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Lilium Supermarine

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Everything posted by Lilium Supermarine

  1. Goodluck jayce, you're my favorite canadian. <3
  2. SNES for having the most epic games ever created on it. :3
  3. Tau is my second favorite, right behind space marines of course. :3 Welcome to the ordo!
  4. It's kind of random to do it now, If we were getting brand new armor i could see a new rule set being put into place for it, but as for the current armor, it's dated. I don't really know how to word we should be allowed to mod our boots so, We should be allowed to add backpacks/change our boots/and add gloves all with approval of O-2 or higher and must keep a notecard with that approval incase of later questioning from another O-2 or Curia Consul Bunnyhug/Capalini. That's just my opinion though <.<
  5. Reason 5: Cost to keep servers up/Do updates/and for alot of games content updates are what monthly subscriptions are for. Reason 4: Aggro enhances the UI. If you were able to skip past a dragon spit on its face then keep going without it attacking you, that's no fun and it's a bad UI making the game retarded. Monsters attack healers,why? they're keeping the tanks alive, again smart UI. Tanks have aggro powers in every game to maintain it, it's their job without aggro there would be no use for that class. Reason 3: He's just becoming more of an idiot as he furthers this retarded article. If you stand there to watch the pretty colors you'll die. Diablo is a button mash as well, furthering my opinion on the guy knowing nothing. He's basing his opinion on WoW, not every MMO. Reason 2: Generally when you defeat something you grow in strength/more powers etc. You move on as does the story, obviously this is one of those guys who just does it and doesn't read anything. Reason 1: Not really, if you start the quest without your friends, guess who's fault? for instances you need more then 1 person or in another game for example (city of heroes) You need more then 5 people to do a task force. just because you played the game longer and got higher level in most games, doesn't mean you can use a feature to make them your level as they play with you or as you share the quest. End conclusion: This guy is a retard.
  6. Just don't do it, no one is forcing you.
  7. What if, you have them made FOR your armor? As in you build your own boots, or your own cape thing. Or if a friend builds it for your ordo armor, as in no one else will have it?
  8. i even told her lestat was in charge >_>'s clearly visable in one of the pictures. Upon entering the sim, she messaged with asking why she was denied. I forwarded it to lestat but stayed in conversation with her as she seemed to be polite. I allowed her to approch the wall but no further (was only one on sim at time :((((((((((( ) After an hour of her telling me of her teen grid escapades lestat arrived to meet her questions.
  9. He's not a dreaded kani mod, just a kani. Hoorah for nonkani mod kenaki
  10. He's stated no gesture spam before, and it is also in the handbook. It's sad he has to repeat himself.
  11. No, furry's dont go bowling. They go to yiff clubs and do just that. This is something gunau would do.
  12. I agree, Quality avatars for the WH40k series. P.S don't buy from lost faith :3
  13. Drugs are bad, And people who do them are retarded :3..also does making aryte face palm by saying really retarded things count?
  14. Arch is a very different kind of guy, He stands up for his friends as they would stand up for him. Him leaving like this does not make him any less of a person then he was before. In truth arch has always been this way. He gave many good years to the Ordo and for you should show him enough respect not to toss insults (which none have been so far/awesome) For someone like arch, to constantly loose his rank due to things that use to be okay for him to do but not now was way to much on him. While it is sad how he left and why he left, Many thanks to arch for all of his dedication and effort to the group, as would anyone who was here as long as he was would deserve.
  15. This game was not what i expected it to be. too much hype not enough deliverance, Though the campaign might change that, still gonna buy but if the campaign isn't good, i'd prefer to exchange it for something else.
  16. Is this that grey nolder military?

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