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MikeMurdock McMillan

MikeMurdock's CNC4 rant

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Well for those that don't know at CNC4 is released for beta testing the game before it's release. At first when I heard about CNC4 and what it did i really hated it. I hated what EALA was changing in Command and Conquer and Wanted them to ride a one horse open sleigh to hell ,but After playing with much of the beta I moved from pure hate to on the fence. After i played many games I see I was really good with the GDI side and the game even though you cannot harvest tiberium anymore and there is a unit cap (Which lowers if more people are on a team) ,but it was easy to play and if you make a good balance of units you can defend yourself. As for Tibarium it is now resorted to a collect for upgrade item which green is 1 upgrade point blue is two. and the more you collect the more points to have to upgrade your forces. the gameplay now plays like games kinda like world in conflict which you need to take control areas and gain enough points to win.And the engineer now can repair units while still keeping the capture husks like in CNC3 which allows to assist as a combat medic for other people's forces. Now for the stuff that i still do not like. When I want to get more units EALA thought it was a nice idea to add a ranking system like modern warfare 2 which you need to level up to gain certain units and upgrades. This concept just does what CNC3 and KW had and continues to alienate the player so elitist pricks could see your level and just remove you from the game cause you don't have access to certain units without giving you a chance. I really hate a leveling system as well cause it forces you to play the game nonstop till you reach that level (one of the reasons why i hate wow. I never like level grinding it makes it more like a chore than playing a game). Other problems is that automatch tends to work when it wants to. Sometimes i can get in a game instantly others i cannot. this hurts the gameplay even more even when you want to level up. The music was so so ,but for the GDI it feels like if i'm watching a episode of star trek than playing a CNC game while NOD... nod feels like your a stereotypical terrorist group. the gameplay though easy to get to will still resort down to a rush game being attacked with low teir units aka zerg rush or with high tier units (back to the leveling up system) . The final thing is still the jerks in games. yes those ones that if your not doing good they feel it's there right to treat you as garbage and not a human being. Why in large communities of a genre this happens? Are we as gamers will talk down to others that aren't that good in the game treating them as there bugs? what happen to good sportsmanship? guess it's a large check that many do not want to cash.

anyway that's my CNC4 rant

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The entire kicking low level peeps out of your game isn't about elitism, it's about having a capable and combat functional team-mate. That, and level one players in my server? "Get off my lawn, kids. Go mow some backyards for XP, and don't come back before you have at least one Tiberium mutation!" People are douches, and it's real unfortunate, but all in all it's their decision.

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C&C died after Sun.


Yeah. In my opinion EALA resorting to copying other games which had better success

the Crawlers= FatMan mobile carriers in Supreme commander

class system= World in conflict

control points= Dawn Of War

to me you need to break the mold or rethink a wheel in a game

Also I have to say this of the GDI infantry


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Well I decided my final verdict from the beta. As i fought my way through pubfags (folks that think there gods gift to man at the game and must treat people who aren't good are PURE SHIT) I made my ass to level 20 on GDI. I tried out the Mastodons and the Kodiak and the Mastodons had BETTER ARMOR than the kodies... Yeah the Kodiak a ironic unit in sun returns in CNC4 ,but instead of being a command vehicle of epicness it is dummed down to a wannabie Yamato (ONLY IT SUCKS) the guns though really powerful on the kodiak it cannot hold up to a swarm of units and the shield though keeps it alive armor guess what. DISABLES your GUNS.. so you pretty much have a flying brick with nothing to defend itself (CNC4 gdi money well spent eh?) The Mastodons is sadly the ONLY unit I liked in CNC4 along with the commando and the zone captains which the mastodon can deal heavy damage to the enemy and walk standing tall though like garrick i did had problems with the animations of it being too organic and not robotic like the Mammy MK IIs. but all in all i love the mastodons. there one of my favorite cnc4 units. as for the commandos these guys are like the CNC3 one with AA abilities though the thing i didn't like is they decided the C4 explosive to not only be a upgrade you need to get ,but also dumb it down to half the damage it does (yeah no more raping buildings with one C4) while the zone captains pretty much have portable ion cannons ( like the mini ion gun in renegade). As for the units themselves. from what you tell from the concept art most went with the cartoony looking shit.. The infantry are larger than the vehicles and some vehicles are ants in comparison to the soldiers. It's ironic they said "Oh we are going for a more mature setting in CNC4 unlike RA3" ,but guess what they did?

Soo all in all I found after playing the beta this game is bland... SUPER bland. which pretty much copies other RTS games now (which i find more amusing than CNC4 beta)

I won't be buying this game cause it's just bland it's not that i'm a super hater it's just not the CNC i grew up with and the gameplay just bored me. So if i want to listen to the story i'll just watch cutscenes on youtube.

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