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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. I had general anxiety (on par with depression), got on anti-depressants(lexapro) for 5 months, been off for like 4 months and been fine since.
  2. New movie I made. :o I hope everyone enjoys, long live November 5th! Don't forget to rate/comment please
  3. Happy Birthday! mm you're legal...
  4. It's a tough job already, Aryte. 'Inertnet' is NOT a typo .. I do it on purpose Its today's form of what used to be the internet but then with taking the average IQ into account. Clever. You're calling me stupid. :< Great post Aryte!
  5. i accidntly a coke biotlle? (*Sends to Gulliver*)
  6. Hey hey hey, you asked Intus out and she said YES!
  7. Sosarin! GREAT JOB. I loved it, thanks for sharing with us and you definitely have a talent for epic movies. Great song choice too btw.
  8. Thanks Yoko. Thank god I don't open attachments unless expected (expected as in lab reports from lab companions, homework assignments from teachers, etc).
  9. Great essay, Aryte. I hope for the best reaction to this in the military community.
  10. I'm the same way when it comes to projects, Moy. 90% then I lose interest until later.
  11. There is only one regulation: Don't do it. If I catch anyone ass-kissing to the Imperator or another ranking officer I reserve the right to flog them with a stun baton. Ass-kissers are chosen last for promotions and merits.
  12. Honostly, I tried listening to this song again this morning and it's just not growing on me D: MAYBE TOMORROW
  13. Niiya's P99 is sexy!

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