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Sera Otoro

Ordo Meeting - 12-20-08

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A little note here... notice how Aryte says he will keep the meeting short... but the log is like an essay... :P

[17:59] Aryte Vesperia: All right. Let's make this as quick and painless as possible. Not a looot to talk about, so this should be pretty quick. Important, nonetheless. Fun times, fun fun. Someone please take minutes.

[17:59] Aryte Vesperia: At this time, let's be quiet and listen in.

[18:00] Sera Otoro: im logging this

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you new with us: welcome to your first meeting!

[18:00] Mikael Khalamov: :D

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: As a recap, our format is thus: Imperator's progress report, division reports, old business, new business, promotions.

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Let's see. This week in the news, everything is rather dandy. We lost two individuals, both of whom were inactives I haven't seen in ages. They were summarily replaced by three fresh faces.

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Our current standing is 213 main group, with just about 30 cadets.

[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Group incident reports have not fluxuated any real way. Level and steady. Nothing serious to note.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Abroad, political scope is . . well, actually rather pretty.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: The Iron Symphony is stronger than ever. Our collective alliance is firm, especially between the big three.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: The Commonwealth is reportedly not doing too hot. 39th is apparently dropping out (as we understand, due to officer arguments).

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: There is also hearsay that SLSN will soon be joining them.

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: This weekend I intend to accomplish a new handbook edition, with some history revisions, merit updates, and a new regulation or two.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Next week, I am hoping to focus on streamlining Schola. We're going to clean up some old material and extend the sessions, to create a more fluid, challenging routine. There will be more on that later.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: As discussed in the last meeting, the question of "what's up with the sim" has been answered.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Mizar has run into the issue of coming up with an approach to finishing the build, without damaging Titan's ground structure. At this time he is going to progress with the "Chronus" entrance design, and then move on to building the city in sections. So far, the massive wall has been completed, spare minor texturing change ups.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: In Titan, you'll notice there's a new ship above us.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Keno has devised the possibility of replacing the Vae Victus, in order to drastically cut prim use and hopefully solve a lot of "I looked up and froze for 3 weeks" problems.

[18:08] Keno Pontoppidan: Or atleast now when you freeze there's something pretty to look at

[18:08] Matt Tempel: o.0

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Other than that. The Ordo is doing great. No complaints.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: On to division reports.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Any volunteers?

[18:08] Sosarin Demar raises his hand.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Actually, the division of the Imperator would like to report . . I've finished my Venti Espresso Truffel.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Sosarin, next.

[18:09] Sosarin Demar: Last Sunday, the proposed Astra restructure was put into effect. Initial reports look favorable. Flight leaders spent their efforts introducing themselves to their assigned personnel and expressing their expectations to them. We hope to promote comradery and excellence among these new teams.

[18:09] Sosarin Demar: Thanks to the generous efforts of Syl Kiranov, we were blessed with some new technology -- the AF-47 "Nemesis" Fighter. It is an attachment based aircraft in the very latter stages of testing. So far, it has proven to be a formidable tool in aerial combat. An attachment aircraft for situations where phys locking was bad or plane returns were rampant was much needed. Thank you very much, Syl. We are all very gracious.

[18:09] Sosarin Demar: I hope to see Nemesis testing concluded sometime next week. I'll be tugging on people's sleeves for aircraft evaluations to submit to Syl for final revisions. Once testing is concluded, it will be released to all certified pilots.

[18:09] Sosarin Demar: I'll begin managing flight instructor exams next week. Astra personnel, be sure to sign up if you're interested and have not. The thread is in the Astra forums.

[18:10] Matt Tempel: raises his hand

[18:10] Keno Pontoppidan raises his hand

[18:10] Sosarin Demar: Astra activity this week has been favorable from my perspective. That concludes this week's report.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Matt?

[18:11] Matt Tempel: does the nemesis function like the praeda? as a fighter? or more of a bomber

[18:11] Sosarin Demar: It's a fighter with air to ground dumbfire missles.

