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Kishoshima Dragonash

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Posts posted by Kishoshima Dragonash

  1. But.. but.. but.. I got paid like 100000000 internet cool points for trolling you! :P  (you know I love ya Kavia lol)

  2. Since Ive been away, for what feels like an eternity, I figured it might be a good idea if I did one of these.  I started out in Ordo three or four years ago as a regular ol' grunt in Second Life (usually chasing Achtai around the sim threatening to take away her Catnip on a daily basis).  From there I moved up into one of the Alpha Squads, lead by Krow Ames, got inducted into Curia (Now the OMJ I think) by everyone's favorite windmill chaser (Kristian) and became a Praetorian.. which were basically Aryte's Personal Guard, and the Guardians of Ordo as a whole.  I had to step away from Ordo for personal (read RL) reasons for a while.. divorce, moving from one country to another.. that kind of thing...  but Im back and Im here to stay.


    Now that the history's over, a bit about me... Im 35, live North of Atlanta, work in IT, spent a decade in the Marine Corps as a Radio Operator, but cross trained into wireman and networking.  I'm pretty laid back and easy going, I enjoy trolling Kavia every chance I get for anything she says (:P) and get a kick out of hanging out with nerds, geeks, dweebs and gamers in general.  Im not a huge fan of PvP, but I'll dabble now and then, I mainly play TOR, but have accounts in Wildstar, ESO, STO, WoW, DCUO, and probably a few others I cant think of off hand.  If you wanna hang out, or chit chat, or goof around, you can find me in TS most of the time. Just give me a poke!

  3. Pro Tip:

    When you're trying to rob a Store saying "gimme all your money or else" to a Former Marine that works there, and the mother Ffffer says "Do you really want me to come across this Ffffing counter?"... Dont say yes.

  4. Here's the issue Valaska, the TLDR of everything youve written is.. "Sun Tzu is stupid herp derp derp, you're all morons for reading it." A 'debate' or 'discussion' requires the ability to see beyond your own personal views and offer decent counter points to that which you dont agree. The only thing you've contributed is "Im right, you're wrong, look how epic I am Ffff you."

    We've all agreed that The Art of War is outdated, but that doesnt make what's written in those pages any less pertinent. Books here have been mentioned by people like Rommel... -his- methods are outdated because of the way modern warfare works. You no longer actually have to "see" your target to destroy it anymore, even in a tank. JTAMS, JRAMS, AWACS, Satellites, Laser Designation.. all make the literal tactics in his book.. worthless. Let's look back to Desert Shield.. 200 Iraqi tanks, vs 48 US M1 Abrahms. Who won that one? The M1s. Not because of superior tactics, but because of superior weapons and firepower. According to Rommel, a 4:1 advantage should have been MORE than enough to ensure victory. It didnt. Why? Because the M1s had air support, advanced radar systems and could fire their main guns WELL before the Iraqis could see them in their outdated equipment. This is covered in The Art of War, its also covered in several other books, but the point is old does not mean wrong, or that it does not apply. Commanders still read old and out dated books to understand how commanders of the -past- have made mistakes and learned from them. They look for weaknesses in the theories and applications of those commanders, and compare them to their own. They take the best of what the commanders of old have to offer, and apply it to their own arsenal. This is why the Sun Tsu, Sun Ping, Rommel, Eisenhower, Bradley, Napoleon, Patton, Alexander the Great, Hitler and every other major leader in the history of war is studied. If you dont learn from the past, you'll repeat it. Since we're on a "its old therefore it sucks" kick, I like how Patton used the same tactics as those of Sun Tzu and Alexander the Great in several of the major battles he won... "just sayin"

