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Hunter Abrams

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Everything posted by Hunter Abrams

  1. Also give me one good reason that I should rejoin and I might think about it
  2. I love you guys <3 I miss you guys so much ;-; STOP TOUCHING ME!!! >:c
  3. [10:02] Bruno Ziskey: so Ordo isnt what you expected it to be? [10:02] Hunter Abrams: Eh [10:04] Bruno Ziskey: I just find it interesting for someone to say that in Ordo...usually they always say ordo is pure and not corrupt, which is a lie since any SL group, like society itself, is not perfect and never will be, no matter how hard we try. I know Sparta will never be perfect, but I can do my damned best to make sure it improves. [10:07] Hunter Abrams: I had my differances [10:07] Bruno Ziskey: As does anyone. [10:07] Bruno Ziskey: Even now I am getting threats from Ordo to not talk to you. Seems quite funny, seing as I don't forbid my people to talk to anyone they damn well want. [10:08] Hunter Abrams: wut [10:08] Bruno Ziskey: Yeahh... [10:09] Bruno Ziskey: [10:04] Intus Infinity: Stop talking to our members. [10:04] Intus Infinity: .. please *smile* [10:05] Bruno Ziskey: oh so Aelus is allowed to try to harass my people but I cant have a friendly chat? [10:05] Intus Infinity: What has Aelus done? [10:05] Bruno Ziskey: Or...wait...I cant have a chat with UNIT on THEIR base, peacefully, without Ordo trying to surround us and kill us..when we're unarmed? [10:05] Bruno Ziskey: Funny how you guys work...... [10:06] Intus Infinity: I have no idea what you're tlaking about, unfortunately. x_x [10:06] Bruno Ziskey: And for the record, it's called a mute button, if he doesnt want to me, he's welcome to use it. [10:09] Bruno Ziskey shrugs [10:09] Bruno Ziskey: Not that I really care... [10:09] Bruno Ziskey: They want to use ignorance as a weapon, so be it. [10:10] Bruno Ziskey: Just lessens the fun...which I've noticed alot. [10:10] Bruno Ziskey: Mercz use their attached aircraft, AN spam mines.....hell I know AN arent perfect, but like I said, no group really is. [10:12] Hunter Abrams: ORdo was good but my time to go epesially since joining ordo I had spent most of my time with them. and when I left I had no place to go all my old hangouts had died out [10:12] Bruno Ziskey: Ahh [10:13] Bruno Ziskey: well I know Ordo will scream at me for saying this, but you're welcome to hang out here so long as your stay in the village per our base rules. [10:14] Hunter Abrams: o.o [10:14] Hunter Abrams: hm [10:14] Bruno Ziskey: Unlike Ordo we dont spawncamp on sight... [10:15] Hunter Abrams: well Ordo dose allow people to run up to use except when they shoot from the spawn [10:16] Bruno Ziskey shrugs [10:16] Bruno Ziskey: I'm just saying...we're not Ordo [10:16] Bruno Ziskey: and we have a place for enemies to hang out, unarmed, not in tag or armor with our people, peacefully. [10:16] Hunter Abrams: well that gose against our rules none allied militaries are not to be in titen [10:17] Bruno Ziskey: And thats why Sparta is different...well one reason among many. [10:17] Bruno Ziskey: We even have it in our ROE to not swarm enemies. [10:17] Hunter Abrams: some of your guys definition of unarmed is to holster no detach the weapon [10:18] Hunter Abrams: not^ [10:18] Bruno Ziskey: Ask UNIT sometime, we attacked them, ended up outnumbering them 5 to 1, and tps stopped we stopped and talked with them [10:18] Bruno Ziskey: Well we allow none to be attached at all. [10:19] Bruno Ziskey: do you guys get along? [10:18] Bruno Ziskey: Hell no. [10:18] Intus Infinity: Yall sure act the same <.< Like, you'de be put into the same barrel as him lol [10:18] Bruno Ziskey: When they use rocket packs that act like fucking vehicles, use super spammy weapons despite that they have huge numbers, I have no reason to like him. [10:18] Intus Infinity: Bruno and Christoph!! [10:19] Intus Infinity: H8n the world!!! [10:19] Bruno Ziskey sighs [10:19] Intus Infinity: It's them vs. the world! The haters UNITE [10:19] Bruno Ziskey: I only hate those who allow no chance for the enemy to defend themselves fairly. [10:20] Bruno Ziskey: Intus is...quite a funny person....seems I am able to easily confuse him and then he changes the conversations topic... [10:21] Hunter Abrams: Or intus is bored [10:21] Bruno Ziskey: That too... [10:21] Bruno Ziskey: I feel like I'm talking to an 8 year old who's going "nya nya I cant hear you, I win I win I win"....I didnt even IM him to begin with.. [10:22] Bruno Ziskey: I think I'll just ignore him...that'll piss him off more. [10:22] Bruno Ziskey: Not even bother with the mute button... [10:23] Bruno Ziskey: Anyways....where do you plan on going from here? Weapons selling, or what? [10:23] Hunter Abrams: I used to make vintage military gear think ill go back to that since I still earn 20 usd a month [10:24] Bruno Ziskey: Ahh. [10:26] Bruno Ziskey: Like WW2 and such? [10:26] Hunter Abrams: ww2-vietnam [10:27] Bruno Ziskey: ahh [10:27] Bruno Ziskey: Well good luck with that. [10:27] Bruno Ziskey: I won't try to recruit you, since I know you probably will say no..BUT like I said, if you want to come visit, you may. [10:28] Hunter Abrams: Thanks for the offer [10:29] Bruno Ziskey nods
  4. Id idle in arytes office till he got back
  5. If or when I decide to go active again. But I will always visit you guys. Titan is my home (literally)
  6. I am leaving Ordo... It has been fun serving and fighting with you all wether I know you by name or not. I have been with Ordo for almost 2 years. I am happy to have served with all of you and Have seen some pass on the wayside and falter and others to rise obve the rest. But I think it is my time to retire and pass along my stations to some one new. So much has changed from when I first joined and a few things a I do not agree with. Like a promotion from making a notecard that few if any will read. Or some observation they noticed. Its just my time to go and retire and with that Ill give a finale Salute and say its has be an honour to serve with you all.
  7. Vacation brake call it what you will. I taking a leave of Ordo as of now not quiting. I just need some time away from my duties and drama so later.
  8. Antesignani is getting Tanks and suck and I think they are also getting Power armor.
  9. I know im not getting a promotion
  10. What are they getting I have been asked this alot and would aleviate some questions the people have in said squades.
  11. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
  12. I watched the entire thing... It was nasty as hell. But I did notice one thing most of that was from mostly Asia and other countries (I did notice a few from the US of A. But it still did not make think of going to vegitarien. But did nake me think the next step would be making human clones and testing on humans and human organ harvesting.
  13. You just summed us up when it comes to annoying people. I like it. ... :hugs: Is that good?
  14. Vanguard Sparta same differance to me. As in I realy don't give a shit

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