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Everything posted by Aelus

  1. Perhaps what you're told isn't always right. I filed one Abuse Report. I had no intention of slandering anyone but Dark Svenska. Also, I didn't like your decision to betray the Ordo. That is, your opinion on the Praetorian Guard. If you want, make a group or something.
  2. Join up, Hunter. We miss you.
  3. Enjoy your vacation, Timmahy.
  4. I attempt to hurt groups that hurt the Ordo. Sparta, Pan-Slavya, and Vanguard mainly. Generally, all groups in the fail classification. Also, I hope you enjoyed your suspension, Fouroux.
  5. This was posted today on the official Youtube for Linkin Park's music video for What I've Done. Remember kids, atmoic bombing (you know, since that happens all the time), poulliton, slugde, ivory, straving in acfrica, and other proble is bad. Oh and your a "lower people."
  6. Ms. Dagger, utterly excited by the violence, wrapped herself about Praetorian Tretiak's arm and in a brief susurration she detailed both the complexities and fallacies of the universe to him. She then proceeded to _____
  7. Have a good vacation!
  8. asked Dr. Janus to provide him with the means to do so. Said means were kept top secret. Aelus _____
  9. spit coffee out before him, burning Kytec further; then he used his godly grace to heal the wounds before sending Kytec _____
  10. Thank you for this, Rei. It completely altered the Ventrilo experience for the better.
  11. Perhaps a name fitting of Titan's legacy as a satellite of Saturn. Iapetus would be my choice, taking into consideration it's both not taken and the largest, most prominent. Calypso isn't taken as well. ... I also have a particular interest in Janus, however it's taken.
  12. Gunau Sodwind, I feel that an apology is necessary. I was both out of line and utterly callous. Overtaken by rage and redoubtful anger I lost control. You've always been a great soldier and friend to me, one I looked up to; and we have had many epic lulz in the past. I am sorry. Instead of being helpful towards you in this time of peril, I was completely and utterly hurtful. -Aelus Janus
  13. Decided to fabricate a watercolor of Aelus today. Five canvas's and seventy colors later this was the product.
  14. I was searching though my old Ordo folder and found a picture of Vallen and I back in the day. I was the taller, more handsome one. Fen and I out on the field before we joined the Order.
  15. Since I didn't want to dump money on a picture of myself... I drew one.
  16. Ascadian. He's been on base constantly, always putting an effort to be ready for an attack or help another Ordo member in need. Through our many trips to IHOP with Fen, we've discussed many topics pertaining to our Ordo and things that could be done or fixed to better the group. And Cheeso, who strong and doesn't afraid of anything!
  17. Lol'd. I agree with Kris, but on the other hand Maza brought this on himself.
  18. Keno! Do not question the product of millions of years of culture!
  19. Addicted to this.
  20. spitball. Keno wiped it off, crying a bit, then dialed Aelus on his cell to which he promptly conversed about _____
  21. for the the worse. There are _____
  22. Those of you who are posting about waiting for Warhammer 40k Online, so are the rest of us. You're going to be waiting for three-five years. Perhaps picking up the fantasy for the meantime might be a good idea.

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