in Vent is kept and the situation addressed. [19:02] Corsi Mousehold tosses a question mark at the end of that. [19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Correct. That would be far more preferable. [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional questions? [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Thank you all for the input and your time this evening. I believe I'm being dragged to an Astra meet right after this meeting, soooo I'll be leaving it up to my helpful and awesome staff to arrange a raid for the evening. Or multiple raids. Multiple raids sound good. [19:04] Ethan Schuman: (That meet is tomorrow) [19:05] Ethan Schuman: (Exercises are tonight) [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Well okay then. [19:05] Ron Bleac raises hand. [19:05] Ethan Schuman: (....which I forgot to send the notice for. FFFFFF) [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Bleac? [19:05] Ron Bleac: May I make a statement, sir? [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Of course. [19:06] Ron Bleac shouts: Rumors of my death on the battlefield are untrue. Whilst I have been bumped around a bit by personal issues and other things, in virtual reality and reality, I'm still here. [19:06] Ron Bleac shouts: After running through a minefield to clear my head, that is. [19:06] Ron Bleac shouts: That is all. [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: That said. Promotions will be up tomorrow morning. Let's break and get some raids out. Huzzah and stuff. [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed. [19:07] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.
  2. I'll miss having you around Hess. *hugs* Visit Often!
  3. 43. Corsi Likes throwing peanuts at people to see what they do. 44. Only one person so far has not just let it bounce off their head. 45. Cheese is AWESOME. 46. Lonewolfers that kill one guy once out of 18734903489843 runs at the Ordo think they are doing AWESOME and will IM you about how they 'owned' you even though you shot them several thousand times. 46a. Lonewolfers that do very well and kill people on defense either say nothing or tell you it was a good battle. 47. Every military claims victory even if you complete their objectives every time. 48. TAC is dying. 49. We are going to need more room on this thread and Corsi thinks that we should go on past 100 because this shit can get EPIC yo.
  4. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold | E-8; Praepositus | Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 04 December 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: Main weekly meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Hi everyone. Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics: Members: 315 Cadets: 6 Applications New: 11 Accepted: 3 Denied: 8 Review: 0 Combat Defensive: 98 Offensive: 12 Allied Assist: 0 Diplomatic Report [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic events this week: no major changes. Steady as she goes, cap'n. Erebus attacks seem to be tapering. Divisional Reports [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:03] Ethan Schuman raises his hand. [18:03] SoulBinder Wolfstein raises his hand for Terra. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Schuman. Astra [18:03] Ethan Schuman: From Astra staff: I'll keep this part really short. For the immediate future, officers will be paying more attention to specific details regarding activity so that we can better plan exercises and excursions. In addition to this, it is my goal to increase frequencey and regularity of Astra activity. One of these tools will be a sort of calendar system. More details will be announced on the forum within the next 24 hours. [18:03] Ethan Schuman: From Aquila this week: We've had two members take a break from full activity. Dascede is decreasing her amount of time, so her training course building... stuff, will be reassigned. On that note, while we have some training courses that we're working on, if any of you have what you think might be a cool idea for Astra training, let Trinity know. Lunus is also inactive for a week or so, but it's okay to hate him, because he's off in the Dominican Republic having a grand old time at a wedding while we sit here and suffer. Activity wise, the rest of Aquila's members have seen a lot of defensive action, as well as some training and a few offensives. [18:03] Ethan Schuman: From Reapers this week: Josey and Dis are settling in and getting used to their positions. Josey has attempted the first of his trainings, though turnout was less than ideal. Josey intends to hold a meeting on Wednesday for all Reapers flight members to rally activity. Attendance is strongly encouraged. Future training exercises will also be announced further in advance in order to give people more time to make arrangements. [18:04] Ethan Schuman: Personal note, I will be in general conferences with a few of you for brainstorming ideas. [18:04] Ethan Schuman: (Few of you being Astra pilots) That's all from us this week. [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: As a side note: kudos to Astra for routinely holding weekly wrap up meets, as I ordered. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Wolfstein? Terra [18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein: I'll go through unit reports as per the usual. [18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein: From Teron for Antesignani: Quick and short again this week. Antesignani has kept our presence holding the line at home and supporting our bretheren abroad as always. To our newer faces who are starting to gain a bit of experience, if you have interest in A-II be sure to let us know you are. [18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein: From Krow for Insidiae: Activity in the squad is through the roof! The new training course Winterz has been working on is nearly done just needs to be scripted and a few touch ups then will be ready to be tested. Got a new memeber Sazuka Yatsenko! Still looking for more potential members (We be watching you o.o). Planning to start up a squad training schedule. The new Sapper Hud and Carbine are almost complete. All in all an awesome week and can only get better from here [18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein: From Eriksson for Invictus: Active week for everyone in Invictus. One new inductee into Invictus: Tsukiyomi Yuhara, please give him a warm welcome when you have a chance! He was chosen for his combat prowess, good sportsmanship, and exemplary character in and outside of combat. Members of Invictus have been busy participating on many raids, with more planned to happen over the next week. As a quick final notice: Three slots remaining in the Invictus roster, if you're interested feel more than free to inquire with Eriksson Foxtrot! [18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein: From Typhon for Cohors B: Slow week this week, as we're hopping off of holidays. I'll be sending off another group of inactives to Firefox to be sent to the treturous Cohors C where they will be TORTURED FOR THEIR HERESY! (not really). As we're off the holidays, I'll be expecting to see more activity within the Centuries as the weeks progress! [18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein: This concludes the various reports from Terra this week. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports for this week? [18:07] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold? Tactica [18:07] Corsi Mousehold shouts: For Tactica: Lots of new militaries this week, four of them. 44th Armoured, Chaos Company, Conflict and Ironostics, a range of targets from NCO to Officer level. We also now have thanks to Kyra Vixens hard work, brief rule sets in all the folders for those speedy raid briefings. Other than that, we still have two slots, one of which we need an experienced Astra pilot for. So if you are interested, pop Huttser Ishelwood or Corsi Mousehold an IM. Not a lot else really, a few changes to target classifications but nothing out of the ordinary. [18:07] Corsi Mousehold shouts: As a note, we are getting informed from multiple officers that people in the Ordo are heading over to militaries on the grid looking for information and pretty much acting like Tactica Personnel. Please be careful with this. If you are not a member of Tactica and you are nosing around other militaries bases, that can be considered Lone Wolfing depending on what you are doing. I know that coming back to Tactica command with shiny new information can make someone feel proud and accomplished. And in a way we are thankful for the help. But always be mindful of your actions. Come to Tactica command first, we'll probably bring you along for first contact with that military. [18:08] Corsi Mousehold shouts: That's all for Tactica. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports? [18:09] Mercury: Declaring new OIC for Titan: Centurion Ethan Schuman. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Moving right along, then. Several topics to hit on this week! Keynote Topics [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: > Rank name revisions: [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Some many months in the past, the topic was proposed in regards to how the Ordo should proceed with its theme. Overwhelmingly, the support was for maintaining a “Roman” appeal. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: This has been evident in our naming of armory additions, units, design, so on and so forth. However, there remains an area in which the “Roman” theme sort of creates some oddity. Notably, our rank set up. [18:12] Mercury: Lost contact: Maverick Garfield [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Historically, Roman military rank was based on political elements as well as veterancy. Our ranks are pretty much a mish-mash of real rank and pay scale equivalency of ranks—sesquiplicarius, for example, is a determination of how a legionnaire would be paid based upon their time in service. It is not rank, per say. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: With that in mind, I venture into the realm of a giant can of worms with proposing it be considered that the names be modified to be more . . . functional (see: less ridiculous). A poll is up on the forums to determine whether or not this is a venture that the group is interested in. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: It will be a “vote only” poll—only to show support or lack of support for the exploration of new rank names. As such, please do not debate or offer suggestions for names, et cetera. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: The poll will be open for twenty-four hours, so be sure to head on over and submit your vote before it closes. Dependent upon the outcome, a set of names will be drafted up for consideration. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: I'll hold a minute to let the wave of folks logging into the forums rejoin us. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. Haha. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: >Daily goal implementation: [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: As covered last week, the Ordo Imperialis will now be going forward with the adopting of a “daily goal” system. The purpose of this is to provide members and the group itself a day to day set of achievements to strive for—achievements that focus on our primary function of combat, training, and representation abroad. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: The daily goal will be monitored and maintained by all senior staffing—NCO and officer alike. The hope is to ensure we not only perform at our capacity, but to increase overall opportunity to participate. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: We will strive, daily, to achieve: three deployments (one of which could be New Jessie), one all membership inclusive training (Schola / Armatura do not count), and one additional feat . . . that has not yet been determined. Hah! Probably like chase Mark with batons or something. [18:22] Top Room Sensor v1.02: Cheepa Foxclaw no longer detected in range of Top Room Sensor 1. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: In the near future, additional perks will come with the completion of daily goals throughout the course of a week. For example (this is theory at the moment), we could do a graded set up, in which . . . say, if the group completes the daily goals 7 out of 7 days, all active members received X amount of additional bonus QP. Whereas if the group completes the daily goals 5 out of 7 days, all active members would receive less or no additional bonus QP. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Technology wise, it is very doable: Mercury already determines member activity levels based upon presence, whereas my administrative support tracks raid participation. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: In the meantime, however, we will focus on simply rolling out and working on the kinks that arise by attempting a (in essence) 50% increase in raid activity. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Tracking methods and start of the goals will be presented Monday. Unless I spend all day sleeping. Which I probably will. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Questions thus far? [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Right-o! [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: > Going digital: [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Over the next couple of weeks, the Ordo Imperialis handbook will be transferred to a completely “digital” state. In other words, the handbook will no longer be a note card format item. It will likely be placed in a public section of the forums—allowing for linking to non-members. This will allow updates to be disseminated immediately, and, for the handbook to be far more malleable beyond SL format limitations. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: It is the intent of the administration to see major training materials eventually make this same transition. For example, Schola instructor notes and class materials will someday be all “digital,” further increasing the ease in which up-to-date material is accessible. I am confident that by moving everything onto this platform, we will be limiting potential for error and ending the need to constantly attempt notecard distribution. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: > Requisition plans. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: It will no doubt open a frenzy of “ooo, I want X,” however by Monday a comprehensive list of requisition plans will be published on the forums for everyone’s viewing pleasure. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Over the next several months, I am going to attempt to split my attention a bit more to put weight into armory updates and additions. It’s become a bit of a sour topic anytime I see the old Adjudicator or any of our other old (but goodie) tech pieces. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: As a shameless utilitarianist, “universal” stuff really appeals to me. You can see that in our armor. Modular just tickles my fancy. As such, I am going to strive to influence “family” releases: for example, our new tank will by modular with turret replacements to fulfill all of the vehicle requirements (spare an APC). This will carry over into future small arm release, field weapons, so on and so forth. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: It would tickle me greatly to eventually have a fully identifiable but connected armory, rather than mish-mashing together semi-science fiction and realistic weaponry. To be fair, some of my desires for the group will be pretty farfetched and take time to achieve (helicopter gunships, et cetera). However, the farfetched goals tend to be the one’s worth fighting for. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: > The fallacy of having “no chance.” [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: And lastly from me this evening, I wish to end on a note about Ordo career building. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: For all the years I have been hobbling around on the internet, leadin’ some of the coolest folks around, I can’t help but continue bumping into the same problem: losing folks or watching folks become disheartened over the “no chance” belief. [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Let me put it into perspective. I’ve heard this line a few dozen times. “I’m going to be/ I want to be a Praetorian.” Or “I want to be an officer.” [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: That’s all well and good. It’s awesome to set your sights so high. All the more power to anyone who wishes to shoot for the stars: but be ready for the climb. It has been the case, more than once, that an individual has reached for that goal . . . only to fizzle out a month later and run off to X military. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Honestly, the difficulty to achieve such positions only increases their value and worth. They are difficult to be sure, but everyone here has equal chance and equal opportunity to achieve them. No one in this room (or reading this log) as “no chance” to achieve any station (except my job, go away) within the Ordo. I can tell you there are officers and Guard now who felt they had “no chance,” and yet, there they are. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Everyone has the ability to influence their rise or decline. It really rests upon your ability to put the work forth and keep to the task. Let no one or nothing tell you that you have “no chance.” The only person who can really tell you that is yourself. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:46] Steeltael Prevost raises paw [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Steeltael .. Prevost-Lyink? [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: LYKIN [18:46] Tsukiyomi Yuhara shouts: Raises hand with a comment, not a question. [18:46] Steeltael Prevost: Will you be announcing the next scheduled interviewee's? [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Uhhh, I have to figure out how to get out of the IS meeting first. [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: It's scheduled at 2:00, th e same time as our officer meet. [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Yoohar-a? [18:49] Tsukiyomi Yuhara shouts: I just wanted to say to everyone that your issues cannot be addressed if you don't speak about them. Recently when issues arose for me that lowered my morale to the point I may have quit. I spoke to Aryte and he cleared up alot of issues I was having that ended up me just not seeing the whole picture. If you don't know who to talk to, or when, the Officer staff is full of great people willing to help anyone and everyone in the Ordo. Just felt like sharing that ;x [18:57] Tsume Xiao: What should I name this? I was thinking M252 But it's not a 100% match. What should we do? [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: .. let's talk about that not during meeting. Haha. [18:57] Tsume Xiao: You asked if we had anymore questions [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Goof. [18:57] Tsume Xiao: :D [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: All right. Thank you all for a good meeting. Promotions will be up tomorrow. I have like, five billion PRFs. >:[ Raid will be handled after meeting. That aside, dismissed and have a nice night. [18:58] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.