  5. I agree, but that doesnt mean that it doesnt have its points to make.. the biggest, is that commanders have to think outside the box and apply common sense as well as use their observational skills -not- just rely on dogmatic doctrine, as was the case for centuries. it doesnt matter if the book itself is 'historically accurate' as long as the information within is understood and applied. Going back to the case of it being biblical... yes, the same ideology applies there. If you take the bible at face value then the universe is only like 10 thousand years old, which we know isnt the case... but what can be learned from the context within the rest of the book applies to life, as does the Torah, the Quran, and just about every other religious text thats existed.. -Most- of them teach that we should treat one another decently and show compassion.. are they all 100% historically accurate.. no, but what they have to offer still stands. The same can be said for the Art of War. The REASON its stood the test of time is merely because of the fact that anecdotes and lesson IN the book are the basis for and the observations for combat over the last how ever many hundreds of years and MOST of it still applies today.. -including- the chariot scenario. If you take the chariots themselves out of the equation, you can still estimate the size of a force (small, medium, large) by the disturbance it creates as it moves.. in the case of the art of war, it was the dust raised by the chariots and the foot soldiers. Its pointed out that you can see the basic layout of where which troops are and can send your scouts out to get an accurate count of what your facing. That is the lesson to be learned there. We take it for granted and as common sense these days, but it wouldnt occur the every day guy to think of that. This is why the book is provided to commanders in training, to help them start to realize that they have more tools than JUST their AWACS and all the fancy electronic gear and toys and doodads that are available these days. It's not always going to work, and you're gonna have to rely on old school training.. this is why map and compass training still takes place.. why soliders and Marines are taught how to read the layout of the land so that they can find their way around using nothing but a paper map, a compass and a red light. In short.. just because it's old and outdated, doesnt mean there's nothing to learn from it.. historically accurate or not.

  6. Its not the beheading that really got their attention per say... The context in this case, is the fact that these women lived a pretty good life and were usually protected from anything by the Emperor. They could do, pretty much, anything they wanted to as long as it didnt affect the Emperor directly or earn his ire. So when Sun Tzu comes along, at the request of the Emperor, the rules changed a bit. General Tzu had the Emperor's word that they were his to do with as he needed to do and not to interfere. That is why the beheadings worked so well... the girls realized that they were no longer safe, and if they wanted to live, they had better do what they were told. You can extrapolate that lesson into just about any context today as well.. know and understand how things work, and find a way to impact those you are in charge of to obtain the required results. The unfortunate part is that many ppl walk away with the sentimentality of "THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES!!" Which actually does the exact opposite.

  7. This is probably the best part of the whole book...

    King of Wu. Ho Lu said to him: "I have carefully perused your 13 chapters. May I submit your theory of managing soldiers to a slight test?"

    Sun Tzu replied: "You may."

    Ho Lu asked: "May the test be applied to women?"

    The answer was again in the affirmative, so arrangements were made to bring 180 ladies out of the Palace. Sun Tzu divided them into two companies, and placed one of the King's favorite concubines at the head of each. He then bade them all take spears in their hands, and addressed them thus: "I presume you know the difference between front and back, right hand and left hand?"

    The girls replied: Yes.

    Sun Tzu went on: "When I say "Eyes front," you must look straight ahead. When I say "Left turn," you must face towards your left hand. When I say "Right turn," you must face towards your right hand. When I say "About turn," you must face right round towards your back."

    Again the girls assented. The words of command having been thus explained, he set up the halberds and battle-axes in order to begin the drill. Then, to the sound of drums, he gave the order "Right turn." But the girls only burst out laughing. Sun Tzu said: "If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame."

    So he started drilling them again, and this time gave the order "Left turn," whereupon the girls once more burst into fits of laughter. Sun Tzu: "If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame. But if his orders ARE clear, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers."

    So saying, he ordered the leaders of the two companies to be beheaded. Now the king of Wu was watching the scene from the top of a raised pavilion; and when he saw that his favorite concubines were about to be executed, he was greatly alarmed and hurriedly sent down the following message: "We are now quite satisfied as to our general's ability to handle troops. If We are bereft of these two concubines, our meat and drink will lose their savor. It is our wish that they shall not be beheaded."

    Sun Tzu replied: "Having once received His Majesty's commission to be the general of his forces, there are certain commands of His Majesty which, acting in that capacity, I am unable to accept."

