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Zacharias Bardasch

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Everything posted by Zacharias Bardasch

  1. My highest score was 101,040 with my longest run being 71,432. I hate you for showing this, as now all I do at work on downtime is play it. I should introduce it to coworkers and kill shop productivity. MUAHAHAHAHA.
  2. I'm actually surprised to see combat regions. I'll most likely hop on the bandwagon once my internet stops booting me off.
  3. Messing with it now, hating the hell out of the roulette. Always gives me crap, rather than new toys. >:c And the first boss is beating my ass without remorse. But I can halp. :>
  4. And Agares says he doesn't wear it anymore... I KNEW IT.
  5. "No, I'll stab you." - Survive Agares' wrath.
  6. Oh goddammit my eyes just melted. Typing by memory now. NOW I HAVE TO REPLACE MY PERSONAL LIBRARY WITH BRAILLE VERSIONS. GOD. >8C
  7. Ok what freaking song is this? It's AMAZING and makes the video so much more amusing, I should probably feel bad about it. >.<
  8. Pft, I was having a blast today. Went undefeated the whole time I was on, we were such an epic team, we could just chat while working together, supporting and meshing like a single entity. It was orgasmic. ^~^
  9. Ok, it's been out for a week, thoughts, comments, PLAYERS I CAN HAS ON TEAM? D: So far, liking it when I'm alone, loving it on a good team, hating it when team doesn't work together.
  10. My two cents say to have a pool for Armatura and Schola, since they are fairly similar and can be almost back-to-back for personnel. As for Ludi, the wide variety of both topics and personnel who will need qualification on their weapons and skill sets should warrant a separate group of more focused teachers. I mean, I don't think I'm the only one who would look at the list of materials they have to memorize, work with and adapt for all three branches and feel the beginnings of a headache coming on.As for numbers for Ludi, it'd probably have to be figured out once the pipeline of trainees is gauged.
  11. We all know you're straight. You told me yourself... Several times...
  12. NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN. >:C And Intus I love you. I share the exact same sentiments. Except Red Alert 2 was amazing amazing amaaaaazing.
  13. Tundra Foxtrot Teh sniper :3 Barrett, PP2000, sleight of hand, stopping power, commando PP2000 is beast >:o

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