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Ordo Meeting - 3/7/09

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Meeting Opening

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Let's get started.

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Quiet down everyone please.

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Going to make this as quick as possible, for those of you in Euro-land.

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all for coming!

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: I'll go ahead and move on into the weekly report from me.

Imperator's Report

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: We're sitting at 225 active personnel.

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Unfortunately our app server is down for the moment, so I couldn't grab numbers. I do know we had several accepted apps.

[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Overall, steady progress. Only one resignation/random vanish in three weeks. That's a testament to you all.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Combat wise, we've seen no real change in occurences. Heavy battles have been waged on and off Titan's soil.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Notably, our defensive actions have increased drastically.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: I'll touch on that in the keynote.

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Our sister group, Titan Industries, is picking up steam pretty rapidly. I should have all department directors appointed tomorrow, and, hopefully, the final role description (Human Resources) finished.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned last week, we've begun appointing new IS delegates. I should have that finalized tomorrow as well. Officers, be sure you check that thread now to note your time availability.

[18:05] Lestat Umarov: ao off

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Terra appointments are still very much so underway. Another officer will be appointed this evening. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of vacant roles.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: We could, realistically, due with four more appointments.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: We continue to grow at a pretty impressive rate: we are on the push to 250. As I've noticed, there is a general trend. We'll have a period of stability (which we're at now), and then a sudden influx of members.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: I would not be surprised if we hit 250 within two months.

[18:07] Keystone Gray: >_>

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Currently, 12% of the Ordo are classified as "administrations." W1 to O3.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Administrators, rather.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: So, it'll be filled!

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: I presume we'll try to steady back out at 10%.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: All in all, very good work this week. I am pleased!

Divisional Reports

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Let's move on. Division reports?

[18:11] Lestat Umarov: I'll volunteer sir


[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Lestat Umarov, for Terra.

[18:11] Kytec Switchblade raises his hand

[18:11] Lestat Umarov: All in all things are going well in Terra as of late. The only real complaint I've been getting was inactivity on Cohors A, but it doesn't seem to be a serious problem at the moment. Aside from that most of the issues this week pertain to Acadamies and Alpha squads.

[18:11] Lestat Umarov: The Imperator has stated that you can no longer have a dual enlistment in the Adiutor staff and an alpha squad. This means that if you are currently in more than one you have a week to make up your mind as to which you want to stay with. For those who wish to stay with the Adiutor staff I will be working on getting unique equiptment as well as looking into other options.

[18:12] Lestat Umarov: From Agares on Antesignani; "Venerator distribution is picking up, and training course protocols are being completed within schedule. The Antesignani's training schedule will be posted this saturday. The group currently will begin to look for new mebers, as soon as some inactive members are removed from duty. That about sums up Antesignani's progress for the week. I have a copy of the schedule, if you want to scrutinize it."

[18:13] Lestat Umarov: Lupus is working on an advanced marksmanship academy focusing on acuracy, intelligent use of cover, planning strategys, and securing objectives. I'm impressed so far with his outline and look forward to what he comes up with in the near future.

[18:13] Lestat Umarov: Terra training had been going well, we've had plenty of graduates and skirmishes have been happening on a regular basis. In the near future we may run out of people to run through the course due to near complete division immersion but that will be addressed as it comes up. Since training is finally happening regularly I'd like to bring up that work on the NCO academy is finally in the works again. I have several people working on it but I encourage anyone who's interested to submit thier own suggestions or outlines in notecard format. I'll try to hold a meeting regarding this sometime next week.

[18:13] Lestat Umarov: This concludes my report for Terra.

[18:13] Sekonda Huet raises hand.

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Umarov.

Praetorian Guard

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Kytec Switchblade, for the Praetorian Guard.

[18:15] Kytec Switchblade: / Praetorian training on Friday was cancelled due to everyone being at the movies seeing Watchmen and the likes. Sunday will take up the same regiemnt, designed by Agares due to his disapproval of last week's training. His goal if realism in training will require a number of volunteers, but if all goes well we should have a great time. 1 pm slt tomorrow. That is all for the Guard.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Sekonda Huet, for Terra Armatura.


[18:16] Sekonda Huet: Armatura recently opened up recruitment and I have decided upon Dascede Aluveaux, Samia Perun and Machiavelli Biondetti as the additional instruction team. They will be able to qualify you on the range along with Tandem Destiny, Zrazor Rozenstrauch, Endra Ashbourne, Keller Teichman and myself. Armatura's training is changing and will involve most of Terra more frequently, Skirmishes similar to that of last week will be happening more often; keep your eyes on the Terra Forums for announcements and the schedule for classes and training is up there. That concludes Armatura's report.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Navis, Astra?