  5. Okay so I went and did it. I think I was the only one but in the end I look psychotic enough that ... it warrants uploading. Before Shave. After Shave.
  6. [06:24] Mercury: New contact: Aryte Vesperia [06:24] Radio: (Kino Tchailenov) Hallo [06:24] Radio: (Ascen Dover) hi [06:24] Radio: (Kino Tchailenov) Hey [06:25] Mercury: New contact: Otacon Skinstad [06:25] Mercury: Kino Tchailenov has been declared Temp-Neutral by Liam Macalroy. [06:26] (COM): Liam Macalroy: Aryte! Sir! [06:26] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: I've been spotted! [06:26] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Escape protocol activated. [06:26] (COM): Liam Macalroy: but not from my friends list :< [06:26] Mercury: Lost contact: Aryte Vesperia
  7. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Dascede Aluveaux | E-5; Vexillarius | Astra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 06 November 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: Main weekly meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: Weekly Outlook; Black November; "Culling the Herd," Future Developments. ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [17:59] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics: Members: 311 (Ten inactive purges from last week.) Cadets: 5 Applications New: 11 Accepted: 1 Denied: 9 Review: 1 Combat Defensive: 77 Offensive: 10 Allied Assist: 1 [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic report this week: per my quasi-vacation, there is some sense of .. detachedness. However, from what I can see, it appears to be another status quo week. One notable occurance: it appears VAC/FE (or whatever Leia Mercy is calling it now) is attempting to re-establish itself. Although regrettable that such did cost us one of our new folks, it is always nice to see group growth. Crossin' my fingers that the group remains afloat! Divisional Reports [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:02] Ethan Schuman raises his hand. [18:03] FireFox Breed rises his clawed paw for Terra. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman, for Astra. Astra [18:03] Ethan Schuman: Alright, Astra this week: -First off, the Predator has gone gold and is in Aryte's hands, just waiting for placement into a locker. It's at version 1.2, and now has its own configurable weapon systems that are keyed into the Predator's operation, so you don't need to worry about attaching and detaching and all that jazz. Be sure to grab the update as soon as possible. While the system is currently guns only, additional secondary weapons are likely to follow. -Brief summary of R&D: Nikki is busy with the sim. Disembodied is getting ready to take a crack at our assault shuttle project. Wulf continues to work on a new model for the Predator. We also have a new Thanatos cluster bomb that Tsume and I will be working on a little more before hurling it at Anly. [18:04] Ethan Schuman: -Palaestra is busy busy. We got a rather large group of incoming Astra, so Trinity and Nrom are doing their thing to get those new pilots trained. Because the Praeda is now no longer in service of any sort, training documentation is being re-written geared toward the Predator. A new obstacle course is being worked on as well, and (I think) we have a rough model of it made. -ALSO! There is a new Predator rezzer on top of the Astra maze. It will respond to the main Ordo group tag, Astra, and Schola. If you want to give it a whirl, feel free. Maximum power is disabled, and the planes will only stay live for 20 minutes (though you can always rez another). The trainer does not have weapons functionality, and the standard Predator weapons system will not respond to it. [18:04] Ethan Schuman: (IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PILOTS HERE) -Activity levels are always of concern. After speaking with Jim Herbst, Astra will be engaging AN Fleet (Their AD merged into their Fleet) pilots more often. Contrary to standard "organized exercises," these gatherings will be much more combat oriented and warlike, with less overhead. Details of exact deployments and what not will be kept quiet and handled between officers of each group to keep pilots on their toes. Don't be surprised if you're in the skies running a training exercises and suddenly there are Arrowheads ripping into you. Stay alert, and stay vigilant, because you never know when or where they'll show up. -Activity levels in our flights continue to fluctuate. First life tends to throw things into a person's way, so it's only natural that some of our pilots aren't around as much as they'd like to be. However, both Aquilla and Reapers now have two more total members on their rosters. [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Yay! [18:05] Ethan Schuman: That's all for Astra this week. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Breed? Terra [18:06] FireFox Breed shouts: Antesignani: Fairly quiet, though Antesignani was quite active in defensive and offensive actions this week. Otherwise, nothing major to report. [18:06] FireFox Breed shouts: Insidiae: Recent event's for Insidiea have left a big dent in squad morale. However steps are being taken to avoid any long term issues. On a brighter note, some members of Insidiea are moving with a few ideas to help bump up squad activity and remake insidiea into the bad ass squad of Ninja that it should be. With this I would like to announce (in Zunit's honor) the position of Orientation NCO granted to Winterz Silverfall. /claps, that is all for Insidiea this week. [18:06] FireFox Breed shouts: Invictus: Slight drop in overall activity this week, however not a huge issue, all planned activity drops. Planning a few all-around trainings, and perhaps get a few raids on the go as well. As mentioned: We did hold a meeting not too long ago, so please keep an eye out in the group notices for a few 'beta' schedules! In other news: Four slots open and I plan on getting two of them filled this upcoming week. If at all interested in the squad, or if you have questions, feel more than free to let Eriksson Foxtrot know! [18:07] FireFox Breed shouts: From Typhon for Cohors B: Activity appears to be on a upswing a bit this week, for Cohors B, with not to many being requested to be moved to Cohors C. thatguy lacks a computer this eweek so Desereck is filling in for him at the moment. Things however are expected to slow down a tad wth activity as the holidays draw near. As it's expected membes of Ordo spend time withtehre RL familes. [18:08] FireFox Breed: For all Terra command members. Please look in the the Terra froums for the Command meeting time and topics. Also Arma training is back online so please even if you have done the old 1.0 training do the 2.0. Make it looks better for you when I do command pickings because i look at things like that. [18:08] Dante682184 Bellic: Im so sorry, excuse still changing....traffic was horrible. [18:08] FireFox Breed shouts: And that sums up Terra [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: No worries, Dante. Welcome. And thank you, Mr. Breed. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? [18:09] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold, go right ahead. Tactica [18:09] Corsi Mousehold shouts: For Tactica: We have an official record for the shortest flash in the pan military in Tactica History. Unit Himitsu has closed thier doors before they could even open. SLAD has reopened their doors much to everyone's daytime raid pleasure. They were down for so long and the base itself looks almost exactly like the one in Forgotten Worlds. AUL is gone as well with most of their members joining CATI. They officially have no excuse not to get a full sim since ... BSM actually went and bought their own sim. And the most fun of all is, thanks to Steeltael, we have a new Open Combat sim to go and dork around at. Sim name is Laiva and Tactica recently hel[ped get their teleport system set up. Folder is up on the Tactica board with open combat sim text in Dark Blue. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports? Keynote Topics [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Moving right along. Topics to cover this evening . . let's see here. Somehow I have managed to be pretty productive, while on vacation. Shame on me [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: I. Diplomacy Core. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: The first area I wish to cover this evening is the pending creation of the "Diplomacy Core." For some time now, the Ordo has used officers as de facto diplomats-- loosely fulfilling the necessity for IS militaries to have Iron Symphony delegates. At the suggestion of a few helpful folks and with the outline provided by Josey Bingyi, I have developed a unit shell to perform the function. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: As the foreword states: The Ordo Imperialis Iron Symphony Delegation: Diplomacy Core serves as an extension of the Ordo Imperialis - Office of the Imperator. Diplomacy Core members are liaisons, operating as formal correspondents-- projecting the Ordo's intent for cooperation abroad, while collecting concern and information from foreign sources. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: In a nutshell, delegates of the Diplomacy Core are responsible for acting as liaisons to foreign sources. Per assignment, delegates must maintain at least a bi-weekly communication with their assigned groups. Furthermore, it must be understood that the Diplomacy Core must remain entirely objective in their questions. At no time should a delegate express opinion on a scenario or complaint, nor should a delegate ever promise action or lack of action. Delegates may only deliver messages and enact change as ordered by the Imperator. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Staffing wise -- more than likely, we will keep it a relatively small, close knit operation. Oversight will be provided by an officer or senior NCO, with orders transmitted through my office specifically. Application to the delegate team will be handled in the near future. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: II. Minimum Promotion Requirements. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: The expansion / revision to the minimum requirement system has been completed and rolled out on the system. To access it, log in to and select the "promotion menu" at the top left hand corner. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Notably, there is additional reading and coverage up to O-1. A few things that need to be highlighted: [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Foremost: as always, completion of minimum requirements creates eligibility for promotion, not guarantee for promotion. Eligibility shows us you wish to elevate, not automatically elevate. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Secondly: if you've already surpassed the ranks -- for example, if you're an E-3 and the E-2 requirements change, you do not need to retake anything. Same applies if you're an E-3 and you've already taken the E-4 exam. You do not have to do the additional requirements for E-4, you are grandfathered in. If you're an E-3 and you've done the material for E-4 and E-5 . . you do need to do the extra material for E-5, but not for E-4. Make sense? [18:21] Wulf Lykin shakes his head cunfused [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Let me try to clarify. [18:21] Kishoshima Dragonash shouts: one only needs to worry about ranks above them Sir and not below, is that what you're saying? [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Williamca is a fictional E-3. He has completed the E-2 and E-3 exams. He does not need to go back and redo anything-- there is no penalty, he is grandfathered. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: If fictional E-3 Williamca has also completed his E-4 exam already, he doesn't need to redo that . . since it'd be kinda mean to say "thanks for the hard work, now here's some extra." [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: However, there's a limit to the mercy. If Williamca worked ahead and completed his E-4 and E-5 exam materials, his E-5 exam materials are not grandfathered in. He will have to do the extra materials for E-5. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Does it make sense now? [18:24] Wulf Lykin: can i ask a question about the last part? [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Yes. [18:25] Dante682184 Bellic: yes.. [18:25] Wulf Lykin: i am an E-4 now and did the E-5 tests and the letter, i passed it. so i have not to do anthing with that now? so thats done? [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Correct. [18:25] Wulf Lykin: alright, just wanted to be sure [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: :] No problem. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Now, lastly: have fun with it. There's a lot of good stuff in there to read! Remember to encourage your comrades and unit members to give them a try if they're interested in rank elevation. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: III. Week o' misery and doom. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Next week . . likely starting Tuesday, I will be focusing on finishing up the raid course. That means I'll be taking folks out on missions and letting them get their feet wet. Please pester me if you're part of the raid course and need any portion of it. I'd like to have 90% of you completed by the end of next week. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: That way I can start the process over again. ;_; [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: IV. Major development topics. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: In the development world . . well, movement on all fronts. Building a lot of momentum as we move into the winter months! Pretty exciting from my perspective. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: The big one: region construction. Lookin' good, advancement being made and buildings starting to be fleshed out. Nikki and Niiya are really hitting things home now, after overcoming some obstacles away from base. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Concepts have been submitted to Disembodied Hand for the next major projects: new MBT, drop/assault ship, and power armor. He is planning to have his TI project done by Monday--- sooo keep your eyes out for something pretty fun from Titan. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: V. Policy Clean-Up -- Policy Omnibus? [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: When time allows, the "Policy" section of the forums is going to be shifted around to create a sort of category system-- all of the alike policies will be grouped into headers. Eventually, I aim to sort of create a "policy omnibus," so folks can quickly pull up a category of topics easily and determine standard policy quickly. