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Desereck Creeggan

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Everything posted by Desereck Creeggan

  1. Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii. Anywhere you want to go in the US, go to Hawaii.
  2. Lolsensors. I think it should be opposite, that you have to power up the generators to power the drill, which gives you the minerals. Once in the hub with the minerals, it powers a superbeamlazorofdoom and kills the defense line.
  3. It's easier to steal a resource than kill the entire encampment and mine it for yourself. They're doing all the work. Canhaz giant pterodactyl to fly plox?
  4. Very abusable. Especially with Havok7 being the way it is, we're going to have to crank down on 2142 and those who abuse the no-damage. Literally, not like we've been saying we're going to do, we HAVE to enforce it.
  5. If you drop this list on me I can go through and attach the names to it.
  6. [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: Aryte just said you were hostile. [22:47] Melly Deemster: D: [22:47] Melly Deemster: Oh noes [22:47] Detpack: Disarmed. [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: Lmao [22:47] Ordo HUD 0.3.11: Rezzer Ready. [22:47] Snowean Avro is Offline [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: I only semi lied. [22:47] Melly Deemster: SEMI [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: Yeah [22:47] Melly Deemster: What did he really say [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: He still called you a jerk [22:47] Melly Deemster: :( [22:47] Melly Deemster: How mean [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: But then put a heart. [22:48] Desereck Creeggan: I made that part up. [22:48] Melly Deemster: D'awh, it's like one of those sour patch kids commericals. [22:48] Melly Deemster: ffs [22:48] Desereck Creeggan: Yeah [22:48] Desereck Creeggan: HAHAHA [22:48] Melly Deemster: stfu Desereck
  7. [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: WIKILEAKS [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: OMG [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: >:O [14:07] Crash Silverfall: I'll leak your face [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: You want me to take a leak on your face? [14:07] Crash Silverfall: i dare you [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: Wow [14:07] Mercury: New contact: Emma Roy [14:07] Crash Silverfall: wait [14:07] Crash Silverfall: No [14:07] Desereck Creeggan: Dude alright. Didn't know you were in watersports. [14:07] Crash Silverfall: i saw that different [14:07] Crash Silverfall: lol [14:07] Crash Silverfall: fu desereck
  9. [23:04] spyder Zobovic: excuse me desereck. [23:04] Desereck Creeggan: Yes? [23:06] spyder Zobovic: you know a store ;I want to buy a silver arrow for to kill a vampire;you know this arrow you, [23:06] Desereck Creeggan: No, sorry. [23:07] spyder Zobovic: ok.thank you my friend.
  10. [21:31] (COM): Niiya Narayan: cocking pistol curious >:| [21:31] (COM): shippo Coba: oh gawd [21:31] (COM): shippo Coba: niiya tyhats too curious! [21:31] (COM): Desereck Creeggan: I kindof want to go "Take that" but at the same time don't. [21:31] (COM): Desereck Creeggan: *twiddles thumbs* [21:31] (COM): Ethan Schuman: Niiya's-totally-a-dude-but-plays-a-chick-online-because-she's-that-kind-of curious. [21:31] (COM): Desereck Creeggan: ROFL [21:32] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Wow. [21:32] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Ethan. Wow. [21:32] (COM): shippo Coba: lmao [21:32] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Niiya's going to kill you and I'm not going to do anything about it. [21:32] (COM): Desereck Creeggan: Quoted. So hardcore quoted. [21:32] (COM): Niiya Narayan: I play a chick in RL too :p [21:33] (COM): Niiya Narayan: *RAGEQUITS* [21:33] (COM): Ethan Schuman: not going to make a buttsecks joke. [21:33] Mercury: Lost contact: Niiya Narayan
  11. Still stranded in Denver. Will be back on the 30th

  12. How old are you now Aryte? 40? I kid. Happy birthday!
  13. 321 and 322 were in my weekly report. 327 was after my report so I was going to include it in the next. Why it didn't make it beyond Thatguy (Or Lestat/Firefox/Soulbinder) is beyond me, I find it redundant to have to send out 5 notecards just to make sure something is recorded properly which looks like it may be the case.
  14. And I would walk five hundred miles And I would walk five hundred more Just to BE the man who'd walk a thousand-MILES to end up at your dOOOoooor. Also .......
  15. If you get any more I'll take one. Not a huge fan of Star-Trek, but I have an uncle who is /fanatical/ about it. If I don't like it too much I can just give him the info and he'll use every second of it, haha.
  16. I miss the old skin. The search feature on all of these other ones suck D:

  17. Desereck has arachnophobia too. Also aeroacrophobia (open heights), apiphobia (bees), thalassophobia (ocean. As long as I can see the bottom I'm okay unless on a boat). I also found this interesting: Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of long words (also: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia) Sesquiplicarius Sesquipedalophobia
  18. Do want. Oh so badly do want.
  19. [17:47] Desereck Creeggan: Say you're a dolphin [17:47] Ciel Eilde: >:c [17:47] Desereck Creeggan: and I wil [17:47] Intus Infinity is Online [17:47] Gunau Sodwind is Online [17:47] Ciel Eilde: NO [17:48] Ciel Eilde: I'M A SHARK [17:48] Ciel Eilde: Now commere. [17:48] Desereck Creeggan: </3 [17:48] Ciel Eilde: ;.; [17:48] Mercury: New contact: Hollowmengitus Yifu [17:48] Desereck Creeggan: SAY IT [17:48] Desereck Creeggan: SAY YOU'RE A DOLPHIN [17:48] Ciel Eilde: >:| [17:48] Ciel Eilde: IM A DOLPHIN [17:48] Desereck Creeggan: QUOTED
  20. [22:47] Dascede Aluveaux: D:< Just kill it already, seal [22:47] Ciel Eilde: wat, [22:47] Desereck Creeggan: Das wants to club a baby seal D: [22:48] Kryo Recreant: Swing that club! [22:48] shippo Coba: O_O [22:48] Ciel Eilde: People call me 'Seal', so now I'm confused. [22:48] Kryo Recreant: Canadian rules baseball. [22:48] Kryo Recreant: If the seal dies on the first swing it's a homerun. [22:48] Desereck Creeggan facepalms

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