[18:16] Ethan Schuman raises his hand.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Ethan Schuman, for Navis.

[18:16] Ethan Schuman: Thank you, sir. Navis has the following matters to report this week.

[18:17] Ethan Schuman: Firstly, as most of you are aware, Centurion Rei Kuhr has taken a leave of absence to deal with real life issues. On behalf of Navis, I wish him well in his endeavours and for his speedy return. In the meantime, his departure leaves me without an executive officer. Fortunately, the recently promoted Triplicarius Keystone Gray is now in a position to exercise his considerable talents in Rei's place. Keystone will be taking over Rei's duties, and will be helping me with administrative and organizational tasks. Gulliver Carpool will also be working on strategic directives, and working hand in hand with Navis Resource Sergeant Shadowfang Blessed and Navis Head Trainer DamionStJames Webb to flesh out and finalize both orientation training as well as skill maintenance exercises. I know our training has been very sparse as of late, and I will get into that next.

[18:17] Ethan Schuman: Secondly, our weapons are done and in the armory. To access each weapon, you will need its corresponding keycard. The FW900K Battle Rifle is unlockable by everyone. To access either the assault rifle variant or the MP9 submachine gun, you will need to declare your career path (Marines or Crew) and get your Tier I keycard. The Tier II weapons (FW900K Battle Rifle w/M203 and the W-13 Shotgun) are awarded to Navis members who show commitment over an extended period of time, and are awarded after recommendation from Navis staff. The Tier III weapon (X-AR9 Assault Carbine) is a special unlock awarded at the recommendation of either the Navis executive officer or Legates, or the Imperator himself. If you are having trouble with your keycards, check the Navis notice history and make sure you are following all steps on that list. Also, while the weapons in the locker are combat functional, more updates have been made. I will be updating the locker contents to Version 1.4 as soon as I get the chance, at which point a

[18:18] Ethan Schuman: notice will be put out.

[18:18] Ethan Schuman: Thirdly, Thanatos has reached version 0.5, and is finished. That's right, no more adjustments or things to fix, she's done and packaged up for issue. There are a few things I should go over first, however. The Thanatos is a general issue vehicle, meaning that if you're in Navis, you get one. However, both the pilot seat and the vulcan cannon attachment work off of Mercury authentication, so you'll need to talk to an officer to get added to the auth list. The gunner seat does NOT use Mercury, but rather checks to make sure the passenger is in the same group as the pilot. This means that you CAN (however, I don't necessarily condone doing so) pick up your Antesignani buddy in their Venerator and fly over the battlefield and rain death while looking like something out of Gundam wing. I should also note here that when both seats are manned, the Thanatos splits damage between pilot and gunner, and can withstand up to THREE direct hits instead of just one. Because of this, Navis pilots are strongly encouraged to p

[18:18] Ethan Schuman: ick up a gunner whenever possible.

[18:20] Ethan Schuman: I've also just noticed that I didn't save my last change to this notecard, so I'd like to take this opportunity to extend a huge thanks to Syl Kiranov, for all her efforts. We really appreciate you, Syl. Thank you from us all.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: :)

[18:20] Keystone Gray nodnods in agreement.

[18:20] Syl Kiranov hides.

[18:20] Keystone Gray: <3

[18:20] Gulliver Carpool even can fly the Thanatos.

[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Fourthly, I need to have a staff meeting with my Navis team after this meeting is finished. Please meet me in Ventrilo at the meeting's conclusion.

[18:21] DamionStJames Webb raises hand

[18:21] Aelus Janus: Syl is quite amazing.

[18:21] Fermi Torok raises his hand.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Damion?

[18:21] Ethan Schuman: I knowmy briefing this week was long, so if any of you have any questions regardingwhat I've gone over please speak with me after this meeting.

[18:22] Ethan Schuman: This concludes the Navis report for this week.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Ethan.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Damion?

[18:22] DamionStJames Webb: I wanted to add on, that anyone within navis that needs training needs to get in contact with me. Additionally anyone that has ideas that they want to contribute to training please send them to me in notecards. Also, Navis personelle of non comisisoned status should send me a notecard so I know when I can schedule training, please send me a notecard with your taining schedules

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Fermi?


[18:23] Fermi Torok: On short notice, Sosarin couldn't make the meeting and he sends his appologies. I'd like to thank Heather for writing and patching together this weeks 'split-second' report for Astra.

