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Agares Tretiak

Interesting News!

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German cars, German drivers, German hospitals. They've got it covered! Europe tends to have generally, much better -trained- drivers. That's like...everyone. I'm serious.

That's quite true... The high maintainance standards for vheicles and the very strict driving tests in the EU are likely the reason no-one was killed.

This furry hatches a plot wherein he asks this furry to kill his adoptive parents for him. In exchange, the former would allow the latter to bite off his penis as payment. Fortunately, their plans were unsuccessful, but the fandom will forever be tarnished by their silly-ass shit.

This makes me wish they'd bring back the death penalty in the UK.

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This furry hatches a plot wherein he asks this furry to kill his adoptive parents for him. In exchange, the former would allow the latter to bite off his penis as payment. Fortunately, their plans were unsuccessful, but the fandom will forever be tarnished by their silly-ass shit.


This is worse than that guy being high and turned down by furrys for sex and then trying to fuck a bear... Ok.. not that bad.. but still.. Wow...

I just noticed they both have FA pages... What the fuck.. Who tracked them down on FA.. and good god look at the comments... Wow...

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This furry hatches a plot wherein he asks this furry to kill his adoptive parents for him. In exchange, the former would allow the latter to bite off his penis as payment. Fortunately, their plans were unsuccessful, but the fandom will forever be tarnished by their silly-ass shit.

Wow lmao, thats fucked up. God damn furries.

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omg omg omg i think i know that person. Its the only person ive ever muted on SL. Sarah Golem knew him and we ended up playing some stupid text based game with him, i was only checking it out for a second but he started off with the I expect you to review this game for atleast 3 hours a day. and would get all pushy about it. I thought it was really dumb and walked away, then he got all sad in ims with me back on sl and brought up that penis eating shit so i muted him.

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omg omg omg i think i know that person. Its the only person ive ever muted on SL. Sarah Golem knew him and we ended up playing some stupid text based game with him, i was only checking it out for a second but he started off with the I expect you to review this game for atleast 3 hours a day. and would get all pushy about it. I thought it was really dumb and walked away, then he got all sad in ims with me back on sl and brought up that penis eating shit so i muted him.

Well he's going to jail now. :awesome:

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No news story to link to, but:

AT&T has blocked access to (the server containing /b/) on all of its networks, thereby denying thousands of /b/tards access to their precious lulz.

I expect that these thousands of socially-retarded basement-babies to be subsequently forced out of their parents' homes, and with that we will see an alarming rise in the following crimes:

-Furry lynchings

-Public nudity

-Excessive consumption of Hot Pockets and Subway meatball subs

-Graffiti-your-relationship murals on the sides of buildings

-Mass child molestation

-Record sales of animes

-Genetically-engineered Mudkip organisms

-Suits, afros, and V for Vendetta masks becoming fashionable

-Barrel rolls IRL (in real life)

-The n-word being adopted into publicly acceptable vernacular

-Dark Svenska making actual friends

I am terrified.

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Not really news per say, but this is the most relevant thread I could find without starting a new one.

Coupon appears to be able to be printed and used multiple times per day, everyday, until September 24th.

Image attached in case the link breaks.

That really work xD? Sounds good. But, don't want to drive all the way to Wendy's to find out they wont accept it.

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Not really news per say, but this is the most relevant thread I could find without starting a new one.

Coupon appears to be able to be printed and used multiple times per day, everyday, until September 24th.

Image attached in case the link breaks.

I'm definately going to try this, lol. I'll update on if it works or not.

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I got something at work, unconfirmed, but funny as hell

......... - From The London Times:

Outside the Bristol Zoo, in England , there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 coaches, or buses.

It was manned by a very pleasant attendant with a

ticket machine charging cars (about $1.40) and

coaches (about $7).

This parking attendant worked there solid for all of 25 years. Then, one day, he just didn't turn up for work.

"Oh well", said Bristol Zoo Management - "we'd better phone up the City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant . . . "

"Err . . . no", said the Council, "that parking lot is your responsibility."

"Err . . . no", said Bristol Zoo Management, "the

attendant was employed by the City Council, wasn't


"Err . . . no!" insisted the Council.

Sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain

(presumably), is a man who had been taking the

parking lot fees, estimated at (about $560) per

day at Bristol Zoo for the last 25 years. Assuming 7

days a week, this amounts to just over 3.6 million

($7 million - or $280,000 every year for 25 years)!

And no one even knows his name.

the ()'s are translating it into us dollars, whoever sent it did the conversions. lol

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