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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Congratulations to all who were awarded merits.
  2. Mario Kart Wii. Wanna come to my house tonight and play wif my wii? I got some good games
  3. To Enlisted: If an Officer orders you to goto them or they TP you to them for one reason or another, you are expected to stay in the presence of the Officer until dismissed. If it's an emergency and you have to leave you may request to be dismissed (post-pone the meeting until later). If you don't like it, this isn't the place for you. I've had one too many issues with this lately, and some other Officers are having this issue as well. If the Officer appears to be through speaking with you yet they don't dismiss you, they could have forgotten. In this scenario you may want to request dismissal. IRL is a different story. If you get disconnected or your power goes out (or whatever), then that's completely understandable. TPing away in SL to watch your a friend rub mac-n-cheese on themselves is not.
  4. I noticed that too, Ascadian. All the armies always cry wolf after we kick their ass, it's almost become "protocol" to do so now.
  5. I hope Bruno sees this, I really do.
  6. Jiranto's days were numbered.
  7. Yeah....which is why I can have 4 ANAD flying around in our sim and everything's fine, but you rez two Praedas and suddenly I find it hard to move.:o I don't seem to lag when 4 Praeda's are doing training exercises. Really, you're doing what everyone does: "zomg using phantoms, zomg ur armor is laggy, zomg your weapons r laggy" "zomg, ur praedas r lagginggg" Sound familiar?
  8. Cygna

    Creepeh D:

    Talk about weird. Brain rape
  9. Issue resolved, thread closed.
  10. I posted a thread on the newegg forums about my computer issues. If anyone has any ideas, that'd be great. I want to save a $60 diagnostic/troubleshooting trip to Fry's Electronics.
  11. Exactly. And, usually an IQ test is taken under a monitored and professional atmosphere.
  12. You guys probably don't want t know what I got. -.-
  13. We're looking forward to it, Aeriese! You're still in Antesignani.
  14. We did find a propulsion method with both water and electricity. There are electric cars, and there are new versions of cars that run on water. Why would you use either of those when you can literally run on air, though? Last time I checked, there was a shortage of clean/purified water, not a shortage of air.
  15. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Force Commander Theme
  16. Is yiffing considered nature in battle?
  17. The amount of energy required to compress the volume of air that would fill up the air-tank of an air car is most likely less than the amount of energy required to pump 15 gallons of gasoline into my car. So technically, there is no "downfall" unless you consider technology as a whole a downfall. According to the law of Conservation of Energy, in order to convert energy you must already have energy. Based off this, there is no way to avoid using energy for propulsion--you'll use energy no matter what you do to move. So, the goal to aim for, is using the least amount of the most readily available energy.
  18. Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 at Sub-$18,000, Could Hit 1000-Mile Range Wikipedia - Compressed-air car Popular Mechanics - World's First Air-Powered Car: Zero Emissions by Next Summer MDI - The Air Car The Air Powered Car - AutoExtra Insight Timmahy and I were discussing automobile miles-per-gallon yesterday, and ironically after work I saw a show on the History channel about an air-powered car. Now supposedly, this 75 horse power car will attain an 800 - 1,000 mile range, at 100miles per gallon of compressed air. It would only cost $2 to fill up at a compressed-air station at any normal gas-station, or you could even plug this car into the wall and the built-in air-compressor will take 4 hours to refill the carbon-fiber(incredibly strong; can withstand small gunfire) tanks. I don't know about you, but for me this idea is completely amazing if it works. I spend $50 at the gas-pump weekly, and those are on good weeks when I don't have any dates(or bad weeks--however you look at it). Best of all, the car is cheap(unlike Hybrids), ranging from $7,000 to $17,000. This is by far a very juicy subject. Read, learn, and discuss. Oh, did I mention it's zero-emissions? If this idea works, we may just be able to save Earth.
  19. Thanks for this lesson in etiquette, Sosarin. Everyone should take the time to read this.

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