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Ron Bleac

The Winter War (1989 film)

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Because it's a good movie, here. English subtitles. Have a link to Part 1. Also, I hate copyright infringement and it's terrible, so unless you want to get hanged by the British East Indian company, you probably shouldn't watch this:

You can find the rest in related.

If you want to skip straight to combat:


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Im not going to watch it because im frankly not interested in the setting but I find that a lot of the non-hollywood esque war movies are the better ones, with the exception of Windtalkers and Saving Private Ryan, but both of them were plagued by bad prettyboy actors.

Best war film I ever saw I think was called Taegukgi Brotherhood of war, a Korean film about the Korean war that had 2 South Korean brothers conscripted into the army at the onset of the war, one gets captured and months later his brother finds him fighting on the side of the North Koreans. it was dubbed but the dubbing wasnt that bad. opposed to some films

Point is, more shooty less drama are better, I dont rent a movie to sit there for an hour watching some guy go through 3 months of his training only to see 20 minutes of fighting only to have him die and the movie ends. "Like that series The Pacific or whatever it's called"

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