[18:24] Fermi Torok: For the Astra division, first I will mention the Apostles reform. Fermi Torok has been appointed to help organize and spearhead the training regimen reform, working alongside Kristian Kit. Fermi has already sent out notecards. This is part of the Apostles reform, moving it from an elite squad to an instructors’ core. Further support from the Apostles for suggestions to the training reform would be appreciated.

[18:24] Fermi Torok: One of the flights of Astra has been decommissioned, the Aquila flight, and we are continuing to restructure to better suit the needs of the division, as well as the needs of The Ordo Imperialis as a whole. Daffee Vita has been settling into his new role as the flight lead for the Drake team. The Drake team has been made into a flight designated for our European time-zone pilots, and is under Niiya Narayan.

[18:24] Fermi Torok: Nemesis beta-testing continues. It has been done on an individual level, with several of the pilots in Astra being given copies. We have encountered one glitch, so beta testing will need to be continued further, thank you Desereck for finding this.

[18:24] Fermi Torok: This week Astra has faced some challenges on the battlefield in the form of Chthonic Syndicate and Trenchcoat Tech. The conditions imposed on Astra during the CS assault on Titan were a test in patience, but none the less, Astra prevailed against the enemy pilots, granting them no foothold. The same proved true for Trenchcoat Tech and Guerilla Rebels.

[18:25] Fermi Torok: This concludes Astra's report. Thanks Heather <3

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Very good, thank you.

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Any last reports?

[18:27] Agares Tretiak raises his hand.

[18:27] Tiridates Mikadze raises hand.

[18:28] Agares Tretiak: -_-;

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Agares.


[18:28] Agares Tretiak: Not so much a report, as an anouncement. the Academies will proceed with the advanced training level of the Artillery school. I will post specifics on the forums tonight.

[18:29] Agares Tretiak: That's all, thank you.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Tiridates?

[18:32] Tiridates Mikadze: Sorry, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the continued vigilance of the Ordo in all matters of security. Thank you, and please, continue to cooperate as we strive for safety and victory for all in the Ordo.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Great.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: All right, moving on to the keynotes.

Keynote Topics

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Any old business to bring up?

[18:34] Silver Meridoc raises hand

[18:34] Silver Meridoc: actually, ill wait for new buisness

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Roger.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Moving right along, then.


[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: First up, I wanted to touch on defensive matters.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Recently, combat has increased . . probably exponentially, on Titan's soil.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Our formal enemies have picked up the slack, and, a surprising increase of random assaults by unaffiliated parties have put their efforts forth.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: To date, defense has gone pretty damn well. We've not had any serious incidents to note. However, there is a possibility of disaster when laxity sets in.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: First, I must remind you all of the importance of command solidarity: listen to your OIC. If one is lacking, pick one quickly and take it from there.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Do not cross commands. Do not refute decisions in the heat of battle.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Secondly, keep alert and don't try to be Rambo. Some late hours can see Titan with a very scarce defense force, when folks trickle away to go amuse themselves away from region.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: We've seen numerous attacked from 2 to 6AM.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Significant ones, as well.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Do not hestitate: if you find yourself facing a situation that is not being dealt with within relative ease, call for reinforcements.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Simply chime in over the main group channel. "Hostiles in Titan, requesting assistance."

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Be sure, however, not to do this without reason. If you've an OIC at the time, leave it up to them to decide.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: IE: don'

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Er.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: IE: don't call for backup when two people are throwing themselves at 10 Ordo.

[18:39] Aelus Janus: Heresy spawns fom idleness.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Next, don't forget to report.

[18:39] Lestat Umarov: grows

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Shh.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Don't forget to report any combat infraction. Combat reports are easy! Just grab the template off the forums. Takes no more than five minutes.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: And lastly, but most importantly, respect your enemy.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Do not abuse them.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: In many cases, Ordo will outnumber enemy attackers . . sometimes 3 to 1.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Scale down your guns without having being told to: use assault rifles, not miniguns. Save your heavy weapons for when it is dire and needed.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: If you abuse attackers, they will not return. And then we'll be pretty bored!

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: There is a place and purpose for heavy weapons, explosives, and vehicles.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: 3 random attackers versus 10 Ordo =/= a good time for rocket launchers.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: 3 random attackers using highly spammy miniguns that nearly crash our sim . . yeah, rocket them.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Just use your judgement and follow your OIC.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?

[18:44] Agares Tretiak raises his hand./

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Agares?

[18:44] Blaze Wiles raises paw

[18:44] Agares Tretiak: Grenades, if used in moderation, are allowed to move enemies out of cover, correct?

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Of course.

[18:44] DamionStJames Webb raises hand

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze?

[18:45] Blaze Wiles : more of an obsevation that a question, I find it emencly satisfying to tag an enemy with just one round especially if they are just spraying the wall with ammo (and missing)

[18:46] Pancake Waffle raises hand

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: So true.