    Accordingly, he had the two leaders beheaded, and straightway installed the pair next in order as leaders in their place. When this had been done, the drum was sounded for the drill once more; and the girls went through all the evolutions, turning to the right or to the left, marching ahead or wheeling back, kneeling or standing, with perfect accuracy and precision, not venturing to utter a sound. Then Sun Tzu sent a messenger to the King saying: "Your soldiers, Sire, are now properly drilled and disciplined, and ready for your majesty's inspection. They can be put to any use that their sovereign may desire; bid them go through fire and water, and they will not disobey."

    But the King replied: "Let our general cease drilling and return to camp. As for us, We have no wish to come down and inspect the troops."

    Thereupon Sun Tzu said: "The King is only fond of words, and cannot translate them into deeds." After that, Ho Lu saw that Sun Tzu was one who knew how to handle an army, and finally appointed him general. In the west, he defeated the Ch`u State and forced his way into Ying, the capital; to the north he put fear into the States of Ch`i and Chin, and spread his fame abroad amongst the feudal princes. And Sun Tzu shared in the might of the King.

  8. Yanno.. we COULD market this as a "head hunter" type of deck.. similar to the most wanted deck the US DOD uses for Terrorists and their most wanted world wide A-Holes. Give the other groups in the SLMC bragging rights and stir up more combat if they kill one of us in Combat. Just sell the cards in the Titan Industries Vendor.

  9. That particular tradition is a LOT of fun in RL, and there is a pay off for having the coins.. as you pointed out, the buying of beer at a bar when you're the odd man out.. SL's a bit different. I think Jeff's asking what are they for in Ordo and what can they be used for here, in this context.

  10. All really depends on what's available up there.. Im fairly certain she can find Bell or Rogers, they're not the -cheapest- but they're the most reliable as far as connectivity goes. There may be a local provider there as well, couldnt hurt to google it.

  11. There is a game commonly played by children called "making the rounds".. it's also called the Mommy-Daddy game. You dont get what you want from one parent, so you go ask the other. I want to make this perfectly clear to everyone in Ordo... Dont pull this with Curia, we talk.. all of us.. we talk a lot. If you dont get the response you want from one individual, dont go to another trying to get it changed, because it wont happen.

    We, in Curia, are of one mind.. the Consuls discuss everything before a decision is made, and you bouncing from one to the next isnt going to do anything but weaken your case.

    While I have your attention, there are a few other things I think we all need a reminding of. Anything and everything that Curia handles, is of a confidential nature.. AKA Need to know AKA if you're not in Curia, you dont need to know unless one of us approach you about it.

    We dont discuss ongoing cases, whether it be CiRs, Applications into Ordo, applications into Curia etc, because it is Confidential in nature. We are bound by a set of rules that do not allow us to discuss these things for two reasons.. First of all, it's an ethical issue, secondly it's a matter of Comm Sec, or Communication Security.. it also falls under Op Sec, Operational Security.

    So, please.. do your selves a favor, do US a favor, and if you're approached by ANYONE, inside Ordo, outside Ordo.. applicants.. whatever.. very politely remind them that the people they need to talk to are Heather, Kristian, or I. If they dont get the response they like from us, having one of you guys come to us about it..isnt going to change matters any.

    And for the love of us all, dont play the mommy daddy game.. all its going to do is aggrivate me, and that's not a good thing. Let us do our jobs, take our word for what it is. .we're not going to bullshit you, anything we DO tell you, is as much as we CAN, not because we're a bunch of bureaucratic assholes that like to dangle carrots in your face.. but because we literally.. cant tell you more.

  12. One small detail you nub nubs forgot about PvP ganks... 99.9999999% of PvP gankers have the attention span of a head of lettuce. If they gank ya, you sit dead for like 30s after you come back to your body.. and just wait for them to go do somethin else. They're no better than the lonewolves we deal with here on Titan, they gank because it's easy, but if you make'm wait and play YOUR game.. IE not rushing into the North Objective to try to get them out, but rather waiting laying traps and waiting for them to come to us... you win 100% of the time. Take away their fun, and they go away.


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