[18:11] Sosarin Demar: Both air to air and air to ground capability.

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Correct.

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: It is primarily focussed to engaging air, but, it does have a minor ground attack cabaility.

[18:12] Matt Tempel: thank you

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Keno.

[18:12] Keno Pontoppidan: Navis made you a cookie but we eated it.

[18:12] MikeMurdock McMillan raises his hand

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: . .

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Oh, that was your report?

[18:13] Keno Pontoppidan: Yes.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: . .

[18:13] ShadowFang Blessed facepalms.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Mike.

the Mithros aircraft and a gunship. The gunship is being remodeled engine wise and the mech retexturing. I'm still deciding what role the mithros should do

[18:14] MikeMurdock McMillan: the gunship however will be a ground only attack vehicle like a helicopter

[18:15] MikeMurdock McMillan: the mech I planned weapons from rockets, shotguns, machine guns, and grenade launchers

[18:15] MikeMurdock McMillan: as for terra I'm working with the other century 1s to get some idea for training. I'm still getting used to this whole command thin

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Aye, of course.

[18:16] MikeMurdock McMillan: that's all I need to say sir

[18:16] Fega Saito raises hand.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Lestat.

[18:18] Lestat Umarov: All in all things are going well in Terra. Development on the "Predator" Tank is nearly complete and there are plans to field it to Antesignani. There has been a minor setback however, as it seems to have gone missing from Sera's inventory but I have a copy I can send him again. Another thing you all might find interesting is there is a Flame Turret, and a Plasma turret that might be available as unlocks, or something...Ethan Schuman will be scripting these as soon as I get the particles done.

[18:17] Lestat Umarov: The Punisher project is cancelled. After speaking with Keno and Sera we've decided that it's not in either party's best interest to work on and it will not be updated. The Aggressor mech is combat ready according to Sera and should be issued in the coming week when a decision is made on how it should be distributed.

[18:17] Lestat Umarov: The Venerator Mech is about 30% complete, but progress is slow. The miniguns are finished, Armor is completed, rockets are not, and it needs an AO. It's unclear how long is will take to complete as of right now, but I'll be sure to keep you updated. Another thing to note is the alpha squads will be getting there own weapons. I believe Hunter is heading the project and that 3 new weapons are in the works.

[18:18] Lestat Umarov: Lasty, as of last week I've taken Command of Cohors B, including the Antesignani alpha squad. I plan on having two meeting either tommorow or early next week to introduce myself to newer members and have a face to face with the officers under me. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to bring them up at these meetings. Officers, get with me when a good time for a meeting is. On another note, I am still the Adiutor Commandant, so nothing has changed there. That is all, thank you.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: To add: I spoke to Xang a couple nights ago. He is in Korea and basically almost back to normal. Simply, he's like . . twelve hours and a day ahead of us.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: And on to Gulliver, for the real Navis report.

[18:19] Gulliver Carpool: Navis is going to take advantage of most of Ordo being off school for a month or so. First order of business is getting some people trained who have waited an unforgivably long time to get trained. I am going to look into implimenting the restructure since the "crews" idea wasn't practical for SL. I think we can get the training done according to the restructure. Hopefully I can jockey a lot of IMing and getting people squared away to handle their particular ends.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent, thank you.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: To add: I actually played with the Admonitor for the first time a few nights ago. Omg it is fun. You all will love it.

[18:20] Gulliver Carpool: Not done yet...

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Oh.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: . .

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Go on.

[18:21] Gulliver Carpool: As far as training... Razi has a fleet of ships that are ready for approval and scripting. It is inarguably beneficial to have whatever new ships we're going to have for training, since it's my understanding that the Admonitor was a sort of stopgap/temporary ship. Any Navis that feel they have holes in their training need to IM me ASAP and I'll get a list going. Any Navis who feel they'd be a good instructor, do the same.

