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Michan Moonlight

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Everything posted by Michan Moonlight

  1. Its says 2014 so soon is a bit wrong...
  2. I orderd the laptop yesterday and it will arrive tomorrow o.o Thats excelent service if you ask me! Ended up going with the more powerfull one. Dident want to risk PS2 or Rome total war 2 lagging + I wont be buying a new laptop anytime soon so might aswell get one that will last.
  3. Yes I was thinking the same on the RAM but I do have a 2TB external harddrive already. As for the i7 Yeah I would consider looking into that.
  4. As some of you might know I plan to move to the UK the 26th aug. Ill be living in birmingham for a bit over a week and hten sheffeild for a month. All the time trying to get a job and make a new life. Sooo... I needed a laptop! Cant just stop playing becaus im going to a diffrent country after all! So i sent off a request to the place where I always buy my comps and upgrades asking for a laptop that wasent super expensive and would be able ot run PS2 and Rome total war 2 good. This is what is what I gott back.: ( ) Translation for all you who dont understand Swedish. MSI GE60 15.6" Full HD GeForce GTX660 2GB, Core i5-3230M, 6GB RAM, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW, Windows 8 So what do you guys think? The price was just slightly over my budget at 7990:- Skr (868.36€, £737.38, 1123.56$). I intend to order it soon so please if you have any coments drop them bellow! *edit* The alternative at 9900:- Skr (1085.72€, £921.95, 1404.81$) MSI GE70 17.3" Full HD GeForce GTX765M 2GB, Core i7-4700MQ, 8GB RAM, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW,Win 8
  5. For me its just keeping in shape not bodybuilding. I use to do gym but honestly its money down the drain for me. I do Situps and pushups everyday and twice a week I go out for a 1 hour run/walk Nordic walking style.
  6. Im playing it but only in a very casual. like 10-20minutes at the time.
  7. Have it. Its really nice, do miss a more advanced resource system though
  8. Seams quite intresting if you ask me. But the graphics looks like WoW.
  9. 21 members now with alts
  10. You start runing into traps, secrets and mobs that can actually kill you after lvl 5 And we finaly have the Clan up on Neverwinter! Odin is for the moment the clan leader (maybe he even will be to offical NW leader?) so IM him to get in!
  11. 1769 is nothing... Im trying to log in right now, Midday for me and middle of night for americans and i am 11,000 in line. also its still a beta and just went open so I was expecting this.
  12. Odin For being the best damn medic and battlebud that you could ask for in PS2!
  13. We seam to be on the "dragon" server thanks to odin :P
  14. Downloading this right now!
  15. So i know this is largely dead but I thought I would update the numbers. Unemployment rates: Sweden 8.8 Uk 7.9 Canada 7.2
  16. I am living the secret world. Its been ages since a mmorpg has captured me so compleatly and i just dont understand why more people dont play this?! Forget WoW this is on pra with guildwars 2 and even better then Swtor and thats a pretty good game! And just like GW2 you only have to buy the game. No monthly subscription and the micro transactions are mostly for ingame pets and clothes so its not pay to win. Hope to see more of you batteling zombies with shotguns soon!
  17. So I know we are on arcadia but who plays this game? I just gott it and all i know is that we play templar and on arcadia :P
  18. Pretty marginal is... Not really correct. London alone has more population then all of sweden. those 0.3 can mean hundreds of thusends in work. But the main thing is that its going down in Brittan but in sweden its going up.
  19. Cant be harder then geting a job in sweden right now.
  20. So I have been thinking about this for well over a year now and im starting to reach the point where im wondering if im making the UK better then it is or if it is infact just as good as sweden + more furrs + more of my friends + better weather + possebility to get a job. Infact the only con is that I have a cat and it would be a bitch to get him over to the UK with microchip and all that. I have a friend that is more then willing to house me that lives near sheffeild. My English is Very good, spoken not spelling. I like english football. I have nothing except my cat that holds me to wanting to stay in sweden. So all you UK ordo people and other ordo people that has been in the UK for more then a week at the time (I have been there 4 times), whats it like? Your taxes are lower then sweden. Gas is a bit cheaper. Food is about the same, fast food more expensive. Is it worth to move there or would it be better to stay in sweden?
  21. It wasent bad it just was 1/3 of the people we usaly get :P Im just a sgt you know! Also odin you shot from the hip ALOT. you should get the lasersight

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