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Markius Fox

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Posts posted by Markius Fox

  1. try the o2 sensor first. mine's got a faulty one causing the engine to sputter in cold conditions. don't have the money to fix it right now.

    that thing is new enough to have injectors?

    It's got a KA24DE. Last I recall, those were fuel injection and not carbureted. And as for the O2 Sensor, that could be another possibility. The key will be to find what really is the cause and fix it, that's the fun of it. :D

  2. that rear whiper omg


    hows the suspension?

    The rear wiper blade is in horrible condition, and all the wipers need to be replaced. Suspension seems to be alright. Currently working on checking the relays for the Headlights to find out why they do not want to go down. Along with working on finding if it has a transmission fluid leak somewhere. The engine sputters, that could be a lot of things; Old fuel, fuel pump, fuel filter, injector o-rings, mass airflow sensor, air filter, just to name a few. Idle is sketchy at times.

  3. Rush hour traffic + Irritable father that is a Vietnam vet (and headed into Charleston for a VA appointment) + Rear end of construction vehicle that was going 30 mph in a 45. Yeah. It happened a while ago, everyone was fine, only bruises. In fact, the doc said that my mother wouldn't have gotten so bruised if she hadn't worn her seatbelt.

  4. It would be easier to install an RB25DE or an SR20DET than building a mating bracket to install a Wankel. Also, weight. Also, I'm looking to fix what is wrong, before replacing what is right.

  5. Well, the good news is that Nissan made it a safety feature, if the headlights have any sort of trouble in going up or down or both, when you press the button or turn on the head lights, they will stay up. They also built hand cranks in the motors should they not function on their own. I cranked the lights down for the pics.

  6. For anyone wondering what the car looks like that has been taking me away from the front lines...

    The Front Left oblique.


    And Rear Right oblique.


    Faults already fixed/mended:

    Brake Switch cleaned and adjusted, Brake lights now function as intended.

    Faults yet to be fixed/mended:

    To many to count. And more to come.

  7. I honestly would not mind seeing some mini series set in the EU, aimed at an older demographic instead of a child to teenager group. Absolutely CGI if it had Mr. Hamill, Mr. Ford and Mrs. Fisher reprising their roles.

    I shudder at the thought of seeing Mark in a girdle and spending a majority of the SFX budget on thinning him down just for a 5 second shot of his midsection (al la. Bill Shattner and Star Trek VI).

  8. *stumbles slightly, bracing himself against a chair, he takes a seat slowly and cautiously as if in pain or fatigued*

    Random Numerii #954: Sergeant, whats wrong?

    Markius: A great disturbance in the Force. As if a million fans cried out in terror and bewilderment, and then, silence.

  9. Ahh...We were told to look for the flag of Al Qaeda (They somehow have one, you know the Flag Rule?), propaganda leaflets, cameras, cell phones with cameras, drawings of maps, notes about guard posts and security. Along with looking for suspicious activity, like taking very long porti-jon breaks (guy was caught and arrested for drawing maps and diagrams of critical areas, he had also taken notes of troop movements and patrols, he was later found to be a member of a terror group in Kuwait), one could look for persons making frequent visits and staring at a sensitive target on multiple days. It really blends counter terror ops into espionage and counter espionage skill craft.

    Back on topic:


  10. snip

    ^ What Dis said.

    I would add in. Gather improvised weapons. If the utilities remain out for about a week or more, some people get antsy and are lazy. They will go after people that appear to be unarmed. An axe or machete works wonders to intimidate, baseball bats too (don't get aluminum, buy a wood one. If it breaks you have a sharp weapon).

    ALSO. Reserve your gasoline and diesel fuel. Ride a bike or walk to survey damage around your area. Keep automobile use to picking up multiple supplies from various locations, make the trips count.

    Improvise and overcome, Hurricanes can be bad. If you have some preparedness, you'll be ready for most anything it swings at you. Good luck.

  11. I may actually pick it up now since it's dropped in price and I've been able to try it out. It's pretty fun!

    And necro is successful!

    I saw a video for it, looked interesting. But I kinda shied away because of the MMORPG stats that one of the people was listing off in the video.

  12. Whilst talking to Kizna casually about their two attackers:

    [18:27] Kizna Oh: we is attacked by two brasilian cheaters xD;

    [18:28] Markius Faulkner: Is one named like...mercuchio?

    [18:29] Kizna Oh: mikael faith and jessicai Violet

    [18:29] Markius Faulkner: OHHHHH

    [18:29] Markius Faulkner: Yeah...

    [18:29] Kizna Oh: guys that blackscreened us in the titan spawn a few days ago

    [18:29] Markius Faulkner: give them no Ffffs

    [18:29] Markius Faulkner: they script their own weapons and break ALL rules

    [18:30] Kizna Oh: -won't say much about breaking rukls- :P

    [18:30] Markius Faulkner: *questioning look*

    [18:31] Kizna Oh: Well, see special ark rules :P

    [18:31] Kizna Oh: it's not hard to break a rule when the OIC goes apeshit and disallows us to use this and that xD

    [18:31] Markius Faulkner: Look back at the history of Ordo raids on ARK.

    [18:32] Kizna Oh: I know the history

    [18:33] Markius Faulkner: And the ARK side would be?

    [18:33] Kizna Oh: Huttser using fleetship etc, and a non physical ship was used, and non physical ships are generaly not allowed in our sim

    [18:33] Markius Faulkner: Anything else?

    [18:34] Kizna Oh: Well, and huttser being the typical ass he is since... forever :P

    [18:34] Markius Faulkner: And then?

    [18:34] Kizna Oh: thats about all i know

    [18:38] Kizna Oh: I got a history of over 4 years of dealing with ordo, or well, more with the leading part of ordo :p

    [18:40] Markius Faulkner: And what about the Ordo Barricades?

    [18:46] Kizna Oh: dunno about those. What i do know: Riot shields, that let the wearer fire while haveing the shiled deployed are banned

    Oh the hilarity.


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