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Krow Ames

Mount and Blade

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That looks like a fun game and-Hey! Wait a Minute...

Look at the bottom left, it looks like you TK'd someone. But I guess its the way the color-kill-code is.

BTW: Age of Chivalry on Steam is a similar game that's pretty fun, and is free:

Age of Chivalry is a Steam Mod though. So if you don't have any Source-Engine games (Which is REALLY unlikely), then it's a no-go.

But yeah. Age of Chivalry's an effective time-killer.

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ive blown so much time on Mount and Blade games, buddy just got the Fire and Sword version.

Not really sure if im going to grab it too, it feels like because it follows history all the officially declared faction wars will be almost always pre-determined, like Poland will always fight the Cossacks.

But then again, thats only from maybe an hour of play. Im hoping it's randomized still like the earlier m&b games, if so ill go ahead and throw down some money for it.

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It's random. I've spent about 20 hours in fire and sword. It's fun, and I really like the firearms, but... It just seems like it's missing something, now that I've played M&B:WB with the Floris modpack. It just bumps the game up so much. I can't wait until Fire and Sword has mod support.

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Actually, Floris doesn't impact the machine all that much. Most people get a RLG Error: Out of video memory, but that's because of the sounds.txt file, which I can show you how to fix if you get it. With everything maxed out, I still get like 150 FPS with secondlife running in the background.

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Persistent World is exactly what it sounds like... persistent. Despite common opinion, the purpose of persistent world is to roleplay and have fun, but some people see it as battle and will kill you without saying a word.

You start off joining the multiplayer server and you get around 800 gold to start. From there you either become a serf for the Commoners or join a faction and work for them. Joining a faction is usually the best route because they provide protection and Outlaws are less likely to rob you.

You mine ore or chop trees and sell them at depots where the faction's engineer can buy the materials and create weapons out of them. Once you have enough money you can become another class, buy armor and weapons, ect. You keep going until you die from either a fair fight or someone walking up to you and Xbowing you in the back of the face.

When you exit the server it counts as a death. You lose around 15% of your current value in gold. For example, a serf with cloth armor, 100 gold and no weapon will lose around 15-20 gold when he dies. A knight in full plate with 100,000 gold will lose anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 gold because of how expensive their armor is. However, a serf with 100,000 gold and nothing on will still lose around 10,000 gold.

When you come back in the server you will still have the deducted gold, but no equipment besides starting.

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We all love muskets.

So get this.

Telltale Worlds released an official expansion pack to Mount & Blade: Warband, which brings the series to the Napoleonic Wars in a multiplayer-only game. It adds a few more game modes, one of which allows you to take control of an AI platoon (of, like, 15 soldiers?) and pit it up against other players, who will command their own platoons. This Commander Battle mode allows for more organized multiplayer battles; of course, you also have the usual Battle modes where you just go shoot other people with highly inaccurate muskets.

I would like to get an Ordo group going for this, if possible. The DLC is on sale for Mount & Blade: Warband for $10. Buy it if you can.

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EDIT: FIXED IT, graphic card was being a derp and was set for quality rather than performance in the Catalyst Control Center. Game handles fine, it's actually fun to play and something I'd happily keep playing now and then. IMO though, bayonets are a pain.

Also amazes me how many people get tunnel vision in that game, so easy to flank!

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