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Ordo Meeting - 4/4/09

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**********Meeting Report**********

NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Dascede Aluveaux, Decurion, Terra Antesignani


DATE: Apr 4 2009


SUBJECT: Ordo-wide meeting.


SUMMARY: Topics discussed; introduction of major topic: Navis-Astra merge. Regular topics and promotions.



Meeting Opening

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: All right.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Let's get started.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: We'll keep this as quick as possible. After the meeting there will be a joint training op with MErczateers (5 Ordo and 5 Mercz vs 5 Ordo and 5 Mercz). Thereafter I'll scoot off for an hour or so to wrap up homework. Aaaand after that, raid.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Just to get that out there before I forget.

Imperator's Report

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Now then, on to my weekly run down.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Currently sitting at 222 members. Down 3 from last week.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Two of which were simply inactive folks who finally kicked the bucket.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Sitting at 15ish cadets, 5 of which are on Phase 4.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: 14 new applications. 2 accepted. 2 others on Curia review.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Remainder were denied.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Politically, not much to note abroad. No recent ban issues. Caught 39th doing something incredibly naughty, so they've been a bit more polite (10 39th sitting in an empty RR base, planting flags, ironically led by the same general who flipped out when we sent 10 vs their 8 last week).

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Combat's been great. Lot of offensive and defensive operations.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Pretty impressive work. All in all, very good fighting.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Kudos there.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: I've got a couple big keynotes to cover, other than that, it's been a good week.

Divisional Reports

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: On to division reports. Terra?


[18:09] Sekonda Huet: Due to a death in the family Lestat will not be present at this time. Our thoughts are with him at this time. I have been unable to contact Lestat and have prepared this report on his behalf.

[18:09] Sekonda Huet: Fulminata:

Fulminata had its first training session and it went quite well although member atendance was rather low. I am currently waiting for the squad to post the times they are available so I can set up training at more appropriate times. Our gear is awaiting animations and will soon be released.

[18:10] Sekonda Huet: Antesignai:

Antesignani has re-ordered its organization, focusing on improving the delegation of certain mundane tasks among NCOs. Also, training has been taking place on a far more frequent basis. THe Venerator is undergoing a fairly substantial update to help improve many of its' functions while reducing the terrible lag many experience when it is rezzed. The Behemoth close support tank is nearing completion as work begins to pick up on the Predator MBT. All in all, things are going rather smoothly.

[18:10] Sekonda Huet: Invictus:

Endra Ashbourne has retired Honourably from the Ordo Imperialis for personal reasons. He will be missed. This has left Invictus without an XO and a Squad Lead. Work is being set to find a suitable replacement as soon as possible. Besides that nothing more of note has taken place within Invictus.

[18:11] Sekonda Huet: Armatura:

All phases were launched successfully and a few cadets have now undertaken and graduated the new Phase 5 program. Terra needs new instructors to take the slack of others and to facilitate the more intensive training week. Anyone interested is advised to contact myself. (Reference:

Squad Leaders are advised that a documented resource of all cadets performance records and exam results will be available on request from the Terra Commandant (that'd be me) for the purposes of mulling over potential candidates for your Squads. Of course; the information should be treated Confidentially.

[18:11] Sekonda Huet: Adiutors:

Still in the works but apparently Keller has some nice gas mask thing on the way. 83

That concludes Terra's report. :3

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you very much, Sekonda.

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Next division?


[18:12] Sosarin Demar: These past two weeks witnessed a growth spurt within Astra, which is very pleasing. We've been able to welcome pilots such as Detox Exonar, Xegras Xue, and Capn Robonaught. In addition, we've been able to continue training with those who have been absent prior, such as Sabron Rieko and Bourne Cinquetti. Detox Exonar has earned his wings, so congratulations to him for becoming certified. I want to thank all Astra trainers and volunteers for participating rigorously this week.

