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Acheron Gloom

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Everything posted by Acheron Gloom

  1. Happy Holidays Kith, and have fun. Can't wait to fight alongside you again once we both get back (AKA do combat reports :p). <3 Also you have fun, too, 'fevis. <3
  2. <3s for you, too, hessel. Feel free to IM me if you ever want to talk or anything :).
  3. Congratulations everyone, especially to you Keller.
  4. Oh god, I love you now. I agree with everything there. I have to go now though, otherwise I'd add one.
  5. I will... not be there ;_; I'll be in China, mining for cows.
  6. Note that you can also right click the object, go to tools menu, and hit remove scripts from object if you use Phoenix.
  7. 419 (3.25 per day). I started at like 6 per day, but its lowered quite a bit over time.

  8. Congratulations Hollow, Huttser, and Steeltael on recieving Custos. Also congrats to everyone else as well, keep up the great work.
  9. I think lots of places ate lots of food for celebrations. I mean, thats just a guess of course.
  10. I used to play this constantly. I think the hardest level I found (that was possible/fun) was one called big ben. To start you had to jump off your segway and grab onto a clock-hand that would spin around. If you jumped off at the right time you would fly through a tunnel and land on a catapult which would fling you at a rope. You had to maneuver your body in order to catch the rope correctly. Afterwards it would use your momentum to start moving a cart that it was attached to. You once again had to jump off at the right point to go around a bunch of spikes before sliding down a ramp, grabbing onto a chandalier, and then letting go to land on the end-point.
  11. I made a radar that integrated with Phoenix/Emerald to do sim-wide tracking. You could do the same concept. The only issue is that lag scales with the amount of people in the sim, so like 60 people is p. laggy.

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