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Altus Nirvana

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Posts posted by Altus Nirvana

  1. You are not only over-thinking this, but your listing of alternatives shows a heavy bias.

    You do nothing but point out how supposedly bad the alternatives are, indicating you are not asking so much as attempting to persuade that a chat command is the only solution.

    Chat: Can be read 20m away. Can be very delayed in high latency. Can get on people's nerves quite quickly, especially with the frequency grenades can be thrown.

    Sound: Can theoretically be heard by anyone in a wider area, but at varying volumes. If someone has their stuff adjusted, chances are over all the gunfire they wont hear it. As with any part of a gesture, it can be delayed in high latency. If it is some obnoxious sound, it can get on peoples nerves, especially with the frequency grenades can be thrown.

    Vent: Only heard by Ordo. Independent of latency. But if you sit there and call out every grenade you throw, you just further add to the often miserable clusterFfff that is our combat-laden Ventrillo.


    Clear out your gesture entirely and remember the following:

    - Your HUD already has a sound for the throw action. It is not very loud, but people close to you can hear it.

    - The new HUD's grenades have a metallic bounce. This will alert allies if something should land near them (assuming you are cool and using a 3 second fuse instead of contact).

    - Only announce your action on Ventrillo if you are surrounded by allies who should really be made aware. If you are off along in a corner, maybe with one other, its just added noise to announce things.

    - You do not have to throw a grenade just because it is ready.

    - Tactics are your friends. Using a grenade to clear a room by popping it into the doorway? Dont just say "Frag out", say "Frag and clear". Vocalizations like that tell people what you are doing and where the grenade is going. For example, if I say "Cooling towers, Frag and clear", prior to opening the door and tossing in a greande, people on vent know "Ok, someone is throwing a grenade into the cooling towers". Now they don't have to ask anything else. If it is a location we can enter, they also know to rush in after the grenade. (Thats the "clear" part.)

    All of this

  2. Let it. A grenade isn't meant to be used as a weapon for killing. It's a tool to flush people out of cover.

    Its ment for killing people behind cover. Thats just an added bonus lol

    As for call out, I only do it in a tactical situation. If im on defense tossing into the red zone I wont because there shouldnt be any freindly there, plus this would cause unessesary blurts in communication if you had a handful of people doing this with the popularity of grenade throwing. On a raid however where there is no such zone, I will announce the throw-to location if freindlys are nearby for both frag,flash and 203 rounds. "Fraging SE door" "Flashing NE trench" "203ing West bridge" no need to be complicated, all 3 are something for both teams to avoid being near.

  3. I know what your talking about id like to see someone do it. Like say the freeroam mode of GTAVI with the build powers of garrysmod and the nessesity system of the sims and amount of things to do (no not sidequests and dickfaced minigame fillers) like say in Mount and Blade you can manage trade caravans and improve villages, etc.

    Also like to see someone take that web brower game Urban dead, kick the turn system off and make that sucker a 3D MMO

  4. I still play the old Quake and Unreal games from time to time, and its about as pretty as shit on a shingle but they're gameplay packed. I mean yeah its good games nowdays look good and immersive, but itd be nice if the game itself came first but not if it was gonna take advantage of the latest video cards.

  5. lol give them there own uniforms with press or something along those lines somewere on them along with micropohes and video camras

    YES, they can accompany raids in a pair of 2, but armed with like a handheld microphone and the other person a shoulder carried camera, like in Starship troopers

  6. I remember seeing this long ago, was pretty excited to see how it came out. Old Rainbow Six like pre mission loadout menus, very long Multi era single player campaign, and MP skirmishes that are like that Deadliest Warrior show (say like, WW2's Merril's Mauraders vrs WOT's 75th Rangers)

    But it sure feels pretentious in here.

  7. Perhaps at somepoint the INN and Podcast crews can band officially together as their their own PAO (Public Affairs Office). Get a subfourm setup to organize projects in, merge the two venues into one SL group, and become a highpowered media broadcasting unit alongside the other offices of ordo. Cause im looking at some really professional work here that ive really not seen in my past years in online milsims that gave this road a try.

  8. Protip: Me-lee weapons against zombies is a bad idea. We're talking traditional shambling zombies here, so attacking them from close range is a bad idea. Why? Them Ffffers bite. A good me-lee weapon in a man on zombie slugfest is a large stick with something sharp hooked onto the end. For example, tools for cutting branches on high trees are excellent weapon against the undead hordes. Snip snip, off comes the head as long as you apply enough force. Generally however, getting into a close range battle with an undead horde is the worst thing you want to do. You always want to avoid the masses, which is why you travel light. If forced into a confrontation with the undead, however, you should pack a firearm with a small magazine size, such as a revolver or a small hunting rifle. They'll be slow enough for you to walk away from them, but their masses will likely be far too great for you to defeat. Which is why you always want to fight a retreating battle.

