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Consiliarii Flyer - Curia Position

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As part of our continued desire to serve all walks and needs within the Ordo Imperialis, Sekonda Huet has filled an old, unused position of Consiliarii (Counselor). It will be among his duties to ensure the well being of all members of the group. He has issued the following message for your knowledge:

I've been granted the opportunity to take the position of Curia Consiliarii within the Ordo.

Basically, I'm your counselor.

I will be here to lend an empathetic ear to those who wish to use the service Curia is providing. You can talk to me in confidence about anything that's troubling you, Ordo related or not.

The reason for this service is to help people develop themselves and continue the great camaraderie that we have here within the Ordo. If you need to vent, bitch, complain, talk, confide or ask a simple question please do not hesitate to contact me.

If someone/thing is bothering you within the Ordo, talk about it. Usually things are just a misunderstanding and it need not cause friction or a break within the Ordo. There is no shame in talking about a problem big or small.

I will aim to help guide you to solving your problems, I will not be the person to solve your issues, your grievances or any complaint that you have, but I will always provide you with the information necessary for you to make the correct decision as you see it.

This service is here for you, please do not fear using it.

The Curia exists to prevent issues becoming concrete within the Ordo.

You can reach me anytime In-World or via the PM Facility on the forums. You can do this anonymously if you wish by using an alt.

My door is always open.

Sekonda Huet

Curia Consiliarii

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