[18:12] Sosarin Demar: In addition we saw a few events. I want to thank Fermi Torok and Desereck Creeggan both -- Fermi for hosting and Desereck for bringing ideas into fruition. Speaking of Desereck, Trinity Heckroth has started working on his Flight Instructor training, so that is another project in progress. Combat participation appears to have been adequate. Our focus has mainly been on flight training and it's what we will be concentrating on in the upcoming week.

[18:12] Sosarin Demar: That concludes this week's report.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Bourne! Good to hear. Thank you, Sosarin.


[18:13] Rei Kuhr: As you all know, Navis personnel have had talks for a period of time as to the future of Navis. Various ideas have been put forth as to the direction needing to be taken, whether or not to develop our fleet assets or to redesign Navis for a different role. Although we have made some headway with the introduction of the Thanatos as well as to our blossoming relationship with Invictus, doubts have been stated as to whether or not Navis would ever really be able to utilize it's fleet assets. Discussions and meetings have been held a number of times, culminating in the idea that perhaps it is time for Navis to cease operating as a separate entity. It was brought up to the attention of Navis staff and the Imperator the idea of merging Astra and Navis into one whole division. With some reluctance from members of the Navis staff, general agreement has been made with Navis to the idea of a merger. I can make points to show that this merger would give both Astra and Navis positive benefits.

[18:13] Rei Kuhr: Astra and Navis would get to use each other's equipment giving both a wider spectrum of duties to perform. Secondly, there will be less arguments of who gets what, since both will be in the same division. Thirdly, both Navis and Astra have gaps in their ranks that can be filled with a merge of personnel. Finally, it will more clearly define the division of roles within Ordo, since Terra fills positions on the ground and the combined Astra/Navis will fill in for roles in the air.

[18:13] Rei Kuhr: To outline some of the problems Navis has been having, there has been a two-fold issue with Navis operations. One, the use of our fleet ships. Use of the Admonitor has been widely denied recently. Even with the incorporation of the Thanatos, use of ships has been declining, whether it has to do with the practical applications in a lagged environment or the prohibition of their use outright in the home sims of our adversaries, or even our allies. So this leaves us a division with what feels like to our members no real purpose. The second problem we've been facing is a lack of active personnel. While our staff has been active, and in my opinion top notch, our enlisted ranks are barren and sparse. While we do possess the members, most of them are classified as inactive. Perhaps this is because some see Navis reaching a dead end as to it's usefulness. That can be argued, but the problem exists nonetheless.

[18:13] Rei Kuhr: So until a decision is reached on whether or not to combine Navis and Astra, Navis will continue to try and sort things out within it's own ranks. We are still working on developing new assets, such as the currently unnamed dropship being developed. Some of the Navis arsenal that was developed by Keystone, Ethan, and Sera will be made available to Invictus and Astra for their own use.

[18:14] Rei Kuhr: That concludes the report for Navis.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Rei. I'll have more on that during the keynote.

Praetorian Guard

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Do any other divisions wish to report this evening?

[18:16] Kytec Switchblade raises ahand'

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Kytec Switchblade, for the Praetorian Guard.

[18:16] Kytec Switchblade: The guard has faced a few minor setbacks int he way of training due to people's rl taking up too much of their time. Planning to remedy this lack of epic with something big. It may be as late as next friday, but we'll see something fun soon. The idea of Guard Members taking up roles as heads of alpha squads is still in the air, we'll see what we can organize and work with in that regard.

[18:16] Kytec Switchblade: That is all.

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent. Moving right along this evening!

Keynote Topics

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: On to old business. Anything to bring up?

Old Business

[18:18] Silver Meridoc raises paw

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Silver.

[18:20] Silver Meridoc: Im going to keep this quick, Imperial Courier group is still needing people to submit articles/comics/stories or its not going anywere. Please talk to me after for more info. Secondly, Sentinel is still undergoing some work, i request time in the future to talk to Alpha squad commanders in organizing the joint support unit, i wont go into detail now, but maybe we can set a meeting time when things get organized for the unit

[18:20] Silver Meridoc: that is all sir

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Any further old business this evening?

