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Ordo Meeting - 16OCT10

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**********Meeting Report**********

NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Dascede Aluveaux | E-5; Vexillarius | Astra


DATE: 16 October 2010


SUBJECT: Full discussion; regular updates.


SUMMARY: Ordo full-member discussion think-tank.



Meeting Opener

[18:01] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it.

[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics:

Members: 310

Cadets: 3


New: 14

Accepted: 2

Denied: 10

Review: 2


Defensive: 93

Offensive: 7

Allied Assist: 0

[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic occurences this week: EE teetering on the brink of hostility once more, in response to failure by their HC to discipline junior members . . who've taken a liking to attempting to troll Ordo personnel via prank calls.

[18:03] Wulf Lykin raises a paw

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, an excellent match with 2142 early this week, resulting in what 2142 explained as "the first time anyone's ever pushed us back on this build." Kudos to the team and team leader (Huttser Britishdude) who pulled it off.

Divisional Reports

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:04] FireFox Breed rises his paw for Terra

[18:04] Ethan Schuman raises his hand to beat out FireFox, who is still trying to sp.. damnit

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Breed, from the land of Terra.


[18:05] FireFox Breed: From Teron for Antesignani: Slight activity dip for myself the squad as a whole. Working on a few new training exercise ideas for A-2 and the Cohors as a whole. Roster is full.

[18:05] FireFox Breed: From Zanndor for Invictus: Slow going week. Desereck Creeggan has resigned from Invictus, and we wish him well. Now leaving three [3] open spots. A lot of you have talked to me (or E.Foxtrot) and have stated your intrest, and if not; Get to it! We will give people who are intrested about about 1-2 weeks (Depending on how many people are intrested) to be reviewed. If you have any questions feel free to IM me (Z.Aeon). For the Invictus personal, expect some raids and training throughout the week. This concludes the Invictus report. Thank you.

[18:05] FireFox Breed: From Thatguy for Cohors B: Another great week filled with PRF's to Activity from both the CO's in managment and their soldiers with projects/raid time. Inactives have been contacted a week ago, ones who haven't responded, will be moved on to Cohors C. We have more plans for the upcoming week as well as some fun changes to help you and your Ordo career (Cohors B people).

[18:05] FireFox Breed: N that is it for Terra.

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Schuman?


[18:06] Ethan Schuman: This week in Astra has been somewhat eventful. Activity levels are down, but we're going to be working on that. First off, I'd like to thank Drasamax for her role in the stress test on Sunday. I don't think there was a single member of Ordo who DIDN'T have a blast. I'd also like to congratulate Dascede on her new place as an Apostle. Her record of performance in Astra is exemplarary, so she is sure to bring a lot of constructive additions to the group (like her design for a new maze that has been approved). While our air combat interaction with other groups is down, it pleases me to see how many members of Astra are taking advantage of the down time to keep their skills sharp. I encourage all of you to stay active, as you never know when another military's airforce (like Zagan's, hopefully) will take off. Pardon the pun. Oh, and Disembodied has been doing really good work. He deserves a shout out. That's all from us for this week.

[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports this evening?

[18:07] Corsi Mousehold raises her hand

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Mousehold?


[18:08] Corsi Mousehold: For Tactica: And the reports have been flying in like mad since last week. Plus two new people. Welcoming Marc Gravois and Bradley Petrov to Tactica. Marc will be handling the CATI report once they have reopened, Bradley will be working on special project 3D basic Maps for objective systems and they will be added into the folders as well. This brings the team count to 14 out of 15 with only one slot remaining in the group. In a shocking turn of events, </sarcasm> Section South East is looking to be closed for good and all the Raven Raiders that had left are back to bungle in Jungle. SLAD and SK have closed for renovations and the Tactica CO is crying a little inside as those both hers to rewrite when they reopen. Three more reports have been filed on the board this week. Crysis, K-Brigade, and Kratus Mepita are up and I am told at the writing of this report that we will have EE and 2142 completed in the next day or two. All in all, Tactica command is overjoyed at how well and how quickly everything is progre

[18:08] Corsi Mousehold: ssing.

[18:09] Corsi Mousehold: And that's it from Tactica.\

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Any additional reports?

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: All right then, moving right along.

Keynote Topics

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Tonight, we are going to do something a bit unusual for the meeting. Instead of listening to me ramble for an hour about updates and projects, I want to hear from you all. We all know there's new stuff being worked on, updates to be had, blah blah, et cetera. However, those can all wait until next week.

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Tonight, we're going to spend some time doing a sort of think-tank. No debates, just producing ideas for the betterment of the group. We'll worry about debating and semantics when that bridge is to be crossed.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: The format will be a bit more loose then usual: do not worry about raising hands and waiting for me to call on you. I will provide a category and you provide the feedback.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Do not be shy: you won't be stoned or made fun of if your idea is terrible (Thatguy).

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: If you have categories of your own, by all means, offer those as well.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Without further adieu. Let's go ahead and start with a gigantic can of worms. Armaments. What can the Ordo Imperialis benefit from in the way of armaments?

[18:15] Ethan Schuman: Casual friday and hawaiian shirts for everyone \o/

[18:15] BurrWolf Qin raises a paw

[18:15] Mark Karlfeldt: More themed weaponry, including our own muskets.

[18:15] Ron Bleac: More service rifles.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Once again, speak freely.

[18:15] Ethan Schuman: (Mercury joke)

[18:15] Fox Cheri: Melee weapons, others than the thunderhammer

[18:15] Vash Ghostaltar raises hand

[18:16] Ron Bleac: Working. Me-lee weapons.

[18:16] Steeltael Lykin: Vash Ghostalter, From B-2 has expressed a interest is working on Ordo muskets,.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: (As in, don't raise your hands.)

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: I added a Melee weapon

[18:16] Wulf Lykin: smoke grenades as a standard issue

[18:16] Eriksson Foxtrot: For the musket raids: Custom uniforms, custom muskets w/ bayonet + charge.

[18:16] Maverick Garfield: shotguns

[18:16] Vash Ghostaltar nods at steeltael

[18:16] Corsi Mousehold: I gave Aryte the L{ong Sword and it works like a bawss.

[18:16] Typhon Perun: A shoop laser that I can fire from my mouth.. just kidding.

[18:16] BurrWolf Qin: Arty (75mm and 105mm) scripted lil better

[18:16] Nrom Normandy: Retire the Praeda. Get the Predator in full distribution with an actual locker in the armory.

[18:16] Theodore Belgar isnt surprised Maverick said that.

[18:16] Arokh Takakura shouts: More melee.

[18:16] Ron Bleac: Navis.

[18:16] Ethan Schuman: Nrom: Being done right now, actually. Scripting while we talk.

[18:16] Tuqiri Breen: A medic TP hud o.o

[18:16] Fox Cheri: Navis is a good one

[18:17] Marc Gravois: Some underslung grenade launchers ~

[18:17] Nrom Normandy: Awesome to hear, sir! Thank you for that!

[18:17] Ron Bleac: Yes, more Navis.

[18:17] BurrWolf Qin: more training, more tank trainers. CQB Training

[18:17] Keller Teichmann: Burr, arty's being rebuilt, or at least the mortar is.

[18:17] Kiba Rubble: a medic TP hud would be nifty, indeed.

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Armament is the topic.

[18:17] Keller Teichmann: (just texturing it)

[18:17] Huttser Ishelwood: Navis, more fleetships

[18:17] Ethan Schuman: You all are not funny.

[18:17] Ethan Schuman: Unless you're being serious

[18:18] Huttser Ishelwood: I'm serious :P

[18:18] Mark Karlfeldt: Also, I'd honestly suggest increasing the delay between grenades on the HUD, if possible. Currently it's quite easy to just spam the fuck out of them.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Noted.

[18:18] Keller Teichmann: I'm not building a fleet / gunship until mesh comes out. :[

[18:18] Corsi Mousehold: I keep hearing Melee Weapons over and over. Kyra and I have been working on a sword, The Long Sword for quite a while and it is completed and turned in. I gave a full perm version to Aryte already and as I understand it is waiting distribution.

