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SL Herald Interview

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So, today I was interviewed by an SL Herald reporter . . who is a Spartan.


Anywho! Transcript below.

[19:10] Vegna Fouroux: Hello Aryte

[19:11] Vegna Fouroux: So exactly where did the idea of Ordo come from (for readers who are not familiar)>

[19:13] Vegna Fouroux: Also grammar and spelling and so forth will be edited, also any questions you have an issue with needn't be answered, not an interrogation.

[19:13] Aryte Vesperia: I have always had a fond liking for all things Roman. The whole concept of a collective society, imperialism . . it just appeals to me. The Ordo was, in truth, designed at a spur of the moment. The organization that the Ordo succeeded was named the Venuma Coalition, which was tied to the region that it operated out of--Venuma. While I was on vacation one week, the owner of that region turned sour and betrayed us. So, I largely came up with the Ordo while eating cookies on the beach.

[19:14] Vegna Fouroux: But you've come a long long way since then, what do you think has been the key to The Ordo's success?

[19:17] Aryte Vesperia: There's hardly any single reason. But if I had to choose one, I'd say we've been blessed with a great deal of good fortune-- it's the day to day member that makes us what we are. Hard working, humble, benevolent people.

[19:19] Vegna Fouroux: Indeed that is good to hear. A point that has raised some controversy with other groups (and also a topic I discussed with some of your officers earlier) is that you don't allow enemies on base at all to socialise when they are unarmed and put restrictions on your enlisted to go to other enemy bases to catch up with friends, why is this?

[19:24] Aryte Vesperia: That's half right. Foremost, we do not disallow that someone visits an enemy base-- that is dependant upon the specific enemy regulations on the matter. However, yes, you are correct on the first part: we do not allow individuals who are members of any enemy faction to visit out of tag and uniform. It is a policy we've followed well over a year now, for several reasons. Security; it's simply much easier to count someone as hostile if they're hostile, rather than "hostile . . sometimes!"

[19:25] Aryte Vesperia: Secondly, we run into too many befuddling politics otherwise. As in, allied parties showing up, fights breaking out. That sort of thing.

[19:27] Vegna Fouroux: Ah I see, is the Ordo taking part in the STABLE II talks?

[19:28] Aryte Vesperia: The Ordo is, yes.

[19:28] Vegna Fouroux: And how do you feel they are going?

[19:31] Aryte Vesperia: Heh, slowly. It's difficult to achieve middle ground when you've put polar opposites at a table with the orders to "make good and figure this out." For every gain we do manage, we add twenty more questions that need addressing. But, we'll just have to deal with that.

[19:32] Vegna Fouroux: And how are your relations with hostile groups as a whole?

[19:32] Vegna Fouroux: As good as they can be? or strained?

[19:33] Aryte Vesperia: Depends largely on the organization. Heck, in some organizations, it depends upon which enemy officer you ask.

[19:34] Aryte Vesperia: Overall . . strained, is a fairly good explanation.

[19:34] Vegna Fouroux: But improving?

[19:36] Aryte Vesperia: There are hints of such, but I'm not so bold as to say we're making any fantastic strides forward.

[19:37] Vegna Fouroux: And are relations with your allies as secure as ever?

[19:40] Aryte Vesperia: We're quite blessed to share rather healthy bonds with all of our allied parties, actually. Incidents between members are scarce; problems between command staff are nonexistent. I think we benefit greatly by having the luxury of most our upper echelons being friends of old. For example, Anthony Lehane and Lurdan Huszar of the Merczateers are people I

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I didn't even finish reading yet and I have to say editting what someone says (spelling and grammar included) is a big no no in Journalism. If it's derogatory they call that libel.

Assuming it means something you can sue for that crap.

What a nub.


Finished reading. I really liked your answers.

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