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Damion?

[18:46] Blaze Wiles: and it shows off how good our Troopers can be

[18:46] DamionStJames Webb says "I just wanted to remind people to be careful and mindful of where they are standing should they decide to advance forward of the wall in combat. Some people have difficult times adjusting to the lag and low FPS rate, so often times Friendly fire can occur. I recently incured this when I was trying to defend the lower part of the wall and people kept running in my way

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Aye.

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Pancake?

[18:47] Pancake Waffle: More of an add on, but for minding the red zones, alot of people tend to want to melee the enemy, It is fun to do so but not exactly allowed.

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, yes . . don't. Even if it sounds fun as hell.

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you for bringing it up.


[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Let's move on!

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Topic two:

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: The SRAW has been phased out . .

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Aaaand summarily replaced by the Pilum.

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: The Pilum is a high detail, extremely amazing rocket launcher created by Niiya.

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Named after the most widely used Roman javeline, it will serve to be a great addition to our armory.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: At the moment, I do believe it will be a seperate unlock, rather than combined to the Adjudicator.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Simply because, it's a beast.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: I've been running around with it for about a week now on Ruin.

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: The pretty explosion? Th at's the Pilum.

[18:51] Sirus McMahon raises his paw

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: On the topic of unlocks, I do want to announce that Xayvien Rau is spearheading the project of redesigning gear distribution and unlocks.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: So, be on the look out for his work there. I'll let him say whether or not he'd care for volunteers or input.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Silver?

[18:53] Silver Meridoc: yes?

[18:53] Phillip Hultcrantz: [18:52] Sirus McMahon raises his paw

[18:53] Sirus McMahon: nvm >.>

[18:54] Silver Meridoc: >.>

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Oops. I meant sirus.

[18:54] Silver Meridoc: no worries sir

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Go ahead, Sirus.

[18:55] Sirus McMahon: oh, was just going to ask when the switch between the SRAW and the Pilum will happen

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Those with the SRAW may still use it. It simply will not be issued any longer. The Pilum will be issued as soon as Akurei finishes my locker.

[18:56] Sirus McMahon: thank you sir

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome, moving on.

[18:57] Blaze Wiles raises paw again

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Or not. Blaze?

[18:58] Blaze Wiles: it might be handy to note if those who already have the SRAW will be getting the Pilum once it is issued or will they need to unlock it

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: At this time, I will likely make it a seperate thing. Since the Adjudicator and SRAW used to be one toy, it'd essentially make the Pilum a "everyone who's E-3 and above will now have the Pilum." Adjudicator is too damn popular.


[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic.

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: "Formalizing."

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: The Ordo has been credited as being a pretty professional, militaristic institution. I say . . and I'm sure you can all agree . . we've got a lot of room to improve, even so!

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: As a general heads up, you can all expect to see a lot of our routine and standards to be more formalized and concrete. The whole idea will be to generate, simply, a more efficient group.

[19:02] Dralkanen Hextall raises an appendage.

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: This means streamlining paperwork, updating forms and documents, improving our systems of operation (application database, etc), putting more general folkways onto paper.

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: A lot of grunt work, but, in the end, a real credit to our overall image.

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: So do not be surprised to see a sudden flood of new forms, changed forms, etc, etc.

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Dralkanen?

[19:04] Dralkanen Hextall: So this is less efficency.. as its jus tmore paper work :P

[19:05] Gulliver Carpool raises his hand.

[19:05] Samia Perun raises his hand

[19:05] Gulliver Carpool: I'd like to answer that sir.

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Go for it, Gulliver.

[19:06] Gulliver Carpool: I think, Dral, what Aryte is getting at is to make things more efficient. For example, combat action reports will have a form. You simply fill it out. I'm speculating on that and any other examples, but it's to make running a group of 225 people move more smoothly.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Exactly.

[19:07] Gulliver Carpool fist pumps.

[19:07] Agares Tretiak raises his hand.

[19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Sure, more paperwork will be involved. But that's the cost of growth. The larger we get, the more paper work there will be. It's a fact of life. There is a necessity to become formalized as the numbers stack up, unless we intend to digress to anarchy and become a smaller, less functional group.

[19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Samia?

[19:08] Desereck Creeggan: o_o

[19:08] Desereck Creeggan: oops

[19:09] Samia Perun: I've been doing temporary, non-stop clerical work for several years now, in just about every sort of office you can imagine. Im a bit of a paperwork and clerical bad-ass now so would be happy to help out with streamlining, collating and merging if needed current forms with something more punchy and focused, just direct me to your filing cabinet :Q

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Perfect!