[18:18] Fox Cheri: I am thinking such in the style of mechs... Smaller mechs for standard infantry use

[18:18] Nrom Normandy: that's a good point about the grenades in the HUD too, we're not allowed to use them in new jessie, is there anything that can be done to either get an alternate set to use there?

[18:18] Corsi Mousehold: Fox I think a power suit was in the works.

[18:19] Marc Gravois: power fist melee weapons, for when you really wanna smash someones teeth through the back of their head

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Noted.

[18:19] Acheron Gloom: Well, Melee /weapons/ is more than just a sword to be honest, though it is an extremely useful and appreciated contribution.

[18:19] Ron Bleac: Ordo revolvers and additional side-arms to go with said me-lee weapons would be cool.

[18:19] Corsi Mousehold: Marc if we need to do that we just use Arokh.

[18:19] Maverick Garfield: desert eagle to Ron's comment.

[18:19] Mark Karlfeldt: Fuck no.

[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, let's throw this question out: more or less use/allowance of third party armaments?

[18:20] Keller Teichmann is working on revolvers, for TI and OI.

[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Less

[18:20] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Anything to add to the roleplay value of Ordo? We have really good weapons (Props Muni.) why not focus on asthetics? >_> *ten cents*

[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Much less

[18:20] Jason Backer: Less

[18:20] Corsi Mousehold: Less

[18:20] Mark Karlfeldt: I think it's good how it is right now

[18:20] Arokh Takakura shouts: Less.

[18:20] Kiba Rubble: Less, or as it is now.

[18:20] Wulf Lykin: it would be nice if the M14 comes out as a ordo weapon

[18:20] Huttser Ishelwood: More

[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Unless it's TI or Ironsight

[18:20] Maverick Garfield: more

[18:20] Fox Cheri: Hmm. less.

[18:20] Ron Bleac: Well if we want to decrease the amount of third party armaments we use I suggest we proper well make weapons to fit in the lot that we're losing by decreasing the amount of 3rd party gear.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: So, less, provided additional Ordo weapons are available?

[18:21] Mark Karlfeldt: Decreasing the usage of 3rd party weapons won't go down well unless you can fill the gaps left by them.

[18:21] Ron Bleac: Yes, imho.

[18:21] Arokh Takakura: Agreed.

[18:21] Huttser Ishelwood: Ordo L85 would be nice :D

[18:21] Maverick Garfield: would titan be considered third party?

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia twists his mustache. "Mm~ understood, mmyesss."

[18:21] Theodore Belgar: Same or less. The gear we have now, or are coming out with, serve us just fine.

[18:21] Zerowinged Vasiliev: More, if the tolerance is controlled.

[18:21] Wulf Lykin: keep it like it is or bring out more titan and ordo weapons

[18:21] Corsi Mousehold: I think just Ordoand TI are fine.

[18:21] Steeltael Lykin: I think our weapons shouldnt be based on real world modern firearms. Considering the "futuristic" nature of the group.

[18:21] Acheron Gloom: Hm, whats the point of disallowing third party weaponry as long as it is approved through munitorum and Curia?

[18:21] Ron Bleac: And make what's OK and what's not OK more public and transparent, put it somewhere on top instead of burying it amidst the forums. Perhaps something in the Munitorum or Curia forums would work well, because I bought a C7 Operations Storm Assault Rifle for 800L$ and discovered I can't use it.

[18:22] Mark Karlfeldt: Seraphim and Fairlight, though?

[18:22] Fox Cheri: Ordo, TI and FL seems reasonable if you ask me, and stick to that.

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: Guys. Once the caseless guns are out, no one will be worrying about what gun to use.

[18:22] WolfShaman Warrior: We recently gutted all our future tech from our armory

[18:22] Preston Smythe: i semi agree with steel

[18:22] Corsi Mousehold: Fairlight are kinda .... Script heavy.

[18:22] Andriste Nesiote: Fox, you forget ISA.

[18:22] Acheron Gloom: Also, with regards to the C7, I recall Merczateers doing a test on it and it was recorded as a firing script time of 0.02, not 0.15 as on the database, so they were kind of annoyed by that.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Excellente.

[18:22] Mark Karlfeldt: Dude, I like a double barreled shotgun or a bolt action rifle sometimes.

[18:22] Keller Teichmann: Aye, CWs are replacing some of the future weapons, and I'll be working on more once they're done.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: (As a side note the C7 is fine.)

[18:22] Zerowinged Vasiliev: ^ This (Mark)

[18:22] Ron Bleac: (<3)

[18:23] Ethan Schuman: Yes I do, Hessel. =p

[18:23] Fox Cheri: A banning of frag rounds from Ordo / Opposing Forces?

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: So a large, dynamic asenla.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Aresnal, rather.

[18:23] Acheron Gloom: Whats the point of disallowing third party weaponry as long as it is approved through munitorum and Curia?

[18:23] Corsi Mousehold: Can We just ban all Frag weapons? Please?????

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, next question:

[18:23] Corsi Mousehold: PRETTY PLEASE????

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.

[18:23] Mark Karlfeldt: It's pretty unfair to restrict the weapons based on which company is buddy-buddy with us. Honestly I do like it how it is now.

[18:23] Ethan Schuman: Well, if we're looking to expand our arsenal, then we really have to consider how we're going to make weapons stand out from each other.

[18:24] Zerowinged Vasiliev: [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: If you had to choose one of the three, would you prefer: sculpted tanks, power armor, or heavier mechs?

[18:24] Mark Karlfeldt: Tanks

[18:24] Dascede Aluveaux: tanks

[18:24] Andriste Nesiote: Power Armor.

[18:24] Kiba Rubble: power armor

[18:24] Arokh Takakura: Power armour.

[18:24] Awanken Wasp: Tanks

[18:24] Huttser Ishelwood: Tanks

[18:24] SirCorn Alter: tanks

[18:24] Marc Gravois: tanks

[18:24] thatguy Andel: power armor

[18:24] BurrWolf Qin: power armor

[18:24] Eriksson Foxtrot: Power Armour.

[18:24] Tuqiri Breen: Power Armor

[18:24] Fox Cheri: Powerarmor

[18:24] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Powered Armor

[18:24] Preston Smythe: power armor

[18:24] Typhon Perun: I would say all of the above.

[18:24] Jason Backer: Power armor.

[18:24] Kyra Vixen: Power armor.

[18:24] Arokh Takakura shouts: Power armour

[18:24] Corsi Mousehold: Power Armor

[18:24] Vash Ghostaltar: power armor

[18:24] Bradley Petrov: Supa trupa armor

[18:24] Huttser Ishelwood: Tansk

[18:24] Typhon Perun: Power armor though.

[18:24] Kiba Rubble: terminator armor ftw

[18:24] WolfShaman Warrior: Abstain

[18:24] Ethan Schuman: How about "Mesh power armor because mesh will be out soon and is better anyway"?

[18:24] Huttser Ishelwood: *Tanks

[18:24] Drasamax Python: Power armor

[18:24] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: more scarlets in power armor?

[18:24] Typhon Perun: NOT RIDING THE TRAIN!

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia cracks up.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, next:

[18:24] Wulf Lykin: tanks, the rest is cool but way to big

[18:24] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: thats two stones with one bird!

[18:24] Acheron Gloom: What about mesh tanks because mesh will be ut soon and is better anyway, especially for non-attachment objects.

[18:24] Arokh Takakura shouts: Bigger armour? <3~

[18:25] Acheron Gloom: So

[18:25] Acheron Gloom: tanks

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Moving on.

[18:25] Corsi Mousehold: We already have a good array of tanks. Tsume is rescripting them all already.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: If you had to choose one of the three, would you rather: a new dropship, a fleet ship, or an additional light aircraft?

[18:25] Huttser Ishelwood: Fleet

[18:25] Tuqiri Breen: Fllet ship

[18:25] Mark Karlfeldt: Dropship

[18:25] Jason Backer: Fleet ship.

