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Hunter Abrams

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Everything posted by Hunter Abrams

  1. [9:45] Gunau Sodwind: what the shit are you [9:45] You: your son [9:45] Gunau Sodwind: ASIDE FROM FUCKING AWSOME (Using a flamethrower on a guy with no homepoint) [9:50] Gunau Sodwind (COM): watch your firiing angles rape [9:51] Gunau Sodwind (COM): you guys made me proud to today [9:51] Gunau Sodwind (COM): this much fire power... [9:51] Gunau Sodwind (COM): on one person makes an old man's heart feel young again [9:55] You: that was fun [9:55] Gunau Sodwind: it was fucking beautiful [9:56] You: I cleansed him with fire [9:56] Gunau Sodwind: you did well my son [9:56] You: :D [9:57] Gunau Sodwind: i need to get a flame thrower
  2. [19:36] Sly Axon: Ehh.. [19:36] Sly Axon: Eeeehhhhh [19:36] Wolfstanus Blackmun: eeeeehhhhhhh [19:36] You: choo? [19:36] Sly Axon: No, but lol. [19:36] You: lol [19:37] Wolfstanus Blackmun: I lol'd my face off
  3. Aryte im at -1% finneshed with your helmets
  4. Congrats every one and yay marksman duno how I got it but yay
  5. Post your favoit toy. Your computer guns etc
  6. [9:01] Hunter Abrams: Whats your business here? [9:02] Darth Godenot: My Business is to talk to the chief of this facility [9:02] Hunter Abrams: May I ask why? [9:03] Darth Godenot: thats my and his business [9:05] Darth Godenot: Now [9:06] Darth Godenot: are You going to take me to the chief or are you letting me snoop around While Looking for chief [9:06] Hunter Abrams: you are not going to look around the sim. I do need to know the reason however [9:07] Darth Godenot: I Know What You're Wearing... [9:07] Darth Godenot: Your Wearing a Long Sleeve Shirt With Jeans [9:07] Darth Godenot: Tell me This... [9:08] Darth Godenot: Am i Right? (I killed him with a Force Hammer from behind.) )[9:08] Darth Godenot: Why are u keep Teleporting me away.. [9:09] Hunter Abrams: Ok fine you see that bridge? [9:10] Hunter Abrams: over the lava? [9:10] Hunter Abrams: go there [9:10] Darth Godenot: The Broken One? [9:10] Hunter Abrams: yes [9:13] Darth Godenot: ok [9:14] Darth Godenot: hehehe bad mistake my friend... [9:14] Darth Godenot: Now i have 2 Kill you... [9:15] Hunter Abrams: k [9:17] Darth Godenot: ok will you please tell you men to back off and i wont kill you all
  9. We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood We kill for honour We are the holy ones our armours stained with blood We killed the dragon In glory we return, our destination's end We slayed the dargon! No more living in fear it's time to raise our king. We made it happen we're the chosen ones! Riding through thunder and lighting once again We slayed the beast we brought an end Now we have left the kingdom of the damned Heroes of the day, legends forever! It seems to me like a journey without end So many years, too many battles We've finally arrived, now we're standing at the gates Heroes of the day, legends forever
  10. I was passed up for promotion im going to cry in my corner
  11. jimmydeus (8 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Remove | Block User | Spam I have 2 alts in terra. The screening process fails, the training is sporadic and basic. Currently preparing to put 2 more alts in and they'll probably be accepted. Whoops. LOL mazack00 (9 hours ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply | Remove | Block User | Spam says the person who down-votes all the constructive critical comments. mazack00 (9 hours ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply | Remove | Block User | Spam First of all, it's not my sim. Second of all, shoot your punisher's shield with a few error rounds (in the USP) and watch the shield die. Then tell me it doesn't detect mass... Moron. ranger86 (13 hours ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam Reply | Remove | Block User | Spam Nice Wolfstanus on deleting my comments, guess you don't like people pointing out your fallacies. Way to go to limit freedom of speech. Wolfstanus (12 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam Reply | Remove | Block User | Spam I did not delete your comments numbnut
  12. Do not reply to them but the stupidity.. By mazack00 your gun lags so bad that you run into your own bullets... rofl. It's not the guns. It's the fact that there are 34 Ordo in the sim killing Vanguard. no shit, it lags from your weapons. don't blame a class 5 sim. i've been in many ordo combat exercises and every single time the sim crashed. The general definition of a win in SL combat SHOULD be "Any time an entire enemy army is driven back to their spawn and is unable to move from it." then explain the stream of punisher cannon bullets that go flying at the base at 1:19 gg i've been in many ordo combat exercises and every single time the sim crashed. often times there would be upwards 40 people in the sim and there would be zero lag until the weapons started firing. This is possibly the most retarded comment I've ever seen. "Mass tactics" are a lot less cowardly than spamming explosives and often more effective. Ordo just needs to use the no-lag function on their guns more often and spam less. Once the lag picks up and their bullets start rezzing inside eachother... it's all downhill from there. Shields that detect the weight and velocity of whatever hits it via sensors. They're on your fleet ships and punishers. ... And they lag, a lot. I'm Vangaurd and I regularly rape your base 1 on 8. :D By ranger86 so...despite using TOS violating weapons, you ban AN for "not following STABLE" a weapons treaty that you admit you dont follow. DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. AN are not idiots, but by your grammar it is quite clear that YOU are an idiot. Both VG and Ordo suck. This is proven fact. They can't win unless they use mass swarm tactics since they know that if they have a one on one battle that they'll lose, since their "training" does not allow for anything remarkable, just how to fire a gun and not yourself, and how to worship Aryte properly 7 and won....I'd like to know when the hell that ever happened, what do you even define as a "win" anyway? Because you love using mass tactics. Nice job cowards.
  13. Lets just say I run sl maxed no matter where i am >_>
  14. That was so damn retarded
  15. Just take a picture and be like.... :D

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