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Zero Itamae

Armatura Revisions; Your chance to contribute!

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Currently, I am working on changing how Armatura is presented. Like Schola, Armatura follows a linear form of teaching. Set phases that never really differ too far beyond what the instructor has done to the material; And even then it's not by much.

This is going to change entirely!

Already adopted by Agares, I intend to switch Armatura over to a modular system. What this means is that instead of the phases being set in stone, the content interchangeable, and unique. The 'phases' will contain a set of modules, using the core teachings from each, and do not need to be taught in any exact order. Modules can be changed to fit the class as needed, whether that means skipping a module or using one of the bonus modules to increase the information received. Doing this allows a sort of free flow of information as it's being taught, allowing instructors to present it the way they prefer, and feel better suits their style.

What this also means though is that it can exponentially expand. I intend to add information to each phase, create the modules, expand upon what is already there, etc. This is where all of you come in! If you've ever had ideas or felt information just wasn't mentioned that should have been, this is the place to put it. I want to create as intricate a system as I can, but still retain the simplicity.

There will be basically 3 sorts of modules. The core modules contain the information that trainee's need to know, thus, only able to be skipped if there is no reason to use it. Bonus modules will have more specialized information, pertaining to those with more focused interests, such as mechanized warfare. And what I hope will spark up training exponentially, and what I want most from you all: Combat.

The current combat exercises will be removed in favor of a dozen or so different training exercises. The instructor may choose whatever one he wants to do for a phase. This will create a far more unique feel to both training in Armatura, and teaching it. Exercises could be many different things. Using Maellus, and Titan/Chronus for the exercises, we have the range, kill-house, different game-types to use, armament restrictions, unique personnel involvement such as Praetorian Guard members, and whatever else you can think of!

These exercises will be usable outside of Armatura as well. The intention is that we can create a pool for as many different combat scenario's as possible, to create a more interesting and fun experience. As the experience for one who may have been pitted against a small team of Praetorians, may not have the same experience as the one who had to attempt to take a specific point of interest on the map.

So, I leave to you all the opportunity to not only help make training overall more fun and interesting, but to create your own training exercises, and material additions to see in use. If you have any ideas, either message me, or post in the thread here.

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We need an exercise utilizing Malleus in a more creative way. The regular "k guys, let's all shoot at each other for 5 minutes." is a tad boring. You could collaborate with Vincent on making some really interesting situations like a Hostage game using scripts (or real people) and like a capture the flag in a reallllyyyyyyy tall tower, making people think of different strategies other than "uhm, you stand there and shoot, and I'll stand here and shoot." like choosing which level would be most effective to man or where to set up booby traps for attackers coming up. Helping people use their imaginations when attacking/defending is a vital skill.

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Perhaps it would be beneficial to create some sort of entry module detailing different possible "career paths" within Ordo and create a set of courses that would teach members how to go about pursuing those career paths. i.e. Joe Numerii is in Terra and wants to advance in Ordo and do something cool, so Armatura gives him a rundown of what kind of opportunities Terra has to offer. After doing this, he decides he likes the idea of armored combat and explosives and whatnot, and decides he aspires to become a member of Antesignani, for example. So Armatura picks out a series of modules for him that focus on general advanced combat techniques and on these specialized fields that would benefit him both as a soldier, and improve his shot at getting into the squad of his choice.

This could be applied to really any position within the Ordo, be it Tactica, Armatura itself, Schola, alpha squads, Astra Apostles, Curia, really anything. Positions could in turn either require the completion of these courses as prerequisites, or give priority recruitment to those who have completed them.

In other words, we get into an arrangement wherein Schola becomes high school and Armatura becomes college for Ordo.

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Perhaps it would be beneficial to create some sort of entry module detailing different possible "career paths" within Ordo and create a set of courses that would teach members how to go about pursuing those career paths. i.e. Joe Numerii is in Terra and wants to advance in Ordo and do something cool, so Armatura gives him a rundown of what kind of opportunities Terra has to offer. After doing this, he decides he likes the idea of armored combat and explosives and whatnot, and decides he aspires to become a member of Antesignani, for example. So Armatura picks out a series of modules for him that focus on general advanced combat techniques and on these specialized fields that would benefit him both as a soldier, and improve his shot at getting into the squad of his choice.

This could be applied to really any position within the Ordo, be it Tactica, Armatura itself, Schola, alpha squads, Astra Apostles, Curia, really anything. Positions could in turn either require the completion of these courses as prerequisites, or give priority recruitment to those who have completed them.

In other words, we get into an arrangement wherein Schola becomes high school and Armatura becomes college for Ordo.

Liking this idea. Seems like the ultimate goal is to get them ready for what is past Armatura anyway, so this seems to be a good option.

Trying not to limit it just to this however: Emphasizing on all available weapon familiarization and battle tactics - such as Effective use of cover - before entering Zrazor's idea. Based on what the person has unlocked at the time: a course on familiarizing themselves with the various properties of the weapon, as well as extended practice with said weapon as well, and delivering a proper qualification receipt [or something to that extent].

- 10 cents

Edited by Zerowinged Vasiliev
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I like where you're going with this Zero. But you could take this to a really, really far out place if you think of it. I kind of see it functioning like a college. If we could draw a line down a sheet of paper and on one side write the name of an academic department and the other Armatura, we'd see some similarities and opportunities. Whereas you have in a politics department, for example, a few people who specialize in American government, institutions, and processes, you also have a few who specalize in internation relations (peace, war). There are a few who do comparative which is like American just for various other countries, types/groups of countries, regions or whatever the hell. There are the political philosophy guys, and then there are the "methods" people who basically are just a bunch of soul-sucking, statistic junky, robot fuckers, but don't let my misadventures get in the way.

On the Armatura side of the page, you'd have one or more faculty member for each module: armor, artillery, riflery, squad or team based tactics, medic/TP'ing, maybe a couple of Mutitorum-type wonks who know how to finesse guns and SL preferences and stuff.

This, to my mind would be the most exciting project Ordo would be involved with since I enlisted. It might be the biggest. But it would also be the most feasible of a lot of the big undertakings I've heard about.

Just like any faculty, it could add to itself as new ideas and knowledge was developed. If someone wanted on the faculty, there'd have to come up with some new idea, present it to the existing faculty (a research presentation!) and if the idea is deemed valuable and the presenter competent, then they get a tenure track position. Tenure would be based on continuing to teach and continually refine their little area. Getting a tenure track position would necessarily be hard. Having tenure would mean you could name yourself an assistant (a TA!).

There could be intramural softball.

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