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Keystone Gray

Improving Combative Experience

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I wish: No more politics. Just fight everyone, and if they fuck around, we treat them like we treat CATI: Ignore it and keep fighting.

Nowadays such a methodology is impossible, as there's always a psychotic nutweed who thinks it's prudent to wage jihad against the "brainwashed Iron Symphony infidels", and copybot/harass/attack/attempt to cause harm to us.

Sooooo, other alternatives:

∙ More deployments. More deployment authority. The Mercz go on four or five raids a day, if not more. We go on one or two. The same 40 people cycle through raids all the time, and the rest of our membership either can't go on raids due to timezone constraints or just can't be around during raid times. They're ultimately left out.

∙ We need to start having more adversarial firefights in-house. A lot more. Two teams, one at the hub, another defending the base, both teams picked from Ordo membership. I'd love to see these happening four or five times a week. If the concern over this suggestion is that there will be infighting and drama, the solution to such a thing is also very, very incredibly simple: If someone starts a fight with someone, they sit out the next few events. They'll shape up soon or get shipped out faster.

∙ I really wish people used Rostok when it was around, because it was a good idea and I miss it dearly. I don't know why IS-vs-IS is such a touchy subject, it's it exists in the first place. But we really should start looking into fighting AN and Mercz every once in a while. Shooting each other shouldn't be an insult to one another's humanity.

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Officers have extensive raid authority and always have. Rarely used until as of late. Raid #'s have been steadily increasing over the last month. I am writing and have 50% of a massive officer training program that has several topics on leading raids. Probably has something to do with increased officer confidence in leading raids on their own.

In house fights always welcome. I don't have time to host them. So. Go for it? Always been OK to.

IS-vs-IS fights, never had a problem with them. At the AD level, they've been offered by us nearly constantly.

Lot of we needs, should dos, could dos.

Power is there. Do them.

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New Jessie is a nice boredom-killer for those wanting combat. I often find myself privy to going there and teaching the local denizens a lesson in trouncing, but that presents some issues:

-Danger of copybotting (reduced lately since Takkun had that run-in with the authorities).

-Ordo personnel in New Jessie are Ordo personnel not guarding Titan.

-You pretty much can't bring people with you in any official capacity, which limits our ability to field people there in any great number, which can lead to what is viewed as defeat.

-Vanguard uses New Jessie both as a stomping ground and as a way to circumvent the blockade.

However, it does allow Ordo to maintain a more casual public presence in the military community. Having our members around there getting face time with the rest of the community and strutting our stuff on the field (and we all know we're excellent at that) allows for opportunities for positive exposure and PR. It's damn good practice too as you go up against all kinds of things. Today I went from Ramboing against superior numbers of allied freelancers to working with them as we hunted a tank together. There's a lot of variety there.

Ultimately, I'd consider it a quick-and-dirty way solution to lack of raids and such in these stressful finals weeks.

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What Aryte said... kinda. Just start doing this stuff and it'll build up and take off before too long. One thing that might help is if officers can post/submit shit for the calendar. Make a thread: "Wednesday, 12/2/09, Ordowide Training." Then outline a general wargame.

One problem I ran into a couple times I tried to host/run some Ordo-wide fu was a general lack of interest. Probably, it was because at the time I was an O-1 in charge of an Alpha. So, there might've been some general "oh, this ain't for us" coming from most the personnel on base. Though a cursory reading of Coms and attention to Vent at the time would've dispelled that. Another instance, I suspect was that since it wasn't Aryte barking orders, people were a little less interested. (Aryte, did you know people are better behaved and more attentive when you're around? They are!) Aryte pisses charisma. Most of us have none to spare. But the mechanisms to make sure people participate in a serious manner in operations not led by Aryte exist, so we can use those to hold people to participating in a serious manner.

If I could be around as much as I would like, I'd be pushing the heft of O-2 on you people and we'd be slaying one another for hours.

Antesignani was in Rostok 2-3 nights a week. Invictus used it too. We owned that place.

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