[18:21] MikeMurdock McMillan: brb

[18:21] Gulliver Carpool: Done, sir. Thank you.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: In other news, Trevor has taken a bit of a vacation . . not sure on the time scale, but he's in need of some down time for health sake. Wish him well. Hopefully he'll be back in action soon.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Fega, something to add?

[18:22] Fega Saito: Just wanted to add in that I'm back from leave and ready to return to full duty.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Great to see you. :)

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you whom have not had the pleasure. Fega Saito is one of our oldest members. She was looking horribly stylish in the shiny AN2 armor back in 06.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Haha.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: And I do emphasize horribly. Horrible. Horrible. Shiny. Armor.

[18:23] Keno Pontoppidan: IT WAS GOOD THEN

[18:23] Matt Tempel: psst...lets see it after the meerting

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: HAhaha.

[18:23] Desereck Creeggan: Keno wears it to bed.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Any reports from the special divisions?

[18:24] Ethan Schuman: Don't make me put it on.

[18:24] Matt Tempel: and sera thank you for the prim lag with that mech

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Shh.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Real quick on the side of the Frumentarii.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: I do want to dispel a rumour that the Frumentarii maintains active rosters on current members of the Ordo. Thaaat is not true. The Frumentarii does not passively pry into member backgrounds without reason. For example, Seb does not have an open dossier . . as he's never done anything to put him to question.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Well . .

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Arguably.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: It is Seb.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: And he's AFK.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: In my meeting.

[18:25] ShadowFang Blessed: >_>

[18:25] FireFox Breed: >.>

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Dossier open.

[18:26] Keystone Gray trains a rifle on his head.

[18:26] Seb Yakan: D:

[18:26] Seb Yakan: Wha

[18:26] Keystone Gray: Sir?

[18:26] Sekonda Huet: e,..,e

[18:26] Keno Pontoppidan: DO THEY HAVE LIEK A BIG FILE ON ME?

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Any other reports before we move on?

[18:26] Keystone Gray awws and puts his rifle down.

[18:26] Matt Tempel: i would chastise, but i was afk last week

[18:26] Seb Yakan: I'm not AFK :<

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: LOL

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, awesome.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Any old business to bring up this evening?

[18:26] Phillip Hultcrantz rasies hand

[18:26] Keno Pontoppidan: Fladra made a break away group D:

[18:27] Mikael Khalamov: I'd just like to say that it would be badass if Frumentarii kept a dossier on everyone on the grid. :>

[18:27] Keystone Gray: Lol.

[18:27] MikeMurdock McMillan: sadly I do not sir

[18:27] Phillip Hultcrantz: ...

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Phillip!

[18:28] Phillip Hultcrantz: Some months ago, the idea of issueing Terra a HUD that functioned much like th eAStra HUD was going to be scripted up. With our new force of scripters, will this plan come to frutition?

[18:28] Krow Ames raises his hand, too!

[18:28] Phillip Hultcrantz: The Astra*

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Actually . .

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: That's . . a good idea.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Yes. I had forgotten about that.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Definitely, yes.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia writes that down.

[18:29] Keystone Gray raises his hand as well.

[18:29] Phillip Hultcrantz: Can we expect this by the end of January?

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Oh definitely so.

[18:29] Phillip Hultcrantz: >:>

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Krow!

[18:29] Krow Ames: Were you going to tell us if the Alpha training notecards were approved or denied? Or... Were you jsut going to let us do our thing?

[18:29] ShadowFang Blessed raises hand o.o

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Oh.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: They are all approved. I am sorry.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: They were all very good.

[18:29] Krow Ames: \o/

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: And, thank you unit commanders. You did epic. Keep it up.

[18:30] Lestat Umarov nods

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Keystone.

[18:30] Keystone Gray: While we're on the subject of HUDs, will Navis be getting a new fleet-specific HUD as well?

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Mmmmm . .

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: If you figure out what you want in it, yes, possible.