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: This goes hand in hand with our current handbook. The regulation section is likely to undergo some revision. I want to better differentiate between regulation and policy. Potentially by using the handbooks regulations as a sort of "constitution" for the Ordo, shaping it into a clearer cut, wide reaching set of rules, with policy falling underneath it as capitulatory. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: VI. Combat weaponry tiers. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: As part of the aforementioned . . some clarity is to be shed upon the seperation of heavy, medium, and light weaponry. A classification system is in the works, per the efforts of Zerowinged Vasiliev. We will be implementing it in order to better make Titan a friendly combat enviroment for enemies, while creating clarity for all members on levels of weaponry permitted during a situation. For example . . [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: • Light Weapons: Use in normal situations. - Pistols (Regular Capacity, Semi-Auto Sidearms) - Rifles (Regular Capacity, Auto or Semi) - SMGs (Regular Capacity, Auto or Semi) - Grenades [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: • Medium Weapons: Authorized by OIC/NCOIC - Automatic Shotguns - LMGs So on and so forth! [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:38] Dante682184 Bellic raises his hand [18:38] Vix Venera raises a paw [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: I thought of you specifically. Likely light. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Dante? [18:39] Dante682184 Bellic: For the Shotgun in medium weapons, The Striker wouldnt be apart of that group would it? [18:39] Dante682184 Bellic: Since its Semi auto. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Correcto. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Vix? [18:39] Dante682184 Bellic: Thank you sir. [18:39] Vix Venera: would aircraft fall somewhere in there? [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Mm, nope! Different classification. [18:40] Vix Venera: kk [18:40] Williamca Zenovka raises hand [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Tsume? [18:41] Tsume Xiao: Will reload times be factored in? Because a 30 round rifle that reloads in like .5 seconds (while not allowed regardless, but for the point of this example.. pretend) would be a tier up because its time per capacity? [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: That would overcomplicate things. [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Especially as this applies to clearance on the line for our side. [18:42] Lanny Ansar Raises hand. [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Williamca? [18:42] Tsume Xiao: I mean things like the M4A1 AXE [18:42] Williamca Zenovka: Weapons such as the AA-12 that has a semi auto mode and auto mode, could you use the semi auto mode to make it light for usage? [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: . . hm, in theory, yes. But we tend to classify weapons on their extent of use. [18:44] Lanny Ansar double-handraises. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Lanny? [18:45] Lanny Ansar shouts: What about underbarrel equipment on rifles? like an M203 or an Underbarrel shotgun? do they still classify under Lights? or does the rifle itself get reclassed? [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Light, aye. Unless the underbarrel was like. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Firing mininukes. [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Huttser? [18:46] Huttser Ishelwood: Is Alpha squad gear, for example Antesigani's Negev subject to the same regulations? [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Yessir. [18:48] Fox Cheri raises a hand [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Fox? [18:49] Fox Cheri shouts: This might seem a bit off context, but because it wasn't shouted, I, and others didn't hear what was asked. Can I ask what, roughly, was questioned? [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: [18:46] Huttser Ishelwood: Is Alpha squad gear, for example Antesigani's Negev subject to the same regulations? [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: The answer was yes. [18:49] Fox Cheri shouts: Thank You Sir [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Very welcome. [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: All righty then! Meeting Closer [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions and such are done. I simply need to add them to the server. They'll be out this evening. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: I'll leave raid leadership up to the ever growing pool of folks fighting to crusade, haha. I'll be around. I'll probably sneak off to put stuff on the server without distraction. [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, see you all later tonight or tomorrow. [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Good meeting. T hank you for your time! [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed.
  8. I still want ... My M79 with all the different rounds that could go into it. Would be badass.
  9. Hell with it. I'm in too. But also I shaved before Oklacon so ... I have a few days head start
  10. [09:11] Rotating light: Hostile detected INSIDE the Outpost-> Nohime Runner @ <90.38123, 125.82670, 86.91946> [09:12] Nohime Runner: my mind knows I am not Ordo anymore however, I keep wanting to do what Mercury tells me.......;_;
  11. HI TUQIRI!!!! Glad you're here hon.
  12. [08:14] Corsi Mousehold: Hi there [08:14] Saif Mode: hey! [08:14] Corsi Mousehold: I am the currentl defense command. [08:14] Saif Mode: i have no idea what that means [08:14] Corsi Mousehold: Welcome to Titan. [08:14] Saif Mode: well, thanks [08:15] Corsi Mousehold: This is a combat sim. So you can get killed here. :D [08:15] Saif Mode: whattttt? [08:15] Saif Mode: i thought it's for masturbation! [08:15] Corsi Mousehold: :| [08:15] Saif Mode: i think I got the wrong sim :(( [08:16] Corsi Mousehold: I think so too.
  13. Hey there SirCorn. If I must say it's jolly good to have you in the team. Let me know if you have any questions during your training.
  14. My God. You better not leave for long. Justice you are one of the first people in the Ordo that I had met. And you have left a lasting impression on me. Have a good retirement. :)
  15. [11:33] Numinous Foxdale: if there name is here, you add them [11:33] Numinous Foxdale: they were part of the defense force. [11:33] Wulf Lykin: but not everyone shat at the hostile [11:33] Wulf Lykin: shot* [11:33] Andriste Nesiote: >-> [11:33] Corsi Mousehold: Quoted...
  16. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold / E-8 / Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 21AUG10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: Weekly meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: Armor Update, Hammerdown Success, Minimum Requirement Recap. Labor Day ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:03] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Weekly statistics: Members: 308 Cadets: 1 Applications New: 16 Accepted: 2 (lol) Denied: 10 Review: 4 Combat Defensive: 73 Offensive: 11 Allied Assist: 1 Diplomatic Report [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic occurrences: some unfortunate events with Cthonic Syndicate occurred early on this week. During an assault, five of our members were banned from the region for rather, uh, flavorful reasons. The first two were banned for “sithacking,” after being dropped off by a dropship. The next three (conveniently all of our pilots) were banned for “shooting the core with planes.” However, no one on the CS team seemed to note the CS plane piloted by Chris Poitier lodged in the roof of the core room, which all of the Astra pilots had been chasing. Chris, of course, didn’t care to speak up about it until after Ordo withdrew. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, a great inter-IS combat event went down yesterday with VAC. Ordo and VAC forces sparred off in the new VAC region for training purposes (a mock raid), resulting in a hard fought Ordo victory. It provided VAC valuable balance feedback for their region. All in all, it was a fun and great interaction. Tomorrow, the bi-weekly IS meeting will be occurring. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you Huttser for organizing and leading the team against VAC. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports? Divisional Reports [18:06] Typhon Perun raises a hand for Cohors B. [18:06] WolfShaman Warrior raises his hand. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Warrior, for Astra. Astra [18:07] WolfShaman Warrior shouts: Short one this week. New Standard weapon for Astra: Astra is Happy Mr Normandy has been Single Handedly turning out new pilots left and rigth from Flight school. Major Kudos. to him. Dogfighting and Thanatos training has also been held. Special thanks to those who participated and hosted the events. New Thanatos weapon system is making progress. Final specs to be submitted soon. Sculpt is done, but we do not have anyone to texture it at this point. - We're also working with the Mercz in the realm of Aircraft Development for both groups. Combat: We've been having fun w/ CS; CS having fun Banning the pilots. I'm working with Genostrike (Their new Air Commander) to keep things civil. Most notable Change would be the consolidation of Flights down from 3 to 2 active units. We hope to eventually increase our numbers and be able to open the 3rd flight back up again. We're in the process of Implimenting measures to increase recruitment and Exposure of Astra. [18:07] WolfShaman Warrior shouts: This has Been another episode of 'This Week in Astra!' Terra [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Let's go down the line. Cohors A? [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors A, Century 1. Unit lead present? [18:08] Eriksson Foxtrot has the report if Zanndor is not present. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Go ahead. [18:09] Eriksson Foxtrot: From Zanndor for Invictus: "Very High activity. Pretty fast going week. Had a couple raid on CS where one night we beat the shit out of them, and the following raid we did well. Definatly not our 100% though, expect to see more training this week, we will be using our drop pods to get use to H7 and falling damage, so no more "LOL MACH 8 INTO THE GROUND." Our armor mods were released this week, which looks fantastic, great job Mr. Hand." [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors A, Century 2? [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Representative present? [18:10] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand [18:10] Teron Gray: I've been offline and don't have a copy. Nudging my XO. >.> [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold. [18:10] Corsi Mousehold: For those that have not noticed, Ante has our armor modifications. and we would like to thank Disembodied for all the hard work he put into them. Thank you. Training was held earlier in the week as well as a raid. Good work and good show on everyone's parts this week. Two trainings and one raid since the last report plus members of ante appearing on almost every offense maneuver this week. Still three short of our full roster but ... Good show. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors A, Century 3? [18:11] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: By executive decision, the squad will be undergoing a number of internal structuring and doctrine changes in a more proactive attempt at fostering increased activity and unit cohesion. These changes will be implemented over the following week. In addition, our armor mod will be released tomorrow. The squad also inducted its newest members this week, ATR Vasser and Alex Velinov. The squad currently has four open slots and is actively recruiting. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors B? [18:11] Typhon Perun: ERIKSSON, for B-1 : Active week overall, only a few people dropping in activity of which I'll poke sometime next week, Kastrenzo Benelli moved out of the squad to the [A-1] Invictus squad, congratulations on him for doing so! On another note: Hopefully get a squad training in on Wednesday, September 8th with a small meeting. Going to make sure everyone gets heard with the new open door policy, and get any questions/comments/or concerns about the squad or Ordo as a whole answered! As for myself: Pretty much completely settled in! Got some individual questions answered through IMs, and small updates like the change of command in place. Remember to knock on my door if you want a PRF or anything! I'm always open to get them done! [18:11] Typhon Perun: STEELTAEL, for B-2: After a little over a week availability surveys are slowly trickling in. All the most active members returned theirs to me. I have included a Training Schedule notecard. And a notice that I will do my best to accomodate people. I will Send this Schedule to members after the Satuday meeting. most of my members are Graveyard, or "Swing" shift types. Accomodating everyone means holding multiple meetings and trainings. 2 combat a week and 2 meetings a week [18:12] Typhon Perun: ARC, for B-3: No report handed in, Cohors B command has been informed. [18:12] Typhon Perun: That ends the Cohors B reports. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports this evening? [18:12] Kyra Vixen raises her paw. Tactica [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Vixen? [18:13] Kyra Vixen shouts: From Corsi for Tactica: "Still going strong. Reports are being worked on and playing a bit of catch up with tons of bases opening up over the past couple of weeks. Phoenix Embers has reopened. Worlds Aetheists Warriors has started combat again with us. Ninth Legion, Regius Inquisition have reopened as well. Holding off on anyone starting the RI reports until they have the node system where they are sure they want it. So coming down from litterally half the grid down for rebuild we have marked only four total left in build/rebuild status. One of them has reported to be opening very soon. Then there is Kampfzone which seems to be in a state of rebuild more than a five year olds Lego's set." This concludes the report for Tactica. Civilians [18:13] Crash Silverfall raises hand (civilians) [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Hah. Silverfall? [18:14] Crash Silverfall: Civilian group has been picking up, Good to see active overseers, just want to inform. let me know of vouch and name please, only will give 2 warnings. CDF should be alive soon (waiting for application to set up) [18:14] Crash Silverfall: Thats all [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. I'll prod Firefox about it. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Very gooood. Moving on. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: I've reached like, my "exhaustion threshold" for the week, so you'll have to pardon me if this meeting is loopy. And if I ramble. A lot. Keynote Topics [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: I've reached like, my "exhaustion threshold" for the week, so you'll have to pardon me if this meeting is loopy. And if I ramble. A lot. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: After the meeting I will probably be passing out. Or sitting off in a corner babbling inanely to myself. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: However, I will see to it that a raid is held! [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: > Armor Update -- Disembodied Orders in the Future. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned during last week’s meeting, Disembodied has been working pretty hard on the modifications for the units. As of now, he is done with Invictus and Antesignani. Insidiae is nearly done. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Well now. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Testing .. [18:21] BurrWolf Qin: Hear you sir [18:21] Disembodied Hand: loud n clear [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Hokay! . . [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: After all of the armor variants are complete, the UCA project will be coming to a close. It is likely that as a follow up, an additional digitgrade set (enclosed foot) leggings will be included, in addition to a new general issue headset (just a helmet, rather than masked). [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Going forward, after the armor, Disembodied will be undertaking large scale projects. Currently, we are looking at one of the following: a mech/powerarmor, an assault dropship, or a light cruiser/fleet vessel (for Astra). [18:22] Maza Rau: WRRRYYYY [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, progress on all of the armory additions is going well. Looking to get the new packs out here within the next couple of days. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: > Hammerdown Success [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Thus far, Hammerdown has served to be fairly successful. Operations have been routine throughout the week. I've seen a good spike in Astra activity and a lot of participation from pilots. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: We have fulfilled all of our mission parameters already: joint, solo, and IS support raids by Astra. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: In every interaction, we've faired rather well-- notably, on every IS support deployment, Astra played a major role in securing victory. Most recently, we flew close air support for Mercz as they popped the CS core. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you who've ever considered a flight career: I'd implore you to give it a shot. Astra's structure is solidifying after a rocky period. Now it's ready to expand-- I'd love to pick up five additional pilots within the next couple of weeks. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Piloting is difficult at times, but, it's also highly rewarding. There are few things as fun as gunning down someone at 250m/s. [18:27] Disembodied Hand coughs orconscriptpilotsbuh. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Other than bombing infantry at 250m/2. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: M/s, rather. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: If you're curious about transfer or transfering to even give it a try, feel free to nudge me after the meeting. [18:28] Nrom Normandy raises his hand. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Normandy. [18:28] Nrom Normandy: Sir, if I may add, I'm also available as well. Everyone owes it a shot at least to experience. If anything it gives you greater respect for the role that Astra pilots take in our defense and offense endeavors. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Definitely. Even if you're just curious about "well.. can I fly?" we can temporarily set you up to give it a whirl. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: And yes. If you become a member of the Astra elite, you do get a glittery reinstone flightsuit. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Not really. But. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: > Labor Day [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Simple topic. Typically I don't give anyone the choice. But, quick vote . . who would like to treat it as a day off and who would like to just keep it as a normal day? Just say "Day off" or "normal day." Day off would entitle an administrative active, but combat lazy day. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: You have two minutes! [18:32] Exterminatus Footman: Day off. [18:32] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Normal day. [18:32] Acheron Gloom: noormal day [18:32] Maverick Garfield: Day off [18:32] Steeltael Lykin: normal day [18:32] Jake Stoanes: Special raid day! [18:32] Ratrix Hax: Day off [18:32] DarkHades Demonia: normal day [18:32] Williamca Zenovka: Day off [18:32] Kyra Vixen: Normal day. [18:32] Eriksson Foxtrot: Day off. [18:32] Typhon Perun: normal day [18:32] Seb Yakan: Normal. [18:32] Wesley Paine: Day off [18:32] Corsi Mousehold: Normal Day [18:32] Arokh Takakura: Normal day. [18:32] Maza Rau: Normal day. [18:32] Kithsuneca Eilde: normal day. [18:32] Afevis Sodertelge: ORDO ON ORDO COMBAT. [18:32] Steeltael Lykin: normal day, with destroy your face raids against someone [18:32] BurrWolf Qin: normal day [18:32] Huttser Ishelwood: Normal day [18:32] Xayvien Rau: Garbage day. [18:32] Zayth Iuga: Day off [18:32] Liam Macalroy: day off :o [18:32] Lyle Watanabe: Normal Day [18:32] femme Lisa: day off [18:32] Arokh Takakura: Bumper-cars. [18:32] Nikki4 Aquitaine: Normaldaywithsuperaryteraid [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: (You have two options, not six.) [18:33] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Day off [18:33] Huttser Ishelwood: Its offical, ordo are workaholics \o/ [18:33] Eriksson Foxtrot: Haha, I remember the bumper-cars. (Mine is Day off though) [18:33] Disembodied Hand: Normal Day+2 [18:33] Afevis Sodertelge: Dar off [18:33] Acheron Gloom: normaly day [18:33] Afevis Sodertelge: Day off rather [18:33] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I want to be able to devote a whole day to playing Starcraft and not feel guilty about not logging in [18:33] Blaze Wiles: normal day, days off are boreing as hell after two hours in my opinion [18:33] Nikki4 Aquitaine: ^ [18:33] Achtai Coronet: normal day [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Thirty secooonds.. [18:33] Acheron Gloom: Normal Day. [18:33] Typhon Perun: I work on memorial day so... [18:33] Disembodied Hand: @Zrazor normalnight. [18:33] Drasamax Python: day off [18:33] Lyle Watanabe: As do I :( [18:34] Ratrix Hax: Day off with cupcakes' [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Acheron you voted twice. [18:34] Nrom Normandy: he voted for me [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Oh ok. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: (BS.) [18:34] Acheron Gloom: Yeah, voted for Nrom. [18:34] Nrom Normandy grins. [18:34] Typhon Perun: Jee that is normal. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Wow that was overwhelming. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: OKAY then. [18:35] Eriksson Foxtrot: (Zanndor votes day off. :x) [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Laugh at him. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: > Minimum Requirement Recap [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Just a short public service announcement here for the new folks and the umpteen amount of people .. not taking advantage of it. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: If you wish to seek promotion, you must complete the very simple, but very necessary promotion minimum requirements. You can find the full list and the exams on [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Minus t he period. [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Completing the exams do not mean you're guaranteed promotion. They simply make you eligible. [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: For those curious: [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: As every rank level increases, the time and difficulty obviously increases-- you may hop from E-1 to E-3 in a few months, but the time expected in service increases exponentially. In addition, some positions, such as E-6 and E-7, have role expectations: [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Such as, unit leadership. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Officer candidacy typically follows three core elements: time in service around 7 months (most common--not exclusive), major contribution to the group (proactive or otherwise), and an uncanny ability to weather the seeming void of E-7 burnout. Lol. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: I am idly toying with the idea of expanding the minimum qualification set to include a "officer primer" set, for folks eyeing that reach. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: It is difficult to put "officer qualifications" onto paper. Skills apply, but there is definitely a lot that simply comes with grueling experience. So. We'll see. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:45] Huttser Ishelwood raises paw [18:45] Maza Rau raises his hand. [18:45] Arokh Takakura Raises claw. [18:45] Disembodied Hand raises hand [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Ishelwood. [18:47] Huttser Ishelwood: Is there any materiel that people looking to become officers can read at the moment? [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: .. well. [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Officers have a large series of seminars that I've compiled over time. As for introductory material. Hm. [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: I could develop something that wouldn't scare you off. [18:48] Xayvien Rau raises hand. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Rau? [18:49] Xayvien Rau: Could I develop something that would scare them? [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Not the X-- [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: NOT YOU [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: MAZA RAU. [18:49] Maza Rau: What resources are available to those seeking to take E-8 and sit on it? [18:49] Huttser Ishelwood facepaws [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Mm-- that's a good one. Honestly, selection for that is currently informal. We tend to do this: [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: "You're E-7, you lead a shit ton of raids. . here's the officer seminars on leading raids." [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Something more formal can certainly be drafted. [18:51] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Takakkakakura? [18:51] Arokh Takakura shouts: Given my understanding of the E-8 role and officership. Perhaps a section to state a preference on the minimum requirement exam area? Or are we sticking to advising each induvidual which is best for them. Also.. More exams/study material, is this a possibility? I enjoy them. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: I have been playing with the idea of creating a series of primers for officer-hopefuls, at the end of which would be the Administratio Qualifcation merit. [18:52] Arokh Takakura: (Basically, Iiiiinpuuuut.) [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: But every time I toy with it I remember that it'd be an immense amount of work and then I sulk. But I will get to it. [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: .. Hand? [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: (Disembodied.) [18:55] Afevis Sodertelge: [18:50] Disembodied Hand is Offline [18:50] Mercury: Lost contact: Disembodied Hand [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: oh. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold. [18:57] Corsi Mousehold: Well My thoguht was a personal interview about personnel that are looking to be officers. So they can talk about what they think they will be responsible for. And then told what they will actually be responsible for. [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Mm-- yes. That would be part of the primer. I was thinking about (hold on, I have an outline scribbled out here) . . [19:00] Aryte Vesperia: An introductory interview, a series of readings, basic exams, and then if the individual was "interested" to go forward, hands on. Such as common conflict scenarios, or a "solve this" scenario. [19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Any last questions? [19:01] Aryte Vesperia: I am not sure how we even got onto this topic, I didn't intend to. Rambling. Like I said. Haha. [19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Anywhoo. . couple projects for me this weekend. Compiling a list of items for unlock with their QP amounts, writin' a spiel for Ludi, writing a merit recommendation walkthrough. [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Uhhrm. Other then that, thank you for suffering through my half-asleep meeting. You're all swell. [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: I'll get a raid organized right after this. [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: After which I am probably sneaking off for the night to rest up. I'll be on and around all Sunday and Monday. Promotions! [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be posted tonight. Huttser owes you all 1K. [19:03] Jake Stoanes: FORK IT OVER HUTTSER! [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: (Not really. Probably tomorrow morning.) [19:03] Huttser Ishelwood: DAMN YOU [19:03] Huttser Ishelwood: DAMN YOU [19:04] Jake Stoanes: Damn [19:04] Zayth Iuga: =o [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: If I get a second wind, I'll take care of it tonight. [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise. Aryte need sleep. Aryte sleep. [19:04] Ratrix Hax makes an extrmely sad and distaught face, the thought of Huttser oweing him one was exciting. Meeting Closer [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Good night. Have a nice night. Be good.
