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My First Year

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For people who think this is too long, skip to last paragraph.

So, I suppose it has come to that day, that a year ago, something critical to my career in the Ordo Imperialis began: My leaving of the Alliance Navy and joining as a recruit. Ever since I have worked, had off times, and general fun while part of this orginization.

It began a few weeks before I left AN. I had just got to the rank of E-4 in the Alliance Navy Air Division, my first NCO position in the 10 months I spent there. I worked for it, but the issues started to arise when Pattehph0x had gained a rank of O-4 by simply scripting things, and thought he was deserving of a rank of Admiral. I started to take a look at the corruption that had began to overtake the group, and looked to at that time, the "pure evil" of the AN: Aryte.

The only time I had ever met him before this point was on the battlefield facing each other. Aryte and I were dogfighting and he shot me down, and took a screen shot(which he proudly displayed in his picks for a good amount of time *cough*). I was tired of hearing about how he was pure evil, worst person in the world etc. So I decided I would speak to him about what the truth was behind the propaganda. Found out, "wow, this guy is really pretty cool." I began to have second thoughts about my group choice until finally, on November 11th, at about 3pm SLT, I left the Alliance Navy to pursue a new career: As a pilot in the Ordo Imperialis.

First time I entered Titan, I was greeted by a lot of "Intus Infinity: Glad to see you in Schola.", "good to see you move to a better group" and so on. I was comfortable with some, because they were my friends outside the group(Kytec, Tsume, FireFox, Akurei). Got my gear, and I remember how one of my first comments was how much better the cadet uniform looked, as opposed to the pickle suit the AN is well known for. At 7pm that day I was in my schola class, finishing the 3 classes(only three then) in about 4 hours, and joined Astra.

I am sure alot can remember time in Astra training, most notably, the maze. My freaking out over vent after missing the time requirement by a few tenths of a second. Got...waved for it, then completed the dogfighting course and graduated as a full Astra member. But during the first day, my goal in the ordo was set in stone. Gaining the title of Praetorian.

From the first day, I worked towards that role, assisting where ever I could, pushing myself to the possibility of getting there someday. I did it partly because I wanted to show how dedicated I was to my new group, and to give the AN a message of what they lost in their own faults. That window finally opened when Aryte announced a need for a few more Praetors, and the meeting(which I remember loki dropping a grenade in.) After all the tests and observations, Along with Agares, Tenaki, Sly and Johann, I was chosen as a cadet for the guard on March 9th.

Ever since I began, I have had one of the most enjoyable times in my time spent on SL. I have made several new friends, done some crazy things, and gained a bizzare personality(I liked to sleep in a vault for months and have a OCD issue with purple, don't argue this point,) and I overall gained a home. I have had ups and downs with the group, mostly with wanting to go out and role play elsewhere, and recently, a aging computer which was unable to give enough performance to engage in combat.

For those who consider this "tl;dr". I love you guys, I am happy to hit my year mark, and plan to see another year here.

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Kristian Kit wrote:

Still happy to have you on our side karl. I also told you that when you first joined. I was really tired of fighting you in your talon when i was a merczateer commander.

Fighting? All I ever did was spam bombs. I am still kinda embarrassed about that...

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