[18:25] Eriksson Foxtrot: New drop ship.

[18:25] Arokh Takakura shouts: Drop-ship.

[18:25] Kyra Vixen: Fleet.

[18:25] Kiba Rubble: New dropshp

[18:25] Fox Cheri: Fleetship

[18:25] SirCorn Alter: No opinion

[18:25] Maverick Garfield: dropships

[18:25] Corsi Mousehold: How about we hear what ASTRA wants??

[18:25] Andriste Nesiote: no opinion.

[18:25] Ethan Schuman: Assault shuttle is happening regardless.

[18:25] WolfShaman Warrior: Drop

[18:25] Typhon Perun: tank capable dropship

[18:25] Nrom Normandy: drop ship

[18:25] Drasamax Python: dropship

[18:25] Preston Smythe: dropship

[18:26] Wulf Lykin: fleetship

[18:26] Steeltael Lykin: Fleet ships are Dead. Dropship.

[18:26] Huttser Ishelwood: Fleetship that can ass drop Ira's :D

[18:26] Vash Ghostaltar: dropship

[18:26] shippo Coba: Flight Armor :P

[18:26] thatguy Andel: Navis. c:

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Overwhelming saturation of Astra wants a dropship.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Hm.

[18:26] Eriksson Foxtrot: Drop ship because the fact that the current one doesn't handle quite to par, and the fact that fleet ships... aren't necessarily used.

[18:26] Corsi Mousehold: WAIT.... Drasamax wants a new Drop ship. THat's what I want then,.

[18:26] Dascede Aluveaux: Yeah, dropship.

[18:26] Mark Karlfeldt: If you want a fleetship, u dumb.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Excellente.

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on,.

[18:26] Acheron Gloom: Drop Ship

[18:26] Corsi Mousehold: Drasamax is the Drop Ship QUEEN of the Ordo.

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional armament topics before we change?

[18:27] Fox Cheri: A triplebarrelled ballistae? Just joking

[18:27] Jason Backer: Attachments as unlocks, build a gun yo?

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Hell yah.

[18:27] Arokh Takakura: Hand-held ballistae.

[18:27] Huttser Ishelwood: More arty

[18:27] Wulf Lykin: more grenade launchers

[18:27] Huttser Ishelwood: Self proppelled Ballistae

[18:27] Kiba Rubble: How about a new astra century that uses enhanced jetpacks, instead of airplanes. Sort of like assault packs, enablling them to fly for extended periods of time. These would ofcourse be counted as vehicles for legality

[18:28] Huttser Ishelwood: Oh and a decent MLRS

[18:28] Corsi Mousehold: Need guns with attachments.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Interesting, Kiba.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Hm.

[18:28] BurrWolf Qin: MLRS seconded

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, oh lord.

[18:28] Kiba Rubble: It would add an extra "elite" century to astra, next to the apostles

[18:28] Arokh Takakura: Back-pack based missle silo.

[18:28] shippo Coba: oooo

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic:

[18:28] shippo Coba: ^^

[18:29] Mark Karlfeldt: Why does the Comms pack even have the option for the laser designator when we never use thanatos?

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic:

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Training related.

[18:29] Corsi Mousehold: More Structured In house skirmishes.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Wait for the question.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Lol.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Starting from square one. Schola: is Schola an adequate introductory program? What should be added? Should it be . . harder, easier, stay the same? Should the minimum join age (five months) be increased/decreased/stay the same?

[18:30] Arokh Takakura: Increased.

[18:30] Eriksson Foxtrot: Increased.

[18:30] Huttser Ishelwood: Stay the same

[18:30] WolfShaman Warrior: More combat phases

[18:30] Corsi Mousehold: Too easy.

[18:30] Acheron Gloom: Stay the same.

[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: So I know what you're talking about.

[18:30] Eriksson Foxtrot: Increased, and harder.

[18:30] Andriste Nesiote: Schola definitely needs another combat training phase.

[18:30] Acheron Gloom: More combat, stay the same.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Complete sentences.

[18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Needs a immediate update w/ notecards, Increased

[18:31] Tone DeFarge: I say stay just make it a little tougher....

[18:31] Ethan Schuman: Stay the same. Don't fuck with something that works well as it is.

[18:31] Kiba Rubble: Stay the same.

[18:31] Preston Smythe: same with more combat phases sounds good

[18:31] Arokh Takakura: Increase the minimum joining age.

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Hahah. Increased and harder. ACCEPT ONLY 1 OUT OF 20 CADETs, RATHER THEN 1 OUT OF 10.

[18:31] SirCorn Alter: I thought it was pretty easy. 2142 had easier tests but harder performance tests.

[18:31] Typhon Perun: Schola needs things like secondary tests in case a cadet fails a exam. Retaking the same exam is pretty much a giveaway for that phase.

[18:31] shippo Coba: i say more hands on wor rather than a bunch of text

[18:31] Corsi Mousehold: Schola right now is far too simple. There is very little in it that describes and gives a feel of our day to day goings on.

[18:31] Arokh Takakura: Make it harder.

[18:31] Andriste Nesiote: But if we do that, Aryte loses a food supply. >_>

[18:31] Arokh Takakura: I need MORE FOOD.

[18:31] Andriste Nesiote: arokh I meant.

[18:31] Ethan Schuman: Maybe make a provisional "probationary" enlistment thing like E-0.5 for people who are under the age but want to participate.

[18:31] Huttser Ishelwood: The avatar age can stray the same, 5 months is enough to weed out the immeidate noobs

[18:31] Acheron Gloom: Schola minimum join age should remain the same, and we should also add more combat phases with more teaching rather than just throwing cadets at eachother.

[18:31] Nrom Normandy: Everything is fine for Schola. The program is of nominal difficulty. It serves its purpose to introduce everyone to what they need to know as full members. The 5 month requirement is fine. It removes new people. Most people never even make it in, we accept maybe 8% of applicants that go through Schola's application process.

[18:31] Wulf Lykin: i think the time limit on the examns should be none, though it shouldnt take a cadet longer than two days to finaly make it

[18:32] Mark Karlfeldt: Make speaking fluent English an absolute requirement. I'm not trying to be racist, but like, it's pretty god damn hard to communicate with someone who has to speak through a translator.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: SirCorn: I'd love if you'd detail for me wh at about 2142 was more difficult.

[18:32] Drasamax Python: Yes, some gaps could be filled though like some weapons or vehicles could be added to the waffle board we don't ever talk about, Stay the same

[18:32] Kyra Vixen: A note, the principles of the IS notecard needs to be updated. That is, Form S-4, the version used is from May.

[18:32] Eriksson Foxtrot: Harder for the sake of more thorough learning process.

[18:32] Fox Cheri: I would say that Schola needs another combatphase or two, as well as perhaps a bit more elaborate materials in referrence to the handbook and essays written for this purpose and for explanation.

[18:32] Eriksson Foxtrot: Also, a revamp of the examinations.

[18:32] Zerowinged Vasiliev: [TLDR ver. of my original post] Revise the notecards that are currently in use - Increase the join age - Make acceptance standards harder.

[18:32] Marc Gravois: Make schola more practical matters, rather than historical, psycological and rule quoting. Put knowing the rules a requirement of your application, so that they know the rules before even joining.

[18:32] Kiba Rubble: Why not merge schola with armatura straight away if It's going to be more "combat oriented"

[18:32] Nrom Normandy: Armatura is intended to be the combat focused one, Schola is focused on the handbook, so no need to add additional combat phases.

[18:32] BurrWolf Qin nods to Kiba

[18:33] Zerowinged Vasiliev: More strict*, rather.

[18:33] SirCorn Alter: They had me go through two obstacle courses, one was walking along a thin winding path through obstacles, the other was more varied.

[18:33] Arokh Takakura: More discipline.

