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Desereck Creeggan

Introduction to MCM

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MCM is an armored and mechanized combat (soon to have space and infantry combat) which allows members to fight against each other in the various mechs provided in the shop. The system is loosely based upon the Crysis Mech Warrior LL game, so don't be suprised if you see mechs based off of that game in there.

The game has various classes of mechs, and damage types, which are listed below:

Light Mechs

Very fast moving, light armored mechs. They have the least powerful weapons in the game, meaning you can only put light weapons (possibly medium) on them.

Medium Mechs

Fast moving, armored mechs. They are some common mechs you will see on the battlefield, with the ability to wield medium and below (possibly heavy) weapons, they make an excellent choice.

Heavy Mechs

Slow moving, heavily armored mechs. They hit hard, but also move slow enough to be an easy target to those who have good aim. With the ability to wield heavy and below (possibly assault) weapons they are for the ones who know what they're doing.

Assault Mechs

Very slow moving, extremely armored mechs. They're the hard hitters of the game, but become easy targets to light and medium mechs in untrained hands. With the ability to wield all weapons, these guys pack a punch.



Ballistic hitting weapons that cause a small explosion on impact, bullets that can hit a sim long, but have limited accuracy dependent upon the weapon you get. Limited by ammo count.


Assuming we have spaceships and mechs already, we obviously have lasers. Limited range megaprims that do more damage that ballistic and have unlimited ammo.


Rockets. They fly through the air and cause a big explosion, hitting heavily dependent upon the weapon. Some of these are lock-on, some are dumbfire and others are guided by mouselook. Limited by ammo count.


The best thing about MCM is the ability to fight with a group, or clans. Clan matches happen every week on Saturday and go until Sunday, giving clans a chance to fight against each other or the "default" enemy Terra Defense Force.


The sector map is a hexagon (six sides) with 113 areas or sectors on it that can be controlled by clans. The goal of the game is to get to the center of the map, Terra Prime, and hold it for one consecutive week (take it one clan match, then hold it the next). Terra Prime can not be taken over until 51% of the map is controlled by one clan/alliance before that clan/alliance can attack and attempt to take Terra Prime. To aid in this quest are alliances, who agree to help each other against other clans or alliances.


Combat revolves around ships. The more ships you have, the more mechs you can put on the ground. A fleet size of 250 can drop a mech with a drop-weight of 250 once. A fleet of 1000 can drop four mechs of 250 drop-weight or a mech of 750 drop-weight and a mech of 250 drop-weight once.


To take a sector you must move a fleet into an unowned sector or a sector owned by a clan not in your alliance. The combat is scheduled for the next clan matches on the weekend. When the weekend comes, the two contested parties start off in the two spawn points in the sim, the goal of the defending party is to keep the middle of the sim (the main base of the sector) from being blown up, the goal of the attacking team is to blow it up.


For killing people in the game you earn levels, which build up points that you can use to enhance your damage output, your mech resistance, mech speed/ability and support of teammates (repair drops, ammo drops). The higher level you get, the more perks you can get, the better your mech becomes.


If you want to join up with Ordo and help us beat the piss out of everyone else, contact Blaze Wiles, Jayce Iredell, or myself.

Will add more with inspiration.

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