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Larry Furlough

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Posts posted by Larry Furlough

  1. I'm currently facing the decision of upgrading my phone after two years with my sturdy Incredible, that I've rooted, dropped, thrown, cracked, and all the above.

    However, even though this is the best phone I've ever owned, I still feel the desire to switch to the iOS platform.

    But, I've recently ported Jelly Bean to my phone, and combine that with the advent of these great long battery life, supercharged, crystal clear display phones like the Droid RAZR HD series, I'm having a very hard time departing Android.

    So, what's your opinions? I'm up for hearing any arguement, from Content Networks, to notification centers (which I love in Jelly Bean), or even system fonts. :p

  2. That's actually very neat. I hadn't thought about the Q being a developer device like that.

    Though, I thought it was odd google would make a set top... sphere in the first place.

  3. Yeah, i went from EVE to WoW. The thing is, EVE lacks so much content. Yeah, its fun to the newbie zone and pod people with a single torpedo. But advancing just takes so much longer to do, and its not fun. Its not fun to travel 15 jumps just to get ganked by pirates. Then you lose your ship, need to make more money, bla bla bla. Whenever i tried to mine in some of the safer zones there was always 4 or 5 strip miners there. You run over to within a Kilometer of the astroid when they pop, and then some uber miner drains it in one hit from like 100 miles away. Another thing that disappointed me is that you couldnt get near to planets, or land on them. I tried to whistle for a cab and when it came near The license plate said "Fresh", and it had dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought man forget it yo homes to Bel-Air I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'yo homes smell ya later' Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air

  4. idk that's how it is here for me Marc and I drive stick just fine. :p

    I really want a mustang with a manual transmission, or at least to test drive one, just to feel what it's like when the clutch bites on it. But that's a big jump from what I drive right now HP wise, I would probably spin the wheels on it for about a week before I get used to it.

    I drive a (semi)old escort ZX2 S/R, that really doesn't go above 80mph anymore cause of the engine's age.


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