[18:33] Arokh Takakura: Focus on rules and behaviour.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: I have envisioned the following:

[18:33] SirCorn Alter: The second had obstacles like invisible wall mazes, problem solving, etc.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Schola (BASIC) training graduation-> E1 -> Straight to Armatura - > Qualified for E-2 on graduation.

[18:34] Steeltael Lykin: Set better Expectations of commitment during Schola. Lots of people finish schola and instantly burnt out and stop participating when they get their gear. And I'm tired of moving E-1's into Cohor's C.

[18:34] Jason Backer: A two tier system could be effective in keeping numbers the same, but bolstering a greater quality of member.

[18:34] Huttser Ishelwood: Less people for me to watch and send notecards too \o/

[18:34] Jason Backer: Giving a "Light Ordo" something to aim for and the "1337 Ordo" something to keep

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Hm . .

[18:35] Tone DeFarge: Turn the notecards into videos!

[18:35] Arokh Takakura: Instructional videos.

[18:35] Arokh Takakura: ftw.

[18:35] Mark Karlfeldt: Maybe give people a trial period, where they have less obligations and they can choose whether to stay or leave.

[18:35] Nrom Normandy: I think part of that burn out is giving people phase 1 - 6 in one day, it should be spread out a bit more.

[18:36] Tuqiri Breen: Schola is pretty long but its good when you finish the last exam I think its okay as it is when i do exams in other milit theres only 1 exam and you dont learn much but with ordo they have 5-6

[18:36] Andriste Nesiote: Agreed, Nrom. The people that try to speed their way through get burnt out too fast.

[18:36] Typhon Perun: I would still like to see somethinglike the NCO-A incorprated more in to the mainstream then as ludi. the material is handed in already, just haven;t heard anything about it since I handed in those materials. My only reason for this is because I still see new NCOs that seem to have a vauge idea of what they should look foward to. The NCO-A I wrote is ment to address that problem, and let them know what is expected of them and educate them how they can best achive those long term Ordo goals and such they have.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Would you all prefer the military approach? Direct assignment to advanced training/no placement into unit before completing Armatura?

completing Armatura?

[18:36] SirCorn Alter: I like the trial idea

[18:36] Eriksson Foxtrot: I, personally, spread my phases out for two per day to avoid possible burnout.

[18:36] Drasamax Python: I ask my cadets if they want to continue when completing a phase, they usually say yes though.

[18:36] Fox Cheri: I like that idea Imperator.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Feasibly making Armatura their "unit" until completion?

[18:36] Maverick Garfield: Personly I just like getting shit done with

[18:36] Wulf Lykin: also more introductions of terra and astra to give the person some ideas what they are precicely and speak about their doing and what they can use

[18:36] Zerowinged Vasiliev: I like that idea actually.

[18:37] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Train first, etc."

[18:37] Dascede Aluveaux: ^ Wulf

[18:37] Acheron Gloom: I like that, too.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia twists his mustache~

[18:37] Dascede Aluveaux: Need more divisional intro

[18:37] Mark Karlfeldt: Agreed.

[18:37] Nrom Normandy: That is how Astra is handled, trainees are not given assignment to flights until passing the first three flight phases of Palaestra.

[18:37] Eriksson Foxtrot: If we did training first, we'd need some sort of set people to oversee that they are progressing.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Devious~

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: MM.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent, ok.

[18:37] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: Honestly, Had I not been placed in a squad, and not had someone to go to, I wouldn't be so active. My CO helped me alot as far as staying in and being an active member

[18:38] Typhon Perun: I'm still wanting to get NCO-A off the ground, I think it's a good idea, and it can help.

[18:38] Ethan Schuman: Honestly, I want to see two "Armaturas". One would be the traditional one, one would be the Astra one. You pick which branch you want to go through, you go through that division training, and then you go through Armatura 2, which would be like a current affairs, diplomacy, IS principles in depth, etc.

[18:38] Corsi Mousehold: That would combine Schola and Arma and .... I would have alot of wortk

[18:38] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: Other than my friends I had in already

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: My ping is 17k. Wow.

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Anywho.

[18:38] Ethan Schuman: Schola, Terra training, Astra training, and then refinement should be four seperate entities.

[18:38] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: and my CO and squad, I was lost as hell when I joined not to long ago

[18:38] Mark Karlfeldt: I hear Aryte in vent as "AHA...... .... .... AHAHAH .... .. .. ... .. AHA"

[18:39] Ethan Schuman: ALSO!

18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Interesting idea, however.

[18:39] Ethan Schuman: I think any person in Ordo should be able to take any training courses available at any time (unless they have certain pre-reqs like other training)

[18:39] Wulf Lykin: ethqan we already have seperated astra and terra trainings

[18:39] Typhon Perun: If it makes it easier we could make NCO-A a seperate thing like Schola and Armatura are. I already have a good idea for those that would make for good magisters for it, among other things.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Wheels are turnin' upstairs. Interesting.

[18:40] Mark Karlfeldt: I agree with Marc though, training should be less about real world militaria and more focused on what can be applied to SL.

[18:40] Andriste Nesiote: The main problem with Armatura right now, in my opinion, is trying to find a magister who's got the free time and can run it.

[18:40] Ethan Schuman: I agree with that as well.

[18:40] Nrom Normandy: NCO-A is being developed by Veritas, so it will be done.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: I shall play with the idea.

[18:41] Steeltael Lykin: Catagory: Chronus.

[18:41] Typhon Perun: But I finished the materials about 2 or so months ago Nrom....

[18:41] Fox Cheri: Wulf crashed

[18:41] Andriste Nesiote: Hessel, that's pretty much dead on.

18:41] Fox Cheri: Steel. Can we talk after this meeting? It is about Chronus.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Additional regulation/oversight would be necessary, most definitely.

[18:41] Steeltael Lykin: sur eFox

[18:42] Dascede Aluveaux seems to be missing some parts of the conversation.

[18:42] Theodore Belgar: I personally think they cadets we've been having have been moving thru the Schola program pretty quickly.

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Interesting. Interesting.

[18:42] Fox Cheri: Perhaps open the possibilities of entering as Magister?

[18:42] Tone DeFarge: Just a thought that instructional videos that give out detailed information on the phases and what we want the cadets to learn might actually help out the person teaching the phases and save time? Then the person might not burn out so easily.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Typhon -- see Nrom.

[18:43] Arokh Takakura: I could do that.

[18:43] Typhon Perun: Sir, I know I finished NCO-A I handed the materials in to Zero, alright I'll talk to Nrom.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Good stuff, good stff.

[18:43] Arokh Takakura: <--- Fraps and studio mic.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Let's move on. Good ideas, however. I'm scribbling down notes.

[18:43] Tone DeFarge: Then you can add graphics to the video showing what they are talking about.

[18:44] Nrom Normandy: The only issue with videos is that they are harder to update and edit than notecards.

[18:44] Nrom Normandy: and if you're doing your job appropriately as a magister, you're constantly updating with every policy change.

[18:44] Ethan Schuman: Also, this may sound unpopular, but I really think we should add Judge Hocho's writings to our required reading list.

[18:44] Theodore Belgar: And they would get impersonal like Corsi was saying a few minutes ago in ventrilo

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.

[18:44] Steeltael Lykin: Together with a previous member of the Ordo I completed a document that details exercises and tactics for combat...not sure what became of it.

[18:44] Steeltael Lykin: okies.

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic: filling downtime.

[18:46] Wulf Lykin: and that means?

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: So we've got fishing. And people fish. What else would you like?

[18:46] Wulf Lykin: oh that

[18:46] Mark Karlfeldt: A dueling system

[18:46] Marc Gravois: board games.

[18:46] Maverick Garfield: clay pigeons

[18:46] Tuqiri Breen: Rabbit pen

[18:46] Theodore Belgar: What to do when we dont have people to shoot at.

[18:46] Andriste Nesiote: More shooting things. >.>

[18:46] Corsi Mousehold: Well I am a Queen in Tiny Empires.

[18:46] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Whack a mol. . . Ohh wait

[18:46] Wulf Lykin: yes mav claypigeans

[18:46] Arokh Takakura: People seem to have calmed down a little on the fishing thing, hopefully not burning ourselves out.

