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Agares Tretiak

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Everything posted by Agares Tretiak


  2. OH GOD. HOW DID I MISS THIS? I would have -destroyed- them.
  3. Due to continued issues with my connection, I will be effecting a "restart" of the Second Phase training on Monday, so that all candidates may start with a clean slate. I've been working on the lessons and drills to be used and taught in my absence to ensure a uniform and consistence set of information is provided in the possibility of my absence. I would ask for the candidates to remain patient, as we ensure you all will have the same opportunities in the trials. Rest assured, things will proceed according to schedule and planning once this "reset" happens. Also, if you intend to leave the trials, please notate it in this thread. I know it might seem like there's a stigma of failure, if you enter and then choose to leave, but please believe me when I say that there's no dishonor in leaving the trials of your own volition. We cannot and will not ask you sacrifice what you find most personally important, for the Guard trials, so if there are real life concerns that interfere with your participation, school, job, or general situation, I ask you focus on those. Your wellbeing is far more important. Edit: This means there are no more sessions this week. Please use the opportunity, though, to continue to practice,train, and otherwise participate in combat activities!
  4. Today, my connection died. I was not prepared. It will not happen again.
  6. Also, regarding Interviews! AiR and Curia will begin interviewing On Monday. Please contact Trinity Heckroth or Heather McKay to schedule and appointment. Please remember that if AiR or Curia (either one) do not approve of you for your security clearance as a Praetorian, you will not be permitted to continue in the Trials. Also, henceforth, please note all possible absences here, for sake of record keeping! If you contacted me in the last few days about a possible absence, note it here again! This makes all our lives easier. I will then confirm an exception and make up date for the absence in a private communication with you.
  7. I should have posted this last night, but here's the procedure for today's trial runs: 1. Assemble in Titan, out of the way. Stand by for a TP, when your turn comes around. 2. When your turn comes, we'll ask you to TP to Malleus, then we'll explain the course rules again 3. The course has changed a bit. 4. New target locations 5. You only get two runs. You may keep your best time, but if you don't shoot on your first run, it will not count, if your second run is longer. 6. When your phase one test is over, you will be informed if you will proceed to the next phase or not. You will then return to Titan, with the expectation you do not comment or inform anyone on any portion of the course or trial particulars.

  9. Tarkovsky's "Stalker" [media] Ridley Scott's "Bladerunner" "Tears in the Rain" scene. [media]
  10. Alright! After searching my vast store of paperwork, I've discovered what the time slots were, more or less. Time slot A: 7:00 AM SLT - 8:00 AM SLT Time slot B: 9:30 AM SLT - 10:30 AM SLT Time slot C: 1:00 PM SLT - 2:00 PM SLT Time slot D: 3:00 PM SLT - 4:00 PM SLT Time slot E: 5:00 PM SLT - 6:00 PM SLT Scheduling set up: Name: Rank: _______________________________________________ Phase||||Mon---Tue---Wed---Thu---Fri---Sat| ---------------------------------------- 1st ---| 2nd --| 3rd ---| 4th ---| Example Schedule: If there are issues or conflicts with these times, and you cannot make them, let me know, and we can alter the times slightly. Please remember that any un-notated absence from a scheduled session will result in your dismissal from the Trials. Please provide at least 12 hours notification if you cannot make a designated trial session, by leaving a note in this thread.
  11. Dude, Ron's Axis High Command, and I'm planning to apply in March for HC myself. My game name is mrtretiak, I'm in the StG2 Sqaud, whcih specializes in Luftwaffe Stuka raids and bombing runs, and the current best Stuka pilots out there. To be honest, though, my strengths lie in Infantry engagements and naval warfare, I think.
  12. Masamune, contact me via PM, we'll figure something out.
  13. Please congratulate these successful applicants! They are now officially Praetorian Candidates. Drasamax Python Afevis Sodertelge Rei Kuhr Kishoshima Dragonash Steeltael Lykin BurrWolf Qin Scarlet Flaks Tsume Xiao Marcus Tinamou Stirn Aurotharius Teron Gray Morh Giffen Acheron Gloom Dascede Aluveaux Masamune Anansi Miniature Engineer Pr0wer Miles Thatguy Andel Zacharias Bardasch I will be holding a meeting via Ventrilo, tomorrow Saturday, Feburary the 12th at 12:00 P.M. SLT. All Candidates are expected to attend the meeting, as I will be covering the expectations and obligations each candidate will be required to meet during the course of the trials. Not showing up without 12 hours prior notice will have your Candidacy summarily dismissed.
  14. It's one of the few games I can play for a long period of time without crashing horribly. Also, I recommend avoiding aircraft unless you're good with WW2 Flight simulators and have a joystick. Yes, you do have to work your way upwards to use better gear, but you can train a lot to improve your skills, and I or Ron would happily explain the basics of the game.
  15. The Application Phase is done. We will spend a day, maybe two reviewing the content of the application essays, before posting a list of candidates. Thank you, everyone who's submitted an essay!
  16. Also, spell checks exist for a reason. We even have rudimentary grammatical checks.
  17. It was a simple typo. I always intended it to be midnight. SUBMIT THE BLOODY ESSAYS.
  18. As a reminder, all applications must be in by Midnight, tonight, 12:00 AM CST. So far, I've received many interesting and well written Essays, and look forward to handing out the acceptance notifications once the Guard has had time to review and vote on the applicants.
  19. In the afterlife, he'd be driven to drink by the same shadowy, cruel figure that haunted him in life. Also, I think Zrazor is going "bursar" on us, Tiri. What do you think? Time for the pills?
  20. Ah, wait. I remember. Titan was a moon of Saturn, and I suggested using the name of the leader of Titans in the Roman mythology, Kronos or Cronus. As I'd like to also point out, the reason I was thinking it was another moon of Saturn, was simply because Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn. I'm a big buff of classical mythology, what can I say.
  21. Wooow. Seriously, this is a rare opportunity to have a first hand account and also to see a single man's unique perspective on a war a lot of people in the US don't even know happened.
  22. ??? Also, the history of the Ordo's involvement on Titan and Chronus would be considered two moons of Saturn, if I recall, and being worked on by Tiridates and some other people.
  23. This is becoming more and and more engrossing for me.

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