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Great.

New Business

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on to new business.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: First up, I'd like to brush on a couple topics.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: For Terra:

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: I have posted a comprehensive look at command roles in Terra, found here:

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: I do encourage everyone to give it a look, as it should provide a better idea as to what's expected.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: For the sake of kindness and the fact there are a couple holes left to be filled in the command tree, I won't enforce (but I do encourage the staff does it anyways) the expectations for a couple weeks.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: There will be a Terra staff meeting sometime next week-- Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, presumably.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: During which we'll discuss the thread at large and make sure the idea has been established.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic, then.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned by Rei, I'd like to cover the Navis and Astra topic.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Over the course of our organization, units have come and gone. The Ordo Imperialis promotes a very living structure.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Nothing is rigid, because nothing is perfect. For the better of two years, the idea of Navis has been progressively shifting—for those of you who can remember back in 2007, it explored marine elements. Recently, it began to explore strategic and tactical level bombers.

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: The basis of Navis was the pretense of having a single, unified division focused around the deployment of heavy fleet vessels. However, the opportunity to utilize such a massive ordinance deployment has been scarce.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Perhaps, in reality, two . . . three times over the course of a year have we seen an Admonitor on the field. Fleet is simply antiquated technology, based upon times where carpet bombing the living guts out of our enemies was an appealing notice. Now, finesse and precision attacks are more valued and provide a much higher level of standards, community immersion, and respect.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: This can be seen in reality as well—in 1945, the allied powers preferred making mince meat out of other cities. Today, we drop explosives that can hone in on a target the size of a dime.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Based upon this perception, it has been discussed that it may be better suited to remove Navis as a single unit and immerse it into Astra as a strategic bomber element.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: This will create unified manpower, shared resources, and bolster the overall strength of Astra while ending the competition for materials. At this time, unless a compelling reason is presented otherwise, we intend to discuss and begin the process of merging the units.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Before we go further, I want to really take a moment to send some kudos to all of Navis—not only the staff, but straight down to the E-1’s.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: You’ve all had an incredible patience and have persisted in working at trying to find a niche to fill. Never once was there pause of desire to contribute. Rather than become distressed, you tried new avenues and pushed for new opportunities.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Navis includes some of the hardest working folks in the Ordo and I thank you all for all of your hard work. This idea has nothing to do with any lack of quality of any member of Navis or the lack of progress made by Navis.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: It has everything to do with the fact you and Astra would be better served together, rather than constantly stepping on one another’s toes while trying to figure out where you fit in the scheme of things.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: None of your hard work will be lost. Instead, it will enrich the community within Astra and provide a powerful, single air power. The benefits of this move are wide.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Foremost, Astra will be capable of projecting both air superiority and bomber capability without crossing command wires. Training will be streamlined and immersive, with cooperation behind both elements controlled under on umbrella. Astra’s active staffing will increase, along with the materials available to all members of Astra.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Not to mention, development will be centralized and no longer split between two air-based units.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Before I open up to questions, I am going to try to cover several I expect to be on your minds.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: "Will fleet ships still be utilized?"

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Currently, the Admonitor comprises the entirety of our fleet unit. Most of Navis is centralized around the use of the Thanatos. If the option becomes available to field super-heavy class vehicles like the Admonitor, Astra will be capable of determining a specific unit to do so.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: "Will Navis members be forced to join Astra?"

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: No, you may choose to join Terra if you so wish. Navis staff will gather a consensus from those within the group, so appropriate invitations and information can be passed to each member.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: "Who will be in command of Astra?"

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Sosarin Demar, the current head of Astra, will maintain command. Ethan Schuman has voluntarily stepped back and will assist Astra.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: "What of our ranks?"