[18:46] Acheron Gloom: Trainings :D

[18:46] BurrWolf Qin: yea shooting target challenges

[18:46] Maverick Garfield: russian releat

[18:46] Kiba Rubble: Board games is a good idea, SL has a large variety of those available.

[18:46] Arokh Takakura: Cadet hunter.

[18:46] Theodore Belgar: Wabbit shootin'

[18:46] shippo Coba: open a starbucks! :D

[18:46] Tuqiri Breen: more fishing items

[18:47] Bradley Petrov: Trainings and more raids/attacks for people in different timezones.

[18:47] Andriste Nesiote: I second Arokh's

[18:47] Eriksson Foxtrot: Honestly, as much as I like the idea of the downtime subtractors. They take people's attention off things a bit too easily, and over a period of time, they'll burnout of said activity.

[18:47] Arokh Takakura: Feed Arokh cadets game.

[18:47] SirCorn Alter: Texas holdem

[18:47] Tone DeFarge: We should add range targets to the field that randomly pop up just like the ones in the range. Just for fun of course...

[18:47] SirCorn Alter: Maybe have it turn off to cut down on scripts during fights

[18:47] Ethan Schuman: Greedy Greedy

[18:47] shippo Coba: I like that idea Arokh :D

[18:47] Wulf Lykin: i like mavericks idea of a clay pigeon range

[18:47] Theodore Belgar: GREEEEDY

[18:47] Ethan Schuman: That was a TON of fun with the Merczateers.

[18:47] Arokh Takakura: Hungry hungry Dragon.

[18:47] Huttser Ishelwood: Greeeeedy :D

[18:48] Kiba Rubble: Have zombies attack the base every hour .;3

[18:48] Mark Karlfeldt: I had an idea for making a HUD-based dueling system with melee weapons, perhaps as a third party business. You'd be able to have intense and complicated melee combat without LL damage. It would be interesting to have brawls, if anyone has played Combat: Samurai Island, you'll know what I mean.

[18:48] Eriksson Foxtrot: The Merczateers actually play poker; Texas Hold'Em... sometimes.

[18:48] Fox Cheri: Tiny Empires 3000 with an Ordo realm

[18:48] Ethan Schuman: I -LOVE- holdem

[18:48] Ethan Schuman: Fox, that's been considered.

[18:48] Andriste Nesiote: Hold'em is my poker game of choice.

[18:48] Tuqiri Breen: A zombie pen?

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Hhmm.

[18:48] Steeltael Lykin: Give everyone a useful job or project to work on during idletimes. documentation,building,scripting, specific practice of a combat skill.

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: A zombie pen haha

[18:49] Eriksson Foxtrot: Zombie games have lag induced trinkets and additions that just... bog up over time.

[18:49] Dascede Aluveaux: I'm a fan of board games, but complex builds like the monopoly table will tax sim performance in the case of a sudden attack sometimes.

[18:49] Wulf Lykin: i dont think we should ad mutch more becouse the fishing systems adds a bit lag already when everyone goes to fish there

[18:49] Tuqiri Breen: how about finding a 4 leaf clover?

[18:49] Arokh Takakura: Ordo Janitorum, the game.

[18:50] Arokh Takakura: Sweep the line, clean the walls.

[18:50] Arokh Takakura: earn XP.

[18:50] Kiba Rubble: Ordo cardgame with members on it ;3,

[18:50] Eriksson Foxtrot: Arokh: That'd be amazing.

[18:50] Marc Gravois: winner gets a pot of gold? :D

[18:50] Theodore Belgar: If there's a fight going shouldnt be fishing anyway.

[18:50] shippo Coba: thats alot of cards O_O

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Just putting it out there, but I am totally forcing Disembodied make Team Rocket and British Rifleman outfits.

[18:50] Mark Karlfeldt: What.

[18:50] Marc Gravois: omg team rocket win

[18:50] Kiba Rubble: Team rocket!? xD

[18:50] Huttser Ishelwood: Wait

[18:50] Andriste Nesiote: I am for that.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: Rofl.

[18:50] Huttser Ishelwood: Rifleman outfits are green

[18:50] Arokh Takakura: :C as a brit, I am offended, I think.

[18:50] Preston Smythe: haha nice

[18:50] Huttser Ishelwood: not red

[18:51] Huttser Ishelwood: Jeeeeze D:<

[18:51] Bradley Petrov: I'm not offended so you shouldnt be, Arokh.

[18:51] Bradley Petrov: D:

[18:51] Fox Cheri: I can make Jesse and James' hair with ease hehe

[18:51] shippo Coba feels lost O_o

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: .. rofl.

[18:51] Steeltael Lykin: Can we make astra wear the team rocket outfits?

[18:51] Mark Karlfeldt: Honestly noone uses the killhouse to pass time, because it's not fun to fight in a tiny enclosed space where you die every 10 seconds. A more structured melee combat system would be far more entertaining, I think.

[18:51] Arokh Takakura: what about tiny tanks.

[18:52] Ethan Schuman: Tiny tanks would be fun.

[18:52] Steeltael Lykin: I love the killhouse. But it needs a update.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: .. haha.

[18:52] Wulf Lykin: or everyone buys a gamebay or whatever in rl and goes to play that :P

[18:52] Arokh Takakura: like a little pen for RC battle tanks.

[18:52] Eriksson Foxtrot: Mark, the killhouse is used for Armatura training.

[18:52] Wulf Lykin: gameboy*

[18:52] Nrom Normandy: I am not going to wear a team rocket outfit.

[18:52] Mark Karlfeldt: The killhouse is for multiple purposes

[18:52] Nrom Normandy: Pikachu, maybe.

[18:52] Steeltael Lykin: Remove the terrorists from the killhouse..they are annoying and pointless.

[18:52] Arokh Takakura: FIRE FIGHTING

[18:52] Arokh Takakura: I HAVE THE RESOURCES.

[18:52] Eriksson Foxtrot: We could get rid of the Terrorist game in it, it's kind of pointless seeing as nobody uses it.

[18:52] Huttser Ishelwood: FIRE FIGHTING

[18:52] Tone DeFarge: I'll wear a Team Rocket uniform if it's made properly.

[18:52] Arokh Takakura: SERIOUSLY I WILL DO THAT.

[18:52] Wulf Lykin: the kill house needs to be bigger

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Oh lord.

[18:53] Huttser Ishelwood: I AGREE

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Hahahaha.

[18:53] Arokh Takakura: I can provide gear.

[18:53] Wulf Lykin: at least half a sim

[18:53] Arokh Takakura: and equipment.

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: All right.

[18:53] Maverick Garfield: Erick: it's fun to turn on when people are in there

[18:53] Fox Cheri: Wulf. We got a project running already with that.

[18:53] Arokh Takakura: And I'll set fire to shit.

[18:53] Eriksson Foxtrot: Well, yes. I love doing that Maverick. Haha.

[18:53] Nrom Normandy: Acheron actually has a few cool platforms that would easily replace the killhouse and other facilities for training

[18:53] Huttser Ishelwood: Gimema flamethrower and I'll burn downt he sim >:3

[18:53] Wulf Lykin: oke

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: And .. aye. Or even add Killhouse to it.

[18:53] Tone DeFarge: Race track for both ground an air?....

[18:54] Kiba Rubble: Paintball in SL is actually already available, so we could make a platform for ordo paintball matches

[18:54] Arokh Takakura: Kiba.

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Intereeesting.

[18:54] Arokh Takakura: Training rounds.

[18:54] Ethan Schuman: Personally, I think we'd have a lot of luck making a mod for a game that's free/cheap that we can all play.

[18:54] Eriksson Foxtrot: Ordo Hockey team.

[18:54] shippo Coba: ooo

[18:54] Typhon Perun: I think I still own a laser tag game system with health, flags and such.

[18:54] Theodore Belgar: Fooootball

[18:54] shippo Coba: hockey team

[18:54] Theodore Belgar: american football

[18:54] Keller Teichmann: I second that idea.

