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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. I hate complainers. Grow some balls please (and if you're a girl... shut yo' mouth bitch)
  2. Also for the sake of misinformation about Frumentarii and the type of people they pick up: Lairynth has never been a member of Frumentarii. Not before, not now, never.
  3. Instead of backing out, maybe you should try and amend things? I'm sorry to see you go, but maybe it would of been wise to consult your old friends and comrades before being so harsh.
  4. Not an armed force, but for my sake: CIA 1. Play solitaire on your computer. 2. If someone is causin problems "eliminate" them. 3. Find out that the problem was resolved, and 4. Abort the call.
  5. Hmm, others were able to. I changed yours to include the space.
  6. In order to assist the growth of Frumentarii, I have placed the Frumentarii's separate forum online (still under the domain Anyone can register, although only Frumentarii Personnel or Frumentarii Praetorus (Praetorians serving the Frumentarii) can view classified materials. All Frumentarii, Praetorians, and the Imperator must register for the forum upon reading this message. Register exactly how you would on here: First-name Last-name (separated by space)
  7. lol Moy will rez "a" on bad peoples' heads.
  8. Goodbye ): and Welcome to the Ordo Sol! (see? planning ahead.)
  9. But... Kitsy Bunnyhug isn't a bunny! (I don't think...)
  10. We'll hold the fort till you get back man. Come back in one piece, will ya?
  11. Disclaimers are pointless IMO
  12. I wish you luck in finding what you're looking for.
  13. Faster, and works with 4GB+ Precisely.
  14. I can tell by the pixels it looks exactly the same. My brothers, do not be fooled by the fact that it is Warhammer, because warhammer fantasy isnt that cool to begin with. Gunau speaks words of wisdom. I'm not about to do another Age of Conan. If people end up playing this for more than six months, then I'll think about playing Warhammer. And, by that time, if the game is actually good, then the Ordo will be quite established ingame and I'll have a nifty lil spot for me (<3 Aryte).

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