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Of course, your position will be honored between transfers. Not a problem at all.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: "How soon can we expect the change? What do we do now?"

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Currently, continue functioning as normal. Nothing will be changing immediately. A good heads up will be given before any shift. We do not know how soon this will be implemented. We want to make sure everything is enacted without incident. It could be a very rapid process, but, we don’t want to speculate.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: "What about Invictus drop toopers?"

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: No worries. A drop ship is being worked out that will be employed by Astra.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: "What other changes can we expect?"

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: As new armor is developed, it is probable that we will be seeing Astra focusing around flight suits and very light prim attachments (masks, helmets, etc). The lighter the prim load, the better pilots are able to cope with sim transitions and latency.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Having said all that . . questions?

[18:41] Silver Meridoc raises paw*

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Silver.

[18:42] Silver Meridoc: On the topic of the dropship, i may have some desgin ideas for review if one hasnt been chosen, is it possible to speak to who is incharge of the project and share some plans?

[18:43] Rei Kuhr: I prefer if it was directed towards me or Syl, to make sure things remain organized.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Uhh, if the individual is interested in concept assistance, I'm sure he or she will chime in. Otherwise, best leave it to that . . shadowy individual.

[18:43] Sekonda Huet: Rei's the only Centurion next to Ethan anyway.

[18:44] Silver Meridoc: thank you sir

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Very welcome.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:45] Anlysia Gregoire copypastes one of the questions already answered to keep the Euros up later.

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Either I explained that incredibly well, or you are in shock.

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Comments in regards to the proposed merger?

[18:45] Anlysia Gregoire: I think people are waiting for more finalized details, honestly, sir.

[18:45] Gulliver Carpool raises a hand.

[18:45] Keller Teichmann raises his hand.

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Gulliver.

[18:46] Keystone Gray raises his hand as well.

[18:46] Dralkanen Hextall raises a saw.

[18:46] Gulliver Carpool: Just volunteering myself as a source for any questions or concerns about this. We know little about how this'll shake out, so we can't say much, but I'll try to explain what I can if you contact me.

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you Gulliver.

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Keller?

[18:48] Keller Teichmann: Well, was basically going to ask what Gulliver answered, who can we talk to? I know this probably won't affect Invictus, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure.

[18:48] Rei Kuhr: Any one of Navis staff are available for questions.

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: We should have more finalized details within the next couple of days. It'll take some talking (probably the officer topic tomorrow) about.

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Kaystawn.

[18:49] Keystone Gray: I would like to point out that this merger means, definitively, that Astra will be getting some of the Navis armament. We aren't sure what to do with the battle rifle (We may give it to Invictus), but the MP9 is replacing the MP5K finally, and the AR9 is going to Invictus. That said, our armaments are going to be delegated to whichever roles are suited best by them. That, and who knows, the MP5k might end up in Titan Industries or something.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Or thrown into a trashcan.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you! Dralkanen?

[18:50] Keystone Gray: That too. :P

[18:51] Detox Exonar: so which one was the one who worked with Mercz - the designer?

[18:51] Detox Exonar: I think he designed the uriel

[18:51] Dralkanen Hextall: I wish to make a comment on the Training programs already in effect going on between navis and Invictus, and would like to atleast pput my opinion forwards that i like to countinue with the same people, atleast untill Current astral personel are more use to how the two grousp are suppoe to work together.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: I have no doubt that it will continue without problem. Astra has a very talented command and an established training routine.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Sosarin is a task master. Expect trainin'!

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: To Detox: Not sure!

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:54] Detox Exonar: my error sir - sorry

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Nooothing else?

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: If anyone is like "D: Wot a division gone?" Please don't worry. This will work out so much better.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Truuust meee.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Ha ha.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics to bring up this evening?

[18:55] Agares Tretiak raises his hand.

[18:55] Dralkanen Hextall: Dont forget to adjust the halo on your horns, Sir.