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Hockey. Oh god.

[18:54] Kiba Rubble: I vote hockey! as i already play it xD

[18:54] Typhon Perun: HOCKEY!

[18:54] Mark Karlfeldt: Fuck gridiron

[18:54] shippo Coba: Hockey!

[18:54] Tone DeFarge: Capture the flag!

[18:54] Eriksson Foxtrot: Compete against other SL teams. Dominate.

[18:54] Andriste Nesiote: Bah, if we had hockey, we'd just be melee'ing each other for fun.

[18:54] shippo Coba: i demand !

[18:54] Arokh Takakura: I would totally wall-slam an entire opposing team.

[18:54] shippo Coba: XD

[18:54] Ethan Schuman: Second Life hockey...

[18:55] Keller Teichmann: That's called bodychecking Arokh. :F

[18:55] Eriksson Foxtrot: Ethan, ask Kiba about SL Hockey.

[18:55] BurrWolf Qin: Arokh is our goalie

[18:55] Arokh Takakura: I'd BODYCHECK THE TEAM. >:C

[18:55] shippo Coba: oh gawd

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Arokh can be our entire line.

[18:55] Nrom Normandy: The future of SL militaries, on the ice, with a puck and a stick.

[18:55] Nrom Normandy: Aryte can be the goalie

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, let's move on.

[18:55] Eriksson Foxtrot: Russian Roulette, as suggested by Maverick.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Good stuff, however.

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Last topic from me this evening: Chronus.

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Input please.

[18:56] Arokh Takakura: I like it.

[18:56] Typhon Perun: Will it ever be done?

[18:56] Mark Karlfeldt: Mutiny against Steetlael

[18:56] thatguy Andel: Love it.

[18:56] Ethan Schuman: Current Chrinus build, aside from minor adjustments, is a fuckton of fun.

[18:56] Mark Karlfeldt: Steetlael. Lol.

[18:56] Arokh Takakura: Dislike the river and drop in the middle.

[18:56] Wulf Lykin: needs more big buildings to be able to get into like an old hotel or something

[18:56] Keller Teichmann: Keep in mind it isn't a full-sim like Titan. We can't go too extravagant.

[18:56] Huttser Ishelwood: Dislike voidscape :<

[18:56] Huttser Ishelwood: But I've talked to steel about that

[18:56] Ethan Schuman: The ground level of Chronus is simple, quick, clean, and efficient.

[18:56] Keller Teichmann: Though yes, I think it's a ton of fun for combat.

[18:56] Typhon Perun: Will it be able to control time as the name suggestes? Just kidding.

[18:57] Ethan Schuman: Voidscapes might be better if we can do them with Mesh

[18:57] Zerowinged Vasiliev: ^ this (Huttser)

[18:57] Mark Karlfeldt: Make Chronus into Scarlet's gulag.

[18:57] BurrWolf Qin: if the river stays then the 2nd bridge should be buildable by the attacking team

[18:57] Andriste Nesiote: Scarlet is terrifying on Chronus.

[18:57] Eriksson Foxtrot: Voidscape is awesome, adds aesthetic. Personally: No lag, and looks great.

[18:57] Ethan Schuman: There is a way across the river. Use the pipes.

[18:57] Nrom Normandy: great job on Chronus, would like to see if we could implement an air objective in to experiment as well

[18:59] Fox Cheri: Hmm. Idea for Astra Objective system

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome, awesome.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Anything else?

[19:00] Wulf Lykin: yea

[19:00] Fox Cheri: Fly around through a series of gates in a bomber, whilst the bomber tries to aim and hit designated targets. Changable through difficulty

[19:00] Arokh Takakura: I could do that fire-fighting thing during the officer meeting tomorrow?

[19:00] Arokh Takakura: trial run.

[19:00] Mark Karlfeldt: On the topic of Chronus, may I suggest a new category? A new sim for Titan. Nikki and Niiya have apparently abandoned us entirely.

[19:00] Jayce Iredell: Shit really?

[19:00] Wulf Lykin: i think EE should become hostile. we can use more enemys to raid on, last week lestat attacked us and hes in EE it seems

[19:01] Huttser Ishelwood: Lestat is EI, not EE

[19:01] Wulf Lykin: i saw myself hes EE

[19:01] Huttser Ishelwood: EE Encampment is the land group

[19:01] Jayce Iredell: And EI is another can of worms entirely.

[19:01] Tsukiyomi Yuhara: I had a few sugestions pretaining to lag and Mercury. Though I think it would be better served for a more direct conversation with someone able to handle that level of suggestion :o

[19:01] Huttser Ishelwood: IT lets members and allies set home

[19:01] Wulf Lykin: he was in more then one group of them

[19:01] SirCorn Alter: I'll build for free :3c

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: A rememdy is being worked on for Titan.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Remedy, rather.

[19:02] Huttser Ishelwood: Wulf, I talk everyday with EE High Com

[19:02] Huttser Ishelwood: Lestat aint EE

[19:02] Wulf Lykin: then why has he EE stuff? he had a full armor with jetpack

[19:02] Huttser Ishelwood: Because EE stuff is sold through EDI

[19:03] Wulf Lykin: ah oke i see

[19:03] Kiba Rubble: I had an idea to possibly bolster acitivty, especially for newer members. It might be going overboard though. You could add an experience point system into the hud, that gives out exp to those on sim every 30 minutes or hour. And then add experience caps as requirements for certain ranks.

[19:03] Kiba Rubble: activity* too

[19:03] Maverick Garfield: thats like ccs

[19:04] Arokh Takakura: kiba, everyone would idle on base.

[19:04] Arokh Takakura: leading to attacks to a 'ghost' base.

[19:04] Maverick Garfield: people would just camp

[19:04] WolfShaman Warrior: yeah, not keen on that

[19:04] Dascede Aluveaux: Not a big fan of a valor-like exp system

[19:04] shippo Coba: yeah it'll be like cod :P

[19:04] Arokh Takakura: I.e. 28+ idle members, 2 active on defense.

[19:04] Arokh Takakura: 20+ attackers come in, we get raped.

[19:04] shippo Coba: damn campers

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Mm, I am not a fan of that. It's a good idea in theory, but in reality it's .. eh, I dun like it.

[19:04] Wulf Lykin: indeed then we got cadets today and officers tomorrow

[19:05] Theodore Belgar: We have enough people going afk all the time as it is.

[19:05] Mark Karlfeldt: How about a film cinema on Titan?

[19:05] Ethan Schuman: Valor is for Vantards. We could do like the Merczateers and have it generate experience when Mercury sounds an alarm.

[19:05] Nrom Normandy: yeah, promotions are handled on merit right now and meeting minimum requirements, adding activity time requirements is cool in theory, but too easily abused

[19:05] Mark Karlfeldt: It would keep people active to watch at least

[19:05] Wulf Lykin: to mutch lag

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: All righty. Let's wrap up.

[19:05] Mark Karlfeldt: Uhh

[19:06] SirCorn Alter: I'd like to ask about something that hasnt been covered yet

[19:06] Wulf Lykin: speaking of vanguard, why dont we allow to lone wolf on them? good to kill time and to train ourselfes

[19:06] Mark Karlfeldt:

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Lone wolfing is prohibited entirely.

[19:06] Huttser Ishelwood: ....

[19:06] Mark Karlfeldt: Woooow.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: That'd be one reason.

[19:06] Wulf Lykin: oke

[19:06] Maverick Garfield: We don't wanna catch anything either

[19:06] Huttser Ishelwood: Yeah

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: And, go ahead SirCorn?

[19:07] Fox Cheri: The Vanguard is blocked, and therewhy, we shouldn't engage them.

[19:07] Huttser Ishelwood: You know how hard it is to keep this fur clean around VG

[19:07] SirCorn Alter: Could we have a Twitter page or something of the like, so we can know if the base is being attacked without logging in? Maybe just having the OIC post it on the site chat.