[18:30] Keystone Gray: Something akin to Astra?

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Emma's old system was "..."

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: As in, a targeting reticule?

[18:30] Keystone Gray: Emma's old system was "Shoot like a fleet ship from your eyeballs".

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Yeeeah.

[18:31] Ethan Schuman: Let's not do that.

[18:31] Keno Pontoppidan: It was fun

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: There's a task for you. Write up what you'd like to see ina HUD.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, sure, yes.

[18:31] Keystone Gray: Right, I'll drop that in next week's discussion thread.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Shadow?

[18:31] ShadowFang Blessed: i consider this cold bussiness cause, our armor is old so, i heard a roumer of us getting new armor, is this true?

[18:31] ShadowFang Blessed: cold*

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Heh! :)

[18:31] ShadowFang Blessed: f---

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: We're exploring it. Yes.

[18:31] ShadowFang Blessed: old*

[18:31] ShadowFang Blessed: :D

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Any other old business?

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: On to new business.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: First up: the Alliance Navy.

[18:33] Keystone Gray points accusingly at Mikael much like the evil monkey in the closet would.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: At this time, it has been confirmed that the Alliance Navy is exploring the possibility of tendering an application to join the Iron Symphony.

[18:33] Mikael Khalamov throws a dart at Keystone's eye.

[18:33] Sera Otoro: quiet please

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Yes. The AN. This isn't a joke, ha ha.

[18:34] ShadowFang Blessed: o.o

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Stop the typing.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Wait for the chance to ask questions.

[18:34] MikeMurdock McMillan: I'm still checking that the apocalyspe hasn't haven't yet

[18:34] MikeMurdock McMillan: and sorry sir

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Nothing is set in stone at this time. As far as I understand, Jim is currently asking his HC about the prospect.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Their biggest concern is, obviously: "It looks like we're surrendering to the Iron Symphony."

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Well . . to be fair, it's pretty curious.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: I will be trying to speak to Jim within the future, especially in regards to unbanning us.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: As I understand, he hasn't spoken to me because he thinks I hate him.

[18:36] Phillip Hultcrantz raises hand

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Phillip?

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: (And other questions.)

[18:37] Desereck Creeggan raises hand.

[18:37] Phillip Hultcrantz: I think I speak for all of us when I say.. until the AN get's the rod out of their ass and unbans us, they don't need to be in the IS.

[18:37] ShadowFang Blessed: SPIES

[18:37] Phillip Hultcrantz: Once they unban us then they are A1 in my book.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: We will definitely be picking at it. Their membership will be examined by several angles.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: It may never go anywhere, by the AN HC alone.

[18:39] Phillip Hultcrantz: To further elaborate, we have demonstrated time and time again that our equipment is fair, sans the hud... More than they did to get them self unbanned from IS sims som monmths ago..

[18:39] Mikael Khalamov: Luca wouldn't go for it.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Aye.

[18:39] Zrazor Rozenstrauch raises hand.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Our HUD would be a nonissue at this point, minus the part about Vlad having a life. But yes, you are right.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Desereck?

[18:40] Desereck Creeggan: What are the chances of AN actualy getting into the IS? . . Considering they have unbanned us ect ect. It would seem.......ironic if they did.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: It's . . very much so up in the air.

[18:40] Ethan Schuman: Irony is the least of the things it would be.

[18:40] Desereck Creeggan: Really?

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: It would take the agreeing of all current IS members.

[18:41] Desereck Creeggan: Where do you stand? If you want to answer that.

[18:41] Phillip Hultcrantz: would be suggested that the AN (if allowed in) should be given a few months as a probationary member.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: At this point? I am not partial one way or another. It's still something I am considering the implications of.

[18:42] Desereck Creeggan: Okay, thats all, thanks :D

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Zrazor.

[18:42] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: The HUD was mentioned earlier as one of the reasons Ordo was banned from Elshout.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Aye, we're aware.

