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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. I know you like my drama intus...sorry baby Okay baby. Thread should be titled Gunau Sodomy - Coming Out of the Closet
  2. Reason I chose to be in Astra when I joined was the solid and practical leader behind it: Joseph himself. He helped me through my training, diligently taught me to fly, and has never ceased to amaze me in his cunning decisions. I am sad to see him go, I wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors.
  3. Lol, this could be an event of epic proportions.
  4. I'm a soulbounded creature too.
  5. I agree with Gunau. I will not name names, and I will not point fingers, but I have seen some of
  6. Diving right into this and next week. Let's hope we all make it out alive. *EDIT* 512th post! Yay for bases of 2.
  7. I'm sure people will respect the group chat. And if they don't, I'm sure the leaders of those respective people will eject them from the group.
  8. lala lala - [E-2] raralsl - [E-3] maosdm - [E-2] FASd - [E-3] S- [W-1] 345253426 - [E-3] sdaDddd - [E-4] dddd - [E-5] ;d - [E-3] Ostracized.
  9. Me too. And the band Hansen. ): EDIT: Oh yeah, hi Taurog. (I refuse to call you Stalin because it feels wierd)
  10. Here's a quick fix trinitytrinity: 1) Buy gatorade, fill a large cup with it 2) Puncture a lime on it's side, hole the size of a straw 3) Put the punctured lime into the gatorade cup, hole submerged into the gatorade. 4) Get a small zinc rod and a small copper rod. 5) After an hour or so of soaking the lime, take it out of the cup, 6) Put the zinc rod into one end and the copper rod into the other end of the lime 7) wrap and lead copper wires out of the zinc and copper rods to your ac output Your laptop should charge now. :D
  11. I'm sure things will clear up for you, Sister Otoro. Until then be strong

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