  17. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold / E-8 / Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 21AUG10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: General discussion; diplomacy, developments, reminders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: Gear, Fashion Statements, and Class ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: If I vanish, Keller has my notes and will do his best impersonation of me. There is currently a big storm outside. Like. Wow. [18:01] Keller Teichmann: ......... Imperator's Report [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Weekly statistics: Members: 307 Cadets: 2 Applications New: 13 Accepted: 3 Denied: 6 Review: 4 Combat Defensive: 101 Offensive: 12 Allied Assist: 1 Diplomatic Report [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic events this week: uh. Not much, actually-- truckin' along. No major events. Status quo! Divisional Reports [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Weekly reports? [18:03] FireFox Breed rises paw for Terra [18:03] Blaze Wiles raises her paw [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Breed. Terra [18:03] FireFox Breed shouts: Oh god this is my first meeting as commander >.< Here we go! [18:03] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS A; CENTURY 1]: Eriksson Foxtrot for Invictus. Continued high activity in Invictus this week, but slow week gone by. Huge change of command in Invictus, Praepositus Zanndor Aeon being the new CO, and Duplicarius Eriksson Foxtrot as the new XO. Jason has stepped down, but we wish him the best with his endeavors. On another note, continued work on the "Riot shield", making significant advancements with that, Nikki4 Aquitaine has volunteered to script the shield and we thank her for doing so! Next week a small meeting planned to help get the new CO and XO settled in, and various follow-up events. That's all from Invictus for this week! [18:04] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS A; CENTURY 2]: Corsi Mousehold. Very good week for Ante. Personnel were very active including the all out assault on CS this week with our brothers in Invictus and Astra. Training was held earlier in the week as well. Ante as a whole has made me very proud this with their enthusiasm and activity levels as of late, showing at least one member volunteering in every raid during the week. Current Squad count is nine so that leaves us three slots open. [18:04] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS A; CENTURY 3]: No report filed. Will beat people later. [18:04] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS B; CENTURY 1] - ERIKSSON: Overly silent week this week, been quite smooth with the transition of Victrix CO. One PRF done in that lapse, not bad but looking for more. Going to be a little less of a report than usual as I settle in and get organised with the change. Next week, on Wednesday September 1st there will be a meeting of which all members of B-1 will be cordially be invited to, discussing the change, questions, and meet and greet. Openly looking for a new XO to be my successor as I take my spot as CO, let another new NCO have the opportunity to try out a mild command position, and get them into gear. If you have any suggestions for me as potential XO candidates, then please throw an IM my way! [18:05] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS B; CENTURY 2] - STEELTAEL: Welcoming new members to the unit. As well as polling availability for scheduling. Activity is still on the rise individuay. However not as cordinated as it could be. With the ability to determine peoples availability for efficiently, I intend to schedule events at the best times. for the most people. [18:05] FireFox Breed shouts: [COHORS B; CENTURY 3] - ARC: Generally slow - exploring the concept of taking on an XO to help lighten my burden. Two PRFS - Both filled by Typhon, they were requested while I was away and he was asked after they saw I was offline. I almost totally forgot to file this, also :( [18:05] FireFox Breed shouts: For me in general. I will be working with Cohors A on there gear mostly all next week. Also look at the open door policy I posted in the Terra thread. [18:06] FireFox Breed shouts: Nothing follows Astra [18:07] Blaze Wiles: It's been a steady week in Astra, Due to current personel issues and school starting to rear it's head once more one flight has been temporarry put inactive, this shouldn't be for to long there is a decent number of people awaiting flight training and withthe new flight school up and running it should be to long before that lists empty once more. [18:07] Blaze Wiles: I'd like to thank Lysander for holding a dogfighting event this week, keep it up. Numinous has been working on several projects for astra. Including preliminary work on a Small diameter bomb unit for the thanatos. And finally Nrom for being so epic and doing a load of flight training too. [18:07] Blaze Wiles: Finally I note for the Apostles, we're currently looking at getting the unit back up to strength so if your interested in becoming an apostles contact myself or Numinous Foxdale. That Concludes the Astra report for this week. More Terra [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Thank you. Perun, follow up? [18:09] Typhon Perun: In regards to Cohors B Century 3. One of the PRFs mentioned was last weeks, they where just bad timing with when Arc was available in both cases. I do encourage those in the centiroes to go there COs before coming to me or other Terra command over there century COs. [18:09] Typhon Perun: Pardon the typos there sir. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. I appreciate the clarity [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: . [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports this evening? [18:10] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand. Tactica [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Mousehold? [18:10] Corsi Mousehold: As activity continues to rise in the community. More bases and militaries have been peeking their heads up through the sands. Task Force 141 and Grand Federation have opened as well as the Barrel of monkeys ... I mean Guerilla Rebels among others. Also, a new group ICS the International Combat Syndicate is appearing around too! We'll be looking around for where they end up. Keeping in mind that if you find and note information we don't have, toss it our way! We only have so many eyes in our heads and we can really only do so much when it comes to finding militaries. The more information we have the better! This report has been brought to you by the Ordo Imperialis, Mercury Aided Enrichment Center. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: SOOOOAP~ [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:10] Corsi Mousehold just nods trying hard not to giggle. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Hokay! Moving right along, ja. Keynote Topics [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: These meetings serve as a great opportunity to review developments, address group wide issues, and to make announcements. I would really implore you, as a participant, to pay attention to the items discussed, and, take the time to ask questions or make comments when the chance is available. Bodies in the room are great, but active and attentive listening bodies are a lot better. [18:12] Seb Yakan slams his cupcake to his chest presenting a salute. [18:12] Seb Yakan: Woops. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Going forward, the format of our weekly meetings will be modified a bit: every topic I bring up, I will prefix with a topic header. This should make tracking and the meeting logs a bit easier to manage. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: (rofl Seb) [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: > Operation Hammerdown (not on Taskforce 141). [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: (Points if you get the reference. :d) [18:15] Sukasa Rydell: [lol'd]\ [18:15] Corsi Mousehold just facepalm,s [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: As part of our ongoing combat deployments, I have decided to develop a mission set as part of the overall Operation Blacksmith-- Operation Hammerdown. Hammerdown will consist of the routine deployment of Ordo air assets on a wide range of targets, exercising the full arsenal of our combat aircraft. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: We will act in tandem to infantry elements across the Iron Symphony-- the Ordo air corps will be offered up in a support and stand alone role to back up all action for the next several weeks. I will be notifying IS operational command. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: When not supporting IS activities, Astra will be deployed in stand-alone function, engaging air targets. Some Ordo infantry may be called upon during Hammerdown operations in order to secure areas of operation and to deal with AA issues. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Tomorrow at 5:00 PM SLT, Astra and Ordo personnel in general are invited to a formal Hammerdown briefing. :D [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: (BRING A FRIEND.) [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Questions [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: ? [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Hokay. Next: [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: > Armory/gear update. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Gear additions are coming along nicely. We have multiple additions pending my review. Several more are nearing release. What can be expected at this point: [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: I. Astra has been provided some additional teeth; both of the Nemesis have been armed with "EMP AGMs," a tank-damaging missile that can be used in close air support for ground assets. The damage is limited only to armor systems. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: II. "Boostpack" basically complete at this time. Boostpack is a dodge-roll based system. It will be available within the next couple of days as an unlock option. Syl just gave it to me. It's on my back. on my back. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: III. "Communications pack" awaiting my review. It will also be available in the next couple of days. Communications pack is essentially a relay device, which will allow ground units to call in airstrikes-- both from present Astra, and as a feature of the pack. There are, however, limitations. The reload time for the "feature" element is pretty high. The pack will be a force multiplier, providing infantry units some additional teeth when dealing hardpoints. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: IV. "Engineering pack" still in construction phases. As far as I am aware, it is coming along nicely. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Wait. It is. Actually. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Tsume updated me, durp. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: V. PDR is animated and good to go. It will be in the lockers as an MP5 replacement for Astra and available to unlock to external units. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: In addition, a side note: We have a free pack, the "assault pack," that is up in the air. It was originally slated to be used as the dodge roll, but something else was provided. So, we are looking for a use to put it towards. Any ideas would be appreciated. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:28] Jake Stoanes raises hand [18:28] Nrom Normandy raises hand. [18:28] Lysander Serrari raises hand [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Stoaaanes? [18:29] Jake Stoanes: If i could make a suggestion regarding the assault pack, what about a jump enhancer. As opposed to the jet pack we have now that is banned everywhere, what about one that gives one short burst that increases jump height by only a few meters? [18:29] Blaze Wiles raises paw [18:30] Sebris Montpark Raises paw in terms of jump enhancement [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Hm.. possible, but the boost pack basically covers that. [18:30] Vilkacis Mason raises a... wheel? [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Let's hold recommendations for after meeting, by the way. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Normandy? [18:30] Nrom Normandy: after the meeting, sir [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Serrari? [18:30] Vilkacis Mason retracts wheel. [18:30] Lysander Serrari: Will the boostpack system be a jump-roll system. Or just a system of manouver/dodge based gestures? [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Double tap and gesture. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Like so: [18:31] Mark Karlfeldt: TURN OFF YOUR AO GORRAM IT [18:31] Lysander Serrari: Like the Merc one then? [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: I am unaware how theirs work! [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: But possibly yes. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Wileywiles? [18:31] Lysander Serrari: Yeah, it was pretty much that [18:32] Blaze Wiles: Since the MagPull PDR-C is essentially finished at this point, what is the status on the caseless weapons, will we see them in the armour soon as well (Caseless SMG is <3) [18:32] Aryte Vesperia points at Keller. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: I haven't a clue, Wiles! [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [18:34] Sebris Montpark raises paw [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Oops. Montpark. [18:36] Sebris Montpark: In reguards to the jup boost topic: The Emergence viewer has the Pre-Jumping disabled by default. With that, after the first jump, if you immediately jump once you hit the ground, itll be as if you performed a prim jump, but with nothing but the surface you land on. Even though there is nothing against it at this time, will this be given any further examinations? [18:36] Sebris Montpark: hmm, dosent seem to be doing it, right now [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: It's an area that is left gray. If it becomes an issue, we can approach it. At this time, it'll be left be! [18:37] Sebris Montpark: Alrighty then. [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Neeext: [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: > IEA developments. