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Hakuen Silverstar

23APR11 6pm Ordo Imperialis Meeting

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[17:59] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting.

[17:59] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics

Members: 317

Cadets: 9


New: 14

Accepted: 1

Denied: 12

Review: 1


Defensive: 119

Offensive: 50 (holy fuck)

Allied Assist: 0

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes: Exilion Enclave and Ordo have hashed out a sort of temporary (potentially more in depth) alliance while EE gets itself onto its feet. Ordo will continue to skirmish with EE at request, however EE members are welcome to be armed and participate in combat on Titan.

[18:00] Corsi Mousehold raises his hand on that.

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Si?

[18:01] Corsi Mousehold: Will there be a spawn point made for our allies?

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Someday.

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:01] thatguy Andel rasies his hand for Terra.

[18:01] Nikki4 Aquitaine: o/ (o /)

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Andel.

[18:02] thatguy Andel shouts: Antesignani: A fast-paced and high activity week for Antesignani, with high activity across the board. The XCR has been broken in and tested vigorously, and we look forward to another week of combat and heretic slaying. :]

[18:02] thatguy Andel shouts: From Afevis for Insidiae: Insidiae would like to offer a round of congratulations across the table this week for several reasons. First off, congratulations to all of you who have completed the trials, best wishes from Insidiae to each and every one of the new Praetorian Initiates. We all look forward to watching you all progress to the mantle of full guardsmen! Secondly, Insidiae would like to congratulate the Ordo as a whole for their extremely high levels activity this week, whether you are a member of Terra, a member of Astra, or even a member of the Janitorium, you all deserve a round of applause for your participation and dedication to bringing the pain to all of our enemies.

This week, we have all caused the very oceans to turn red, and the arms trade to come to a collapse as a stockpile of almost completely free weaponry have amassed from each and every fallen heretic. Everybody in this room has just been given a verbal pat on the back from Insidiae, and we hope that almost every week to come can see such levels of activity which were demonstrated. :D

[18:03] thatguy Andel shouts: From Eriksson for Invictus: Another extremely active week for everyone in Invictus. I can't really say I've been any more proud of the squad than I am this week. All of us will be busy today washing our armor, our faces, our weaponry and our knives as this was just one bloodbath of a week. Countless amounts of raids were deployed, countless were fought on, and countless heretics were purged in the name of the Imperator. The once brand new MCR is now war-torn. Massive Kudos to everyone in Invictus, you all have done myself and the Ordo proud. In other news, as previously mentioned, the Invictus MCR has been fully exercised this week and we, simply put: Love it!

[18:03] thatguy Andel shouts: (Part 2) Another big thanks to Keller for taking time out of his week to provide us with the best. As for recruitment, we'd like to welcome Vinnie Lei to Invictus! Vinnie was recruited earlier in the week, and has actually fit in just swell to make an excellent addition to the squad! That also leaves us with two(2) vacancies left, so just express interest to the CO: Eriksson Foxtrot, or the XO, Stirn Aurotharius and then we'll get you all sorted! As a final statement: We'd like to thank both Insidiae and Antesignani for the event filled week, between all of us, we kicked some major ass this time around! And that note concludes the report, thanks!

[18:03] thatguy Andel shouts: From Pr0wer Miles for Cohors B: This week has been an excellent week for Cohor B! With the squad based competitions a noticeable spike of offensive activity has been seen across all the centuries. We still hope to maintain a high level of activity and build upon more training to further promote important skills. As usual expect another Cohor B command meeting later tonight after this meeting, so please do your best to arrange a way to make it. Finally I want to continue to reiterate that everyone who has not completed or enrolled in Armatura to work with the magisters so we can help you get you caught up to where you need to be!

[18:04] thatguy Andel shouts: That's all from me!

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Ms. Aquitaine?

[18:05] Nikki4 Aquitaine shouts: (On behalf of Ethan) Gotta write this up really quick, so I'll be brief. This was a fantastic week for Astra. We had a TON of raid activity. Drasamax and Ookami were bloodthirsty monsters, stomping many faces in many sims. Regular flight members have rallied, and activity all across the board has been off the charts. Sosarin and Zrazor continue to plot behind closed doors, and as a result of whatever they're doing, we're seeing more and more Astra members return to active status, and an increase in fresh recruits, as well as a few transfer requests. Final touches are being put on our elite unit (I believe Letalis was the name they chose) and a discussion with Cohors A will be held. Also, thanks to Disembodied, Astra has a new ground operations vest. It will be available as an unlock soon. Finally, Xoza is now XO of Palaestra, so congrats to him there.