[19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Oh god.

[19:07] Maverick Garfield: take too much time

[19:07] Ethan Schuman: No.

[19:07] Ethan Schuman: Just... no.

[19:07] Aryte Vesperia: .. honestly Mercury could do it automatically.

[19:07] Aryte Vesperia: On a feed.

[19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Hm ..

[19:07] Nrom Normandy: yeah, Mercury can do it automatically

[19:07] Nrom Normandy: but

[19:07] SirCorn Alter: Well maybe not twitter.

[19:07] Wulf Lykin: we got shoutbox on the formum

[19:07] Wulf Lykin: forum&*

[19:07] Theodore Belgar: Twitterhell

[19:07] Nrom Normandy: one step closer to Skynet

[19:07] Kiba Rubble: lol @ a twitter message everytime a hostile enters the sim..

[19:08] Kiba Rubble: That would be often.

[19:08] Huttser Ishelwood: Ipod app linked to mercury

[19:08] Huttser Ishelwood: x3

[19:08] Ethan Schuman: Mercury could take control of both the USA and China's nuclear missiles

[19:08] Ethan Schuman: But that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

[19:08] Mark Karlfeldt: OH OH OH. Let's have a Ordo Model United Nations.

[19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Hahah.

[19:08] SirCorn Alter: But like, if there's a big raid, post on the chat

[19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Inoue .. already made me an RSF feed for it.

[19:08] Wulf Lykin: ipod SUCKS

[19:08] Kithsuneca Eilde: Not all of us have an Ipod though.

[19:08] Aryte Vesperia: It's very doable, SirCorn.

[19:08] Wulf Lykin: apples are to be eaten and not used as computers :P

[19:08] Kiba Rubble: I dont want to be the guy being on "active twitter posting duty" then SirCorn

[19:09] Kiba Rubble: xD

[19:09] Eriksson Foxtrot: I'll set my pager up.

[19:09] SirCorn Alter: Well Twitter doesn't seem to be popular

[19:09] Maverick Garfield: facebook XD

[19:09] Steeltael Lykin: ....

[19:09] Theodore Belgar: FB?

[19:09] Mark Karlfeldt: Ordo Model United Nations. Do it. Do it.

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Probably. I refuse to use it.

[19:09] Fox Cheri: Does Ordo have a FB?

[19:09] shippo Coba: O_O

[19:09] Huttser Ishelwood: Facebook

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: But I'm sure Aelus made one.

[19:09] SirCorn Alter: So maybe just posting "We're under attack by X" on the chat.

[19:09] Aryte Vesperia: We are already working on making Mercury .. well.

[19:10] Tone DeFarge: I think we're doing just fine in terms of reporting attacks..

[19:10] Steeltael Lykin: Can we just let Mercury rule our lives . with pre-scheduled lunch breaks and timed restroom breaks?

[19:10] Wulf Lykin: ordo has something called a FORUM with SHOUTBOX use that

[19:10] Aryte Vesperia: We're trying to make Mercury intergrated into the forums.

[19:10] SirCorn Alter: Also, do our comms work over different sims?

[19:10] Kithsuneca Eilde: Hmmm.. If someone has really good programming practices you could make an Application for the PC that will update and warn people that are online.

[19:10] Dascede Aluveaux: Yes, SirCorn

[19:10] Fox Cheri: Nice one Steel

[19:10] Aryte Vesperia: So it can post and communicate with the forum softward.

[19:10] Dascede Aluveaux: The Global Comm goes everywhere

[19:10] Kithsuneca Eilde: Even if you're not on SL.

[19:10] Theodore Belgar: Its bad enough when I get the "NEVERMIND" IM's from mercury.

[19:10] SirCorn Alter: Okay, I haven't really been able to try it out yet

[19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Global com does. Global com is intersim.

[19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mercury also communicates directly to G-com.

[19:10] Theodore Belgar: Thats assuming you're wearing the global comms unit

[19:10] Huttser Ishelwood: Global coms isnt in all the HUDs yet though

[19:11] Aryte Vesperia: It isn't, correct. I don't even use G-com.

[19:11] Aryte Vesperia: (I'm never off Titan sooo..)

[19:11] Tone DeFarge: If people arent online, and need to be contacted, could always make SL-IM a requirement...

[19:11] Wulf Lykin: i have one more idea regarding raid volunteering

[19:11] Typhon Perun: The global comm I have seen is a optional script that can be put in to the main hud. I haven't seen it made standard part of the hud as of yet.

[19:11] Wulf Lykin: if i may

[19:11] Wulf Lykin: ...............

[19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Last topic. Wulf?

[19:12] SirCorn Alter: Well, until that's fully integrated, it would be nice to have a way to contact everyone online at once, without putting out a notice.

[19:12] Theodore Belgar: Way bad idea Tone.

[19:12] Wulf Lykin: raid volunteering.

[19:12] Wulf Lykin: i think it can be a bit better to give everyone a better chance to participate

[19:12] Tone DeFarge: Lol, it was just a thought , since everyones talking about people being offline :P

[19:13] Wulf Lykin: i had an idea about a raid board to go there when a raid is about ot begin and click as fast as you can on it to get into it, if someone needs 5 people the first five on the list are in, the rest will be on reserve

[19:13] Aryte Vesperia: .. hm.

[19:13] Nrom Normandy: isn't that what we already do by having people post on coms?

[19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Essentially.

[19:13] Huttser Ishelwood: Thats what we do on coms

[19:13] Andriste Nesiote: Pretty much.

[19:13] Ethan Schuman: Pretty much

[19:13] Preston Smythe: yeah

[19:13] Kiba Rubble: The raid board idea is a good idea on its own

[19:13] Wulf Lykin: well also it needs to be anounced

[19:13] Kiba Rubble: though

[19:13] Wulf Lykin: like on a notice

[19:14] Ethan Schuman: Plus the nice thing about COMs is that we can have them say other things to make sure they're actually paying attention.

[19:14] Maverick Garfield: what if mercury randomly picked people?

[19:14] Huttser Ishelwood: Why though?

[19:14] Andriste Nesiote: Wulf, if that's teh case, you're going to get people camping by the raid board trying to be first on the list.

[19:14] Preston Smythe: if your not in sim to go on the raid its kind like sorry bad luck

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: I prefer volunteer, Mav.

[19:14] Drasamax Python: What if someone cams halfway across the base to click on it? lol

[19:14] Wulf Lykin: or make a sort of a sound that a raid is about ot start, so people that are afk or not paying attention tochat to give them attention

[19:14] Maverick Garfield: coughtdrascought

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Well. It's typically a two step: "Raid soon..."

[19:14] Steeltael Lykin: I Ddont think people off sim, afk, or not paying attention

[19:14] Aryte Vesperia: "Raid now, volunteers" call.

[19:15] Nrom Normandy: right now most of the raid leaders give notes 15 minutes prior to calling for volunteers

[19:15] Typhon Perun: The raid soon is the warning to try and get folks active.

[19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Correct.

[19:15] Nrom Normandy: as far as people who are not on base, well we gauge how many to take on a raid on how many active defenders we have

[19:16] Nrom Normandy: we can't possibly count those of you not here

[19:16] Wulf Lykin: true but people not paying attention that time will not see it. so a respective sound on the sim for raidcalls would be nice to draw attention to chat

[19:16] Wulf Lykin: kinda like a siren

19:17] Nrom Normandy: maybe have mercury send a general notice to people in sim about an outgoing raid warning?

[19:18] FireFox Breed: Via the g comm?

[19:18] Maverick Garfield: I came across an issue tonight while a raid went out if I may bring it up

[19:18] Aryte Vesperia: That is possible, Nrom.

[19:19] Maverick Garfield: People just need to start paying more attention too the com

[19:19] Tone DeFarge: any way to fix the spam from the coms on chan /1 ?