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned last week, the IEA -- Armatura and Ludi especially -- is pursuing some revision and expansion. After conversation with Mr. Itamae, both members of my staff (Hollowmengitus and Xayvien) have been assigned to implementing the Ludi under Mr. Itamae's supervision. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: By practice, we have determined that Armatura will continue covering a wide range of important areas, whereas the Ludi will focus on teaching in depth single topic courses. For example, the armored deployment academy. . [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: On the topic of Armatura, I am told to expect revisions there in the near future. Thanks to the input of several members--such as Acheron--we are looking to expand the areas covered and to make Armatura less of an "upchuck information" system and more hands on. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Training focus is becoming and will continue to be critical. The hope is to create a modular system, where members can choose their learning paths to their area of interest. Reward factors will now be considered-- for additional courses, we will place QP or other perks for participation. I plan on reviewing the training practices (tomorrow) Acheron has in place to determine the reward amount. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: For time sake; cutting questions on this topic. Sorry [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: . [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: > Defeating clique mentality. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: As an organization, the Ordo Imperialis has grown immensely over several years. We have reached a level of sophistication that our basic needs are met to a level that many individuals tend to forget basic needs exist: never do Ordo members need to concern themselves with having to donate to keep the group running, never do Ordo members have to worry about what sim we'll be occupying next, never do Ordo members have to worry about finding adequate gear. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: The Ordo has a powerful foundation: a system of operation that has been pieced together by a lot of hard work and a lot of harder lessons. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize that, especially coming into the group years after some of the "big battles" of infrastructure have already been fought. [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: In short, we are a bit spoiled and fat at times. To the point that we have time to create unneccessary fueds for ourselves. I bring this up as a sort of reminder-- a warning, as well. At the end of the day, we, as a group, must be cautious about allowing our comfortable status become an issue against us. This is seen dominantly as a concern in the social atmosphere. Every individual is given the same speech when they enter: there are no in and out clubs, no cliques. That must be adhered to, without exception. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: If we allow for division to occur-- cliques or social circles, we alienate and weaken our overall strength and structure. I do not pretend that is it possible for everyone here to be friends, but I do expect that everyone here should respect one another without exception. This goes hand in hand with the saying I posted a couple days ago: to maintain the loyalty of those present, maintain loyalty to those who are not. What this translates to: Ordo members should never feel uncomfortable because of other Ordo members. At the end of the day, we are only so comfortable because of the strength we convey as a united whole. Division would destroy us. [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: System issues--issue with the group and the way the group works, can easily be overcome. But personal issues are more damaging. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: So, please do your part: refuse to participate in any personal vendettas or clique mentalities. Keep the Ordo as strong as it can be. Use down time productively, and, when issues arise, express them and overcome them professionally. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Aaand lastly from me: [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: > Personability on my part. [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to make a conscious effort to try to check up with everyone. In addition to which, I am going to try to get back to having "office hours" weekly. During which, anyone is welcome to come and use the time to .. well, discuss or bring up whatever they wish. I really apologize to anyone that hasn't been in touch with me over the last week or so. I really do encourage folks to approach me with any problems they have-- provided the chain of command isn't solving it. Or, if there's anything you simply want to bring up to me, feel free.\ [18:53] Aryte Vesperia: If at any time I come off "cold," I really do not mean it. Many times during the day I am simply playing a juggling act with a dozen windows, on top of trying to keep up with whatever is going on externally. But please, do not worry about "bothering me." You're not. I'm here to help and to be available any time you need me. [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: If you pester me for stupid stuff I'll have someone break your knees, but otherwise . . ♥ [18:54] Keller Teichmann: (I'll do it) Promotions! [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be posted ... toniiight? Probably tomorrow. I'm not going to lie to myself. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Feel free to send me additional. Meeting Closer [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Combat: Kytec has volunteered to ensure a raid is handled right after the meetin'. Or. Close to it. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: I will be running off for an hour or so! So pardon me. I will be back. :D [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: With that said: thanks for coming. Good meetin'. Send me a notecard if you have an idea for the assault pack! [18:56] BurrWolf Qin salutes! [18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed. Be good. Brush your teeth. Etc.
  18. Turned in as part of phase 6 Schola: Welcome back. Due to mandatory scheduled maintenance, the appropriate material for this phase is currently unavailable. It has been replaced with a live-fire course designed for military androids ... wait. MERCURY!
  19. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold / E-8 / Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 21AUG10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: General discussion; diplomacy, developments, reminders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: Gear, Fashion Statements, and Class ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Goooood evenin'. [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Weekly statistics: Members: 311 Cadets: 2 Applications New: 11 Accepted: 2 Denied: 9 Review: 0 Combat Defensive: 104 Offensive: 9 Allied Assist: 0 Diplomatic Report [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic report: Impressive amounts of enemy regions are currently in rebuild phases. It has put a notable strain on our offensive selections. Thankfully, it seems CS will be reopening shortly (or already has). SK is also slated to be reopened. Defensively, our numbers are up 25 from last week. Otherwise, it has been relatively quiet. [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: No major changes to be noted. IS meeting tomorrow at 3:00 PM. I am expecting some big things out of it—several major political pushes have already sort of been laid out here in Titan. For example, the statement that we’ve placed in our hub regarding the courtesy doctrine. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Going forward, looking to make this weekend and Monday a good combat opportunity. I will have some free time and will be hosting raids myself, as well as pushing officers to join me in getting deployments arranged. Divisional Reports [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: That said! Unit reports? [18:03] Lestat Umarov raises hand Terra [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Umarov of the Terra clan? [18:03] Lestat Umarov shouts: Another busy week for Terra. There's going to be some changes shortly in terms of command roles which will be outlined on the forums. Aside from that onto unit reports. [18:04] Lestat Umarov shouts: From Jason for Invictus: "Over the course of the week Invictus members have been very constructive in bringing forward methods to improve the squad and to further it's capability and potency in combat. Members have brought forward ideas for training, attacks, defense and specialist gear that will greatly improve us as a unit. We are still on the lookout for members to fill our free slots, if you think you're alpha squad material and meet the criteria then don't hesitate contacting Jason Backer or zanndor Aeon today." [18:04] Lestat Umarov shouts: From Corsi for Antesignani: "Well then. I think the first thing we are happy to mention is, for those of you that have ventured into the build zone this week, you may have seen the XCR down there. Keller has been working his fins off on it and we are very happy with the feesh. This weeks training actually involved the entire squad. And two potentials. By the way those two are now our FNG's. We welcome Awanken Wasp and Kyra Vixen to the squad. One training raid was held as well however it got cut short by 2142 coming to say hello. " [18:04] Lestat Umarov shouts: From thatguy for Insidiae: "Not a lot going on with Insidiae this week, though looking forward to speaking with the squad members about planning a special event, as well as a squad raid going out soon. Going to be sitting down with Zrazor and going to hammer down most of this Insid stuff to get the squad back up to speed." [18:04] Lestat Umarov shouts: From thatguy for Cohors B: "Another week for Cohors B. Typhon, Desereck, and myself will be picking up more pace, getting the Centuries up as best as they can. There will be sit downs with the Century CO's to hammer down some specifics, and be sure you're asking your CO for PRF's. Looking forward to an active week, as classes for many (myself as well) starting on Monday." [18:04] Lestat Umarov shouts: That concludes my report. Any additonal reports may be given at the dicretion of the imperator. [18:05] Lestat Umarov: discretion even. Astra [18:05] Sosarin Demar raises his hand for Astra. [18:06] Sosarin Demar: Administrative cogs have been turning to make Astra for the better. Wolfshaman is processing census data from the Tactical Squadron to best meet the needs of Astra's primary section. He's also rewritten report forms to make the flight report process more efficient. Blaze and Numinous are working on induction and screening processes with present and prospective Apostle members. Methods have been established and a schedule has been laid out. Trinity and the newly minted flight school, Astrum Palaestra, [18:06] Sosarin Demar: One sec, technical difficultries [18:06] Sosarin Demar: -- is also going through screening with its present base of instructors in order to act accordingly. They've been on the recruits quite nicely. Kudos to everyone. That concludes this week's report for Astra. [18:07] Ethan Schuman: I have something to add on Astra. [18:08] Ethan Schuman: I'm gonna cut right to the chase this week. Activity is a major concern for the entire division. Enthusiasm on the part of those who are active is good, but it can't make up for the people who aren't participating in activities. Calls for both training and raids has been dismal at best. I know there are concerns about Astra's mission role in offensive missions, and our limited deployments on defense. All I can say about that is that that's the mindset of the community. That being said, the only way that's going to change is if we put forward a strong visible front and show everyone we're interested in wider applications for air combat. The assault shuttle program in progress will help that greatly, but it's a long way out. People, we NEED you to step up and start participating more. [18:09] Ethan Schuman: That's all from me. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: It's a cycle: disinterest on our part by lack of air combat from third parties will result in more disinterest by third parties. Our participation is key to the success of air power internationally. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: In short: bomb more. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports? Tactica [18:10] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold? [18:11] Corsi Mousehold: For Tactica: So we have a couple of bases opening back up this week. Crysis is back and attackable as is Sturmkorps+1. At the time of writing this report we have not engaged yet. We of Tactica are still laughing about Proeliator Illegitimate and now that P.ILL. 's here we're all sure to smile. They do not have a base ... yet but report they will in a month. A few more reports in and a few more fun hitting the group and ... the best news yet ... All open groups have reports in progress or complete. Other than that things are running really smoothly and cruising right along. From there ... Nothing more to say. [18:11] Tsume Xiao raises hand [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Additional reports? [18:12] Mercury: Lost contact: Jayce Iredell [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Final call! [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Very good then. Moving right along. Keynote Topics [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: First up: [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Legates appointment cycling policy has been enacted. You can find it under the “policy” section of the forums. It will be going into effect within short accord. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Within the next couple of days, the first cycle will begin. For tracking purposes, September 1st will be considered the start of the cycle—as such, the next cycle would be March 1st. Conveniently, a winter and a summer session, hah. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: As our [O-4] staffing is relatively sparse, a lot of selection power will be falling to the other officer ranks. Astra, however, is a bit of a special case. I am currently enforcing direct control of the unit, acting as a part-Legates to assist shuffling / assignment of their officer corps. As such, an off cycle choice may be made later. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: I am particularly excited to see how things unfold here—especially going forward. I think this is a prime opportunity for command to maintain a fresh atmosphere, along with keeping the [O-4] and [O-5] pool active / interested. We see a lot of burnout at those levels, on account of an [O-4] feeling stagnated, or an [O-5] overburdened. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Questions on that? [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Disembodied has completed his current project – the armor I am wearing. All in all, I am incredibly pleased with the outcome. It is really an outstanding set of attire. Disembodied has outdone himself. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Now that this project is out of the way, he is starting immediately on individual unit gear. He expects creation to be much faster, as the variants are no where near as complex. We’re still looking at a completion by September 1st. Or hoping so. Maybe. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: After the squad gear, Disembodied has begged me to allow him to create a heavy set—sort of a light mech/power armor. I can’t really turn that down, being the Space Marine fanboy that I am. So! After the armors, we will be developing a light mech/power armor for use. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: (My staff has requested their uniform mod be a pen and clipboard, lol.) [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: In general, after the armors, I’ll be slaving Disembodied for “larger” projects. Vehicular items and mech stuff. In addition, he’ll be creating items for TI. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, a general update on projects: objective system is scripted. It will be installed this weekend. Unless I break something. [18:25] Tsume Xiao: (( <3)) [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: PDR is complete, awaiting final animations. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Riot shield is back on the table creation wise—some intelligent NCOS (KIWI~ AND SOMEONE ELSE..) figured out a prim collection that stops most bullets. [18:26] Eriksson Foxtrot: (WOOOOO!) [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: All of the backpacks are currently under production, now that Tsume’s slaving over the objective system is done. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Tavor created – appears to be going to Apostles. Thank ya’ Heavy. Replacing the Amplexus. [18:27] Heavy666 Bolden: :) [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Queeestions there? [18:28] Steeltael Lykin raises paw [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Lykin? [18:28] Vilkacis Mason raises a hand. [18:28] Steeltael Lykin shouts: Will The Alpha squads have any creative input into their specific mods? If so, what process should we take to bring those concerns to Disembodied? [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Speak to your unit commander --> unit commander to me --> me to Disembodied. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Disembodied will sort of be tag-teaming with the unit leads to develop it. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: At his creative influence .. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: At least, if he wasn't, he is now. Surprised Disembodied. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Mason? [18:31] Vilkacis Mason: Re-extending my offer to help with power armor, if we need some deforms for it. [18:31] Tsume Xiao Raises hand. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Definitely. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Xiao? [18:31] Tsume Xiao: On the note of Astra, new gear, and the "Bomb More" comment... There was an Ordo CBU project that was started and was halted, but is mostly complete... If we plan to bomb more perhaps finishing it would help. I know there was controversy about what plantform it would go into, but I think it would be a fun new weapon... though... CBU's are always fun? :D [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: CBU? [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Cluster bomb? [18:32] Tsume Xiao: Cluster Bomb Unit [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: . . well finish it. Even if it doesn't get issued, I can play with it and that'll make me happy. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [18:32] Tsume Xiao: THere you go [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Laaast chance. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Movin' on~ [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Alas, school is starting for many folks—just as a general reminder: this will create some slow down. I think I touched on it a week or two ago, but I just want to reinforce it. The Ordo is large enough so as not to be dramatically effected, but it will definitely make it a bit harder to raid as frequent. We’ll compensate for the lack of active targets with additional home activities. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you going back to another semester: good luck and don’t be a stranger! [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Right along on the topic of additional activities . . [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: The IEA has had a multitude of educational projects floating about for some time now – Centurion Itamae has done a pretty fantastic job of managing the administration of the major group training elements, all in all. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: However, it’s really time to take things to the next level with our formal educations. The Ludi, especially, remains heavily underused. Let’s recap: [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: The major elements under the IEA are: Schola, Armatura, and Ludi. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Schola and Armatura are basically non-negotiable—you have to pass Schola to become E-1, and you have to pass Armatura for most promotion opportunities. The Ludi, however, comprises all other extra courses, such as armor academies, artillery, etc. Compulsory trainings have a high turn out. Ludi, when offered, also tend to have a high turn out. On the flip side, impromptu trainings rarely have a satisfactory turn out. [18:38] FireFox Breed roses a paw to add a note to that. [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: This is where the Ludi can really shine and should be utilized: training opportunities outside of Armatura and Schola should fall under Ludi. Of course, individual units will always have the full opportunity to host their own internal trainings. But, this can even comprise scheduled Astra events by tying in a ground element. [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: What this will require is a Ludi administrator, much like Schola and Armatura have, and a staff of flexible individuals who can develop (or find others to develop) educational programs. To date—we have tons, they simply are not utilized. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: To be sure, major elements that are “must knows” will be worked into Armatura and Schola: both of which are looking at possible revisions. Armatura for certain is being revised. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: However, group education goes far beyond the two compulsory elements. Continual practice for us has typically been through frequent deployment and strict oversight in the field, but, we can only benefit from formalized trainings while off the field. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: I will be speaking to Mr. Itamae at length about expanding the Ludi and revising staffing—so, if you’re looking for a major career opportunity in education, keep your eyes open! [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Questions there? [18:44] Typhon Perun raises a hand regarding part of Ludi. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Perun? [18:44] FireFox Breed rises paw [18:45] Typhon Perun shouts: At this point in time I have started work on the notecards and example phases for the NCO-A. I have already gotten most of the notecards done and am going to ask another departmetn of Ordo for help with one phase notecard to help finish this quickly and effectively. It should be completed before the week is out pending any possible problems. [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Thanak you. [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Breed? [18:48] FireFox Breed: Just a little side note. If you do extra training it is taken into consideration when you step forword to be promoted or put into a command slot. It might just give you that edge over the others compeating for the slot. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: It will also be part of our compensation with QP, going forward. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Ludi will result in = QP. :d [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Anything else? [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on~ [18:51] Mercury: New contact: Arc Vyper [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: The next full sim build is progressing nicely. Changes are being made to the overall structure to make combat a lot less linear. The goal is to have it possible to have isolated areas of action, rather than enemy X jumps over into line of sight of fifty Ordo and is summarily gunned down. Rather, enemy X will have multiple options of approach to be gunned down from. [18:53] Niiya Narayan raises a hand [18:53] Aryte Vesperia: The set up will also expand upon recreational areas—it’ll have the overall feel of a sort of occupied scifi-industrial city. Propaganda, grungy factory forge, missile silos. All that fun stuff. [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: The part that is particularly exciting is the large opportunity for objectives and varied interactions: combat will be far more dynamic and entertaining for both us and the attackers. Not in the sense that it will be more difficult to defend, but defending will be a lot less standing around waiting for enemies to come into view at one specific plane. Niiya? :] [18:55] Niiya Narayan: The overall design of the new build will perhaps make combat a bit smoother overall too cause there won't be a hundred people all firing at once as there's not alot of clear line of sight over too long a distance. As well as it'll make air to ground a bit more fair in that there are going to be some routes that are completely covered from the surface for hostiles and allies to run around in. [18:56] Niiya Narayan: (that was all i had to add :x) [18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :] Anyone else? [18:57] Steeltael Lykin raises paw [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Lykin? [18:58] Steeltael Lykin shouts: Just a comment: Training Exercises on the upcoming build have been encouraged by Nikki, It would be great if people held the here and there. As long as Nikki or Niiya were informed and gave the nod. Through combat testing of a sim/map is pretty important for balance! [18:58] Steeltael Lykin: Them* [18:59] Huttser Ishelwood raises a paw [18:59] Typhon Perun raises a hand to comment on that. [18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Perun? [19:00] Typhon Perun: Antesig just had a training excerise on Chronus recently. It's a good sim, but traingin there would have been better if the structures where not all phantom. I would suggest that be addressed first. [19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Chronus build is not standing. It's just there for appearance. [19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Ishelwood? [19:02] Huttser Ishelwood: For the new sim build, do we have any idea what the rules sets going to be for it, medic TPs and such. Sooner we know that the sooner Tactica can start perlimanry work with Titan defence [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: That is not determined, sorry Tactica. [19:03] Corsi Mousehold: >:c [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Any last questions? [19:03] Maverick Garfield raises his hand [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Garfield? [19:04] Maverick Garfield: How soon till the caseless weapons are finalized Sir? [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: You'd have to ask my better half. [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: (I don't even have copies of them. >:[) [19:04] Maverick Garfield shouts: ok thank you sir [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: All righty . . [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Combat tonight: I will host a raid right after meeting. I have to run off around 8:30 to a dinner, but otherwise mayhem. Promotions! [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions: I am nearly done, I will probably post tonight. If not. Tomorrow. Feel free to send me additional until then. The usual. Meeting Closer [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise: good meeting, thanks for coming. Get to defensive postures. About five minutes until raid (I need a drink). [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Toodle-oo~ [19:06] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.