[18:43] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Vanguard had grenade-HUDs for almost its entire existence and AN entered into neutrality with them roughly around the time they banned Ordo.

[18:43] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: So I'd speculate this might be deeper than an equipment issue.

[18:44] Phillip Hultcrantz: The nades weren't the big issue, the goto was.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you who did not know, all of our gear was demonstrated to AN Admiral Bizcuit and AN Commander Jason over a month ago. It was deemed that two pieces of technology in the Ordo were questionable: the GOTO ability and the grenade spam cabaility.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Both of which are two pieces of technology we've wanted to change. For ages.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: We've been unable to due to the HUD issuer having basically sat on it.

[18:45] Blaze Wiles raises paw

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: However, Vladimus has built a new HUd from the ground up. It will be issued when he has returned from being exiled to having a real life (moving).

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze?

[18:46] Blaze Wiles: for those of us who don't know what exactly will be done to the grenades and goto feature in the hud? will goto be removed or something like that?

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: The grenades will have a timer, as they always should have, between throws.

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: As for the GOTO feature, it will be changed so that it does not work outside of Titan. The biggest complaint has always been "Ordo using GOTO to cheat in combat!" It is prohibited, and we certainly have not in any condoned manner . . but the existence is reason enough to whine. Ergo, it is being changed to fixed points within Titan.

[18:48] Matt Tempel: raises hand

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Matt.

[18:48] Blaze Wiles nods

[18:48] Matt Tempel: would it be possible to keep the current goto functianality but only in titan and chronus? not just fixed locations?

[18:49] Keno Pontoppidan: Yes

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: No. Goto-ing avatars is deemed unfit.

[18:50] Ethan Schuman: For those of you who like the current goto function, I have a third party HUD I developed a long time ago. At the Imperator's discretion, I could put that up for non-combat use.

[18:50] Matt Tempel: even in titan and chronus alone?

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Correct, Matt.

[18:50] Phillip Hultcrantz: If I may...

[18:50] Matt Tempel: well....crap

[18:50] Matt Tempel: alright

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Not up for discussion. Goto will be changed without exception.

[18:50] Fega Saito raises hand.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Use of old HUDs will be prohibited.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Use of third party technology to get around it will be prohibited.

[18:51] Phillip Hultcrantz: The reason we aren't keeping the goto for aV's is because people attacking Titan will still accuse us of goto'ing AV's to get to areas of the sim quicker, giving us an unfair advantage.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Aye, Phillip.

[18:51] Phillip Hultcrantz: If you want to get to some one.. ask for a TP.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Although this is certainly the rare exception among members, the avenue still generates accusations. We'll move on and do without.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Fega?

[18:52] Blaze Wiles raiss paw again

[18:52] Fega Saito: On a completely seperate subject, will we be having a Christmas party this year?

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Yes. Announced later.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze?

[18:52] Blaze Wiles: "would it be possibly to link the goto into the alarm system? so it stops working the moment a hostile anters the sim and only re activates ones the all clear is sounded?"

[18:53] Blaze Wiles: and I appologise for my typing it's 3am here

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: That would be extremely difficult.

[18:53] Phillip Hultcrantz raises hand.

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: And, likely extremely laggy.

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Phillip?

[18:54] Phillip Hultcrantz: Might want to update/post the meeting ettiquette on the forums.

[18:54] Blaze Wiles nods "just a hairbrained though, thank you anyway Sir"

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:56] MikeMurdock McMillan: no sir

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Any other business to bring up?

[18:57] Phillip Hultcrantz raises hand

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Phillip?

[18:58] Phillip Hultcrantz: Kanaki's fat.

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: He is.

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: And he isn't here.

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Unfortunately.

[18:58] Phillip Hultcrantz: >:/

[18:58] Gulliver Carpool: Sizzler...

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: On to promotions.

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: This week's list is fairly short. As to be expected, considering everyone and their mother has been promoted the last week or so.

