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Everything posted by BlackSergal

  1. [media]
  2. [media]
  3. The Occi and Lasrifle was standard issue
  4. "I installed all these toolbars to make IE run faster.."
  6. It all comes down to size/time on the machine: (Your question was not the only one I was just answering, but to also drive a final nail in the berret coffin and explain just how hard it is to make them) Now then, Good question! How big and what type of fabric are you looking at getting? Currently (strickly for ease of choice)The sizes are 3" x 3", 9" x 9", and 14" x 14" . 3" x 3" is what you'd get on a typical hat and on a stright up normal piece of heavy cotton fabric your looking at about $9 bucks + Shipping for your patch. After that price, just add $5 bucks to each size up. For example: 9" x 9" What you'd find on the back of a typical tshirt will be $15 and 14" x 14" (Arokh's vest size) will be $20. (Also, I have your friend's Ordo tabbard done, it's on 14" x 14" and would be $45 bucks [but I paid for it] and is ready for shipping. Just send that info to the email below and we'll send it out his way.) These prices are estmates but should be fairly close for simple, easy to come by fabrics. Again, prices are subject to change based on costs of materials. For a definitive and exact cost, or on any questions what so ever, I encourge you to email the source herself at: [email protected]
  7. This very much is a "Cottage Industry" coming out of my parents house where my mom runs her business. The various machines we use are "Home use machines." But that is a liberal use of the term as they are 5-figure machines the size of small refrigerators and have touch-screan CPUs as smart as PC tablets. This limits us to producting hats and clothing for the embroidery, but theres other clothing-related options as well such as heat-press. Though they don't last as long or look as good, and can be had at basicly the same cost as much more permant embroidery. To do a patch, your going to need a lot of time on the machine: (AKA Spend lots more thread and time on the machine = money.) Then you have to sew the patch to the berret, as the thin fabric on the berret would not surive the embroidery. Thats more time, more money for the hat. To put things in perspective: Arokh's biker vest of awesomeness cost him over $100.00 and thats including the cost of the leather jacket and shipping. Its in special Glow-in-the-Dark thread on a 14'x14" water-resistant patch and was all done in the same way you'd make a berret w/ patch. Granted due to the fact that Arokh was using this a part of saftey gear, he really got the red-carpet treatment. But that's still not that much more expensive you'd end up. So the bottom dollar line is; What would you spend your money on? Would you pay over a $100 bucks on a flimisy thin-fabric'd berret that you had to hand-wash only (thus only wear occasonally)? Or $20 bucks on a sturdy hat with embrodery directly on it that you could thrash and wear all the time b/c you can just toss it in the washer when it gets dirty? (One example of the coming items for sale, the Garrison cap) Now in terms of Hard Materials: Sadly no, we don' have the ablity to do any etching like Arokh's flask. He might be the better "go-to" there if your looking for that. That said, the latest piece of gear that was picked up was a special paper cutter that will do extreamly accurate cuts, allowing for professional window stickers. Like the ones up on my pervious posts, only w/o the hack-job I did cutting them out with scissors (as we were testing the material not the machine). I encourage everyone who's interested to goto this site and look a the various head-gear and throw in their ideas. Mission Imprintables has a wherehouse local thus the costs are much lower than having to order the item and have it shipped to us before sewing. So we'd perfer using them exclusively.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see them too. But they just arn't econmical for both parties. Too much time = too much cost too buy.
  9. *Points up at his large number of earlier posts on this where he's answered this question already*
  10. Better: wear your Ordo vest n biker gear..
  11. Open beta weekend! />
  12. The temp-tats is one angle.. Stickers for cars is a spin off of this tech.. And can be had for only 5 bucks each.. In the enclosed thumbnail you'll see the prototype stickers that serve to both be a Temp-tat, and (with the right materials) a window sticker. (It's backwards as you'd place is from inside your car, facing outwards.) This monday I'll be going back south to my folks house to finalize the links and types of hats/shirts we'd select to become available.
  13. Re-vamp of gear allowed is in progress, please be patient. One of the things we're going to be offering is temporry tats now even.
  14. Marc Gravois Robwolf Dragovar During the attack on Megiddo 14APR12 / 1932 – 2024: Both Marc and Robwolf equipped with only a shovel and pistol valiantly charged through withering enemy fire to repair our sole Ordo tank on the field. Their selfless actions were instrumental in this victory by keeping a key piece of gear on the battlefield, which held the hostile forces at bay through suppressive fire. Their actions reflect great credit to their squads and to Ordo Imperialis as a whole.
  15. Rei, is this that same Dumbass we saw when you and I fighting in our M2 Brads, who blew himself up by calling in arty ontop of himself? Then reported you to an admin for his death b/c you had a negitive kill number from an eariler fight?
  16. Cars? Deserts? Cops? Drugs? Get in..
  17. It did. While you could tell who the professional actors were in the talking sceans. In the fighting, it was obvious who the real pros were. All my marine and army buds who saw it walked away like me: Ranger ready
  18. [media]
  19. But I called Dibs first.. and I'm sorry, but the rules are very clear on this.. [media]

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