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Vanguard "End All" Tactics.

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Just to give you some insight in Vanguard. This is one of their tactical notes they send to their units.

Bringing tactics to the battle field can makes numbers not see as heavy. Allowed maybe 2 or 3 soldats with skill to take down 8+ with mabye only loosing one person. Here we will be covering some basic tactics that should be used.

Ambushing/suprising -

Probably zee of the most basic elements in using tactics in combat. Just jumping onto and un suspecting opponent would be considered this. Any plan that requires you to catch your opponent off guard. Such as hiding behind a wall. Then wasting them as they come around.


Basicly getting behind the enemy and setting off an ambush. Were all their trooops are looking one way, you come in and take them all out before they know what hit them. Now that we have breaching charges, this tactic becomes alot easier. If they are in a building just breach behind them and your set up with them wondering whats going on. Although taking the time to get behind the enemy may take longer, it ~usually~ pays off.


When you are out on the battle field, you may notice you have plenty of allies about you. And lets just say a hostie throws a nade at your feet. With lets just say 5 other people around you. How does that end... Not well. Speading out the numbers of our soldats is very important. If you are to charge a base. You stand a much better chance completely spread out.


Charging should only be conducted if an area is nearly clear. Or you have support fire heavy streams of fire upon the enemy to keep them hiding. Charging blinding into an open field with no cover, will only get you killed.

Friendly Fire-

SERIOUSLY. Before entering into combat try to figure out what everyone else is doing by taking a moment to see where they are moving and etc. So you can route their movements and not shoot them.


Now into discussion as far as the sim goes. Ways to prevent people from cheating and recognizing cheating itself.

#1. You can run along sim borders. If you see avatars moving along the N S E W positions on the map you kill them immediately. They'll be easy to pick out, out of sight and out of weapons fire range. Camera pan if all else fails and see where they're at.

#2. Dealing with mass invasions is easy, a single bomb from a Viper, Reaper, or Kriss will ruin anyones day, even in lag. So heres what you do. Suicide - Fly in, drop a bomb, if it kills you who cares, youll get your target and anyone near them.

I also encourage use with grenade launchers. Shoot walls, shoot buildings, anything you can to take out the people inside. They fail somewhat in lag, so make up with quantity.

If all else fails, use the AD to whore bombs on where people are teleporting, itll fuck them over greatly.

#3. When you clear a room, remember this - Idiots like the merczateers and Blackwatch just love to delay TP, this means they send multiple TP's to friends so they can constantly come back even when nobody else is there, at a later date. SO here's what you do to stop this - (1. Drop landmines in that room. Dont forget to delete them later. 2. Stay there for 2-3 minutes and kill any idiot who comes back.)

#4. Set your spawnpoints randomly around the sim, but not near the hub or ANYWHERE on the W side. Ill demote for it. Randomly set your homepoints in strategic areas along the base, different levels of the main HQ, etc. Make it so they cant spawncamp you in one place, it's really easy to prevent.

#5. Pay attention to the fact we have a space station with ICBM's pointing down at the sim. This means if theres ever a mass/major occupation I will be launching our tactical weapons down, to immediately purge the sim of all life, for the retaking from the station.

Yeah, thats right, for the enemies who I know will read this... Christoph has nuclear weapons capabilities now, and yes, congratulations, you get to be victims to my slaughter with them while in Supox.

#6. Walls half the time mean shit in H4. You can fire through them with low vel, or enough bullets, whatever works. This means if you see someone go behind a wall, shoot at it again and again until that green dot goes away. There are no walls thick enough in supox to stop bullets. Even 10m fails sometimes.

#7. Air division - If you see people getting planes and fleet ships ready, make sure to fly your ass over the HUB And wait for them to get up to altitude, then hit them with an Einstein. The einstein isn't dodgeable unless you're constantly avoiding, so constantly fire them every 8 seconds when you're near an enemy craft. Air superiority is easy as shit to hold.


CHOKEPOINTS: These help us defend, but will rape anyone who tries to use them to attack. Read and look.

The very classic. On top of the ridge sorta deal. Although primative, for those of you that enjoy long range. I would suggest this location. You may have no aerial cover, but ground forces will have a very hard time taking you down if your position yourself right. This is a very key point in our defenses as from seeing from attacks, others like to drop ship up onto this location.

This location not as high up as the previous, also applies in the same way. But if needed soldats in this location can quickly move to the ground and take to the streets. As well as move up the building if anyone has somehow entered. Using these first two locations together to route an enemy group trapped in the middle of the building, proves to be rather usefull.

This location in the west, is a very important choke point. If we lock this route down with infantry, it clears out any ambushes that could occour on our other locations. As many people try to leave the hub and come around this way.

These buildings are the some of the closer to hub. Keep in mind, shooting into the hub is VERY BAD. This is another location that is key to locking down. The key point behind it, is to stop any "rushing" troops that go blindly into combat, or any that hold them selves up in the building opposite.

This location just next to the previous one, this location not as key, but still important in our defense. The troops here should be catching any stragglers that make it past the other locations mentioned before.

This warehouse, is another extremely important location for our troops to defend. It provides great cover, as well as great fire positions from the windows. The hostiles with breaching charges also tend to take the northern route and enter through his building. Covering this building fixes that problem. This group should also be keeping the northern side of the streets clean, as well as anyone trying to make their way to the main buildings from the north side.

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I like how he goes into great detail knowing his enemies will be reading the notecard, in hopes of possibly making them think that reading it will give them and edge against them in combat.

I also like how he belittles the Mercz and the 39th and then goes on to talk about his nukes like were back in the 1960's and its the Cold War all over again.

Plus I'd love to see his face when Emma stands there with her USP and picks off all of his nukes one after the other like she's skeet shooting. :D

There are times when I would like to be able to live in the world people like him occupy, just to see how twisted it is to a point where he thinks of himself as the next Rommel or Montgomery. :D

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Ascadian Stonewall wrote:

This post makes me thankful that the Imperator is a college student, and has the capacity to use proper English and can talk to us with minimal grammatical errors. We could always leave AN and VG to grief one another, because that is all it is.

what u say?

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Aryte Vesperia wrote:
Ascadian Stonewall wrote:

This post makes me thankful that the Imperator is a college student, and has the capacity to use proper English and can talk to us with minimal grammatical errors. We could always leave AN and VG to grief one another, because that is all it is.

what u say?

Ex college student?

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