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Let's see here.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Vinnie Lei - [E-4]

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Bunny Fujin - [E-3]

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Keller Teichmann. Comrade Support Merit, Architect of Unity. Well done, thank you for your help!

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Tandem Destiny. Combat Prowess 1 and 2.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Kono Kestenbaum - [E-2]

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Endra Ashbourne. Combat Prowess, Comrade Support. Well done.

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Matt Tempel - [E-4]

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Now for a special mention here.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: To say in the least, content creators who dedicate themselves to helping out the group are . . really, so damn important. The benevolence really underlines the Ordo's mentality of "group over self."

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: This individual has contributed huge amounts in a very short time. They've gone from being pretty content in the shadows, to a forerunner in an elite squad.

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Without them, Astra'd still be in the dark ages trying to scrape up a replacement for the Praeda after . . over a year of dealing with old technology.

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: As much as they hate the spotlight, I really have to say: thank you, so much, Syl! You have . . like five recommendations this week, from several very reputable officers.

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: E-4. Combat Prowess. Architect of Unity. Architect of Eternity. Ordo Achievement Merit.

[19:03] Kytec Switchblade: Group hun on Syl! :D

[19:03] Kytec Switchblade: hug*

[19:03] Arch Graves: gay

[19:03] Keystone Gray: If we want to crash her, yeah.

[19:03] Sera Otoro: id crush her...

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: You're amazing. Thank you for all your help.

[19:03] Syl Kiranov hides.

[19:03] Arch Graves: :3

[19:03] Keystone Gray claps.

[19:03] Niiya Narayan cheers

[19:03] Vinnie Lei whistles and claps

[19:04] Mikael Khalamov: Congrats, etc.

[19:04] Fermi Torok: Nicely done...

[19:04] Zrazor Rozenstrauch hits the birthday bong

[19:04] Krow Ames golf claps.

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: All of you, well done this week. As always, it has been a huge pleasure. I will get your merits and such out to you ASAP. Tomorrow, we'll have next week's schedule up. Aside from that . . dismissed! We will probably, PROBABLY gather for an attack in about an hour. I have to run off real quick to help a friend offline.

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Please post the log. See you all soon.

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia draws up his arm, snapping a fist to his chest to provide a salute.

[19:05] Keystone Gray salutes.

[19:05] Zero Itamae salutes!

[19:05] Sosarin Demar salutes.

[19:05] Endra Ashbourne salutes!

[19:05] Sera Otoro salutes!

[19:05] Syl Kiranov salutes!

[19:05] Kazeryu Severine salutes!

[19:05] Blaze Wiles salutes!


[19:05] Zrazor Rozenstrauch salutes. "Sieg im Namen der Imperator."

[19:05] FireFox Breed salutes! "Hail To The Imperator, Baby!"

[19:05] Niiya Narayan salutes!

[19:05] Dascede Aluveaux salutes.

[19:05] Keller Teichmann salutes!

[19:05] Kytec Switchblade salutes!

[19:05] Hokusai Otsuka salutes!

[19:05] Vinnie Lei salutes. "Oderint dum metuant."

[19:05] Krow Ames salutes!

[19:05] Desereck Creeggan presents a sharp, clean salute, "Veneratio quod Palma ut Imperator!"

[19:05] Fermi Torok: Grenade!

[19:05] Phillip Hultcrantz: check

[19:05] ShadowFang Blessed: sa

[19:05] Fermi Torok: I mean salute

[19:05] ShadowFang Blessed salutes!

[19:05] Teron Gray salutes and proclaims: "Palma ut Ordo, palma ut patronus, palma ut Imperator!"

[19:05] Dascede Aluveaux: Grenade?!

[19:05] Sera Otoro: also, i have the log ready to post, so i have that taken care of

[19:05] Gulliver Carpool salutes. "I love the smell of Navis fuel in the morning. It smells like... victory."

[19:05] Fermi Torok salutes! "Hail To The Imperator, Baby!"

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