[18:06] Nikki4 Aquitaine shouts: That's everything. :]

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports?

[18:07] Corsi Mousehold: o/

[18:08] Corsi Mousehold: A large amount of good things happening over this past two weeks. Very good stuff. On this rarity, one of the good things were base closings. Three sims have closed over the past two weeks and all three were set in rebuild status which means we technically lost nothing there. Those were Segovia Empire, Elysium Korps, and Exercito Brasileiro the latter having gone to VICE combat. New Reports in for Raven Raiders and Black Scorpion Mercinaries. BSM has a new build that they finished in a matter of hours and looks really good. To make things even more interesting, we have two MORE groups that have appeared and opened. CDF in the sim Hazardous, and MBC in the sim Seashell Shores. MBC on a side note is run by Derek Furman. No assault has gone out there as of yet mainly because there hasn't been anyone on the sim. Due to a number of people leaving or otherwise moving on to other things, we have reduced the team count to 12 from 15 and currently have eleven members. So that means Tactica has one slot open. Two of our members have also become Praetorian Initiates (Congrats to all new initiates. 'Cept Burrwolf cause he's fat) so we may have other opportunities open as their new duties take them away from us. This concludes the Tactica report for this week.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Thank you. Any additional reports?

[18:09] Wulf Lykin raises paw

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Lykin?

[18:11] Wulf Lykin shouts: as a little side note, Raiven Raiders are rebuilding thanks to astra's raid yesterday, we set of 2 nukes thanks to chrash. kinda funny like they rebuilded the raid before that aswell when we succeeded as well to set off the nuke.

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Haha. THank you.

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Final call for reports?

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: All righty. Moving on:

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: > Raid Challenge

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: This week’s combat challenge went extremely well. No incidents of drama that’s noteworthy (spare a couple bans/unbans) on the external or internal levels. Every unit participated, drumming up an impressive 50 raids. There is pretty much no group left untouched, haha. We received some feedback from Silver Hawks even—Sin mentioned he was having an awesome time.

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Special mention to Astra: a huuuuge week for you guys. A lot of that is Ookamiwulf’s doing. So thank you! The lineup is fairly neck to neck for the “second place” role; however Invictus pulled ahead with a very impressive combat record for the challenge. Major kudos to all of Invictus for getting out there to put the hurt down.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: > Development

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Ho-boy. A lot to report today. First off: Pilum / SRAW being replaced with a new rocket launcher platform. The weapon is based off of the AT-4—it’s sitting in front of me for those curious. It will feature variable rocket choices, giving folks more punch when put up against objective doors (etc). Existing unlocks will be honored, as always.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Additionally, the Subjugator is being replaced. The model is also complete and available to view right in front of me, haha. Thinking of making it a bit different than the Subjugator is now to give it a more dynamic feel: like a warm up barrel spin, possibly an overheat, so on and so forth.

[18:18] Corsi Mousehold raises his hand.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: The Adjudicator replacement . . . I do not yet have the model; however Keller reassures me it is coming along nicely. All that is left is some texturing, additional details, and sounds.

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: In Titan news, the M39 revolver is complete and will be hitting the market as soon as I have a moment to head up to the server.

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Mousehold?

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: Regarding the minigun having an overheat. That would be banned in a large number of sims. Reload per expended might be better.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: There was no mention of not having a reload.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Overheating would be additional. As the planned firing rate is pretty damn high.

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: My apologies. I misunderstood.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: No problemo.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: > Elite Unit Creed

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: On the 21st, a Cohors A specific mission statement / creed was introduced:

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Orders were passed to all unit commands to implement the statement in to their induction process, while ensuring all existing members affirm the expectations in a counseling notice. Although relatively simple, it lays out the basic expectations of Cohors A membership for all to see, without need to dig through the various policies and posts made by the Terra command.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Eventually, all units will be introducing creeds of their own.