  20. [7:00] Corsi Mousehold: Well hello there [7:00] Haukr Frostwych: ahoy! [7:01] Corsi Mousehold: Avast ye scurvy scallywag. [7:01] Corsi Mousehold: What be ya lookin fer in this desecrated and rotted battleground? [7:02] Corsi Mousehold: Arrrrrrrrrrrrr [7:02] Haukr Frostwych: nay, just hoping to find a vendor with a nice Imperial Marine Armor :P [7:03] Corsi Mousehold: Sorry ta be the bearer of rotted news. [7:04] Corsi Mousehold: But all is not lost. Head to Jessie of the New and ya might find what yer lookin fer. [7:04] Haukr Frostwych: nay, matey, do not worry :P [7:04] Haukr Frostwych: thank you and have a nice day, arrrrr :P [7:04] Corsi Mousehold: Arrrrrr
  21. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold / E-8 / Antesignani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 07AUG10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: General discussion; diplomacy, developments, reminders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:04] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. Imperator's Report [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: I don't have anything pre-typed, so this should be exciting. To start, our weekly statistics: Members: 307 Cadets: 2 Applications New: 12 Accepted: 1 Denied: 7 Review: 4 Combat Defensive: 77 Offensive: 10 Allied Assist: 1 Diplomatic Report [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic report this evening: [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Relative quiet after the blockade on VG was raised again by the Merczateers. Momentary outcry/rebuttal from Christoph Naumova seemed to be dismantled by a. . . re-rebuttal from the Merczateers. Flame war ongoing on the Battlefield Gazette. Otherwise: CS has reopened; on the first day, Ordo wiped their objective and captured the region. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Group "Fallen Angels" disbanded a week into their conception. Fall out of individuals applying here. Divisional Reports [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this week? [18:08] Lestat Umarov raises hand [18:08] Ethan Schuman raises his hand. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Umarov. Terra [18:09] Lestat Umarov: Gonna move right into unit reports tonight, altho I'm missing Invictus's. [18:09] Lestat Umarov: From Corsi for Antesignani: "First and Foremost we have a new CO for the squad Teron Gray. Welcome to the squad. We have officially dubbed him our FNGIC and he's taking it well. Other than that we lost a couple of members and gained one! Welcome to Huttser Ishelwood. This give us four (4) open slots in Antesignani. So that generally means you should get a hold of Teron Gray or Corsi Mouehold. The XCR is still getting worked on and Ethan is working on the scripting for the new MGL to replace the M32 that was decommissioned. Oh and Ante was taking place in a lot of raids so even with most of the week working on settling the new CO into his position, we kept up a high level of activity." [18:10] Lestat Umarov: From Zrazor for Insidiae: "First things first, I'd like to welcome thatguy Andel as Insidiae's new XO, as well as Theodore Belgar to the squad. At present, Mr. Andel and I are working with senior Terra staff on some major revamps to a lot of the critical areas pertaining to the squad so energies have primarily been focused on that for the past week. Three slots are currently still available in the squad." [18:10] Lestat Umarov: From thatguy for Cohors B: "A great week for Cohors B in terms of activity and getting stuff done. PRF's could be better, though activity was great. Desereck Kreegan will be picking up more Cohors B stuff as I'm over in Insidiae helping that cool guy wiht sunglasses out. Looking forward to another week of activity." [18:10] Lestat Umarov: That concludes my report for Terra. [18:10] Keller Teichmann raises his hand to add to it. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Teichmann, go ahead. [18:11] Keller Teichmann shouts: The new command structure of Cohors A is now firmly in place - we held a meeting earlier today to outline some of the points that I considered particularly important moving forward. The log is available on the forums for those interested in reading. Lots was covered, and we're looking forward to the week ahead. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Astra [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman? [18:13] Ethan Schuman shouts: Previously, on "Astra - Wings over Titan" : After quiet observance, the Imperator leaped out from the shadows and captured all the Astra officers. He then taped swords to our heads and tied us to surfboards, and had Arokh throw us at a dartboard with Astra mission roles. Aryte is now acting as a secondary Legates, and has shifted and reassigned Astra's command to specific duties. Most notably, Trinity Heckroth has now been put in charge of overhauling training, which she is working on currently (Trinity, about 30 seconds ago: "Flight School group has Imperial sanction, so we're sorting out ranks and doctrine and invites and things within. New group is named Astrum Palaestra"). [18:13] Ethan Schuman shouts: Participation and activity has been down as of late, so Aryte has set a goal of hosting at least three air raids per week, and tasked me to make sure this happens. Astra members, I strongly encourage you to make more of an effort to attend these raids and other events whenever possible, as if you don't, Aryte will beat me with nunchuks. I'll likely be hosting special events with unusual objectives like jousting (specially designed melee weapons with a ~15m range while in planes). We're looking at more ways to increase Astra enthusiasm and activity, so if you have ideas, please contact me. Also, Astra is in extreme need of a high quality aircraft builder, as we're looking to replace both the current Predator model, and create an assault shuttle. Contact me if you know anyone who may be interested. [18:13] Ethan Schuman: -Flight Reports- For Aquila flight: Drasamax has replaced Numinous as Aquila flight leader. We have no doubt that she will perform well in this role. Activity is good, with some training being held. For Caellum flight: Activity has dropped noticeably, and this is being looked at. Heavy has completed the Tavor and passed it off to Aryte, who will decide who gets it. For Reapers flight: Crash is going off on vacation! I'd say we'd miss you, but I'd be lying. (JUST KIDDING! =p Have fun and be safe. We'll be here when you get back.) Flight activity has been good overall, and is expected to increase more as time goes on. [18:14] Ethan Schuman: That's all for Astra this week, folks. Remember... if you don't participate in Astra, Aryte beats me with nunchuks. If Aryte beats me with nunchuks, I feed him children to make it stop. Please... think of the children. [18:15] Ethan Schuman shouts: (Totally just realized I didn't shout that. My apologies.) [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Nunchucks. Tactica [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports this evening? [18:15] Huttser Ishelwood raises a paw [18:15] WolfShaman Warrior raises his hand for Crash. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Ishelwood? [18:16] Huttser Ishelwood: For Tactica: So much happening across the board. Two more reports finished and posted into the folders that you all love so very much. BHS is possibly dead as is Militant Collective, Proeliator Illegitimate is being created from ashes of BHS ... Moving right along we have Vadium Province opened for buisness and we had our first raid out to Chthonic Syndicate picking up alot of good information for a new report over there. Still have an extraordinary thirteen groups in new/rebuild status and when those all start opening we're going to be rather busy. To help staff out we stuck Kyra Vixen as the Adjutant so she can help keep everything running smoothly (AKA fetching pizza and coffee). Speaking of running smoothly, we have three slots open in Tactica right now. Please speak to either me, Corsi or Kyra for more information or just go here: http://forums.ordoim...ying-look-here/ Civilian Group [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Warrior? [18:17] WolfShaman Warrior: For The Civilian Group: Okay for civilian group: new overseers has been picked names: Huttser, Arc, maverick, Acheron, desereck. congrats errr.... Remember to all the Overseers, if you invite somebody, make sure to send me a log of who it is, with vouch to me, if you dont i will slap you and beat you up with my baseball bat. I will be going on vacation in 5-4 hours (crash silverfall that is) so still feel free to send me notecard, all important stuff is aryte his thing to do i guess for the coming week [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Wow, all the violence. Nunchucks and baseball bats. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Any final reports for this evening? [18:18] Agares Tretiak raises his hand. Praetorian Guard [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Tretiak. [18:19] Agares Tretiak: The Praetorian Guard is making two changes to its operations: One is that, after discussing it with Curia, the Guard will have a Curia liaison to help keept he Guard up to date on morale and security concerns, as well as let us have a link between the two groups of a more official nature. [18:20] Nikeo Fairlock Raises hand [18:20] Agares Tretiak: The second is that we'll be testing out improvements of our training system, and will very likely require volunteers at times, to help us out! So keep an eye out if I start calling for volunteers. That's about all, for the time being. [18:22] Nikeo Fairlock: After the said Cohor A meeting a lovly group message appeared across our screen, said message stated that Ereabus had taken over New Jessie. So since everyone in cohors A stormed over to New Jessie and captured 5 flags in there right before this meeting.. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Hahaha. Good to hear. Thank you. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Gold star for Cohors A. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Final call for reports this evening. Keynote Topics [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Very well. Moving on. Let's see if I can read the notes I quickly scribbled here . . [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: First up: unlock system revision. As noted earlier this week, the unlock points have gone "poof." We are now on a full QP system. In other words: items cost QP, not unlock points. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: If you had an unlock point, you were automatically compensated by Skynet. However, it did not account for folks who were "close" to an unlock point. If you were within 25 points or so of an unlock, notify me via notecard and I will compensate you. The thresholds were: 100, 250, 450, and 700. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: The reason your existing QP was wiped: it's now a currency. You already received the perks by receiving the unlock points associated with the QP when it was a tier system. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: I am open to negotiation if you received a PRF or what not the day before the change over. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Keep in mind the value of QP is a bit different now: I'll compensate you based on what it translates to currently. We roughly equated a basic unlock to 100 points, a secondary to 200, and a special to 300. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Goin' hand in hand with that, the armory has finally started shifting. New vendors released and several old items culled (M32, and those silly rifles no one ever used). [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Several items already slated to be added to the armory: Tavor and the PDR. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, plenty more "in progress" and being mulled over. [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Questions thus far? [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Next, then: [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: In regards to changes being made to the current region build. To provide a bit more entertainment, and to make it a biiit more difficult to simply abuse H7 to victory, we're adding some simple objectives to Titan. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Although yes, H7 will still make it obnoxious to defend the objectives . . it'll give us plenty of time to go ".. heeeey, wait a second," rather than losing a flag for 11 seconds because someone managed to float over to the base while immortal. Haha. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: If you didn't see the basic idea I threw up on the forums, it goes like this: [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Individuals will have a series of events to complete: first, disabling two generators in order to make a mining area safe to inhabit. After which, attackers will then be able to "steal" the entirely-worthless-in-reality minerals and take them back to a drop off point. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: After taking X amount in a certain time span, victory achieved. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Thankfully we have a group pirate, Masamune, so this shouldn't be an issue. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions? [18:36] Ethan Schuman raises his hand [18:36] Lysander Serrari raises hand [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Schuman? [18:37] Ethan Schuman: Has there been any more thought given to an air objective? Astra have been enthusiastic about the idea. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Not currently, but it is doable. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Serrari? [18:39] Lysander Serrari: Will this require a partial or complete sim rebuild to fit in the new objects surrounding the objective? [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Naw. Easily added in. We'll probably shift cover a bit. [18:39] Lysander Serrari: ok, thankyou [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Very welcome. [18:40] Kytec Switchblade raises a hand [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Switchblade? [18:41] Kytec Switchblade: Wouldn't surrounding all objectives with a small destructive barrier fix the problem? If bullets arent working, the flag we have now would suffice so long as it required h7 to work for them to advance. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: . . . hahah. That's clever. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Noted. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: "DEFEATED VIA 5HP BARRIER." [18:42] Kytec Switchblade: Yep [18:42] Marc Gravois raises paw [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Gravois? [18:42] Marc Gravois: it should probably have a quick respawn on it, or else they might shoot it while bullets are working and by the time they got to it they might not be [18:43] Marc Gravois: maybe house it in a little hut with shield doors that regenerate and wont let you in till they are at 0 [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Aye. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you for the input. [18:44] Vilkacis Mason raises a hand. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Last on this topic: Mason? [18:45] Vilkacis Mason: We're building, or thinking about building, one of the backpacks into a 'repair' pack, right? We could use that to put barriers back up.. But this seems like we're just obstificating the flag. Take it down with armor, put it back up with repairs. But that's not much different than taking the flag and then taking it back. [18:45] Vilkacis Mason: I suppose this is more thoughts for a forum discussion, not a meeting one. [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Correct. That idea was tossed around. Currently, we'll probably forgo that for this objective set up-- it's intended to be a temporary band-aid to make fighting more entertaining while we wait on a more permanent build. [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Moving on: [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Update in regards to Disembodied's ongoing building for us: he's currently making major progress on the UCA variant for your dear ol' Imperator. After which he'll be starting one of the elite unit's mods. This month is expected to be fairly productive, so we're aiming to have all of the sets completed by Semptember 1st. [18:48] Aryte Vesperia: September, too. [18:49] Blaze Wiles raises handpaw [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Wiles? [18:50] Blaze Wiles: just to get confirmation on something for myself, it there a set of armour going to be drawn up for the apostles? [18:50] Aryte Vesperia: I was serious about the glitter rhinestone flightsuit. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: (Yes, the Apostles will receive a variant.) [18:51] Sukasa Rydell approves. [18:51] Trinity Heckroth: (YES) [18:51] Nikeo Fairlock: LOL [18:51] Blaze Wiles chuckles "yes Sir, thank you" [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: (Apostles: [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on . [18:53] Aryte Vesperia: To clear up confusion on the matter: the database for weapon authorizations is not currently in effect . . entirely. [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: If a weapon is listed as "approved" on the database, it is approved. However, if it is listed as "denied," follow the existing protocols-- it is not denied unless the former protocols would have listed otherwise. [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: For example: some of the TI guns have a "denied" stamp in the database. They are not denied. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: You will be notified when the database becomes supreme-o. [18:55] Steeltael Lykin raises paw [18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Lykin? [18:56] Steeltael Lykin: I'd assume it would also reduce internal revenue generation to ban the use of to many TI guns. [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: . . yes? [18:58] Steeltael Lykin: comment. thats all [18:58] Steeltael Lykin: not a question [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: This weekend I will be implimenting the O-5 cycle regulations. And reading . . a lot of stuff in my folder here that I apparently need to read. Otherwise, apparently our campaign has officially begun without it really . . intending to. Operation Blacksmith (I believe .. Huttser coined it?). [18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Implementing, rather. [18:59] Huttser Ishelwood: Me and Afevis sir [19:00] Aryte Vesperia: I believe the phase was "beating the shit of the anvil." Thus, we'll be focusing on doing just that. Major TAC ops. I've got something up my sleeve for next weekend. Promotions! [19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions and PRFs will be posted this evening / by tomorrow morning. I will sacrifice my SC2 time for it. Sniffle. Meeting Closer [19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Other then thaaat . . thank you for attending. Raid will be called in the next half hour. Dismissed and good tidings to ye'.
  22. *Insert funny quote here*

  23. ^ Is a silly butt to think she is a canine < is not canine. Is a Rodent and would guess wrong if she even tried to get specific about the next person v is not someone currently in Vangaurd

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