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Scientific Waffle

Which child were you?

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After doing some random web browsing, I came across a series of articles which talked about how birth order (older child, middle child, youngest child, etc) affects development. I found this very interesting, and I am curious as to your own takes on this. For fun, do post what child you were (older/younger siblings), and how you think it has possibly affected/strengthened/scarred you. Should be whimsical, just name anything you suspect is influenced by the presence of siblings (or lack thereof).

Type: Middle child with two brothers

Effect(?): Creativity, detached approach to personal conflict, "go-with-the-flow" attitude towards life in general, extreme dislike of "sheep-like" thinking, dislike of most things scheduled, extreme distaste for arguments from authority

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Type: Middle child with two brothers

Effect(?): Creativity, detached approach to personal conflict, "go-with-the-flow" attitude towards life in general, extreme dislike of "sheep-like" thinking, dislike of most things scheduled, extreme distaste for arguments from authority

Waffle, I am fairly frightened that I could probably apply the very same to myself. Middle with two brothers, creative, aloof to most personal conflicts, go with the flow, etc.

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