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Kishoshima Dragonash

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Posts posted by Kishoshima Dragonash

  1. Whats his APO? We probably should mail him something, even if its a printed out screenshot of Titan.

    I, for one, would be all about sending the guy a care package from all of us. Stuff like his MLP episodes, recent magazines, newspapers from his home town (if possible) maybe some Gatoraide... stuff like that. The small things of that nature did wonders for a squad or a platoon when a Care Package came in.. also lets the lot of them know that there are ppl back here thinkin about them. A small letter of thanks written by you Boss Wolf, from all of us here would also help him a bit Im sure.

  2. The only way he could know that MLP is for faggots is if he watched himself, soooo I guess that makes him one too? lol Gotta love it when people are ignorant. There are quite a few Servicemen out there that watch old saturday morning cartoons... We did it as a morale thing when I was in Pohang back in '03. Chaplain set up a screen in the mess hall and we watched the first full season of Thundercats. Was epic.

  3. Over the last few weeks/months we've had several people decide to leave Ordo. The two single most popular reasons have been "I dont have any friends" or "I just dont like how things are." Let us keep in mind, that over that same period of time, the same individuals making said statements were rarely on base, rarely spoke to anyone, and when they WERE on base, they'd usually be off in a corner some where.

    Now.. you may be asking yourself "Why is YFNCG getting involved and bringing this up?"

    Short Answer: I care about you guys.

    Long Answer: Couple of reasons. First, Curia deals with recruitment of individuals into the Ordo, which also means part of our job is personnel retention. Second, Curia was founded and is designed to assist anyone and everyone in Ordo find their niche and to help resolve problems/issues/complaints/misunderstandings. Finally, we cant fix it if we dont know it's broken.

    Let's take a look at "I dont like the way things are run."

    One of the major patterns recurring in these departures is that these individuals DID voice some of their issues to someone... but they voiced it to their friends instead of taking it up the proper channels. There are 300+ individuals in Ordo, if I remember the math correctly that means there are roughly 20 to 30 officers (correct me if Im wrong with that count). Of that total number there are three in Curia.. Heather McKay, the Curia Consul Primus (the boss) and then both Kristian Kit and Kishoshima Dragonash (dats me) who are the Consul Secondii. If you do the math on -that- it means that you guys out number us 100:1. Kinda hard for the three of us to know everything and anything that's going on in Ordo constantly 24/7.

    Let's also not forget the backbones of Curia, our Consiliators and our Lictors. We have two consiliators, Arokh Takakura and Vinnie Lei. We have a small number of Lictors (and always looking for more), who are Achtai Coronet, Yoki Mistwalker, and Genesis Ronmark (There's also Sambazka and Jeff but both are on LOAs right now for school). Taking ALL of that into account now, the ratio has gone from 100:1 to roughly 40:1. That's still a LOT of ground to cover.

    Now, Milites Bob is probably asking right now "But YFNCG, what does all the Math mean?"

    Basically what this means is, we're here to help, but we cant help unless you take it upon yourself to let us know what's going on in that brain of yours. Curia's pretty good at reading people, but we cant read what's going on inside your mind.. you have to speak up and let us know. If you're confused or unhappy, contact one of our Consiliators... that's -exactly- what they're here for.. It's -exactly- what their jobs were created for.. to be someone -anyone- can approach and speak to about any topic and it be kept within the confines of -reasonable- confidentiality.

    If you come to one anyone in Ordo (not just curia) and say that you're feeding information to Army ABC, then yeah everyone's kinda obligated to report that to the AiR and up the chain of command. But 99.9% of anything you bring to anyone in Curia will be kept confidential unless some sort of confrontation is needed to resolve the issue.

    Let's also keep in mind that all the Officers in Ordo are here to help. They're not going to hold your hand, bottle feed you, burp you and change your diapers... but they'll give you a hand if it's within their power to do so. These are the very people who CAN improve the way Ordo operates.. its why they exist in the first place. The very same thing is true about the Praetorians.. if you see something that you think you have the solution to, contact someone in the Chain of Command (Officer/Praetorian) and let them know... Things stay the same unless we see a problem that needs to be fixed, and we cant see everything.

    Some general adivce when it comes to 'fixing things': Just do please keep one thing in mind... Try to stay within your chain of command when doing this. Give your own officers the chance to fix things before you take it outside your squad/flight. If you play the mommy/daddy game (not getting the answer you want from one person so you run to someone else to get it done) is going to ruin your credibility and whatever changes you want probably wont come to be, mainly because you shot yourself in the foot.

    If you have to step outside your chain of command, come to Curia, we have the tools available to assist you. The FIRST question we're going to ask you is "did you talk to your CO/XO.. if the answer is no, then we're going to point you to your CO/XO. If the answer is YES, then we're going to ask "how long ago?" Give the guys more than an hour or a day, they have to take things up THEIR chain of command to, if the situation is something that needs higher authority.

    Ok, onto a smaller but just as potent issue "I dont have any friends."

    Let's get something understood up front.. you're not gonna make friends if you're always standing around alone and not interacting with people. We're not gonna come running up to you with outstretched arms and start hugging and kissing you because you got into Ordo.. We're all adults. You dont make friends at work that way, or at school that way, so why do you expect it to be different here?

    On the flip side of things, if WE are approached (and I mean we as in all of Ordo) by "the new guy" take the freaking time to talk and get to know them.. there's NOTHING you're doing that is SOOOOO important that you cant take the time to talk to the guy for five minutes. "But Im doing important work, I cant be disturbed!!" Suck it up buttercup.. If Aryte can spend 3-4 hours a day, every day (if not more) talking to people.. usually complete strangers btw... you can take five minutes out of your life to talk to one of your own brothers or sisters.

