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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Or not. Looks like we probably won't be upgrading until Monday (they're closed Saturday and Sunday.) fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  2. I noticed the backward textures too, it's like that on the USP.
  3. nope. IPB dudes went to sleep, won't be done till later tomorrow
  4. Syl graciously volunteered to cover the rest of Aryte's cost. Unstickied, project beginning.
  5. Donations are still up so Aryte doesn't have to drop the entire $79.99 on this. Support us guys :o !
  6. Here's the scoop, With upgrading to Invision Power Board, we will have about a thousand times more features, it's more secure, it's better looking, easier to navigate, and we can have an Arcade. Link: Invision Power Board I was going to upgrade today, forgetting about the whole money thing. I found out that an Invision Power Board license is $129.99... Yeah. Powerful software only comes with large amounts of moolah. Good thing about this is it's usually $149.99 but it's under a sale currently so it would be wise to grab it now. I'm willing to drop $65 on this project, if anyone else is willing to help upgrade our website that would be great. Post here with any discussion on the subject. If you want to donate, post here and we'll arrange PayPal when the time comes (if we reach the quota). Only individuals that are serious about donating should volunteer! I don't want to figure out so-and-so can't afford it anymore a week later, while everyone else is holding their side of the bargain. Thanks yew Current Status: $0--------------------$130 |||||||||||||||||||||||||| Key: Each "|" = $5 Intus = Green ($64) Gunau = Pink ($1) Syl = Red ($65) Quota Reached
  7. Welcome, changing your username to Karla Jigsaw.
  8. until you can hold your mug, drink less.
  9. Cygna

    siggy test

    Steff's first post! (and hopefully not last)
  10. ... Sekonda, I have come to the conclusion that you have literally no idea what you're talking about. That last post made no sense at all. /me facepalms Let it be known to everyone else reading this: Everything is possible. If you don't believe me, persist in delusion (lul liek Sekonda). I'm done.
  11. ... No, that program is not libsl. I've never even heard of libsl.
  12. And, if you didn't know this, there is no way that Linden Labs can stop texture-nabbing. All textures get sent to your client for your graphics card to read and apply. Well, there is a way. It involves not sending anything to the client at all.
  13. Haha, those people who can rip sculpts certainly don't need to brute force. Those people can do it at the press of a button. ;) Yus, I can ask those people to prove it to you. You speak with such experienced lingo, yet you don't address the simple concept of most data being given to the user's client-- textures, animations, prims, sculpts... it's just a matter of having a program that rips that data and lets you have access to it.
  14. Ho ho ho. I beg to differ, you clearly haven't been around the block. I watched Hugo's boots (while he was wearing them) be copybotted, in the air, 10 seconds, and the person put them on. She then proceeded to say they sucked on her avatar, and took em off. Then copybotted his outfit, 20 seconds, right infront of us. The prims were rezzed as cubes, they formed themselves, sculpties were added, then textures (mapped correctly), and she was set. Either A) This guy is special or B) he came from the past when copybotting was possible Oh yeah, many people possess the abilities to recover any texture from any object (including sculpts, and the sculpt's UV map). Certainly not me though, *rolls eyes*
  15. Thanks for logging the minutes, Endra. :)

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