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Agares?

[19:11] Agares Tretiak: One of my primary areas of study and interest lies in the way organizations form, develop, and function. SOciologically speaking, it's a good idea to develop a firm administrativve grounding for the ORdo,b ecause despite the horrors of redtape, redtape actually makes thigns smoother than if it never existed. I'd be glad to lend my hand to streamlining documentation and formatting things.

[19:12] Samia Perun: we could make an awesome team Agares

[19:12] Aryte Vesperia: We have a large collection of talented folks in that area. Like the Minister of Grammar, Gulliver.

[19:12] Agares Tretiak: That we could. We could drag Zero in with us, because he's my slave-secretary.

[19:12] Samia Perun: New alpha squad 'Ordo Desk Jockeys'

[19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, all right. Moving on.

[19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics to bring up this evening?


[19:13] Anlysia Gregoire raises her hand.

[19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Anlysia?

[19:13] Anlysia Gregoire: Sir, if I have something related to Titan Industries I'd like to discuss, would here be appropriate or outside of this?

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: For the sake of time, let's save it for outside of this.

[19:14] Anlysia Gregoire: Yessir.

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Anyone else?

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Final caaaall?

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Going once . . going twice.


[19:15] Aryte Vesperia: And moving on.

[19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions!

[19:15] Mikael Khalamov: Ok I'm here

19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Alllll right.

[19:15] Dralkanen Hextall watchs the AFKs suddenly disapear

[19:15] Aryte Vesperia: If you have not done so, please please read the forums in regard to promotion practices.

[19:15] Aryte Vesperia: I linked you all to it before the start of the meeting.

[19:16] Euro Zapatero wasn't here at the start of the meeting. D:

[19:16] Melna Milos: Nor was I

[19:16] Phillip Hultcrantz: sshh

[19:16] Aryte Vesperia: (Check the forums.)

[19:16] Dralkanen Hextall: Or I.

[19:16] Aryte Vesperia: (Quiet.)

[19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Aside from that, as usual, remember . . always next week! I cut a large number of recommendations out based on the fact they were very close, or within the minimum time requirements.

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Ahnoh Echegaray - [E-3]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Alexander Stawberry - [E-5]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Anlysia Gregoire - [E-5]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Azaghul Apfelbaum - [E-2]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Blameux Scribe - [E-3]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze Wiles - [Good Conduct Merit]; [Ace Pilot Merit]

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Endra Ashbourne - [instructor Merit]; [Recruitment]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Hokusai Otsuka - [E-6]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Keller Teichman - [instructor Merit]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Kono Kestenbaum - [E-5]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Lunessa Petrov - [E-2]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Lupus Mielziner - [E-4]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Melna Milos - [E-3]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: ribena Homewood - [E-2]

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Scientific Waffle - [E-4]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Tandem Destiny - [instructor Merit]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Vinnie Lei - [Ordo Achievement Merit]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Williamca Zenovka - [E-3]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Zero Itamae - [instructor Merit]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Zrazor Rozenstrauch - [E-7]; [instructor Merit]

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: And out of order, but by special mention:

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: This week's Terra administration appointment goes to an individual who has put a lot of effort around the group from day one.

[19:20] Aryte Vesperia: Although sometimes a bit rough . . and most of the time incoherent.

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: ( I lol how everyone figured it out at "incoherent." )

[19:21] Scientific Waffle: LOL

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: His efforts in ensuring the continued effectiveness of Armatura have made his name here.

[19:21] Phillip Hultcrantz: >_>

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: Sekonda Huet - [W-1]; [instructor Merit]

[19:21] Agares Tretiak: OH GOD.

[19:21] Keystone Gray: (Incoherent. READ: Drunk.)

[19:21] Zrazor Rozenstrauch pours himself a pint of Guinness.

[19:21] Sekonda Huet: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

[19:21] Tiridates Mikadze: LUCK OF THE IRISHj

[19:21] Dralkanen Hextall gets the clovers and green bear

[19:21] Samia Perun: YAY A PRIZE \o/

[19:21] Dralkanen Hextall: beer*

[19:21] Keller Teichmann: Congratz. :D

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: Congratulations everyone.

[19:21] Azaghul Apfelbaum: Grats.

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: Very good work!

[19:21] Anlysia Gregoire: BEAT HIM WITH A SHILLELAGH

[19:21] Kono Kestenbaum: Grasti.

[19:21] DamionStJames Webb claps

Meeting Closing

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: You're all dismissed. Sim will be open shortly.

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia draws up his arm, snapping a fist to his chest to provide a salute.

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