    Normally, Curia is up up to it's eyeballs in work or conflict resolution or whatever, and find the time to answer IMs... and we have the Imperator to answer to if Curia doesnt clear out the application queue as quickly as they should. As much as I dont like having to talk to him about why Curia didnt do this or that, we still take the time to talk to people... you guys can do it too.

    For those of you out there that arent sociable... too bad. Ordo is a social group. If you want to be alone, go stand in the corner of your own parcel and be as alone as you want. For those of you that are standing alone in a corner and grumbling that noone likes you... it -might- be because you're standing in a corner, alone, grumbling that noone likes you. -You- have to put forth a little work and make the effort to get to know people, just as -we- have to take the effort to be open to others wanting to get to know -us-... It's a fact of life in a social environment. Doesnt mean that we're all gonna love one another and that we're all gonna be the best of friends and "take long hot showers in the wee hours of the morning together" (quote from Heartbreak Ridge), but it does mean that we need to take the time to try to cooperate and work/live together as best as possible.

    Ok, Ive rambled enough. Long and short of it is this.... The Officium Curia, The Officer Corps, The Praetorian Guard, are all here to help and we're all here to make sure you get onto the track that best suits you. Talk to us, let us know.. We cant fix what we dont know is broken.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Curia Guy (YFNCG)


  4. Its about a 150 to 250 bucks there and back and there again Rein (gas/food etc) otherwise itd be a good idea (yay for Opec and their stupidity), oh and the storm headed for the Gulf Coast, AND the storm headed towards the east coast.. any excuse to jack the prices up on a barrel of oil >.>

    @Kiwi - Just let me know if you plan on staying the night, there's a spare bedroom upstairs, one down stairs, and a big den down stairs as well with a Futon. Same goes for you other guys, if we're gonna be consuming any alcohol need to make sure we have a place for you guys to crash.

  5. What I want to do is try to set up a time/place for the lot of us that live in the GTA to all get together, sit, have some food drink a beer or three and kinda hang out/get to know one another better. My inlaws are out of town for the next 2 to 4 weeks, so we can use their place if we want a home to crash in or what not (Id use my place but 200 square feet is barely large enough for my wife and I). If you guys are interested, leave a note here and we'll try to work it out. I blame this idea COMPLETELY on Reinhardt and Ookami because I just found out Rein's like 5 min away from my house and HAS been for the last 5 years (jerk LOL). Let's try to do this before the first snow and while its still good patio weather. Lemme know whatcha think.

  6. Erebus is a different kettle of fish.. and most of the time they are as guilty, if not more so, of flagrant rule abuse on Titan BECAUSE they know how we operate so well. They find every loophole they can come across to get away with whatever they want to get away with. That, in and of itself, is cheating. Mind you it's not ALL of them, but a good majority.

    Groups like X-Corps, CATI.. basically the ones we hit on a daily basis.. dont play like we do and they dont because they dont want to.. period. CATI has made huge strides towards fixing that, I will fully admit it, but they have a helluva long way to go. We play by the rules we play by, and are part of Ordo for the plain and simple fact that we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We dont lower the bar so the other kiddies dont feel left out.

    As for the invitations and such, we have a Diplomatic Corps that does exactly that.. they go out, talk to leaders, meet with groups, invite them to Titan. Those same diplomats also help try to coach them into seeing why we do what we do, but again MOST groups only take the invitation so they can learn the layout of the sim, learn our weaknesses and use everything they have to exploit them. Its a fact of life in the SLMC.

    You have to keep in mind the mentality of those we're going against.. these are the SAME ppl that use the cheat codes in games to beat the thing in two hours and brag about how Ffffing epic they are. These are the SAME people that do nothing but play HALO on XBOX, and even then they get banned for using exploits and cheats. There's no sense of "fair play," its all about the "W." And again, Ordo doesnt operate that way, this is why (as Aryte pointed out) we're the largest military on SL, have the most active members, etcetcetc.

    Now dont get me wrong, Im not saying there arent good groups out there... but they're so few and far between, or so small, that they never make it to Titan. This is why we have so many lonewolves out there. This is also why so many larger groups refuse to attack titan.. because we force them to play by the same rules WE play by, and they cant take the fact that we dont cheat to Ffff their shit up.

    We've been friends a long time Tam, I know -exactly- how you feel about the situation. ALL of us feel the same way, but we either accept the fact that we have to deal with it and play by our rules when we go out, regardless of what the other guys do.. or we turn into Vangard and sit in our sim all day long doing Ffff all and watching porn.

    Does it take some of the fun out of it.. yes.. but the way I see it, Id rather go stomp a mudhole in someone's ass and KNOW that I did it with integrity. Its nice to have both the win and the mudhole, but if I had the choice, Id take the mudhole over the win 10/10 times. Like I said, I dont see things the way a lot of ppl do, I dont take it personally if I lose.. only if I lose from my own mistakes and not because I was in a Kobeashi Maru.

  7. Let me spin this for you in a different direction hon.

    When our enemies have to cheat to win.. it just means our training is that good.

    When our enemies have to cheat to win.. it just means our enemies fear us.

    When our enemies have to cheat to win.. it just means our tactics are solid.

    In the end, if they have to cheat to beat us, that flat out means everything we do.. everything we stand for works. I completely understand your disdain and your frustration. I understand your hatred of the situation, but we take the highroad for a reason. When those same enemies come here and try to take us out.. they cheat... we play fair and we Ffff their shit up. When those same enemies bring their friends and THEY cheat.. we STILL Ffff their shit up. Why? Because we dont have to cheat to achieve our objectives.. and our ultimate objective is to maintain the honor of Ordo and to enjoy ourselves but not at the expense of others. Dont let this get you down, we are Ordo... we are better for a reason and the reasons are for exactly what you posted above.. we dont cheat.


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