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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Interesting read, thought I'd share.
  2. If you're going to meme-ify it then DO IT RIGHT. 1) Download 64bit ubuntu 2) Install 64bit ubuntu 3) ???????? 4) PROFIT!!!
  3. Indeed. Put your current password in both fields. I'm sorry but PHP Fusion doesn't give the option to disable that, and I cannot code PHP so I can't change it. :o
  4. I'm not a trap so I must love gunny.
  5. 7th Grade, in the band hall. The director got a phonecall from his wife almost immediately after the first tower was hit. He told the rest of us at that time.
  6. Aha, my chipset is an nForce 680i for anyone's interest. 43. It's been said before, but I'll say it again: Forget dealing with removing trojans or viruses, they will hardly ever be successfully removed without permanent and harmful damage to your software. The best way of dealing with them is formatting your infected drive(s), reinstalling Windows, and practicing safe downloading in the future (see Inoue's point 15).
  7. Aelus Janus observes Kytec Switchblade's Praetorian Praefectus card. Karlhockey Forte: "Something wrong Aelus?"
  8. Adding onto Inoue's deal: 32) When installing earlier copies of Windows Vista x64 Ultimate (maybe prior SP1), you can only have 1 GB or less RAM installed in the system to actually successfully install Vista OEM (Basically one stick of RAM). If you have more you'll get a BSOD after initial bios reboot. If you've already installed Vista with all your RAM sticks in, you're Vista install isn't broken. Just turn off, remove all but one stick of RAM, and restart. After you finish the installation of Vista x64 Ultimate, you can download a patch for all your ram to work or install SP1. Plug in the rest of your RAM, restart, and you should be good to go. 33) Firetune for Firefox. Best little program evar! (It's basically Inoue's #1 "firefox no-script" except it's not do-it-yourself but rather for the n00b ). I made it a direct link to the official download. 34) Forget Real Media Player. Download Real Alternative. (If you ever actually need to play a real media video/audio file.. they are getting less and less over the years) 35) CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) 36) Windows Media Player 10/11 takes a lot of memory to run (and slows your computer down). Use WinAMP or some other cut-the-fat media player. CCCP comes with a modded and rescripted Windows Media Player Basic that is no-fat and will run just about ANY filetype or codec. See 35. 37) Never overclock your RAM unless you really, really know what you're doing. Most of the time it doesn't make a difference and it may ruin your sticks. 38) If you don't care about how Windows looks, right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance, Settings Button, and put it to adjust for best performance.You'll get a minute/trivial speed increase in higher-end computers, but it's quicker to navigate windows and it helps a lot for older computers. 39) msconfig works well for controlling unwanted startup programs. 40) If you don't know your system hardware/specs, Start -> Run -> dxdiag 41) Vista Ultimate Extra "Dreamscene" greatly inhibits a computers performance. Not recommended. (it apparently turns off if playing a game, but it's glitchy, so you return to the desktop and it doesn't start up again, or vista will crash). 42) When torrenting, utorrent is the current (free-ware) most lightweight client. Does anyone know of an alternative for iTunes or Quicktime? I ABSOLUTELY HATE downloading these but I know of no adequate alternative to either.
  9. Vladimus speaks of an "angelic inverse computer magnet" which can only be obtained from the planet X in sector 5 of the Betelgeuse system. AkA you will never find that magnet.
  10. POSTING FOR CAITLYN. she wants pink and lol
  11. Gunny, you're rank is S-2, "special" two. Cyrano is S-1.
  12. DARN I wanted to donate some money, lol. Glad you reached your quota Arch :D
  13. Good video, good points. I made the link work in the first post Damion. :3
  14. I'm using Chrome right now. People have been complaining to me that Chrome is missing stuff and that its Beta is clearly defined. I honestly have completely replaced my Firefox, for Chrome does everything I do on the internet that my Firefox did, just faster and looks better with Vista. Only thing that I can think of off the top of my head that Chrome set me back was the Battlefield Heroes beta launcher. It doesn't work with Chrome because there is no plug-in yet (it loads through a Firefox or IE browser plug-in). There is a quick fix though, so no big deal. I highly recommend.
  15. BULLSHIT YOU'RE PULLING A LOKI ON US. (Loki said he had Warhammer Online last night as was installing it, but admitted to his lies after cake-insertion)
  16. skeet skeet liek a water hose, and __________
  17. You will never be forgotten, Xang. May you overcome anything that dares cross your path.

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