    I made that spew on the general idea that, I didnt know if they were the slow ones or the ones that ran like raped apes.

    But anything sharp will dull. Anything that can be resharpened will be wittled down. A metal bat is blunt and more about blunt force and knock back. A six shooter or small magazine idea leaves me paranoid. You get a break in from a mob of them, or have to deal with another human gone rogue. Unless your rocking those moon clips, im not screwing with something I have to load bullet by bullet.

  9. I cant partake in this, because id be army by this point and have access to all the cool kid toys, provided I dont die defending a Walmart turned MASH.

    If dicking around at home on leave though : Grab .357 and check around and see if anything has power without turning on a major lightsource. Then check outside if it looks like theres zombie joggers outside with their zombie dogs. If all clear, turn on small lights just incase, check TV if any reports or spooky alert noises, If no power, then no power, move to next part of story. Get dressed, throw on my old "Nucking Futs" tshirt, wear some BDUs or ACUs for more pocket power, put on my Tact belt with the mag bag, ass bag and side bag, cause I love pockets. Wear my black leather combat boots because the tan ones soak up water and fluids like a bitch. Throw over a hiking backpack with the, you guessed it, pockets on the sides of the bag. (Im going through 110 degree temp heatwaves, im not wearin a Ffffton of coats or whatever, armor is gettin' sacrificed)

    Grab all the medicine : aspirin, ibuprofhen, anti septics, band aids or bandage wrap, that bottle of rare breed whiskey off the shelf, nyquil for when or if I get into a safe spot to sleep, ill probably be too lit to do it naturally. Big shit like bottles and the whiskey go into the bag, small shit into the belt pockets, etc. Organizing for Adventure.

    Raid the kitchen : Grab the cans of chunky soup, mainly because its the only brand I know that dosent taste like shit if it dosent get cooked.Plus, it uses pull tabs instead of needing a can opener, also because its chunky soup, if you dont eat it, a zombie NFL mom is gonna slap the shit out of you later on down the road. Grab a few sport bottles and fill with water, stuff all that shit in the bag.

    Technology : Check cell service, if it works, see whos alive. If it dosent, happily throw it as hard as I can on the floor because it means "Im not gonna get texted every hour or so by people who want to talk via texting and not by actually calling! Ffff yeah! :D ". Snag handheld CB radio, battery is dead. FML radio, FML.

    Defense : Throw away the stupid six shooter (Being threatened with Zombie crowd control, not a gentlemens duel). Grab Panther AR15, 8 magazines full. AR15 slung over shoulder, magazines in the magbag (gonna be a bitch saving empty and storing full ones in that mag later on if shit gets bad) Grab remington 12g, dump a mess of shells in the ass bag, sling over the other shoulder. Snag the SOG knife for utility purposes, store it somewhere. Grab a metal baseball bat, slide it between my body and tact belt, tighten the belt so its snug under the pommel and hangs there. Baseball bat has gotta be the more effective weapon here, no ammo required, dosent get dull, and wont break. Especially if you got one of the older ones.

    Transport : Steal moms Taurus since its a V6 and better on gas than my more classic and not made of plastic Lincoln. Keep vehicle in garage, turn the sucker on then hit the door remote (make sure im ready to bolt out, so nothing gets privvy to the sound of the door) Back it out the driveway and take off. Avoiding large groups of zombies if any, that may send a body through the windshield or cause the vehicle to get stuck on a pile and unable to find traction (knowing my luck, i just thought id mention that) and avoid major roads that might have a clusterFfff of vehicles littered all over it.

    Where we goin : Not into town thats for sure. Stores, Gas stations, Hospitals, clinics, etc, if you thought about stopping by it, chances are 100 others already did. Its either infested with the ghoulies or you run the risk of getting your shit looted. I mean, you gotta think your not the only one whos surviving up until this point. Someone might be getting desperate or psychopathic, eitherway, gotta watch out for that 3rd party.

    Soo, gettin' out of town, lucky I live in a semi rural suburb so thats kind of easy to do. Head out to a buddy of mine who lives on a farm, bout 10 miles away and 5miles into a "zone of nowhere". Chances are he'll be alive and oblivious to whats going on because he hardly has any reason to leave. Shack up there and see how long survival lasts till we gotta run.

    ----If not at home, at Sill-----

    Provided we dont let anything infected in or live long, ill be able to just lol at zombie hordes trying to walk into an artillery base sitting on the open flat plains.

  10. Id be willing to switch over to my computer with the vid card for some solid gaming.

    What I got installed thats working atm :




    SOF2 (Thats right, still)

    I think the last time I went out and got a game the majority of people had was like back when L4D came out lol. Just waiting on Dead Island and Battlefield 3 to come out, then ill be set again


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