[19:19] Wulf Lykin: as i said, a special raid sound would be nice

Meeting Closer

[19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all for your input. I appreciate it. And, thank you all for a good, irregular meeting. It was refreshing not to go through the routine this week. Have no fear, we'll be back to the usual antics on the next Saturday. I am lagging intensely, so I doubt I can lead a raid. Comcast apparently does maintanence on Saturday nights.

[19:19] Wulf Lykin: so people that are busy getting a drink will hear the sound and pay attention ot chat

[19:19] Andriste Nesiote: yes. yes they do.

[19:20] Huttser Ishelwood: Well we got plenty of prospective raid leaders

[19:20] Huttser Ishelwood: I'm sure they can take one out

[19:20] Aryte Vesperia: I will have promotions out in a bit. Ish. Maybe.

[19:20] Aryte Vesperia: Conversation in check please.

[19:21] Aryte Vesperia: That said. Dismissed. Steeltael, Corsi, Wulf, and whomever else was bantering, to my office please.

There is a very good chance that I have missed portions of chat because of the chat distance restrictions. If there was anything important that should be in the log and was NOT, please post it here.

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Sorry I wasn't there.


AKA: I can offer some input on a few things


Muskets: I have a model from Agares. It was pushed tot he side, but I'll get back on it if there is this much interest (Aryte now hates me for all the money he could have saved)


[18:15] Fox Cheri: Melee weapons, others than the thunderhammer

[18:16] Ron Bleac: Working. Me-lee weapons.

[18:16] Arokh Takakura shouts: More melee.

Ordo Gladius and combat knife are in the scripting queue.

Shovel will also be here soon!

Also. Hey Scarlet. Your Riot Baton.


[18:16] BurrWolf Qin: Arty (75mm and 105mm) scripted lil better

FireFox asked me to do a new mortar. Waiting on model from Fish.


[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, let's throw this question out: more or less use/allowance of third party armaments?

Hey how about that database Nikki, Niiya, and I worked my ass of on? :(

Honestly I have no issue with less, because right now, honestly, people don't follow the damn denied list Curia posts a lot of the time anyways (though it used to be much worse)

Also, Shouting out brands based on hear-say is really dumb. Dont sit and say X brand is bad or "laggy" without some concrete evidence.

"Well My friend said they are laggy" is not evidence. <3


[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Unless it's TI or Ironsight

[18:22] Andriste Nesiote: Fox, you forget ISA.



[18:22] Acheron Gloom: Also, with regards to the C7, I recall Merczateers doing a test on it and it was recorded as a firing script time of 0.02, not 0.15 as on the database, so they were kind of annoyed by that.

All three Project Saturn testers tested it on different class 5 sims. Mercz can be annoyed all they like, that wont change what was recorded. Anyone can tweak things in house to fudge script time tests and make weapons look better.


[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: So, less, provided additional Ordo weapons are available?

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia twists his mustache. "Mm~ understood, mmyesss."


To quote Harrison Ford...

"I got a bad feelling about this."


[18:21] Huttser Ishelwood: Ordo L85 would be nice :D



[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: If you had to choose one of the three, would you prefer: sculpted tanks, power armor, or heavier mechs?

I was promised a pretty tank!



[18:28] Huttser Ishelwood: Oh and a decent MLRS

[18:28] BurrWolf Qin: MLRS seconded

Mangusta seems to work just fine. Hell, Huttser, you just chose it as your tank unlock earlier today.

It's also being upgraded to Mk.2


[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Starting from square one. Schola: is Schola an adequate introductory program? What should be added? Should it be . . harder, easier, stay the same? Should the minimum join age (five months) be increased/decreased/stay the same?

Stay the same. Work on the program not on just older people.

Make the actual combat portion more concrete in pass-fail grading.

Grade on results. Not everyone needs a gold star.

More. Combat. Training. Real Combat. Real Tactics.



[18:52] Steeltael Lykin: Remove the terrorists from the killhouse..they are annoying and pointless.

They are integrated into the killhouse. They are the reason the killhouse is there. The killhouse is not designed for avatar-avatar combat. I didn't design the walls to be thick enough.

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: And .. aye. Or even add Killhouse to it.

With the way that thing is set-up, that isn't really possible, otherwise It would be in a rezzer already.



I have scripting specs and I am ready when the build is completed.



Edited by Tsume Xiao
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Hey how about that database Nikki, Niiya, and I worked my ass of on? :(

Honestly I have no issue with less, because right now, honestly, people don't follow the damn denied list Curia posts a lot of the time anyways (though it used to be much worse)

Also, Shouting out brands based on hear-say is really dumb. Dont sit and say X brand is bad or "laggy" without some concrete evidence.

"Well My friend said they are laggy" is not evidence. <3

I agree with this wholeheartedly. The whole military community throws around their opinions thinking they are worth something without even the slightest evidence other than their 'experiences' to back them up. A database would be a godsend, and if its not already public I would even recommend making it public. Next is that it needs to be actually put into use. I still see people using denied weapons such as the TI M4A1 AXE, which was even used today on a raid.


I'd also like to mention that instead of leaving out results we should still fill it in, it only takes a moment. For example the AXE says "too high" for the firing script time with effects. It should give the statistics, not "too high", as obviously statistics were found if we can say its too high.


[18:20] Ethan Schuman: Unless it's TI or Ironsight

[18:22] Andriste Nesiote: Fox, you forget ISA.

The only reason I'd agree to this is to support ourselves by increasing the amount of money we receive through our stores. Otherwise as long as weapons fit the requirement criteria they should be allowed. Hell, rather then cut out all third party why don't we just cut our script time requirements down?


All three Project Saturn testers tested it on different class 5 sims. Mercz can be annoyed all they like, that wont change what was recorded. Anyone can tweak things in house to fudge script time tests and make weapons look better.

I wouldn't say Lurdan is one to fake script time checks. He says he tested it three times with an average of 0.085 on Badnarik. Its a single gun and I know that at least a few Ordo have it, so it wouldn't take too long to re-test the firing script time.


Training should be more toughly graded, and should teach slightly more with regards to combat. We need to see how someone performs combat-wise, too, before allowing them to progress to the slightly more advanced phases of Armatura and into the Ordo Imperialis.

Grading I don't really think should be told to them on the database. Perhaps still entered and if they reach a position that allows them to see it then go ahead, but I believe part of the reason cadets tend to get excelled is because the Magister doesn't want to annoy/stress any relationship with the cadet. It's probably different with Schola where most phases have an exam to go off of, but things such as Armatura aren't as concrete and is almost entirely up to the Magister.

But, yes, grading should be stricter and I would like to see the above happen to help with it.


They are integrated into the killhouse. They are the reason the killhouse is there. The killhouse is not designed for avatar-avatar combat. I didn't design the walls to be thick enough.

To be honest I rarely see them used other than when someone decides to be a dick and turn them all on during an actual training. From what I recall they are also all separate prims to activate/start firing anyway, so you could just remove them if it was required. But it really is your choice, and they aren't hard to turn off anyway, so it doesn't matter.



I could also help, too, if needed and Tsume is too busy. Some of the stuff is extremely simple such as kill water and so on, the objective system being a bit more complex.

Though I'm sure Tsume has it handled.


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I agree with this wholeheartedly. The whole military community throws around their opinions thinking they are worth something without even the slightest evidence other than their 'experiences' to back them up. A database would be a godsend, and if its not already public I would even recommend making it public. Next is that it needs to be actually put into use. I still see people using denied weapons such as the TI M4A1 AXE, which was even used today on a raid.


I'd also like to mention that instead of leaving out results we should still fill it in, it only takes a moment. For example the AXE says "too high" for the firing script time with effects. It should give the statistics, not "too high", as obviously statistics were found if we can say its too high.

The Database is there, and is public but not "enforced" yet because Curia hasn't integrated it yet for some reason.

The AXE is listed as too high because I need to update it's effects engine. I listed it like that voluntarily because I know it exceeds the limits.

Otherwise, if something is not listed, it means it failed already and protocol is not to list it. For example, some guns that are Mono, while they may have been tested for other portions, were not listed. I do have all the raw numbers and notes in a Spread Sheet.

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