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Lanny Ansar

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Posts posted by Lanny Ansar

  1. On a side note: Decided to try the Defiance free trial. The story's cool and the game mechanics seem alright, but the world is pretty-much completely empty as of now. I've never seen more than 3 people in a single area at one time.


    PvP is a joke. Everyone carries around chargeable Sniper Rifles and has insanely-good accuracy to where they can basically #360yolonoscope you whenever they want.



    So a few RL buddies of mine mentioned this game a couple days ago, and I decided to give it a try.


    It's your usual Dungeon-Crawler layout, with a multi-act storyline that's actually pretty good for a F2P game. The graphics are really well-done, the combat feels fluid and not very clunky, and everything feels essentially like a VERY polished and refined Diablo II. Not only that, but there's no separate servers either. The fighting areas and such are all instanced, but it's completely open when you get into town.


    But the thing that REALLY got me going was this: (Edit: And even then that's only half of the screen. >_>)




    THIS is a skill tree for a single class. The base classes they give you (Templar, Marauder, Ranger, Duelist, Witch, and then Siren and Shadow later on in development) are essentially just base concepts. You pick a class and they go "Okay, this is typically the stats that this character runs. Do whatever you want past that."


    It's detailed to the point of being frightening. The game itself is developed almost entirely from community feedback, and so-far after leveling a Templar to almost 20, I can say this game has officially sparked my interest.

  3. Yeah. I could only manage about 30 minutes of gameplay before I had to uninstall.


    The graphics are HORRIBLY outdated, the gameplay mechanics are incredibly clunky, weapon accuracy basically doesn't exist (Hence why you'll see 99% of players using the stock SMG), and the only gameplay mode worth trying is the car chase / heist map.


    This game would've been amazing circa 2004-2005, but as of right now, CS:GO is only $15 and basically does everything this game does, minus car chases.


    EDIT: Apologies for how negative this post sounds. The game itself does show promise. Unfortunately it suffers from quite a few issues, including a lack of decent funding and a large-enough development team, as well as coming into a market that's WAY over saturated in the arena FPS genre.

  4. I have trouble seeing the screen because my nose doesn't have enough room to adjust within the 2.5 inches of space I provide from my face to my screen.


    That and I target things in-game pixel by pixel. :)

  5. So I purchased an item from Wal-mart earlier today that literally had me both surprised and laughing at the same time.




    It's a children's toy. Cost me about $17 with tax. And it's a near-life sized replica of an AR platform with an optional detachable supressor, fake red dot sight and detachable foregrip / flashlight combo. The T-handle also moves and makes a reloading noise when pulled. It has a bunch of non-moving parts as well that totally mimic an actual AR as well (Safety, bolt release, etc). And it's totally a kid's toy.


    But it got me an idea. So I decided to start a "How do you get away with making this" thread, where we can post things we find in day-to-day life and simply ask "How the Ffff did this get made?"

  6. Wait a second...


    How has she NOT earned the Star up until now? Mercury is likely one of the finest pieces of codework I have ever seen get implemented into Second Life's platform. And to be honest, is likely going to be the only one of its' kind for a LONG, LONG time.


    So does she deserve the award? OH DEAR GOD YEAH. Like I stated before, I'm surprised she didn't get it before now.

  7. If that's really how the game plays, then it's going to be pretty Ffffing awesome -- still worrying, though, that the final product's not going to live up to the hype.


    I mean, we all saw what happened to Aliens: Colonial Marines.


  8. Yeah. Unfortunately I'm unwilling to relocate my two Vice Admiral toons to the OI, simply because I have too much reputation as the only effective Science Officer within the 111th Fleet there. xD That and they're all really good friends of mine.


    However, when LoR comes out and I make a Romulan, I can definitely see what I can do about that.


    (My main's a VA Science Officer. Running Mk.XI MACO / Liberated Borg gear on most of my ships, and Mk.XI ground stuff.)

  9. Lanny your dad seems to scream " 'MURICA". Also, is that M2 on an M63 mount? It looks like it but I can't tell.


    And since I don't think I have told too many people about this, my AR-15 build now has a heart:




    In this time of political bullshit Youngs has gone above andf beyond. They don't normally sell directly to consumers but they have offered to do sales if you contact them directly. I was originally planning on getting just a plain phosephate M16 cut bolt carrier group, but availability turned to shit, prices skyrocketed, and this was available. It was more than I had planned to spend, but was on-par with the inflated prices of the most basic phosephate M16 cut ones. Young's is known for the National Match carriers and their exceptional fit and finish. The one I got my hands on is a chrome plated AR-15 cut BCG. It is the only part on my entire AR that is not matte black. Even the gas tube is a darkened black finish.

    Oh well. I have a fully functional AR-15 build which is what matters.


    Now I just need some sights. I am planning on getting a set of MBUS simply because I want to use ironsights before getting an optic.

    Once I get those, or maybe even before then, I need to get some ammo and get to the range to do the initial break-in procedure suggested by the barrel manufacturer.

    Not bad. Not bad at all.


    And, ironically enough, my father actually left the US a few months back because he couldn't stand the political hooplah that was going on. He now lives in the Czech Republic and gets his rocks off slamming the US over Facebook. He was merely an anarchist-type and was stocking up for some sorta Martial Law / hostile political takeover of the country that may or may not happen ever.


    At least according to him.


    Dunno about the mount itself, but the NV Scope on it is a PVS-2.



    B: Found some pics my Dad posted from back in the day (Y'know, when we had the money to spend on expensive hobbies) and came across these.










    (Last one is of my Dad on the .50cal )


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