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: > Red Zone Back-Up

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: As a reminder: the enemy essentially have less than a fourth of the region to operate safely within. We have the other seventy-five percent. It is important that we give some slack: back off the line, keep out of line of sight of the doors. Providing attackers breathing room not only increases their fun, but gives us more opportunity to maneuver to counter threats.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: A lot of the sim is comprised of passage ways—use them. Rather than sitting behind a barricade patiently waiting for Elitecommand9293 Resident to come out of the door, back up and give the man some room to backflip repeatedly before he’s summarily destroyed.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: If you are not in line of sight of the doors, you are generally good. Don’t be afraid to hold up in buildings and use them against attackers. Just be sure not to give up our objectives.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: > Guard Initiates / Auxiliary

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Now that initial selections have been made for the Praetorian Guard, there is some confusion to clear up. Individuals who made the final list were given the role of “Praetorian Initiate.” An Initiate is essentially a probationary Praetorian. For the next month, they will be observed and tested to see how they fit into the role. Although relatively rare: yes, an initiate could lose their application status for bad performance over the next month.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Initiates maintain, for the most part, status as a senior NCO, unless he or she was formerly an officer. For example: Thatguy Andel is still an O-4. Initiates have been left in all their original roles, so no power changes will be occurring. It is likely that they will continue holding their current command positions, even after final inductions.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: The second category for applicants to the Guard is the “Praetorian Auxiliary.” The auxiliary has multiple purposes: for current Guard members, it will house any inactive Praetorians, freeing up spots within the primary Guard. For applicants, it will provide them the opportunity to operate in support of the Guard—they’ll be permitted to train, deploy, and participate in most Praetorian functions. When a spot arises in the primary Guard, auxiliary members would receive the opportunity to step up.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: So, in short, the Praetorian Auxiliary is both a support and a recruitment element. In the future, unless a large number of Guard positions open, we’ll likely take applicants for the Praetorian Auxiliary and groom folks from there.

[18:36] Ron Bleac shouts: OK.~

[18:36] Ron Bleac shouts: Since Agares isn't here, I might as well do this for him! Short and sweet.

[18:36] Ron Bleac shouts: Congratulations, Initiates. Your efforts during the past trials have been extremely commendable. I'm looking forward to serving beside you on the battlefields of our tumultous world. Keep your sense of duty close in the coming month and show us what you're made of!

[18:37] Ron Bleac shouts: My personal thanks to everyone.

[18:37] Ron Bleac shouts: All of those who participated in the trials have made me proud. Whether or not you passed or not does not matter, you are all equal in my eyes because you had the guts to try. I commend you for your bravery.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: > Rule Application on Attackers: Expectations

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Some mention has been made to me that there’s a bit of hyper-tensity when it comes to applying rules on attackers. By that, I mean there are occasions where defense command brings down the hammer on folks for actions that do not necessarily require it.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: I completely understand why this occurs and hardly blame anyone for it. It’s a matter of simply having a wide range of folks holding control of defense—which, although a good training experience, does create variation.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: So! I decided to lay out a little standard here. Attackers are to be given a sort of three step approach when breaking rules: formal warning, minor rebuke, major rebuke. Of course, those steps may vary based upon the severity of things—as in, if Elitecommando942992 Resident is av flying around the sim shooting nukes out of his eyes, a warning really isn’t necessary.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: However, for the most part, we should definitely follow this: warn, minor, major. So. Using the same Elitecommandowhatever: let’s say he keeps taking delayed TPs. The defense commander would IM him and state “yo, you need to stop.” He replies “OK!” and then does it again. You’d escalate it into a minor rebuke—something to the degree of either having an EM eject him from the region temporarily, or send him another IM notifying him he’ll be banned. If he continues, well, then bam, he gets a nice estate ban is left at the mercy of the administration to appeal it.

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Something to note: you can “warn” a group of people at once. For example, if you shout it within their distance, IM their commander, or estate message it. So, if Elitecommando1292349329 and his friends are all doing something, there’s no need to IM each of them individually to warn them.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: > Wind Down Day / Holiday – Sunday

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Per our agreement last month: we will take one day off a month to simply relax. Tomorrow, since it’s Easter, will be that day. We will continue administrative functions (ART, officer meeting, any training you’d like to do, etc), however will be on stand-down. So, feel free to dress down, hang out, and humor Zrazor by participating in his random dance party. Just, have a good time!

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Bleac, since he's apparently a rabbit, will be expected to organize an egg hunt.

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: That is all.

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Thank you all for coming! Promotions will be up tomorrow. I'll be lurking around trying to do them tonight so I can be lazy tomorrow too. Dismissed. :]

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