[18:55] Thunder Rahja: Yup. Thunder's back to stay for a few months :>

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Welcome back. :)

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Agares?

[18:56] Agares Tretiak: Yes. I got a notice, during th emeeting,t hat the Behemoth tank should be ready for field tests very shortly (like tonight) so if anyone see's a large breadbox that spits death and explosions, it's only the Behemoth.

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Great. Any other topics to mention?

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Yay!

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on to promotions then!


[18:59] Thunder Rahja got E-8.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Shh.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Some of you, did not do the promotion exam. I will be nice, and send you a nastygram about it rather than deny your promotion.

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: If you (for whatever reason; eg our records on merits suck) already have a version of a merit, please notify me after the meeting. I'm make arrangements.

[19:00] Sekonda Huet: ಠ_ಠ

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, you all, please keep your eyes open for combat feats and awards worth of merits!

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Worthy, rather.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Recommendations are great and highly appreciated. Just keep it in mind after any raid you partake in.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Your comrades probably deserve some mention, as do you.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Aaand on to the list:

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Anlysia Gregoire - [E-6]; [Combat Prowess MK2]

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Azaghul Apfelbaum - [E-3]

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Billyjoe Benoir - [Combat Prowess]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze Wiles - [E-5]; [Combat Prowess]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Capn Robonaught - [E-2]; [Combat Prowess]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Daffe Vita - [E-5]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Dascede Aluveaux - [E-6]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Fermi Torok - [Good Conduct Merit]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Heather McKay - [Ordo Achievement Merit]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Jaxx Loon - [Combat Prowess]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Flipper Teichmann - [E-7]

[19:02] Sekonda Huet: ◕‿◕

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Kronus Gaffer - [E-4]; [Comrade Support Merit]

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Lunus Ferraris - [E-5]

[19:02] Keller Teichmann: ...

[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Lupus Mielzner - [Combat Prowess]

[19:03] Lunus Ferraris: Eeep O.o

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Maxxie Waffle - [E-2]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Melna Milos - [Combat Prowess]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Pancake Waffle - [Combat Prowess MK2]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Raiku Rau - [E-2]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Ribbon Dye - [E-3]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Ribena Homewood - [E-3]; [Good Conduct]; [Combat Prowess]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Samia Perun - [Ordo Achievement Merit]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Sam Troell - [E-2]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Scientific Waffle - [E-5]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Silver Meridoc - [Good Conduct Merit]; [Comrade Support Merit]

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Sosarin Demar - [Extended Service Merit] <- old

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Teron Gray - [Combat Prowess]

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Xegras Xue - [E-2]; [Combat Prowess]

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Zrazor Rozenstrauch - [W-1] < - will contact to arrange command role. Congratulations.

[19:04] Zrazor Rozenstrauch explodes

[19:04] Inoue Katsu raises hand

[19:04] Lunus Ferraris: GRATS XD

[19:05] Sekonda Huet: Zrazor's an Officer?

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Very good work everyone.

[19:05] Lunus Ferraris: Thank you sir

[19:05] Lunus Ferraris: and grats to everyone

[19:05] Sekonda Huet: Me, then Z? ARYTE HAS GONE MAD D:<

[19:05] Sam Troell: Grats everyone

Meeting Closing

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Before I dismiss you all:

[19:05] Inoue Katsu: if you have up 2 date rank note, i want.

[19:05] Sekonda Huet: Where's my Imperator's Star? DX?

[19:05] Euro Zapatero: Congratulations.

[19:05] Dascede Aluveaux: Shh

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: (Will do.)

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: It'll be a few minutes until everything is handed out.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, we'll be organizing something with the Mercz here in a short bit. After that, I'll be gone for about an hour.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Aaand after that, evening raid!

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Very good work this week. Thank you all so much!

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia draws up his arm, snapping a fist to his chest to provide a salute.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed.

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